Aviador Dro
Aviador Dro, Spanish techno pop band
"It is necessary to assimilate the systematized sense of the life to be able to be happy"
"The human being will disappear. Even more, it is necessary to annihilate it to pass to a mechanical state. In this state, there won't be individual freedom, the collective freedom will only exist. Neither there will be problems because each man-machine will be properly programmed and we will all be happy."
"It is necessary to assimilate the systematized sense of the life to be able to be happy"
"The human being will disappear. Even more, it is necessary to annihilate it to pass to a mechanical state. In this state, there won't be individual freedom, the collective freedom will only exist. Neither there will be problems because each man-machine will be properly programmed and we will all be happy."