All Grown Up!
All Grown Up! is an animated television series based on characters from Rugrats, as older characters facing pre-teen and teen issues. It premiered as a preview before starting its regular run in America, late November. The show is based on the Rugrats' 10th anniversary episode and television movie All Growed Up (2001), which proved popular enough that Nickelodeon decided to commission a whole series.
(Tommy flips it right-side up)
(Chuckie begins playing harmonica)
Chuckie: I play the harmonica?
(On the bus, Angelica's kicking Tommy's seat)
The Rugrats: All Growed Up [1.0]
- [10 years later]
- Angelica: [to Chuckie] Something a little bit earlier looks like VeggieTales for someone in time for Christmas!!
- Chuckie: Drat.
Part one
- [Chuckie's story is called "Gideon", the story who is named after the warrior]
- Chuckie: Hi, Kimi! "Gideon" is one of my books.
- Kimi: What's the story about, did you know, Chuckie?
- Chuckie: It's about a warrior who met an angel of God, and Gideon defeated by the hairy Midianites, Gideon knew it was hard to believe in.
- Kimi: Wow!
- Angelica: Summer ain't over until the fat lady sings and gets the lead in the camp musical. Phat with a 'ph' that is.
- Susie: I see your ego is fat with a capital F.
- Charlotte: I just had a kidney surgery.
- Stu: I never knew a kidney surgery was on her face.
- Chuckie: I refuse to come home until I find one thing I'm good at! But don't quote me on that.
- Tommy: A cafe?
- Phil: No, Café.
- Tommy: What's the rush? We got a whole week.
- Chuckie: An asparagus got swallowed by a whale in Denver,Historically speaking, not a lot of time for a Finster to find his talent. It took my dad seventeen years to realize he could whistle in three octaves, and he wasted his whole childhood not knowing he had a gift. That is not going to happen to me!
- Lil: (pants heavily) Hiking bites.
- Kimi: You said it.
- [Bean walks towards them; they straighten up.]
- Chance: You girls need a rest?
- Kimi: No way.
- Lil: I could go for miles!
- [Bean and Chance leave; Lil faints.]
- Phil: No, mom. Leave it. I don't wanna miss out on anything. Pain is part of the camping experience.
- Betty: You wanna walk around with a snapping turtle on your foot?
- Susie: Chance, who's the main character in the play?
- Chance: Eliza Lockheart.
- Angelica: That's who I'll be playing.
- Susie and Howard: You wish!
- [Tommy rotates Chuckie's glasses.]
- Howard: That part is mine, sisters!
- Tommy: Chance busted you for bailing out on rehearsal. He's gonna make you scrape gum off the theater seats.
- Chuckie: I think it's my banishment!
- Tommy: A coat? COAT. COAT!
- Chuckie: Index cards, paper, pen, and scissors, and crayons or markers.
- Tommy: The only scary thing about this place is that we'll be performing the worst musical ever written in front of a live audience!
- Dil: It pains me, T'. So young. So cynical.
- Tommy: Boy, pretty scary, huh?
- Phil: The rock thing? Yeah.
- Tommy: No, the triple negative thing. (immitates accent) "Don't never got no brain or nothin'!" Not easy to pull off but fun to say.
- Phil, Tommy, and Chuckie: (immitates accent) Don't never got no brain or nothin'!
- Tommy: Who's gonna name their kid, Kevin?
- Kimi: I am. Is that the rule?
- Chuckie: This does not look good.
- Tommy: I am aware.
- Chuckie: He is aware!
- [The kids, including the rules of, Chuckie would bless God for all his part of gold and life]
- Angelica: Next up, London! I'll hoist the mainsail!
- Kimi: I'll pop the popcorn!
- Chuckie: I'll get the moist towelettes!
- Someone off-screen: SHEERLOCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Charlotte: Hang on, it is that was "money is no object".
Part two
- [Chuckie and friends go out to camp]
- Chuckie: It's a good thing a campfire is NOT a good place for a snowman.
- Tommy: Nope. Campfires are not a good place for snowmen.
- Angelica: No, campfires always make the snowmen melting.
- Kimi: Hmm.
- Phil: We gotta get out of here!
