Angel Heart
Angel Heart, a 1987 movie, starring Mickey Rourke, Lisa Bonet and Robert De Niro.
It will scare you to your very soul.
- Written by William Hjortsberg (novel) and Alan Parker (screenplay). Directed by Alan Parker.
Harry Angel
- I gotta thing about chickens. [repeated line]
- You come straight with me, you slime bag, or I swear, I'll save this state an execution!
- I know who I am!
Louis Cyphre
- Alas... how terrible is wisdom when it brings no profit to the wise, Johnny?
- You know what they say about slugs. They always leave slime in their tracks.
- The flesh is weak, Johnny. Only the soul is immortal. [darkly] And yours belongs to ME [eyes chillingly shine yellow].
- They say there's just enough religion in the world to make men hate one another, but not enough to make them love.
- No matter how cleverly you sneak up on a mirror, your reflection always looks you straight in the eye.
- I have old-fashioned ideas about honour. An eye for an eye... stuff like that.
Pastor John
- I want you to show right now how much you love God! I want you to show as your tithe! I want you to open up your hearts! And open up your wallets! And open up your purses! And give it up! Praise the Lord! Somebody's been talking about me, talking about I've been riding around in a Cadillac! If you love me, and you wanna give to me, then I should be in a Rolls Royce!
- Hallelujah! Permit me to be transmittable, Hallelujah! Permit me to be reincarnatable, Hallelujah! Permit me to be reproducible, Hallelujah! For His Kingdom is yours! Today! Right now! Follow me! Follow me! Follow me through His peace! Yes! Oh Hallelujah!
- Louis Cyphre: Are you an atheist?
- Harry Angel: Yeah, I'm from Brooklyn.
- Harry Angel: How did he die?
- Cop: Technically? Asphyxiation by his own genitalia.
- Harry Angel: And not so technically?
- Cop: Somebody cut his dick off, stuffed it in his mouth and choked him to death.
- Harry Angel: Have you ever watched the Mickey mouse club?
- Cop: No.
- Harry Angel: Well you know what today is? It's Wednesday, anything can happen day.
- Harry Angel: "Louis Cyphre"... "Lucifer". Even your NAME is a dime store joke.
- Louis Cyphre: "Mephistopheles" is SUCH a mouthful in Manhattan, Johnny.
- Harry Angel: What's your name?
- Epiphany Proudfoot: Epiphany Proudfoot.
- Harry Angel: Your mother left you a very beautiful name, Epiphany.
- Epiphany Proudfoot: Not much else.
- Cop: You're going to burn for this, Angel.
- Harry Angel:[last lines] I know. In hell. [Sees his grandson's eyes glowing]
- Mickey Rourke - Harry Angel
- Robert De Niro - Louis Cyphre
- Lisa Bonet - Epiphany Proudfoot