America's Next Top Model
America's Next Top Model (2003–) is an American reality television show created and hosted by Tyra Banks in which several young women compete to win a modeling contract. Each "cycle" of the show lasts roughly half of a regular U.S. TV season (9–13 episodes).
Janice: Kahlen, where'd that man come from?
(after the photoshoot)
Jay:Right now you look like your clunkin on a mat.
Furronda: Really? What does my face look like?
Jay:Like you're clunkin on a mat.
(After the challenge when Janice was about to announce the winner)
(during her Marc Anthony photoshoot)
Renee: No she doesn't. Do you know who kate Moss is?
50 Cent: I asked you to leave.
Jael: Be a man!
50 Cent: (pushes Jael into the pool)
Recurring quotes
- Theme song: Wanna be on top?
- [Tyra sends a written message, called "Tyra mail", to the contestants before the final elimination each week.]
- Tyra: Tomorrow you will meet with the judges, only[Number] of you will continue on in the hopes of becoming America's Next Top Model.
- I have [number] beautiful girls standing before me but I only have [number -1] pictures/photos in my hands and those pictures/photos represent the [number -1] of you that will still be in the running towards becoming America's next top model
- Tyra: Congratulations. You're still in the running to become America's Next Top Model.
- Tyra: And she was sent home
- Will [name] and [name] please step forward. I have two beautiful ladies standing before me, but I have only one photo in my hand and this photo represents the one of you that will still be in the running towards becoming America's Next Top Model. I will only call one name and the girl that I do not call must immediately return to your loft/apartment/hotel here, pack her belongings and go home.
The Girl Who Wants It So Bad [1.1]
- Janice: America's Next Top Model is not a plus-sized model!
- Douglas Bizzaro: [About Shannon] I can tell she tans a lot, and I can tell her skin on her face is starting to get a little leathery.
- Tyra: What I'm looking for is a star. That's all I'm looking for.
- Tessa: I tried, and you can't do any better than that. And everything happens for a reason, right?
- Robin: [Getting a Brazilian bikini wax.] There's only two people that's been down there, myself and my gynecologist—and I give him crap.
The Girl Who Is Here to Win, Not Make Friends [1.2]
- J. Alexander: My motto is, walk like it's for sale and the rent is due tonight.
- Elyse: [About Ebony] Her jaw was clenched. She didn't say a word to anybody . . . for once.
- Elyse: [in the confessional] I do not have the will to walk on the catwalk like I give a damn! ... But I don't want to be model. I don't. I can't. It is so—augh! It's so irrelevant. Eliminate me. Do it!
- Elyse: Robin, how ****king dare you show me that 'foolish is the atheist' bible verse this morning, and ask me 'what do i think of it?' What the **** am I supposed to think of it? And you know what I think of you, foolish is the woman who believes that *** damn tripe. Giselle, you ****king worthless ****. You're so wasteful, bitchy, stupid, you're worthless your parents must be ashamed of you. Adrianne, stop interrupting me. Stop quoting Jay and Silent Bob right next to my ear. I've had enough of you. I don't want to hear the same stories over and over. Jay, you offended me today. I know medical school is hard work. How could I possibly not be aware of that? And secondly, how dare you imply that i'm uppity because I want to be a life-saver and you don't. It takes a ****king ass to cover every seat you **** slice. What else? Katie, I don't believe a word that comes out of your mouth. You're the most insincere person I've ever met. *** damn it. Let me ****king die. You bitches.
- Ebony: This is not a... sorority. I'm sorry, it is a model competition.
- Giselle: Elyse, I love her, but her dream is to become a doctor. It's like, well, why are you here? That really, really pisses me off.
- Katie: I love runway. It's like a whole different way to express yourself. Some girls don't have it naturally. I think that I've got a natural walk.
- Elyse: [Reading from the Bible] Foolish is the man who says there is no God...
The Girl Who Gets Rushed To The Emergency Room [1.3]
- Jay: The make-up artist is your last front to the world, so you never want to piss them off, because they'll mess you up.
- John Ward, Photographer: I think if I was going to book a girl today based on where they are right now, I would probably pick Adrianne. She's very beautiful, she has a good time, I think she'd be fun to work with.
- Jay: [Refering to Robin] If you didn't want to be in the game, you might as well go home and just be Miss Soymilk or whatever.
- Robin: I look like an albino prostitute.
- Ebony: It is very upsetting to an African American woman to walk into a salon and have the person do her hair incorrectly! It is very inappropriate!
The Girl Who Drives Everyone Crazy [1.4]
- Adrianne: [About when Giselle is going to confront Ebony] What is she going to tell her?
- Elyse: I don't know but I hope I'm there for it.
- Tyra: [To Ebony] You are beautiful, your smile is breathtaking, but you have anger that makes you push yourself too hard, to the point where you lose focus and become difficult to work with.
- Elyse: [About her commercial] It was embarrassing. Can't wait to see that and laugh at it.
- Adrianne: [About Ka, Ebony's girlfriend] I have so many gay friends, I don't care. She was really, really cool and she really loves her girlfriend.
- Robin: Ebony is a lesbian, and I found this offensive. I cannot pass judgment on her, but I just know that some people who claim to love the Lord and are Christian are not always, you know, cut the right way.
- Elyse: Ebony-esque freak out...
- Elyse: Everybody gets together and shakes their donk-donk for a prize. I don't think I'm going to participate in that.
The Girl Who Everyone Thinks is Killing Herself [1.5]
- Giselle: Britney Spears did Star Search and she lost, and look at where she's at now. I don't consider myself a loser.
- Janice: [About Elyse] She looks like a gazelle from the American Ballet Theatre. I love this photograph.
- Adrianne: I really missed my mom, and it kicks ass to have her here...a lot of ass!
- Christine: [About Adrianne] I gave birth to such a beautiful human being.
- Elyse: I'm not willing to alienate Giselle, because she's the only one with a straightening iron.
- Adrianne: [About Elyse] She's killing herself. There's no other way to put it. This girl is killing herself.
- Elyse: Robin, you're an idiot, and frankly, you're starting to act like a bitch too.
- Adrianne: Giselle found out that pretending to be so negative about yourself and so insecure is a great way to fish for compliments.
- Giselle: I need to build some freakin' confidence. How do I do that?
