Barton Fink
Barton Fink is a 1991 film by Joel and Ethan Coen. Arguably the brothers' most enigmatic film to date, it tells the story of Barton Fink (John Turturro), a young, intense, and rather unlikeable writer of Social realist plays in the early 1940s; his raison d'être is to "create a theatre of the common man."
Between Heaven and Hell There's Always Hollywood!
- Written and directed by Joel and Ethan Coen.
Jack Lipnik
- I've got horse-sense, goddamnit. Showmanship. And also, and I hope Lou told you this, I'm bigger and meaner than any other kike in this town. Did you tell him that, Lou? And I don't mean my dick's bigger than yours, it's not a sexual thing - although, you're the writer, you would know more about that. Coffee?
Charlie Meadows
- Look upon me!!! I'll show you the life of the mind!!! I'll show you the life of the mind!!!
- Ben Geisler: Ever act?
- Barton Fink: ...Huh? No, I'm—
- Geisler: We need Indians for a Norman Steele western.
- Barton: I'm a writer. Ted O—
- Geisler: Think about it, Fink. Writers come and go; we always need Indians.