Aladdin is a 1992 Disney animated film which relates a version of the story of Aladdin and the magic lamp from The Book of One Thousand and One Nights. Aladdin, Jasmine, Carpet, Genie, Jafar and Iago in The Lion King 11/2
[Annoyed at the insult, Jafar steps on the Genie's face]
- Guard 1: (spots Aladdin) There he is!
- Guard 2: You won't get away so easily!
- Aladdin: (holds up the bread): You think that was easy?
- (he turns to see a group of women laughing at him)
- Razoul: (to his guards) You two, over that way! And you, follow me! We'll find him!
- (Aladdin walks up to the women, disguised as one of them)
- Aladdin: Morning, ladies.
- Woman 1: Getting into trouble a little early today, aren't we, Aladdin?
- Aladdin: Trouble? No way. You're only in trouble if you get caught.
- Razoul: (grabs Aladdin) GOTCHA!
- Aladdin:I'm in trouble!
- Razoul: And this time-!
- (Abu blinds him with his own turban)
- Aladdin: Perfect timing, Abu, as usual.
- Sultan: [brandishing the piece of material] So! This is why Prince Achmed stormed out!
- Jasmine: Oh Father! Rajah was just playing with him, weren't you, Rajah? You were just playing with that silly, stuck up, overdressed Prince Ahmed, weren't you? [They both chuckle and then see the Sultan glaring at them.] Ahem...
- Sultan: Dearest, you've got to stop rejecting every suitor who comes to call! The law says you -
- Jasmine: [choruses with him] Must be married to a prince...
- Sultan: ... by your next birthday!
- Jasmine: The law is wrong!
- Sultan: You've only got three more days!
- Jasmine: Father! I hate being forced into this! If I do marry... I want it to be for love.
- Sultan: Jasmine... it's not only this law... I'm not getting any younger and I want to see that you're taken care of... provided for.
- Jasmine: Please, try to understand! I've never done a thing on my own, I've never had any real friends! [Rajah looks up indignantly] Except you, Rajah... [Rajah lies down again] I've never even been outside the palace walls!
- Sultan: But Jasmine, you're a princess.
- Jasmine: Then maybe I don't wanna be a princess any more!
- Sultan: Ooooh-! Allah forbid you should have any daughters!
- (after the entrance to the Cave of Wonders is sealed, Jafar, thinking he has the lamp, laughs)
- Jafar: It's mine. (removes his disguise) It's all mine. (looks into his robe) I- (takes a closer look) Where is it? (pats down his robe) No. (falls to his knees; loudly) NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
- (Genie and Carpet are playing Chess)
- Genie: So move...
- (Carpet takes his Queen and knocks Genie's king off the board)
- Genie: Hey....thats a good move...(leans up and looks to camera, eyes going out of focus and a necktie appearing around him in an obvious spoof, he rings it as he says...) I cant' believe it, I'm loosing to a rug...
- Genie: He's got the outfit, he's got the elephant, but we're not through yet! Hang on to your turban kid, we're gonna make you a star!
- Jasmine: You are the boy from the market! I knew it! Why did you lie to me?
- Aladdin: Jasmine, I'm sorry!
- Jasmine: Did you think I was stupid?
- Aladdin: No!
- Jasmine: Did you think I wouldn't figure it out?
- Aladdin: No. Well, at least I hoped you wouldn't. No, that's not what I meant!
- Jasmine: Who are you? Tell me the truth.
- Aladdin: The truth? Oh, the truth. Well, the truth is, I sometimes dress as a commoner to escape the pressures of palace life. But I really am a prince!
- Jasmine: Why didn't you just tell me?
- Aladdin: Well, you know, royalty going out into the market in disguise... sounds a little strange, don't you think?
- Jasmine: Not that strange.
- Aladdin: [to Genie, regretfully] Genie, I can't keep this up on my own. I.....I can't wish you free.
- Genie: [obviously hurt] Fine. I understand. After all, you've lied to everyone else. Hey, I was just beginning to feel left out. Now, if you'll excuse me, Master. [Vanishes into lamp.]
- Genie: [coming out of the lamp after Jafar has rubbed it] Y'know, Al, I'm getting really [spots Jafar] I - don't think you're him. [reading from a script and looking at Jafar through opera glasses] Tonight the part of Al will be played by a tall, dark, sinister and UGLY man.
[Annoyed at the insult, Jafar steps on the Genie's face]
- Jafar: I am your master now!
- Genie: I was afraid of that.
- Sultan: Jafar, you vile betrayer!
- Iago: That's Sultan Vile Betrayer to you!
- Jafar: [notices Aladdin has returned] YOU! How many times do I have to kill you, boy!?
- Aladdin: Are you afraid to fight me yourself, you cowardly snake?
- Jafar: [emerges through flames] A snake, am I? Perhaps you'd like to see how SNAKE LIKE I CAN BEEEE!! [with these words, Jafar transforms into a giant cobra]
- Aladdin: Not so fast, Jafar. Aren't you forgeting something?!
- Jafar: Huh?
- Aladdin: You wanted to be a genie... you got it!
- Jafar: What?
- Aladdin: And everything that goes with it.
- Jafar: [getting sucked into lamp] No! Nooo!
- Iago: I'm getting outta here!
- Aladdin: Phenomenal cosmic powers...
- Jafar: [being sucked into a lamp] NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
- Iago: [Jafar grabs him] Come on, you're a genie! I don't... [gets trapped in lamp with Jafar]
- Aladdin: Itty-bitty living space.
- Genie: Al? You little genius, you!
- Genie: I'm free... I'm free. [to Aladdin] Quick, QUICK! Wish for something outrageous, say 'I-I want the Nile'! Wish for the Nile, try that.
- Aladdin: Uh... I wish for the Nile.
- Genie: NO WAY! [points and laughs laughs]] OH, does this feel good! Oh! I'm free! I'm free at last! [starts packing a suitcase] I'm hitting the road! I'm off to see the world! I'm- [Looks at Aladdin who smiles sadly and looks down]
- Aladdin: Well, I guess... this is... goodbye.
- Jasmine: Oh, that stupid law. This isn't fair... I love you.
- Genie: Al, no problem, you still got one wish left! Just say the word and you're a prince again!
- Aladdin: But Genie... what about your freedom?
- Genie: Hey, it's only an eternity of servitude. (pushes Aladdin and Jasmine closer together) This is love. Al, you're never going to find another girl like her in a million years. Believe me, I know: I've looked.
- Genie: No matter what anyone says... you'll always be a prince to me. [He and Aladdin hug]
- Sultan: That's right! You have certainly proven your worth as far as I'm concerned! It's that law that's the problem...
- Jasmine: Father...?
- Sultan: Well, am I Sultan or am I Sultan? From this day forth, the princess shall marry whoever she deems worthy.
- Jasmine: Him! I choose- I choose you, Aladdin.
- Aladdin: Heh. call me "Al."