- Elyse: You get out of puberty.
- Janice: [About Kesse's photo] You look deranged! Your arms look amputeed, your legs look amputeed, and it looks like you have a penis!
The Girl Who Deals With A Pervert [1.6]
- Adrianne: There was this man, who started brushing my leg like there was something on my knee, so I was thinking "Oh, there might be something on my knee." Then he proceeded to try to shove his hand up my skirt towards my crotch. I was very upset. I was right by the agency, but I just couldn't go in at all.
- Tyra: [To Elyse] You were the one girl who took Paris by storm.
- Photographer Michel Haddi: [About Elyse] She was fabulous...like a little fawn out of a Walt Disney movie.
- Shannon: [About masturbating] I didn't know we could do it to ourselves.
- Adrianne: [About Shannon] I think she's just so crazy, because she's never done anything. She's never touched herself, she's never watched a porn, she's never done anything.
- Adrianne: This place is the most beautiful place in the world. New York was the most beautiful place in the world last week, but this week it's Paris.
- Shannon: Please, Lord, send me somebody sometime.
- Shannon: Oh, my word!
The Girls Who Get Really Naked [1.7]
- Adrianne: [about Robin] She doesn't seem very Christ-like to me. In fact, I think she secretly worships the devil.
- Tyra: Human is beautiful; perfect is boring.
- Jay: [About Robin] She opened up the drape, and she was just in a panty, no bra, and was like, shaking her boobs at me. What she didn't know was Tyra was standing right next to me, around the corner.
- Tyra: [To Robin] I don't understand how you can say no to something like that, but then, in the dressing room, when you think no one is looking...I saw you open the dressing room at the couture house, and you were nude, and you shook your chest at Jay...You're shaking your chest, jiggle, shimmy, I saw them go round and round and up and down...
- Beau: [To Shannon] Do you have any idea what it's like backstage at a fashion show?... Because you've got 30 girls that have to just strip completely naked.
- Tyra: [To Elyse] I think you look so sexy, and your booty looks kind of big and juicy. That's great!
- Adrianne: [About Robin] If there really is this big wonderful man in the sky, then he's gonna whup her ass when she gets up there.
- Adrianne: [About Robin] I didn't want to listen to what that bitch had to say. She's psychotic.
- Adrianne: I do believe in God...I'm just not psychotic about it.
The Girl Who Becomes America's Next Top Model [1.9]
- Adrianne Curry: Tomorrow we fight to the death!
- Janice Dickinson: [At the Baby Phat fashion show] Shannon was dope last night...
- Beau: You can tell Adrianne's lived a little more. There's something cooking behind Adrianne's eyes.
- Tyra: Hopefully it was fierce. Hopefully it was perfect. And if it wasn't, then the whole room, and the whole world, just saw you screw up.
- Tyra: You should know your real measurements and your fake measurements.
- Adrianne: [About Elyse] She hates everything we do, yet she's the best at it.
- Adrianne: I don't know what to feel. I feel I love Janice Dickinson.
- Janice: Well, I didn't vote for you.
- Adrianne Curry: I'm gonna have a good life now. My family's gonna have a good life now. A lot is going to change, and it kicks so much ass.
The Girl Who Overslept [2.1]
- Jenascia: I don't know why they didn't wake me up this morning, but if this doesn't get me eliminated, it's on. It's so fucking on!
- Camille: Maybe I'm just a little more, um, educated than some of these girls.
- J. Alexander: Okay girls, so that was your first fashion experience, and personally I think you all sucked.
- Jenascia: I'm really not that nice of a person, I don't know what's come over me.
- J. Alexander: Walk like it's for sale and the rent is due tonight!
- Sara: I can tell that Camille is going to be somebody that causes a lot of problems. I think she just really believes that she's…the stuff.
- Bethany: I have a lot more talent than the boobs.
The Girl Has a Temper [2.2]
- Bethany: I have more talent then most of these girls.
- J. Alexander: [To Xiomara] Girl, you walk like you're on crack. Your eyes are so bugged out of your head like something just scared the hell out of you.
- Carmen Marc Valvo: [To Yoanna] If you came in for a casting, and you looked the way that you look, I probably wouldn't even ask you to put on a dress. Usually ugly women put on a lot of makeup.
- Camille: Don't play me. You have a better chance playing Lotto.
- J. Alexander: [To Yoanna] Your walk was as useless as a flashlight with no batteries in the dark.
- J. Alexander: [To Camille] Oh! Black girls always have to give that something extra. I'm mad at chu!
- Yoanna: Camille is the most exhausting experience I've ever encountered.
- Yoanna: [To Camille] I am not finished!
The Girl Who Can Cry at the Drop of a Hat [2.3]
- Shandi: Everything's come together and I feel so pretty... right now.
- Xiomara: [About Camille] Her butt is taking up the whole counter space!
- Catie: This is a once in a lifetime thing, I am not gonna care what they do to my hair.
- Sara: I see a lot of unattractive models and a lot of girls that they put magazines, and I'm just like, 'Why the hell do they put these girls in this magazine?' But it's because it draws people to them.
- Tyra: [To Catie] You are a girl, you still have titties and a booty.
- Heather: One man's trash is another man's treasure, I'm trash here and I'll guess I'll go be a treasure somewhere else.
The Girl Who Needs Six Months of Modeling School [2.4]
- Jenascia: This house is totally gonna suck without me, now I'm gonna go back to slinging chicken wings at Hooters and back to my friends and being the happy person that I am.
- Photographer: April is that unique find that comes along every now and again.
- Adrianne: That's what you deal with in the real world, these bitches don't care.
- Simon Doonan: [To Catie] I think there's a little bit too much hooker style going on... Go down where the hookers hang out by the docks, see what they're wearing, and avoid it.
- Jenascia: I'm short and I don't care. Look how short I am!
The Girl is a Visual Orgasm [2.5]
- Eric: [To Yoanna] Your picture looks a bit like an adult ultrasound.
- Nolé Marin: [to Mercedes] You are a visual orgasm.
- Pyschic Suzannah Galland: [To Camille] I don't care if you punch me, but I'm going to level with you. You put people off.
- Camille: [Reading the list of what the other girls think of her] Superior, relentless, headstrong, defiant, outspoken, cunning, aggressive, opinionated, demanding and single-minded.
