Arthur is the name of an animated series that airs on PBS in the United States. A young third grader, Arthur Read, deals with the real (and imaginary) troubles of childhood. The episodes could focus on anything from jobs to getting a pet, from love to getting a library card. And in the middle of each ten minute segment, there is "A Word From Us Kids..." which is a live action piece where real children explain their thoughts about a certain subject, which ususally pertains to the subject of the previous segment.
Arthur: I told you, not to touch it!
D. W: You built it all wrong. Did you even read the directions? It didn't fly through 1 second. It's not my fault if you made a plane that can't fly . . . . .
Arthur: I TOLD YOU, NOT TO TOUCH IT!?* (Arthur Timothy Read begins to use his right fist and begins to try to make a great, big powerful and makes a great, big strong punch to D. W. Read right in the left humorous bone.)
D. W: (She walks away while she is still crying with her screaming cry all louder and louder it will be.)
Mrs. Jane Read: Arthur Timothy Read, come here!
Arthur: Uh, oh! Middle name!
Arthur Read
- I told You, Not Do It!
- Well, there's this guy named Romeo and this girl named Juliet, and their parents hate each other, but they fall in love anyway, and decide to run away, and it all ends badly. The End.
- D. W!
- Mom, D. W. is bothering me!
- Dad!
- Grandma Thora!
- Pal! Bad dog! Not on the rug! Do your business outside!
- This is ridiculous! You know how many kids must try to get on that show! (Season 5, Arthur and the Big Riddle.)
- And none of my friends will come here. And Binky called me Teacher's Pet.
- The boys' room is the third door from the corner, right?
- I Told You Buster, Not To Touch It! (He was in Buster's dream. Buster knows that Arthur angrily grits his teeth, makes a fist and punches him to the whole entire, big grassy ground. Buster starts screaming and wakes up. It was morning time and buster was all, worried.)
- AHH! (when everything goes bad)
- D. W, I told you, no Crazy Bus!
Binky Barnes
- They're not my parents...they just look like them.
- People think I can't write a poem,
but they are so wrong,
I can write a poem.
I wrote this one,
I wrote this poem,
and I gave it the title Binky's poem.
So shut up!
The end!
- You're going to be on a game show! Why do they want you?
- Teacher's Pet! Teacher's Pet!
- E, G, B, D.
- The name's Binky Barnes. Uh, B-I-N-K...-Y......Barnes.
The Brain
- This has something to do with my mom.
- I hope I never see my brains!
- I'm home!
- Self-destruct!
Buster Baxter
- Allright!?*
- Toys! Much better!
- (Singing.) Funky rabbit, funky rabbit, funky rabbit, yeah! I'm a funky rabbit!
- He stole my joke! Binky stole my joke!
- AHH! (HE Is screaming in while he is having bad dreams.)
- Hello, D. W!
- I never thought about it before, but being an only child is nice.
D. W. (Dora Winifred) Read
- I will not be silent. I'll be is loud as I want and . . . . . and you can't stop me. No one can stop me. Who made you the boss of the world?
- Crazy Bus, Crazy Bus riding on my Crazy Bus!
- Hey, MOM!
- It's not real, it's just an Irving legend.
- Arthur, you know I'd do anything for you. For money.
- Yo mama says he's coming! (Season 4, "My Music, Rules!")
- You built it all wrong.
- Her lips aren't even moving! This is nothing like a TV show! What a rip off!
- I'm hungry too!
- I'm sorry, Mary can't see everybody...
- Mary couldn't come.
- Mommy! Daddy! The town is exploding and it's very pretty!(She said this from "The Blizzard!")
- He wouldn't be this nice if we weren't on TV.
- Give that back or I'll bit you!
- (D. W. is surprised that Mr. David Read and Mrs. Jane Read will be divorced. They are leaving the children and the pet dog with no parents with no 2 adult pet owners.) WE DON'T WANNA BE ORCHIDS LIKE IN OLIVER TWITS!?*
- Mr. Ratburn: Do you have enough clothpins for everyone, George?
- George: Uh, no.
- (He was through his ventriloquist's dummy, Wally!) Ugh, is that pineapple? I hate pineapple!
- Yuck! Custard pie!
- Oh, we stink!
- Ah. Ah. that last part dosn't rym you know!
- Alright, alright, don't have kittens.
- Step into that pool, and you're entering a world of pain!
- Now's your chance!
Mr. Ratburn
- Did someone say cake?
- Yuuccckkkk! I give this cake and it's owner a D. A D for disgusting! (He was in Arthur's dream that he was very, angry at Arthur.)
- Are you having cake?
- Quiet!
- Class, you may now file out in an orderly fashion. Quietly, no talking.
- On second thought, we'll start off with a big math test.
- Okay class, follow me and don't run!?
- Brain: OK, we're finally on the internet, now...
- OOH! Chatrooms!
Muffy Crosswire
- How rude!
- Vomitrocious! (That is her catch phrase.)
- Help, police!
- How are we supposed to get fossils out of the cliffs, when all we have are these little buckets?
- Kit-ten number ONE, kit-ten number TWO...
Nadine Read
- Goodbye, D. W.
- Ah, you're back.
- I don't know anything that you don't know. I'm imaginary. (Season 8, "Bleep!")
Fern Walters
- She was more interested in that phone than me!
- I can't believe I have my own Ferb card!
- Can you do it, or are you all just a bunch of chickens?
- QUIET!?* (Season 1, I'm a Poet.)
- D. W: If it could break the sound barrier, falling out of a window shouldn't be able to break it.
Arthur: I told you, not to touch it!
D. W: You built it all wrong. Did you even read the directions? It didn't fly through 1 second. It's not my fault if you made a plane that can't fly . . . . .
Arthur: I TOLD YOU, NOT TO TOUCH IT!?* (Arthur Timothy Read begins to use his right fist and begins to try to make a great, big powerful and makes a great, big strong punch to D. W. Read right in the left humorous bone.)
D. W: (She walks away while she is still crying with her screaming cry all louder and louder it will be.)
Mrs. Jane Read: Arthur Timothy Read, come here!
Arthur: Uh, oh! Middle name!
- Brain: [He is acting during the gang's "James Hound" movie.] According to my calculations, the last digit of the code should be a one or a two. But which is it? A one or a two?
[Brain presses 1; The library lights go off.]
Arthur: I guess it was a two.