- Lil: What are you talking about? We need more cheesy puffs!
- Susie: Yeah! And root beer!
- Chuckie: I thought I told you guys, no more cheesy puffs, you guys eat them all last night!!
- Tommy: Yeah! Me too!
- Angelica: But were going to the Quaker Oats Cereal Box Sweepstakes!
- Kimi: Me too!
- Phil: Me three!
- Lil: Me four!
- Susie: Me five!
- Chuckie and Tommy: But the other men don't let us go to the sweepstakes.
Part three
- [The next day, at the Doylie's grocery store, Chuckie and Tommy buy some groceries]
- Chuckie: It is hard?
- Tommy: Yeah!
- Chuckie: Here's a shoping list.
- Tommy: (reads the shopping list) Eggs. Cheese. Milk. Peanut Butter. Bananas. Apples. And Cheesy Puffs.
Saving Cynthia [2.8]
- Tommy: We were solving a science question! Uh, we found out that p-pudding travels three times farther when shot out of a straw in your nose than uh, straw in your mouth!
- Pangborn: Now, where was I?
- Tommy: (immitating Pangborn's voice) Look Pickles, I'll let it slide this time.
- Pangborn: Nice try. I— (device beeps, Pangborn tries to turn it off)
- Chuckie: Sir, is that one of those overhyped, overpriced, cutting edge digital organizers?
- Pangborn: No, it's an overhyped, overpriced, cutting edge digital organizer that saved my life! True, I was a little worried about compressing my entire existence into something the size of a waffle. My effiency variable has increased by 43%.
- Chuckie: I guess that's important, huh?
- Pangborn: Important! Not only is all my personal information at my fingertips, but it tells me what kind of coffee to order, what to wear, when to go to the dentist!
- Tommy: Huh. Sounds like you just need my mom.
- Pangborn: And it'll tell me what kind of punishment you deserve!
- [Tommy and Chuckie gasp.]
- Pangborn: I put the misuse of pudding, then Pickles and Finster, hit this little button here, and...voila! (digital organizer beeps and presents punishment) You must water my plants for a week?
- Didi: Oh, yes! I remember reading about that in Beyond Lipshitz. Parents should hold family hours to encourage a sincere and sharing dialogue with their children.
- Chaz: That's great, Didi! I'll think I'll start our very own family hour tonight. Really get Chuckie to...talk back!
- Betty: If I want to know what my pups are up to, I just eavesdrop on their conversations.
- Chaz: But Betty that's so, uh... (searches for a word in How to Talk to Your Kids So They'll Talk Back) invasive!
- Betty: Only if that they catch at it, Chazzie!
- Angelica: Cynthia! CYNTHIA!
- Harold: Who?
- Angelica: You don't know her, old friend.
- Harold: Who you keep stuffed in a chest? Gee, I'm luckier than I thought!
- Angelica: Impressive how you figured out where Cynthia is, Susie!
- Susie: (says sarcastically) Yeah, it took a brainiac like me to ask the clerk at the thrift shop who bought it.
- Susie: Just be honest! Nothing wins people over like a warm smile, sincerity, and... (pauses at Angelica's glare) Maybe I'd better do it.
- Angelica: Okay, so it's not like I haven't noticed how maybe sometimes, every now and then, I may get on people's nerves, but never Cynthia's!
- Harold: But Cynthia's a doll, so technically, she doesn't have nerves.
- Pangborn: By accidentally erasing my digital organizer, they've given me back my life! Pangborn is reborn! (laughs) I even picked out my socks this morning.
- Chaz: Who's Elmira?
- Pangborn: (pets his hanging plant) Her leafy tendrils brush my... (meanwhile, Stu, Didi, and Chaz usher Tommy and Chuckie out of Pangborn's office)
The Science Pair [2.9]
- Kimi: Would you listen to those guys?
- Lil: (laughs) Yeah. We can win this Space Race on pure girls-are-obviously-smarter-than-boys power.
- Tommy: I call it the Socks-o-matic. Got the idea from Chuckie. Automatically sorts socks by color and texture so no one has to suffer a fashion tragedy again. (Chuckie lifts his pants to reveal mismatched socks)
- Chuckie: Hey, who're calling a tragedy?