- April: I haven't been connected with my Japanese heritage and I'm not going to pretend I have. I'm not going to market myself to just Asian girls.
- Nolé Marin: April was like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. The Matrix... she was FABULOUS!
- Nolé Marin: [About Shandi] She looked petrified... just like a drowning chicken.
- Nolé Marin: [About Xiomara] Absolutely gorgeous girl, but underwater she looked like a walrus wearing chiffon. It was a disaster from start to finish.
- Janice: I was offended that she called me a bitch. I am a member of the PTA.
The Girl Whose Lips Puffed Up [2.6]
- Tasha Smith-Arquese: [To Camille] Come on, you're sucking right now!
- Eric: She's kinda the girl next door, but I think America's Next Top Model has to be like, the girl way over there.
- Tyra: Down the street and around the corner!
- Eric: EX-actly.
- Jay Manuel: Talk tough superhero, not tough Bronx.
- Mercedes:Well, I'm from Jersey!
- Mercedes: [About Camille] Where the hell did the Cuban come from? I'm more Cuban than her, Honey, and I'm not even Latin!
- Tasha Smith-Arquese: [To Camille] I just feel like you're still on the surface. There's stuff inside your heart that you just refuse to let out... You just want to have this perfect mask on. God bless you in your career, but you're just boring.
- Mercedes: [About April] I love her but she's going to die of a heart attack before she hits 27 because she puts so much stress on the little things and doesn't listen to the positive things.
- Janice: [About Catie] She looks like a child prostitute in this picture.
- Janice: Convince me that you are funny, just once.
The Girl is Dripping with Hypocrisy [2.7]
- April: The competition is not just about winning... it's honestly something that my heart really desires.
- Shandi: [About her boyfriend] Going to the movies, that's like our secret thing that we shared, and it really hurt when he said that.
- Tony Michaels: [About Shandi] You don't look at her and think ‘top model' off the bat, but by the second glance you see, wow, she's got it.
- Yoanna: I think it's sad being away from your own home and not having a cake, and plus, I wanted some cake too!
The Girl Goes to Milan [2.8]
- Camille: The best way to get revenge on someone is to kill someone with kindness and that's what I'm doing, I'm killing Yoanna with kindness.
- Tyra: [Imitating Camille] Look, bitch, I was chosen out of a million people, I don't know what your problem is.
- Jay: We should do a word count of how many times Nole says fabulous in a day.
- Shandi: [About Liliana Rolando, casting director] She's a meany and she is a bad woman and I don't like her!
- Mercedes: My little Italian man, he did not speak that much English, but other than that, I'm having fun.
- Janice: [About April's photograph] She looks like the batteries died in her vibrator.
The Girl Who is Afraid of Snakes [2.9]
- Jay: [About Heather's photo] She looks like a porno star.
- Janice: No, she does not!
- Jay: Yes... she does.
- Janice: So do you!
- Jay: We're talking Silicone Valley on the other end of the table.
- Xiomara: Of course I want to stay here, I don't want to go. I want to stay but if I'm not what someone wants, I'm cool with that. Like I'm not going to sit here and beat myself up because I'm not what someone wants.
- Tyra: Your moms have that responsbility to keep you sane because this business is insane.
- Janice: If a photographer offered you guaranteed fame if you slept with him for a cover of a magazine or a makeup campaign, what would you do?
- April: Is he attractive?
- Sara: [Betting Heather to run around the house naked] I dare you... I swear to God I'll give you $5 dollars if you do it.
- Jenascia: You see how when I'm upset and can still be funny? You see how I do that? I'm fucking great!
- J. Alexander: [To Jenascia] There's a boy somewhere inside of you, you gotta beat him outta you.
The Girl Who Cheated [2.10]
- Mercedes: Modeling is art, but I wasn't ready for this type of art. Especially with April!
- April: DING! Hold on a minute Shandi, you've got a boyfriend!
- April: These girls, myself included, have been like monkeys in a cage, and you drop big bananas inside, of course they're going to tear the peels off.
The Girl Who Is America's Next Top Model [2.11]
- Mercedes: Yoanna is a great person, I've shared a lot with her but if Yoanna wins, I'm gonna pull her hair out and yell, 'It wasn't meant to be!'
- Shandi: I've grown into a person I like and appreciate more.
- Janice: [To Mercedes] Never touch your face, girl, or I will come after you. You are beautiful!
- DSquared: A girl who hangs up their own clothes is better loved. I hate those bitches that just throw them on the floor!
- Mercedes: Oh Bitch, you ain't go gonna go nowhere! [pause] Sorry!
The Runway Ahead [2.12]
- April: I'm a mutt, loud and proud.
- Jenascia: [To Hooters customers] Do you guys need anything? Good, because I didn't want to get it anyways!
- Shandi: When I get home, I won't feel so lost. I won't feel so insecure.
- Anna: Their coochie was showing...
- Jermaine: Eww, baby you can't say that on television!
- Catie: [During preliminaries] If they said, "Catie, to make it you're going to have to shave your head", my hair's gone!
- April: I like the feeling I get when I'm creating art with my body.
The Girl With the Secret [3.1]
- Amanda: I'm legally blind. And I'm going to be about 30 when I go completely blind. It's a disease called retinitis pigmentosa, and I just wanted ya'll to know I will always see your face. Please don't cry, I've had 10 years to get used to this. I've seen my son smile and that's all I ever wanted.
- Amanda: My child is so wonderful, he will blossom. It's like a rose growing through a concrete crack.
- J. Alexander: [About Toccara's breasts] Baby when she released those puppies, they were full grown dogs.
- Toccara: I love my skin and I'm workin' it. I'm hittin 200 in the butt, what?
- Norelle: I'm the only one with braces. I'm the only one with bling-bling on my grill, ok?
- Cassie: I might look like the All-American girl, but I don't have the All-American job because I'm a stripper.
- J. Alexander: That's the All-American job to me!
- Tyra: And I have some nicknames for them. Jay Manuel is Mr. Jay and J. Alexander is Mrs. Jay.
- Eva: Everyone has their bathing suit on. Why not get in the water instead of standing next to it, ya dumbasses!
The Girl Who is Co-Dependent [3.2]
- Janice: [To Toccara] Oh, I dunno. You might be giving these skinny little bitches a run for their money.
