Ada Wong
Ada Wong is a video game character from the Resident Evil video game series. She has made two major appearences in the series (Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 4). In both games, she is featured alongside her love interest, Leon Scott Keneddy.
"Leon...long time no see."
"I see you've been doing your homework."
"Need a ride, handsome?"
"Got some business to take care of. See you later."
"Looks like we have the upper hand here."
"Leon, you okay?"
"We have to get that parasite out of your body."
"Sorry, Leon. Hand it over."
"Don't worry, I'll take good care of it."
"Gotta go. If I were you, I'd get off this island too."
Resident Evil 2
- "I'm searching for my boyfriend. His name is John. He was working for a branch office of Umbrella based in Chicago, but he mysteriously disappeared six months ago".
- "I'm searching for some guy named Ben. He's one of those reporter types...always looking for a scoop"
- "I believe he's locked up in the cell block; however, there's a wrecked car blocking the enterance. I've been trying to find another way inside.
- "You told the city officials that you knew something about what's been going on...what did you tell them?
- "That's two I owe you"
- "Awww...How cute. That little girl must have dropped this. I think I'll hold on to this for her".
- ADA: "I just found out...John's dead."
- LEON: "What!?"
- ADA: "Never mind...let's just get out of here. The sooner, the better."
- "You'll be in danger if you decide to stay with me. I know I've only known you for a short time, but I really do enjoy being with you"
- "I know I'm not capable of caring about anyone, but I don't want to lose you."
- I'll only slow you down with my injuries. Just go...and save yourself"
- "Leon...It's over. Just let me go..."
- "I...really wanted to escape with you, Leon. Escape from...everything..."
- "I'm just a woman who fell in love with you, nothing more."
- "Here, use this!"
Resident Evil 4
- ADA: "Put your hands where I can see them."
- LEON: "Sorry, but following a lady's lead just isn't my style."
- ADA: "Put them up now."
"Leon...long time no see."
"I see you've been doing your homework."
"Need a ride, handsome?"
"Got some business to take care of. See you later."
- KRAUSER: "Just so we understand each other clearly, I don't trust you. Nor does Wesker. If you try to do anything clever, I will kill you."
- ADA: "Is that so? You know, I met Wesker long before you."
- KRAUSER: We'll see soon enough if you did.
- ADA: Yeah, we'll see.
"Looks like we have the upper hand here."
"Leon, you okay?"
"We have to get that parasite out of your body."
- LEON: "You okay?"
- ADA: "I've been better."
"Sorry, Leon. Hand it over."
"Don't worry, I'll take good care of it."
"Gotta go. If I were you, I'd get off this island too."
- WESKER: "Have you retrieved the sample?"
- ADA: "Not yet."
- WESKER: "Some kind of trouble?"
- ADA: "Saddler. He knows."
- WESKER: "Ah...Your extraction chopper will pick you up at the rendezvous point as planned."
- ADA: "I'll be there."