- Tommy: Puke-o-rama! This milk is bad as bad gets.
- Chuckie: Worse even!
- Phil: Uh, guys, that's your milk. You're drinkin' my science project. I'm growing different bacteria to see which has the reekage quotient.
- [Tommy and Chuckie drop their milk in disgust.]
- Lil: (squeals) That boy on my arm would be the ultimate fashion statement!
- Stu: Anyone see Dil?
- Didi: He's been staying late at school for science club.
- Tommy: Dil's not in science club!
- Didi: Yes, but he's the subject of three different experiments.
- Stu and Tommy: Oh.
- Stu: Hey champ, these are nice springs. Where you'd get them?
- Tommy: Uh...borrowed 'em. (hurries out of the kitchen) Let's go!
- [Didi opens the dishwasher, which crashes to the floor. Tommy winces, and Didi taps her foot, frowning at him. Tommy smiles sheepishly.]
- Tommy: The Socks-o-matic sorted correctly almost 98.4% of the time. But...I still can't understand why it doesn't work on Dil's socks.
- Stu: I promised your mom we wouldn't stay up too late.
- Tommy: Uh, dad? That was three nights ago.
- Tommy: Mom has one.
- Stu: You mean the good silver one she guards like Fort Knox treasure?
- Tommy: Yeah, that one.
- Stu: We couldn't. Could we?
- Kimi: I've got to admit — Nicholas hanging on your arm does make a statement!
- Lil: (fake smiles) Yeah, it says...I'M HANGING WITH A BLITHERING IDIOT!
- Kimi: Huh?
- Lil: I've decided to drop the spitball project. Instead, I'm doing a case study on Nicholas entitled: The Mind of the Mindless.
- Chuckie: I know what you mean. My dad still hasn't gotten over the day I told him I could button my own shirt.
- Science teacher: (speaking to Tommy about his project) If any kid had entered a masterpiece like this, I would've suspected foul play.
Fear of Falling [2.13]
- [Tommy gasps.]
- Phil: What?! Did you see somebody naked?
- Angelica: (reading aloud the activities she's signing up for) Seaweed wrap, spa, pedicure, paraffin dip...
- Kimi: (reading aloud the activities she's signing up for) Kayaking, mountain biking, hot yoga...
- Daniel (Instructor): I need one more victim for the tracker five hike. Anyone interested?
- Angelica: As long as I'm signing...
- Daniel: Make sure to you wear sturdy hiking boots, travel light — we'll hook up at 5 AM.
- [Daniel leaves.]
- Angelica: It spent thirteen years in the making, but I finally met the guy who's worthy of my first kiss.
- Kimi: You might want to give him the heads up.
- Olivia: It's okay. Hey you're the guy who was spying on me through the telescope.
- Tommy: Spying is such a harsh word, I'd prefer to think of it as casual surveillance.
- Chuckie: Phil, can I ask you a personal question?
- Phil: Okay, I didn't shower before I got in. But no one takes that rule seriously.
- [Lifeguard blows his whistle, Phil stands up and gets hosed by water.]
- Phil: I don't know about her, but I do feel weird around Tommy when he's around Olivia. She's pretty nice though, and she didn't cry when I accidentally hit her in the head with a giant snowball.
- Chuckie: That was an accident?
- Phil: Okay, I was totally aiming for the head.
- Chuckie: Where have you been all day?
- Kimi: When Angelica bailed on her spa appointments, I felt so bad I volunteered to fill in. And you know what? It was the best day of my life!
- Tommy: You know, Chuckie, it's great hanging out with somebody you totally gel with — who makes you laugh and cool.
- Chuckie: Thanks, man! I feel the same way!
- Tommy: You like Olivia too?
- Chuckie: Oh. I thought you meant — never mind.
- Tommy: Olivia tried to kiss me yesterday!
- Chuckie: She did? So, what did you do?
- Tommy: Oh, what any mature man of the world would do: I smashed a snowball in her face!
- Tommy: So, you think I'm ready for my first kiss?
- Chuckie: One of us has to be! And I'm on hold until my braces come off. Let me know if you hear bells. Kimi says you do, but she might just be clowning on me.