- Tyra: [To Amanda] You continue to raise your eyebrow. You know, the Zoolander.
- Janice: I used to be able to do it, but I have so much botox in my face I can't really do it anymore.
- Janice: [About Kelle] The hand coming through your legs looks like something that is on a man.
- Tyra: Nolé is a very prominent fashion editor and a stylist. And of course, we can't forget...
- Nolé Marin: Empress Mini, the legendary girl herself.
- Amanda: It's really easy for somebody to pass a judgement on something without knowing all the information.
- Toccara: Ann, big deal, tough tittie!
- Kelle: Tyra had arranged a huge SUV limo to pick us up which is you know, we're all big pimpin'.
- Jay Manuel: OK, Norelle, that one feels a little like you're taking a dump.
- J. Alexander: [To Kristi] It looks like you got gas baby, like you gotta fart.
- Eva: Kelle, she's just so white-washed it's not even funny.
The Girl Everyone Thinks is a Backstabber [3.3]
- Toccara: You can shave my head off bald and I'll still walk around here like I'm a goddess.
- Amanda: The girls are starting to feel intimidated by me and its really making me feel good as hell.
- Yaya: Julie cracks me up. It's nice to see someone proud of where they come from.
- Tyra: You guys look like the pretty girls walking down the street. Maybe she can model but ehh...
- Danilo: [To Amanda] How does it feel waking up with it? Does it feel possessed by the previous owner?
- Amanda: What I did to Cassie was bring her secret out in the open. It wasn't my place to do it and now I'm the evil person, and everyone thinks I'm a backstabber.
- Nicole: I'm excited actually for eliminations. I'm going, 'Let's get some of these bitches outta here!
- Nolé Marin: Where'd you come from, baby?
- Amanda: Your dreams.
The Girl Who Sets a Trap [3.4]
- Jay Manuel: Norelle was trying to show me how gorgeous her boobs were, which they are! She's got gorgeous boobs, but that doesn't mean she's gonna be America's Next Top Model.
- Eva: Have you seen Ann's biceps? Ann will beat your ass, Jenn.
- Kelle: Does anyone have a pair of sunglasses? [repeated line]
- Ann: Don't ever touch me again or you'll see you'll get knocked out.
- Jennipher: Oh, I'd like to see it.
- Amanda: What's a 10 dollar bill to catch a bitch, hmm?
- Amanda: [Singing] I'm missing 100 dollars and my laundry's gone. Cuz of a certain bitch, uh, certain bitch, certain bitch.
- Norelle: My biggest dream, Heatherette fashion show. My worst nightmare: falling. All in the same night!
- Eva: Toccara actually exposes to me that she thought she was gonna win because she got a lot of applause. You got applause because your titties are out girl.
- J. Alexander: Their show is usually the hottest ticket in town during New York Fashion week. It's so hot that I don't get a ticket.
- J. Alexander: It's really funny because it's about to fall but you're not lettin' it happen.
- Eva: It's not gonna fall.
- Yoanna: So I know what you guys are going through, but it's worth it. It's such a short time, and you're so young and you'll sleep when you're dead, so...
- Toccara: Ms J. comes down and she has her little apple, she's just fabulous.
- J. Alexander: You walk like you're chewin' gum between your legs.
- Eva: First of all, I didn't even know you were a bitch!
- Kelle: I look like a platypus!
The Girl Who Cries When She Looks in the Mirror [3.5]
- Jay Manuel: Kelle just told me that you won the posing competition, which I still find hard to believe, but alright, work it out girl!
- Norelle: I look like one of those dolls that's like, so pretty but if you look at it at night, you'd be running out of the room screaming. I loved it.
- Simon Doonan: Jennipher, she's a little dull, slash very dull.
- Simon Doonan: You've gotta look alluring, you've gotta look interesting, but you can't look cheap and slutty.
- Kelle: The past 3 panels, I've had probably the worst photos in the group. I've had a penis, I've been a deer in the headlights in the middle of a cemetery, I've been a platypus that's just came from a dentist...!
- Janice: [To Ann] Bring motion to those stringy thingies!
- Toccara: I was sweatin' soo hard...I don't think I like yoga.
The Girl Who Mutilated the Precious Brownies [3.6]
- Jay Manuel: Ten people will say, 'Don't do this. Don't do this.' You know what you're going to end up with? Nothing.
- Eva: [about Yaya's facial prize for winning the challenge] The person that needed the facial got the facial.
- Eva: Cassie is the biggest punk I have ever met.
- Yaya: Someone had the audicity to mutilate her precious brownies.
- Amanda: It's like living with eight other beautiful...pigs.
- Kelle: Daddy, I don't have intensity in my eyes.
- Yaya: Some people think it's funny to kill people. That doesn't make it funny.
The Girl Who Forgot Her Shoes [3.7]
- Nigel: Toccara, there's just something about her. She's interesting.
- Janice: Yeah, a lot of flesh!
- Janice: Eva's still short.
- Nigel: Perhaps she'll grow by next week?
- Toccara: I wanna know why all the girls were so nice lookin', and here I am looking like I work at Home Depot.
- Cassie: [About Jay in drag] This woman walks out, I thought, this is a really ugly woman.
- Cassie: I don't want to be here anymore, but I don't want to be known as the girl who quit.
- Norelle: I may not be good enough now, but I'll be good enough someday.
- Norelle's Mom: You're good enough now.
- Toccara: I'm very happy for Yaya, and at the same time, I was getting nervous and scared because you don't see a lot of negroes in high fashion.
- Marc Bouwer: [To Amanda] Alright, let's try to walk without tripping this time!
The Girl Who Is Panic Stricken [3.8]
- Yaya: Maybe there's a wall, you know, with nine blocks that spell out 'competition'.
- Tyra: Toccara, I knew from day one that you wanted this and was f-a-b-o
- Toccara: I am fabulous and I want this.
- Toccara: I'm proud of myself. I'm the largest girl to get here and I made it this far. Someone has to start to break the barrier, so hopefully the next plus size girl that comes along, she makes it a little bit further. It's gonna take time, it doesn't happen over night. But I'm just grateful that maybe I made a path for someone else.
- Tyra: Yaya, it was like you were on this pedestal and this hat smelt like dookie!
