Batman Beyond
Batman Beyond is a cartoon series set in the future of the DC Animated Universe. It stars Terry McGinnis, a high school student who takes on the role of Batman under the tutelage of the original Dark Knight, the now-retired Bruce Wayne.
(After seeing Superman betray them on a screen)
[Batman turns on the radio]
- Jokerz Leader: We're the Jokerz!
- Bruce Wayne: Sure you are.
- Terry: [looking at Ace] Nice dog.
- Bruce: Not really.
- Terry:"You have to do something! You're Batman!"
- Bruce:"I was Batman".
- Terry: "You're no Batman; You whacked out old FRAUD!"
- Mr. Fixx: You're pretty strong, for some clown who thinks he's Batman.
- Terry: I am Batman!
- Bruce Wayne: I should warn you, I can be a difficult taskmaster. I accept nothing short of excellence in all who work for me.
- Terry: I think I can handle it.
- Bruce Wayne: Very good then, Mr. McGinnis. Welcome to my world.
Black Out
- [Batman is saved from Inque in the nick of time by Bruce, sporting the Grey Ghost's hat and goggles]
- Batman: What took you so long?
- Bruce: A sudden case of shyness.
- Barbara Gordon: I hear you wrangled yourself a new errand boy.
- Bruce: I never wrangled anyone. You all came to me.
- Barbara: Maybe for once you should try to talk someone out of it.
- Bruce: Would it have worked for you?
- [Barbara smiles]
- Terry: [about Inque] It was like...some kinda blob!
- Terry: Look, you may be used to dealing with freaks and monsters, but I'm a little new at this.
- Terry: It belongs to Nelson Nash. He goes to Hill High.
- Bruce: Know anyone who might have a grudge against him?
- Terry: The line starts with me and goes around the block. Twice.
- Mr. Freeze: Take a good look, Doctor. I've been like this for nearly fifty years, and I haven't aged one day. I have become what many men have dreamed of: an immortal. And yet, there hasn't been a day, an hour, a minute, I haven't thought about death. It obsesses me. Even now.
- Mr. Freeze: Save your breath. I am neither worried by pain nor comforted by benign words.
- Terry McGinnis: We'll let the police handle this.
- Mr. Freeze: No, I've caused this man enough pain.
- Mr. Freeze: Remember - there may be some momentary discomfort. [echoing the Doctor's words when she tried to kill him]
- [The building he is in begins crashing down, and as Powers escapes the destruction, out of the rubble rises Freeze, in a new and powerful Freeze suit]
- Mr. Freeze: It's something I've kept in cold storage.
- Blight: [melting Mr. Freeze] And behold, I shall be a blight upon the land, and everything I touch shall wither and die!
- Blight: You only got a tan that time, Batman. Here comes the real burn!
- Bruce Wayne: [via comlink, as the sensors in the Batcave fly off the charts] Terry! There's something hot in that room!
- Terry McGinnis: [In the Batman costume, with Blight stepping on his head] No kidding!
- Mr. Freeze: Stay where you are.
- Batman: You've got to get out of here, Freeze! The whole place is going to go!
- Mr. Freeze: Believe me, you're the only one who cares.
- Terry McGinnis: I guess you were right about Freeze all along.
- Bruce Wayne: We both were.
- Batman: Remember, you're a hero.
- Magma: No. Real heroes, they make a choice. I never did.
- Terry: [about Crime Alley] I'd think you'd want it to be torn down, so maybe after all these years you could finally forget.
- Bruce: Do you want to forget what happened to your father?
- Derek Powers: You should know something about the psych ward here: there's always room for one more!
- Terry: Tell me something - why were you so sure those voices weren't coming from you?
- Bruce: Well, first, I know I'm not psychotic.
- Terry: I hope your other reason is more convincing.
- Bruce: Second, the voice kept calling me "Bruce." In my mind, that's not what I call myself.
- Terry: What do you call yourself? [Bruce just looks at him for a moment] Oh, yeah. I suppose you would. [Batman voice] But that's my name now.
- Bruce: Tell that to my subconscious.
Dead Man's Hand
- Melanie Walker: Maybe you should ask for time off.
- Terry: Not this guy. Him, you don't ask for time off.
- Terry: I know what it is. You can't stand to see anyone going out and having a life. You want me to end up like you - alone.
- Terry: Anything like this ever happen to you?
- Bruce: [smiles] Let me tell you about a woman named Selina Kyle...
The Winning Edge
- Bruce: Arch-criminals, I know how to handle. Mothers are something else.
- Coach: I eat punks like you for breakfast!
- [Batman defeats him and ties him up.]
- Batman: Sorry to spoil your appetite.
- Terry: (to Bruce) Come on; he must be a zillion years old! What trouble could an old geezer... never mind.
- Terry: Guess you're the expert on troubled kids. You collect them, right?
- (Bruce glares)
- Bruce: Terry, listen to my voice. Whatever you're seeing, it isn't real!
- (Spellbinder hits Batman with a branch)
- Batman: That sure felt real.
- Spellbinder: [about his school psychologist work being underappreciated] For years, I fought the demons in the heads of those ungrateful little snots, while their coddling parents paid their garbage men more than me! Now I'm taking what I've earned!
Disappearing Inque
- (Terry seals the entrance to the cave to stop Inque gettign in)
- Bruce: Mind telling me what you're doing?
- Terry: Sealing up the cracks. Making sure she can't ooze in.
