August 16
- Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer. ~ Rainer Maria Rilke
- selected by Kalki
- All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, to make it possible. ~ T. E. Lawrence (born 16 August 1888)
- proposed by User:Kalki
- The world looks with some awe upon a man who appears unconcernedly indifferent to home, money, comfort, rank, or even power and fame. The world feels not without a certain apprehension, that here is some one outside its jurisdiction; someone before whom its allurements may be spread in vain; some one strangely enfranchised, untamed, untrammelled by convention, moving independent of the ordinary currents of human action. ~ Winston Churchill (said about T. E. Lawrence, born 16 August 1888)
- proposed by Kalki
- The printing press is the greatest weapon in the armoury of the modern commander. ~ T. E. Lawrence
- proposed by Kalki
- It is fortunate to be of high birth, but it is no less so to be of such character that people do not care to know whether you are or are not. ~ Jean de La Bruyère
- proposed by Kalki
- Nine-tenths of tactics are certain, and taught in books: but the irrational tenth is like the kingfisher flashing across the pool, and that is the test of generals. It can only be ensured by instinct, sharpened by thought practising the stroke so often that at the crisis it is as natural as a reflex. ~ T. E. Lawrence
- proposed by Kalki
America: It's like Britain, only with buttons. ~ Ringo Starr, joined The Beatles that day.- 3 ~ MosheZadka (Talk) 06:45, 20 July 2005 (UTC)
- 3 AllanHainey 12:00, 26 July 2005 (UTC)
- 1 Kalki 14:12, 15 August 2007 (UTC)
- 1 Zarbon 15:37, 24 April 2008 (UTC)
- 1 InvisibleSun 18:38, 15 August 2008 (UTC)
- 2 Peace and Passion ("I'm listening....") 05:40, 12 August 2009 (UTC)
Liberality consists less in giving a great deal than in gifts well timed. ~ Jean de La Bruyère (born 16 August 1645)
- 3 Kalki 14:12, 15 August 2007 (UTC)
- 3 InvisibleSun 22:13, 15 August 2007 (UTC)
- 2 Zarbon 15:37, 24 April 2008 (UTC)
- 2 Peace and Passion ("I'm listening....")
We come too late to say anything which has not been said already. ~ Jean de La Bruyère
- 3 Kalki 14:12, 15 August 2007 (UTC)
- 3 InvisibleSun 22:13, 15 August 2007 (UTC)
- 2 Zarbon 15:37, 24 April 2008 (UTC)
- 2 Peace and Passion ("I'm listening....") 02:46, 14 August 2009 (UTC)
It is always darkest just before the day dawneth. ~ Thomas Fuller (date of death, birth unknown)
- 3 Zarbon 05:46, 28 May 2008 (UTC)
- 2 InvisibleSun 18:38, 15 August 2008 (UTC)
- 3 Kalki 00:06, 16 August 2008 (UTC)
- 2 Peace and Passion ("I'm listening....") 05:40, 12 August 2009 (UTC)
Anger is one of the sinews of the soul; he that wants it hath a maimed mind. ~ Thomas Fuller (date of death)
- 2 Zarbon 05:46, 28 May 2008 (UTC)
- 2 InvisibleSun 18:38, 15 August 2008 (UTC)
- 2 Kalki 00:06, 16 August 2008 (UTC)
- 2 Peace and Passion ("I'm listening....") 05:40, 12 August 2009 (UTC)
Some men, like a tiled house, are long before they take fire, but once on flame there is no coming near to quench them. ~ Thomas Fuller (date of death)
- 3 Zarbon 05:46, 28 May 2008 (UTC)
- 3 InvisibleSun 18:38, 15 August 2008 (UTC)
- 3 Kalki 00:06, 16 August 2008 (UTC)
- 2 Peace and Passion ("I'm listening....") 02:46, 14 August 2009 (UTC)
Only a fool has no regrets and I'm not a fool. ~ George Galloway
- 2 Zarbon 05:46, 28 May 2008 (UTC)
- 1 InvisibleSun 18:38, 15 August 2008 (UTC)
- 1 Kalki 00:06, 16 August 2008 (UTC)
- 3 Peace and Passion ("I'm listening....") 05:40, 12 August 2009 (UTC)