- Tyra: [To Yaya] You want your outfit to be, 'Look at me' and this outfit is 'Look over there'.
- Nolé Marin: [To Yaya] You're I feel... half African, half cowgirl. Looks like you're about to ride a giraffe.
- Eva: I was petrified of this spider.
- Janice: Try posing on a live crocodile honey.
- Eva: You see this face? This is a confused face!
- Sarah Pyper: Who's the most annoying girl in the group?
- Eva: Everyone's equally annoying!
- Eva: Everyone freakin' says to me that I'm a diva! So how do I not be a diva?
The Girls Meet Taye Diggs [3.9]
- Tyra: [To Yaya] Now we need you to eat the product because I've never heard of a girl having a commercial and not tasting the product.
- Janice: Eat! Eat! Eat!
- Norelle: The first thing we saw was a hospital bed. Prepare to die? I'm sorry, but I am not a good die-er.
- Tyra: [To Yaya] I suggest you go to the nearest bakery in Japan and order up the biggest slice of humble pie.
- Nolé Marin: [About Eva] In your commercial, she was an absolute Tokyo disaster.
- Tyra: She was a typhoon!
- Nolé Marin: She was a typhoon, a buffoon, she was a cocoa puff mess.
- Amanda: I just look like a pair of ears on an onion.
- Yaya: There's one person eliminated every single time. And that one person should not be me. And if it is, I need to have a talk with the judges.
- Norelle: I can barely speak English, and you want me to speak Japanese?
- Norelle: I don't know if they're called Japanese people if they are from Tokyo, or Tokyians?
- Taye: Julia? Julia? That's a cruel trick. That's a cruel trick, Julia.
- Taye: You died in your favourite shoes.
- Nicole: The first thing I saw was not appropriate, so I had to just say I didn't see anything!
The Girl Who Goes Ballistic [3.10]
- Jessie, Yaya's sister: [On phone with Yaya, who is crying] Regardless of what people think about you, continue to bless people with your compassion and your wisdom. They have the blessing of being with you.
- Eva: And I have all that fucking tension and animosity...
- Yaya: Sorry, one second. I CAN'T HEAR, I'M ON THE PHONE!
- Norelle: [after brief pause] ... go on.
- Norelle: [To Ann and Eva] Hopefully, one of us makes it to number one. And hopefully, it's us three!
- Yaya: Don't exoticize me!
- Norelle: Holy crap, Toccara. Your boobs are as big as my head.
- Toccara: [About Amanda] Her eyes are too blue, and her hair is just...it's scary. I mean, I don't want to be around her at nighttime when she's walking down the hallway!
- Ann: Taye DIggs wants me. (laughs)
- Eva: Taye Diggs is so married.
- Ann: He's married?
- Eva: So married.
- Ann: To who?
- Eva: To his wife!
- Tyra: Now 5 girls remain. Eva, the controversial diva. Ann, the All-American athlete. Yaya, the wordly Ivy League graduate. Amanda, the free-spirited mom who's going blind. And Norelle, the Orange County Cinderella. Don't miss out on the drama as we find out who will be America's Next Top Model!
The Girl The Lionesses Are Hunting [3.11]
- Norelle: Opening a sliding door in Japan seriously takes five minutes.
- Amanda: With my blindness I appreciate every sunrise, butterfly, the dew drop on a petal.
- Norelle: Eva had said that she hoped I did bad so I would go home and then Eva was like, "Oh yeah? Ann, well you think Norelle's ugly and fat!"
- Tyra: Well, Norelle, you're one of the top 5. And you have to realize that's what makes beauty interesting, is when it's debatable. Do you know what I mean? There's so many people that say, 'Oh Tyra Banks is beautiful.' And there's so many people that say, 'Tyra Banks has a big ass forehead and I think shes ugly!' One thing you need to realize is everybody talks about everybody.
- Eva: I think Ann knows I've been nothing but a friend to her. So for her to bring that situation on the table, without trying to understand me or try to clear it up, is like 'Woah. That's...you very whack right now homie. Like, you are so whack'.
- Norelle: I was so confused. Pink Positive, what's going on? Are we getting a divorce?
- Amanda: When the lionesses are hunting in a pack, when there's a flaw, you see it. And everybody goes for it.
- Amanda: Yaya has won like, 5 times? More power to her, 'cause I'm sharing in the fruits of her labor.
- Norelle: Oh my god! I don't understand Japanese food. I do not eat Japanese food. If I do, I eat like... Panda Express?
- Norelle: [about a Japanese tea ceremony] Uhh! There is so much detail. You think have tea is going to your friend's house, have time for tea? Woo... It's not. It's so hard.
- Amanda: I feel like a lot of people in the house don't necessarily want to be around Eva. The house has to have a target. That's just mob mentality and human nature and competition.
The Girl Who Didn't Hug Goodbye [3.12]
- Yaya: I did the girls a favor because my nonpresence there gave someone else a chance to win.
- Ann: We're still Ann and Eva even though we've had some marriage problems.
- Jay Manuel: [To Ann] You're lucky you're still in this competition. You barely got a photograph.
- Amanda: It's good to have family around, even if it's not your own.
- Ann: [About Japanese street fashion] When I first saw it, I was kinda like, Ok, where was your mirror this morning?
- Amanda: When you're looking for something, vision's important!
- Eva: My idea was find things that don't go together and look really stupid and you'll win. How dumb do I look?
- Eva: Ahh! Lost my shoe! I'm flying, rolling down the street honey!
The Girl Who Wins It All [3.13]
- Amanda: I want to inspire people that have disabilities, or you know, shortcomings to just like, work through it and to find joy and everything.
- Janice: [To Amanda] Japanda!
- Yaya: The skirt was kinda see through. I didn't want to be disrespectful, but if that idea had been done in the States, it could look very...hoochie.
- Amanda: I was serving up a piping hot plate of smile!
- Amanda: I was really trying to utilize my inner joy. You know, my really strong personality and my appreciation for bunny rabbits and France.
- Yaya: If there were anything that Amanda and I could do to make Eva feel more included or comfortable, I don't think we would.
- Tyra: Will it be Yaya, the Ivy League grad who's road to become a top model had more than a few bumps on it?
- Eva: I'm 5'7, but I don't have to be tall to be great!