- Tommy: I gotta go, I'm sorry I would love to stay for my second, third and if it's not pushing it fourth kiss, but I promised to meet Chuckie for phase three.
- Olivia: Go on, get out of here.
- Tommmy: And for the record, I like you a lot better than snow.
- Chuckie: Why couldn't I have a phobia closer to the ground? Like spiders...or zippers! I could repell down...or stay here all night and risk becoming a Chucksicle! (watches as a rock plunges to the depths) Chucksicle it is! (hears wolves howling in the distance) On the second thought, I need the exercise.
- Chuckie: And in case I don't make it back alive, I-I need to know one thing: did you kiss her?
- Tommy: Don't tell anybody, but...yeah. I kissed her. MY FIRST KISS!
- Angelica: His first kiss?! I'm gonna kill him!
- [NOTE: Technically, Olivia kissed Tommy. Also, Angelica is mad when Tommy shouts out, "My first kiss!" because he interrupted what was to be her first kiss (with Daniel)...and she was later forced to reveal her secret in taking shortcuts while hiking, which caused Daniel to regard her disfavourably.]
- Kimi: Wait a minute, if we're all here — who's guarding the mountain?
- Phil: Nobody, we're not playing the game, we're hiding from Angelica.
Blind Man's Bluff [3.1]
- Tommy: Not to mention they finally re-opened Whiplash Gorge.
- Phil: After settling all thse pesky lawsuits.
- Tommmy: Good call, Chuckie. You have nothing to fear except fear itself.
- Chuckie: That's what I'm afraid of.
- Stu: (to Didi) This isn't going to be easy. But don't worry, I can handle it.
- [Scence change with Tommy and Dil.]
- Stu: Boys, I, uh... your mother wants to talk to you.
- Didi: So, you two have to pick up Grandpa Boris from the optometrist.
- Dil: Nooooooooooooooooo!
- Chuckie: Mama, God told me to look around, all around North, South, East and West. My dad is in BIG trouble! Working together is they've got the job done.
- [The next day, on the dock, Chuckie and Tommy ran in the boat]
- Didi: (bumps on a sticker bur) Ouch!
- Chuckie: What happened?
- Stu: Didi bumped on a sticker bur on the dock.
- [Didi puts her hands on her hips and frowns at her husband.]
- Lil: What is it, Chuck?
- Chuckie: Just reading the fine print. Specifically, that Slosh Mountain is not responsible for extreme bodily harm.
- Phil: Ah, you know lawyers. Always so worried about losing limbs.
- Phil: Ten bucks says I can throw up more times than anyone here.
- Kimi: You're on!
- Lil: Don't do it, Kimi. He has a wicked gag reflex.
- Grandpa Boris: Don't touch me! I can walk fine! You didn't dilate my legs, did you?
- Doctor: Now, Mr. Krepotkin, the best thing is to rest your eyes while they're dilated like this. Maybe you should take a nice, long nap.
- Grandpa Boris: (facing a lamp) You take a nap! I'm not blind!
- Dil: You know, we could still go.
- Tommy: How?
- Dil: He can't see. We'll park him somewhere, and tell him he's at the...senior center.
- Tommy: Dil, if mom and dad found out, we'd be toast! Actually, we'd be lucky to be toast. We'd be the bird stuff that we scrape off the toast.
- Dil: Bro'! They won't find out. As soon as we're there, we'll hit Whiplash Gorge — in and out thirty minutes.
- Tommy: Oh, I don't know.
- Dil: Technically, they didn't say we couldn't go to Slosh Mountain. They said we had to pick up grandpa. Who says we can't do both?
- Tommy: It would be a shame to waste the tickets.
- Dil: Now you're talkin', T'! And just think of poor grandpa, stuck in that stuffy house all day with his broken eyes.
- Dil: Well, here we are, grandpa. Good ol' senior center.
- Grandpa Boris: Why did you bring me here? I hate this place!
- Tommy: You love the senior center. All your friends are here!
- Grandpa Boris: What friends?! Harry? All he talks about are his golf stones. Ira, that guy owes me ten bucks! Anyway, are you sure this is the senior center? It doesn't sound like it, (sniffs) or smell like it.
