Background music
Quotes about background music, often referred to as elevator music (for the common practice of playing this genre in elevators) or Muzak (a trademarked name of a company famous for supplying this music)
- "I object to background music no matter how good it is. Composers want people to listen to their music, they don't want them doing something else while their music is on. I'd like to get the guy who sold all those big businessmen the idea of putting music in the elevators, for he was really clever. What on earth good does it do anybody to hear those four or eight bars while going up a few flights."
- Aaron Copland, quoted in Classic Essays on Twentieth-Century Music, ISBN 0028645812.
- ""The barbarians are inside the gate. They're playing Muzak in Jenners."
- The full content of a letter to The Scotsman newspaper demonstrating contempt for the genre. source