- Eva: Watch out world, here comes Eva!
The Girl with the Worst Photo in History [4.5]
- Beverly Johnson: Even though you're the virgin, you're the virgin that everybody wants.
- Nigel: Right
- Beverly Johnson: So you have to be very sensual.
- Janice: Tyra, when you're strutting down the runway doing Victoria's Secret, wearing those bat wings, what are you thinking?
- Tyra: I ain't thinking I'm no virgin.
- Noelle:[about tennis shoot photographer] I dont know whether he wasn't hugged enough as a child or what.
The Girl Who is Contagious [4.6]
- Kahlen: I think the reason Mr. Jay dressed up was to show us that even though Michelle has scabies, she can still be beautiful.
The Girl Who Pushes Tyra Over The Edge [4.8]
Tyra : Take responsibilities of yourself !!Janice: Kahlen, where'd that man come from?
The Girl Who Gets Bad News [4.9]
- Naima: (On a photo shoot at the bottom of a grave) Michelle's a little weird, so she's like 'This is cool! This is cool!' and I'm like 'This is freaky.'
The Girls the Lionesses Are Hunting [4.10]
- Nole: Girl, that's a drag queen after my own heart. A girl in high heels running.
- Nigel: (about Brittany) She's an exaggeration. She's like a walking exclamation mark. And it's not pretty.
- Gerda: (about Kahlen's picture) She really got this deer, and I know this animal well.
- Janice: How well do you know it?
- Gerda: It's my national animal.
- Kahlen: (After feeding a bear a marshmellow from her mouth) I want to go home and brush my teeth for the next 5 days.
The Girl with the Twisted Catch Phrase/The Girls Become Super Heroes [5.2]
- Ebony Taylor: Don't get it twisted.
- Jay Alexander: So you're on the Jehovah's layaway plan.
- Jayla: Yes, that's it.
- Jay Alexander: Buy now, pray later.
The Girl Who Needs a Miracle [5.3]
- Cassandra: If this doesn't work for me, then I'm definitely going to go back to pageants because I think that really helps you develop more as a woman, where modeling is just more of a career.
The Girl Who Makes a Disclaimer [5.4]
- Jay Manuel: (to Cassandra) So, are you ready to cut your hair?
- Cassandra: No!
- Jay Manuel: You know, I really don't have time for this today so... you just gotta leave my set.
The Girl Who Loves Bubbles and Talks to Plants [5.6]
- Lisa: You're the only one that seriously, like, dislikes me, and so-
- Coryn: I'm the only one that told you to your face that I do not like you.
(after the photoshoot)
- Lisa: And you sitting there, representing yourself as a moron-
- Coryn: And what do you do? Alcoholic bitch!
The Girl Whose Boyfriend Is Cheating on Her [5.9]
- Kim: The person who would most likely get along with the Wild Boyz is disgusting, crazy: Lisa.
- Nik: I just kept seeing everyone laugh, and I knew they weren't laughing at me, cause whatever I was doing wasn't that funny.
- Lisa: (to the Wild Boyz) I'm wearing you guy's underwear!
- Steve-O: Why?
- Lisa: Why not?
- Bre: Why is she wearing a diaper again?
- Jayla: I don't know.
- Bre: Oh, just thought I'd ask.
- Bre: (in confessional) No woman of class, especially a supermodel in the making, is going to do something as disgusting as pee on herself at her job. Lisa, she's a sick individual and if she wins this competition I hope she uses that $100,000 and checks herself into a psych ward, ASAP.
- Lisa: [in the confessional] Everybody's looking at me like I'm crazy... Everybody's taking themselves way too serious... Everybody just needs to calm down. Calm down! Take a break. [took out a jar of cookies] Eat a cookie!
- Tyra: [To Jayla and Nicole] Well Jayla and Nicole please step forward. You two are exclusively, beautiful girls. You take beautiful pictures, but when you open your mouths, they say, that there is no way that they can represents a product. You both are the top of the pack, but now you both stand before me, as a bottom. With modelling, you guys must be on point, you guys must be fierce, you guys must be ready. But the judges were so disappointed in you that tonight both of you must pack your bags... [after a few seconds] Because we're all going to London!
The Girl Who Retaliates [5.11]
- Nicole: (About Bre) She's like the spawn of the devil or something. Freak.
America's Next Top Model: Where the Girls Are [6.1]
- Leah: I'm awesome. I'm like the best go go dancer ever to be created.
The Girl Who Learns How to Dance, The Girls Go Bald [6.2]
- Kathy: I feel like a penis with ears.
- Dani: I know what I feel, and I am not a racist.
The Girl Who is A True Miss Diva [6.3]
- Tyra: Jade you are standing right in front of me because you have a lot of excuses, that you don't take responsibility for your actions.
- Jade: Furonda is really feeling this hair, now that is a true Miss Diva.
- Sara: [About Jade] I think the Peroxide's are starting to mess with her head.
- Jade: This is not America's-Next-Top-Best-Friend.
- Jade: I'm not worried about Furonda right now because she did really bad.
- ...
- J. Alexander: Furonda really impressed me. She did much better than last time!
The Girl Who Kissed the Roach [6.4]
- Nigel: [about Danielle spraining her ankle] Falling is definitely your expertise.
Jay:Right now you look like your clunkin on a mat.
Furronda: Really? What does my face look like?
Jay:Like you're clunkin on a mat.
The Girl Who Kissed A Male Model [6.5]
- Joanie: [After Nnenna kisses the male model] He totally pitched a tent while they were in Africa. And not one you camp in.
- Danielle: It's just so random to hear Jade say she wants to be a kindergarten teacher. I would homeschool my child before they went to Jade's class.
The Girl With Two Bad Takes [6.6]
- Jade: [before Furonda picks someone to share her prize PSA] I volunteer.
- Furonda: [in a behind the scene interview] Jade and I are not friends. We're not friends. [back to the present] I'm going to pick Nnenna.
- Sara: I think I'm gonna puke in the bottle if I hear another word from Jade, the undiscovered supermodel.
- Mollie Sue: Your walk is good, you might not fall. But your head's as shiny as a big rubber ball.
- Jade: [On the questions game] Even though it was fun, laughter, and jokes it wasn't humor to me. I was like - What? What? What?
