Ali Larijani
Ali Ardashir Larijani was the head of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting for 1994-2004 and has been the secretary of Iran's National Security Council since 2005.
Iran's nuclear program
- The important thing is what we do, and not the deceitful theory of reading others' intentions. This is also a new thing — they say: "We know that Iran's intention is to pursue nuclear weapons." Do you have a device that reads intentions?
- The West Should Learn the Lesson of North Korea September 2005
- Article 11 of the NPT states that if we are threatened, we can act in secret.
Lying in politics
- It seems that in the world of politics, lying is not such a big deal.
Sectarianism in Iraq
- We have information that the US ambassador in Iraq held a meeting with several terrorist groups in Iraq, and told them three things. he told them, first of all, to stop aiming their rifles at America. Second, he told them to direct their struggle towards Iran, and third, to direct it towards the Shiites in Iraq.