- Tommy: Well, uh, that's because it's Deep-fried Chocolate Bar Tuesday!
- Lil: This is it! Whiplash Gorge: the only ride in the world with its own hospital!
- [Lil, Chuckie, Phil, and Kimi watch as an ambulence pulls up carrying a man in his bathing suit with a bandaged head and a balloon.]
- Phil: They're stuff of dreams.
- Chuckie: Bad dreams.
- Kimi: (looking at Whiplash Gorge) You'd have to be crazy to go on this thing. (changes tone from worry to excitement) Who's first?!
- Kid on Whiplash Gorge: Heellppp meeeeeee!
- Tommy: Just you know, if we never find him, this is all on you!
- Dil: I think we're looking at this the wrong way. Maybe grandpas are like chickens! Some prefer the comfort and security of the hen-house, while others want to roam on the free range!
- Tommy: (exasperated) Do you even believe half the stuff that comes out of your mouth?
- Dil: How is it my fault? You listened to a guy wearing a bathing suit and a ski cap — how smart was that?
- Tommy: You — you used your hocus-pocus mind control junk on me!
- Dil: I didn't do that! Besides, everyone knows it doesn't work around water.
- Kimi: (on walkie-talkie) Team Leader Alpha to Team Leader Delta. Report. Over.
- Lil: This is Team Leader Delta. Over.
- Kimi: Lil, what happened to Phil?
- Lil: I relieved him of command. He was being an idiot.
- Security chief: All right, you know why you're here. Don't steal, et cetera. Just watch this video about pool rules and you can go.
- Tommy: (raises his hand) Sir, we can explain.
- Security chief: Please don't.
- [Grandpa Boris cuts the line for Whiplash Gorge.]
- Grandpa Boris: Oh, stuff it. I'm a senior citizen, I can do whatever I want.
- Grandpa Boris: (to security guard) You're not sending me back until I've gone on Whiplash Gorge!
- Grandpa Boris: ...It's just — well, when you're old, people don't let you have fun so much anymore. I guess I got a little carried away!
- Tommy: You know, they don't always let you have fun as a kid either.
- Grandpa Boris: Um...maybe we keep this little adventure between us, heh?
- [Chuckie rotates Kimi's dress.]
- Chuckie: Deal.
- Dil: Now, that was mind control.
- Tommy: Hmm, I thought it didn't work around water.
- Dil: Oh, it does.
- [Tommy gives him a look, because it was contrary to what Dil said earlier.]
- Dil: What? I can't tell you everything.
- Grandpa Boris: Sorry I did an stage-dive in between your number, Suezzle. But an old guy's gotta do, what an old guy's gotta do.
- Susie: Actually, the audience loved it so much, (Susie dances) we're booked for the next three weeks! You up for a repeat performance?
- [Susie and Grandpa Boris high-five each other.]
- Didi: Hey you guys, how was the optometrist?
- Tommy: Oh, piece of cake!
- Dil: In and out in thirty minutes.
- Grandpa Boris: No big surprises.
- Didi: Well, we have a surprise for you boys. We felt really awful about making you miss your trip, so...
- Stu: ...We got you season passes to Slosh Mountain!
- Tommy: For real?!
- Dil: Whoah!
- Didi: Look at you two, acting like responsible adults. I'm so proud. Tommy, Dil, how'd you boys get sunburned? And Dad, why do you smell like chlorine?
Yu-Gotta-Go [3.2]
- Phil: I see something in your eyes, dude. Something I've never seen there before.
- Chuckie: I call it amptitude, my man.
- Phil: No, it's called eye crust. Don't you wash your face in the morning?
The Curse of Reptar [3.3]
- Chuckie: So there wasn't any curse of Reptar after all. Well, what do you know about that. Well, good night.
- Tommy: That's it? After scaring everyone half to death, that's it?
- Lil: So, why'd you even come, Angelica?
- Angelica: Are you kidding? Don't you know it's always the gorgous girl with the naturally bouncy hair who stays behind in the house, and never makes it to the end of the movie? I'd be a goner.
- Dil: You still think we'll get the pool, T? 'Cause I was thinking of expanding my sanctuary and calling it "Habitat for Manitee."