- Jade: My name is Jade. The ace of spades. Yo Furonda, my dear, I know your skin is bumpy, but my skin is flawless and yours is lookin' kinda lumpy.
- J. Alexander: [about Brooke] She looks like a trout, but I love her.
- Joanie: [about Jade's rap] Nobody else took it there, like nobody was like, "Yo Jade, you look like an 85 year old woman."
- Nnenna: [Rapping] You are a model, I know that. But you could at least learn how to talk!
- Nick Cannon: The next game is called Questions.
- Furonda: The questions game is where you would ask a question, and the person would ask a question back.
- Nick: A TV and a remote.
- Joanie: Why do you keep change me all the time?
- Brooke: Why is your antennae all crooked?
- Nick: A job interview.
- Jade: I'm sorry you don't have the right qualifications. [A negative buzzer rings and a big red x appears on screen saying Not a Question]
- Nick: See, you gotta ask a question.
- Jade: See, this is confusing.
- Joanie: Jade, she just sucks at all of the stuff that we do.
- Nick: Start with who, what, when, where and why. If you start with one of those, you're gonna be good.
- Jade: Alright, man.
- Nick: I'ma give one where you can figure it out. A rich man and a poor man.
- Jade: My dick is bigger than yours.[Another negative buzzer rings and a big red x appears on screen saying Definitely Not a Question]
- Joanie: You totally just lost!
- Jade: You know, even though it was fun, laughter and jokes, that was humor to me. I was like what? [affirmative buzzer rings with a green checkmark, saying "question"]] What? [Buzzer rings again] What? [buzzer rings again]
The Girl Who Has a Temper [6.7]
- Dani: You see the sun rise, you see it set, you see the Eiffel Tower, you see the crows cock...all that going on, and Nnenna's still on the phone.
- Brooke: [About Nnenna] She's from Africa? Go back to Africa if it's so damn great.
- Joanie: [with a basket on her head] I'm a basket case!
The Girl Who Has Surgery [6.8]
Sutan [Make-Up Artist]: Every morning when I wake up, little Woodland animals come to greet me.The Girl Who is a Model, Not a Masseuse [6.9]
- Jade: Sometimes I keep wondering why I am landing in the bottom two, but I'm coming back with a vengeance, I'm coming back strong.
- Furonda: I don't really get to know this stuff, I am a model, not a masseuse.
- Joanie: [About the products used by the makeup artists] I own that one! And the one for your face too!
- Joanie: [during the mermaid photo shoot] My boobs are falling out. I would be extremely embarassed if the boobs fell out.
- Twiggy: Jade frightens me. Don't leave me in a room with Jade!
The Girl Who is Going to the Moon [6.10]
- Danielle: I'll give you a hundred dollars if you eat this.
- Joanie: Get out of here!
- Danielle: A hundred dollars.
- Joanie: A hundred dollars, I'll have E. coli and be dead at 6 am!
- Danielle: But you'll have a hundred dollars. Furonda! You want some money?
The Girl Who is Rushed To The Emergency Room [6.11]
- Joanie: [about Furonda's dance] It wasn't anything Thai, it was hula, it was club, it was everywhere.
- Jade: Posing with an elephant, it's like posing with an ancient dinosaur. And elephants are in the dinosaur family.
- Furonda: When I hear Jade and Joanie fighting I was like whonk whonk whonk whonk whonk whonk whonk, I was trying to tune them down.
The Girl Who Walked Through The Ancient City [6.13]
- Joanie: The best girl won!
The Girl Who Marks Her Territory [7.1]
- J. Alexander: I love one of the twins, I just can't remember which one it is.
- Tyra: [about Melrose's attitude during the shoot] I'm just so disappointed in her performance on the set. And to be talking back to Mr. Jay and flipping out and blaming this and blaming that. It's like, "Honey, this is the first week. You could be cut like that." If you're a bitch...hide it.
The Girl Who Hates Her Hair [7.2]
- Tyra: [to Jaeda] Maybe you should go home and count the days till your hair grows back.
The Girl Who Punk'd Ashton [7.5]
(during the challenge with Janice Dickinson)- CariDee: (to Janice) Why, why, why...Why are you so over-pungent?
- Janice: (to CariDee) Over-Pungent!?
- Jaeda: I don't know what to say?
- Janice: (to everyone there) Fine, gimme the mic! Bye! Yeah, I got the mic...
- Brooke: (to Janice) What makes you so bitchy?
- Janice: walks away
(After the challenge when Janice was about to announce the winner)
- Janice: (to AJ) Yo, why are you still wearing that ugly pink thing on your head?
- AJ: I don't care what she said, I love my hat
(during her Marc Anthony photoshoot)
- AJ: God, what am I doing?
- Michelle: I might be...gay.
The Girl Who Graduates [7.6]
- Brooke: I got eliminated on my freaking graduation day.
The Girl Who Wrecks the Car [7.8]
- Eugena: [After a 30 second shopping spree race, where only one constant walks away with everything] We were all in the back laughing, because Melrose grabs everything. Because Melrose understood the rules, but the other girls didn't.
The Girl Who Breaks Down [7.9]
- Eugena: [About Melrose] I think she might be bipolar or something.
- Amanda: Spanish guys and American guys are very similar. They all have the same jokes and stuff. But Spanish guys smell better.
The Girl Who Sticks Her Foot In Her Mouth [7.10]
- CariDee: [to Nigel] Did you pull that stick out of your ass from last panel?
- Eugena: Mr. Jay didn't look like a matador at all. He looked like.. Mr. Jay in a matador costume.
- Tyra: [during the evaluation at Eugena's bullfighting pictures] Eugena this week is like model, slash, acrobat...
- Miss J.: ...and slash Miss J.
The Girl Who Grates [7.11]
- Jay Manuel: Today was a typical Eugena shoot -- flat, boring, and it looked like she was drowning in the water.
- CariDee: I don't respect Melrose... if Melrose becomes America's Next Top Model I'm going to puke... all over. I'll just puke.
- CariDee: Melrose has three different personalities and she's really good at it, she's really convincing... it's creepy... maybe she should be medicated.
The Girl Who Becomes America's Next Top Model [7.12]
- CariDee: I'm America's Next Top Model, baby! Yeah!
