Bambi II
Bambi II is a 2006 direct-to-video midquel to the animated feature Bambi directed by Brian Pimental.
- What? Turtles are soooo scary.
- (after a turtle bites Ronno on the nose and won't let go) See? I told you turtles were scary.
- Name's Ronno. (indicating his budding antlers) And these are the boys: Stab and Jab.
- (stifling laughter) Bambi? Isn't that a girl's name?
- (being bitten by a turtle on the nose) AAH!! AAAAH!!! GET IT OFF!! GET IT OFF!!!! MOMMY, GET IT OFF!!! MOOOOMYYYYY!!!! (runs off)
- "If we didn't have cowards, we couldn't tell who the brave ones are."
- "I wasn't finished talking about me!"
Great Prince
- Bambi, a Prince awakens before the forest does. If you're late again I'll have no choice but to -
- I think it's best to leave the past in the past. A Prince does not look back. Only ahead.
- Everything must get rest, Bambi. (yawning) Some at night, some during the day... (grumbling slightly) ...some not at all.
- (yawns and grumbles) Remind me to never let you eat blossoms before bedtime.
- (speaking to Bambi's seemingly dead body) Bambi, get up. Get up! A Prince does not - (stops, softens his stance)
- Bambi. I've heard so much about you. You know, your mama and I grew up together.
- (unknowingly quoting Bambi's late mother) Faster, Bambi! Don't look back! Keep running! Keep running!
- The Great Prince: (uncovering a small, twiggy plant for Bambi to eat) Here.
- Bambi: (seeing the plant) Uhh... No thanks...
- The Great Prince: Have you ever tried it?
- Bambi: Well... no.
- The Great Prince: Then how do you know you don't like it if you've never tried it?
- (Bambi has a dream in which he meets his mother)
- Bambi: I miss you so much.
- Bambi's Mother: Shh. There now. It's going to be all right. You'll see.
- Bambi: Why'd you have to go?
- Bambi's Mother: Everything in the forest has its season. Where one thing falls, another grows. Maybe not what was there before, but something new and wonderful all the same.
- Bambi: But I feel so alone.
- Bambi's Mother: I'm always with you. Even when you can't see me, I'm here.
- Bambi: It was Mother. I heard her voice.
- The Great Prince: That was one of Man's tricks!
- Bambi: But I thought...
- The Great Prince: What if I didn't come in time? You could've been... When I tell you to run, that means run! Never freeze like that, EVER!
- Bambi: I'm... I'm sorry.
- Thumper: Being brave is easy. I can teach you.
- Bambi: You can?
- Thumper: Sure. Watch this. (takes a deep breath) AAARRGH!
- Flower: (whispering to Bambi) I think he's got a hairball.
- Thumper: No, I'm being brave, silly! The trick is to be scarier than whatever's scaring you.
- Thumper: I'm a mountain lion! Raarrgh!
- Bambi: Oh! I'm a - a bear! (bleats)
- Flower: I'm a turtle! Rrrrggh! (Bambi and Thumper look at him oddly) What? Turtles are soooo scary.
- Ronno: (to Faline) That's the great thing about me: I don't feel any pain. Watch this! (Ronno runs headfirst into a tree)
- (woozily) See? Nothin'.
- Faline: (hearing a scream) What was that?
- Ronno: Ah, probably just some poor dumb animal caught in a trap. So anyways...
- Bambi: (in the distance) YEEEAAAUUUGH!
- Faline: (gasps) Bambi! (dashes off)
- Ronno: (angrily) HEY! I wasn't finished talking about me!
- The Great Prince: (notices that Bambi has leapt over a large chasm) Did you jump?
- Bambi: Uh, yeah.
- The Great Prince: Hmm. I didn't make a jump like that until I had antlers. (Bambi brightens)
- Thumper: Oh come on! You jumped farther than this yesterday!
- Bambi: I don't know about this.
- Thumper: Your're not afraid, are you? (singsong voice) You're too afraaaid! You cannot juuuump! Nya-nya-nya-nyyya-nya! Nya-nya, nyaaaahhh!
- (Bambi jumps)
- Thumper: You did it!
- Bambi: (trying to master his dad's advice, he walks along with his eyes closed) Feel the forest. Feel the forest.
- Great Prince: (seeing where Bambi is going) Bambi!
- Bambi: Feel the - OOF! (walks headfirst into a tree) Heh, heh. Felt it.
- Great Prince: Bambi, a prince does not...
- Bambi: That's all you care about! Not about me!
- Great Prince: Don't you speak to me...
- Bambi: (running off) I wish Mother was here instead of you!
- Thumper: You know, they're okay for sisters. It's just too bad they're girls.
- Faline: (clearly offended) Hey!
- Friend Owl: Ugh. Twitterpated.
- Flower: What's 'twitterpated'?
- Friend Owl: Oh, I'll, uh, tell you when your older.
- Bambi: Oh! I gotta go! My dad's waiting for me!
- Everyone: Bye, Bambi.
- Thumper: Aww, Bambi, you never have time for us anymore.
- Faline: Yeah. Isn't it wonderful?
- [Last lines]
- Bambi: What were you like (when you were my age)?
- Great Prince: Me? Well, let me think... Actually, I was a lot like you.