- Tommy: Pool, yes. Marine mammals, no.
- Tommy: We found our old Reptar toy in the backyard and tossed him out. Now, Chuckie thinks that Reptar's mad at us.
- Angelica: That is, like, the lamest thing I've ever heard.
- Stu: We're going to get you boys something every kid dreams of having.
- Angelica: A home in Aspen?
- Dil: A six week course in Portuguese?
- Chuckie: Respect?
- Angelica: This puts me on Tommy's side, which is a first I'm not particularly proud of.
- Angelica: You preteens are lucky your parents are smart enough to have someone my age around to figure these things out.
- Phil: You know, she's right.
- Lil: That may be the scariest thought all night.
The Big Score [3.5]
- Betty: How 'bout we squeeze in some "Lil time" tomorrow. After practice, we can have a girls night out.
- Lil: We're not shopping for bras, are we?
- Betty: That's your father's department.
- Lil: Everything around here is always soccer, soccer, soccer.
- Phil: Dad, can you put on the Soccer Channel?
- Football Coach: (Blows whistle) You expect to be on junior junior varsity with no upper-body strength? (Blows whistle)
- Angelica: You're the coach! Why don't you show me how it's done?! Put your money where your big, fat mouth is!
- Football Coach: That's some squawk box you got on you, Pickles. Any chance you'd be interested in a student coaching position?
- Angelica: That's it! Sports - it's a guy magnet. I just need a sport.
- Susie: Your'e forgetting one itsy-bitsy detail; you have no athletic ability whatsoever.
- Angelica: Yeah, but that sure doesn't stop Phil.
- Pangborn: (To soccer team) And just because we've lost every single game... ever... doesn't mean that today we can't lose by a little bit less.
- Pangborn: (To soccer team) Time to work on penalty shots, people! (Softly) 'Cause heaven knows you need it.
Rats Race [3.6]
- Angelica: (About Harold) That skunk! All that hard work, and he's the one who gets to go to Paris, France.
- Tommy: You mean Paris, Texas. The finals are in Texas.
- Angelica: Texas? You mean I risked my life for a trip to America's dust bowl?!
- Chuckie: (Looking at soap box derby car diagram upside-down) Not a clue.
(Tommy flips it right-side up)
- Chuckie: Thanks, Tommy. Still no clue
- Phil: This much money just to crash a car?
- Chuckie: I'm out. Or was I already out? I forget.
Dude, Where's My Horse? [3.8]
- Phil: (Singing) Home, home on the range. Where the deer and the antelope play. Where seldom is heard a discouraging word. And the skies are not cloudy all day. (Stops singing, to Lil) Not bad, huh?
- Lil: I don't know you.
- Tommy: Chuckie, I'm sorry was kind of a jerk to you the other night.
- Chuckie: Nah, you weren't a jerk, just testy. But you seem like you're in a good mood now. Did you finally lasso the wooden cow?
- Tommy: Nope. I finally accepted the fact that I'm the lamest cowboy on the planet, and I'm completely comfortable with it.
- Chuckie: I've always said the key to happiness is... lowered expectations.
- Tommy: Not everyone can expect to be a cowboy overnight.
(Chuckie begins playing harmonica)
- Tommy: When did you learn how to play the harmonica?
Chuckie: I play the harmonica?
- Angelica: What are you looking at?
- Little Red: Uh... I - I never met a city girl before. How did you get your hair so shiny?
- Angelica: We bathe.
(On the bus, Angelica's kicking Tommy's seat)
- Tommy: Angelica, do you have to keep kicking my seat?
- Angelica: No, I don't have to, but seeing as how you got us into this mess, it's my pleasure.
Main Characters
- Tommy - Voiced by E.G. Daily
- Chuckie - Voiced by Mike Nawrocki
- Phil and Lil - Voiced by Tim Hodge
- Angelica - Voiced by Cheryl Chase
- Dil Pickles - Voiced by Tara Strong
- Susie - Voiced by Cree Summer
- Kimi - Voiced by Dionne Quan
- Harold Rumkin - Susie's and Angelica's best friend. He is secretly in love with Angelica.
- Rachael - Voiced by Meagan Smith, introduced as a love interest for Tommy