- Melrose: I’m pissed. I’ve put my heart and soul into this, and it wasn’t enough. And I got called a bitch the whole way through it and it sucks. And I feel really misunderstood and I’m sad.
The Girl Who Won't Stop Talking, Part 1 [8.1]
- Jay: [about Dionne] I love that she has diarrhea of the mouth because we don't have to hear in a photograph.
- Natalie: I really like Audrey Hepburn. I love her in Dinner at Tiffany's.
- Tyra: Dinner at Tiffany's?
- Natalie: I'm sorry. Lunch at, brunch at Tiffany's. I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
- Tyra: [laughing] Lunch at Tiffany's?
- Jay: Guess what honey? It was breakfast at Tiffany's!
- Samantha: [about her hometown] I think the biggest thing that ever happened was the Butter Bean Festival.
- Kathleen: My Grandma has no booty. My Mama has no booty. Then therefore I have no booty. Okay, I'm a black girl with no ass. But I have... That's what I have. I have... [flashes other girls]
- Tyra: And I want you to be all you can be, not bitch all you can bitch.
- Jael: It's just modeling. We're not curing cancer here.
- Brittany: I get very loud. I talk probably almost at this level like when I'm sitting at home.
- Tyra: Have you ever had your hearing tested? You think that has something to do with it?
- Brittany: Pardon?
- Tyra: Why you screaming so loud?
- Kathleen: Cause you're so pretty! Oh my God!!!
- J. Alexander: What about me?
The Girl Who Won't Stop Talking, Part 2 [8.2]
- Twiggy: You kinda want to take Kathleen home and look after her.
- J. Alexander: I don't!
- Kathleen: I believe that if the animal's alive you shouldn't kill it to make a coat of anything, but if it's already dead than you can take the skin off and just make a coat.
- Tyra: How would it already be dead? Like, uh . . .
- Kathleen: Let's say, 'cuz animals fight each other in the jungle, right, in the woods?
- Kathleen: I think every model wants to date Nigel Barker, 'cuz he's so tall.
- Kathleen: My theme today is anti-fur, like I hate fur. Actually, I really do like fur. I mean, it makes you look hot.
- Kathleen: [at her photoshoot] Should I look at the fur like it's stank?
- Jay: [during a shoot about gay marriage] I like the smiling, why don't you guys have a happy moment? Lesbians aren't serious all the time.
The Girls Who Go To Prom [8.3]
- Samantha: [about her photo shoot] Last week I was a lesbian, and now I'm a ho. [laughs] So much fun.
- Jay: (to Samantha) put your hands between your thighs, pretend that you're all alone and you're masturbating!
- Jael: (about Sarah flashing the high school students) I thought it was very liberating for her, and I'm so proud of it. She got to experience that next to me!
The Girl Who Cries All Time [8.4]
- Renee: [to Brittany] For a 21 year old, you still act like you're in high school.
- Sarah: [watching Natasha during her shoot] She looks like Kate Moss.
- Renee: No she doesn't. Do you know who Kate Moss is?
- Dionne: You know what, Jay? I think I'm more comfortable naked.
- Jay: That's uh... interesting.
The Girl Who Changes Her Attitude [8.5]
- Renee: I feel like a lot of the girls in the house don't understand me, like they're just looking for ways to be offended by me. I don't know why; I feel like they just don't like me.
- Jay: [after Britney does a shoot on a wet, grimy bathroom floor] Someone get this girl a towel and a tetanus shot.
- Jay: I already told them you were really good.
- Renee: Oh! They already hate me enough as it is!
- Jay: Oh, they do? Why? What happened?
- Renee: I'm a bitch.
The Girl Who Takes Credit [8.6]
- Jay: [as Natasha is doing very well in her photo shoot] There is a reason those Russian people compete and get gold!
- Jay: Tell me again why you want to be America's Next Top Model.
- Diana: Just...'cause.
- Sarah: [about how Natasha can explain away any negative feedback] Natasha is the used car salesman of America's Next Top Model.
- Sarah:(about Natasha)She looks like Kate Moss.
Renee: No she doesn't. Do you know who kate Moss is?
The Girl Who Gets Thrown in the Pool [8.7]
- Jael: Thank you for coming to our party.
- 50 Cent: This is actually my party, you know, Smart Water all over the place?
- Jael: Well you know how us from Detroit have a smart ass mouth.
- Jael: Listen, my mom is Black and my dad's a Jew, I'm Blewish, you can't hang with that!
- Whitney:
The Girl Who Impresses Pedro [8.8] Dionne: (about doing a lesbian kissing photoshoot) Hold up. I'm no fucking lesbo! I'll give you a hug, but that kissing shit, I don't even kiss my own damn boyfriend!
The Girl Who Blames the Taxi Driver [8.10]
- Natasha: (
- Jaslene: I make it back to Priscilla's a minute before, and I'm like 'Where's Natasha, where's Brittany?' We have two slackers.
The Girl Who Does Not Want To Dance [8.11]
- Dionne: I don't wanna do no damn dance, what do you mean dance?
The Girls Go Cruisin' [9.1]
- Heather: Hey pretty lady, and Tyra.
- Ebony: Lets play a game and see who has an eating disorder.
- Marvita: Why would someone say something like that?
- Ebony: (tilts head) Because I wanted to.
- Marvita: When was your last damn meal? 'Cause you look anorexic.
- Janet: We just got a Walmart.
Fun and Games [12.2]
- Tyra: Once there lived a supermodel who wanted to guide a future girl, so she broke out the rules to own your inner fierceness.
Do You Light The Way I Look? [12.3]
- Tyra: When beauty is reflected, beauty is perfected.
New York’s Finest [12.4]
- Tyra: Sometimes getting lost is the only way to be discovered.
Put Your Best Face Forward [12.5]
- Tyra: As a Top Model, you’ll have to travel to many foreign places.
Here’s Your Test [12.6]
- Tyra: You need to paint on your game face, and show the industry your true colors.
Take Me To The Photo Shoot [12.9]
- Tyra: Music always helps a model find her own rhythm.
The Amazing Model Race [12.10]
- Tyra: Once you plant seeds of success, your tree will bear fierce fruit.
Let’s Go See The City [12.11]
- Tyra: Work hard, perfect your poses, and life will seem like a day at the beach.