Anything Goes
Anything Goes, 1934 musical with music and lyrics by Cole Porter. The show has been revised several times, with modifications to the script and the addition of several new songs to replace some that were considered outdated when the show reappeared on Broadway. Most of the quotes on this page are from the version of the show that opened in 1988.
- "Bonnie, don't bring sex into this, it's bad enough being a minister."
- "Without love, there is no hope. Love, Hope."
- Reno Sweeney: "She's not confessing, she's adverstising!"
- Reno Sweeney: "In olden days a glimpse of stocking was looked on as something shocking, but now, God knows, anything goes!"
- Reno Sweeney: "Once I was headed for hell/ but when I got to Satan's door/ I heard you blowin' on your horn once more/ So I said 'Satan, farewell!'"
- Billy Crocker: "And Plumblossom become plum tart!"
- Billy Crocker: "We old poka' buddies!"
- Captain: "It's Snake Eyes Johnson! Public Enemy number one!"
- Erma/Bonnie: "Ya, public enemy numba' thirteen!"
- Evelyn Oakleigh: "To feel "that way" about some one means to rub his neck."
- Evelyn Oakleigh: “…we took an unpremeditated romp in the rice patties.” (about Plumblossom)
- Evelyn Oakleigh: "I say, anyone have hot pants for a game of shuffleboard?"
- Moonface Martin: "Well, what's going on in HERE?!"
- Moonface Martin: "There's something wrong here!"
- Reno Sweeney: "I don't care what you take sweetie, just as long as you get my good side."
- Moonface Martin: "Calling all pants! Calling all pants!" (While taking off his pants)
- Reno: "Billy baby, where have you been?"
- Billy: "You'll be finding out in about ten minutes."
- Hope: "I see you've found your sea legs!"
Minor Characters
- Female Passangers: "Can I touch your trigger finger?! Have you ever killed anyone who looks like me?"
- Virtue (one of Reno's Angels): "I just have a lot of sex appeal, that's my problem."