- Bruce: [smiles in amusement] You really think she's coming here, don't you?
- Terry: She was here before. She knows the way.
- Bruce: Does she? It was dark that night. The Batmobile was going awfully fast. And then there's the way you drive.
A Touch of Curaré
- Terry: So you and Dick Grayson like, dated.
- Barbara Gordon: In college. Puppy love. Later on, we just never talked about it.
- Terry: (eating doughnut) People should communicate more.
- Barbara Gordon: Dick finally got fed up living in Batman's shadow. He decided to leave. He was hurt when I chose to stay behind with Bruce.
- Terry: As his partner. (Gordon's grin widens) His girlfriend? (Gordon's grin widens even further, leaving McGinnis shocked) Whoa!
- Barbara Gordon: On the street, it was like ballet. We were the perfect duo.
- Terry: Why do you hate him so much?
- Barbara Gordon: No, I don't hate him. I hate what he's become. Such a great man... so alone.
- Blight: You want to talk about POISON?! I AM POISON!
- Blight: [being stalked from the shadows by Batman] Who are you?!
- Batman: [pauses] You really want to know?
- Blight: Yes!
- Batman: [enters] You killed my father.
- [Slight pause]
- Blight: Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?!
- Batman: Too bad. That's all you'll ever get.
- Terry: Power had my father killed. And he got away with it. He was always hiding. Well not anymore. Now everyone can see exactly what he is. Even in the dark.
- Batman: You made a bad enemy tonight.
- Paxton Powers: What are you going to do? Testify against me in that mask?
- Batman: Oh, I'm not talking about me. I'm the least of your worries.
- [He indicates the news program, which states that Blight's body has not been found]
- Paxton Powers: Well, whattaya know? He melted with the sub.
- Batman: Sure he did.
- Batman: I fixed your pets, Doc. It's just you and me. What do you say we finish this, man to freakshow.
Lost Soul
- Bruce: I had to shut down the computer when Vance’s program tried to get in. If you want out of the cave, you're going to have to :do it the old-fashioned way.
- Terry: You're kidding.
- Bruce: None of the Robins ever complained.
- Bruce: Terry, it's only the suit that's out of commission. Not Batman.
Hidden Agenda
- Max: Just one thing, McGinnis. You ever call me "Robin", and I'm out of here.
- Terry: No problem... Alfred.
- Max: (confused) "Alfred?"
- Terry: You should see this place, antiques, relics, you'd be right at home.
- Bruce: Cute.
- [Matt McGinnis has been captured by the Stalker.]
- Matt: So, what're you gonna do to me, mister? Cut out my heart? Eat my liver?
- Stalker: Don't be dramatic. You are merely the bait.
Hooked Up
- Terry: You can't live your life in a fantasy world.
- Max: Why not?! What's so great about reality?!
- Mad Stan: Look around, Batman. Society's crumbling, and do you know why?
- Batman: Too many overdue books?
- Mad Stan: Information overload, man. As a society, we're drowning in a quagmire of vid-clips, e-mail, and sound bites. We can't absorb it all. There's only one sane solution: blow it up!
Mind Games
- Batman: So, what's creepy lady's power?
- Girl: I don't know, but they call her "Bombshell."
- Batman: Oh, that's encouraging.
- Terry: An invisible boy in the girl's locker room. Why didn't I think of that?
- Dana: What?
- Terry: Uh... never mind.
- Bruce: These people believe that anything they can't explain is magic.
- Terry: And naturally you don't believe in that kind of thing.
- Bruce: Of course I do. I've seen it all. Demons, witchboys, immortals, zombies... but this thing, it's just so... so high-school.
- Bruce: [talking about Willie Watt] He's drawn to the school, it's an obsession.
- Terry: Your area of expertise.
- Terry: How did you know Robin would get there in time to save you?
- Bruce: I didn't.
- Terry: Then for all you knew, you were walking into a trap with no way out.
- Bruce: Sometimes you have to.
Terry's Friend Dates a Robot
- Howard: These things happen! We can still be friends!
- (Batman groans and puts a hand over his eyes)
- Cynthia: Friends? FRIENDS?!
- (she starts to crackle with electricity)
- Howard: Wrong thing to say?
- Batman: Is it ever the right thing to say?
- Bruce Wayne: By the way, have you heard about your so-called victim?
- Terry McGinnis: Mad Stan? Did they finally find him?
- Bruce Wayne: (smiles) Oh, yes.
- (cut to Stan in front of City Hall)
- Mad Stan: (laughing manically) Finally, an end to the bureaucratic nightmare!
- (He hits his triggers, and City Hall blows up)
- Mad Stan: No more graft! No more payoffs! NO MORE JURY DUTY!
Final Cut
- Max: How do you do it?
- Terry: Do what?
- Max: This hero thing?
- Terry: It's easier for me. I've got the suit.
- Max: No. How do you save the world... and not tell anybody?!
The Last Resort
- Terry: What do we need more evidence for? You taped the feed from my fingertip mikes, didn't you? All you gotta do is take it to the authorities.
- Bruce: And what do I say when they ask me where I got it? A little bat left it on my front porch?
- Terry: Oh.
- Batman: Some jobs are just too tough for Batman. That's when Terry McGinnis swings into action!
- Terry McGinnis: So the judge was lenient, I'm glad.
- Jared Tate: My dad cooperated in every way. Of course, he won't be home for a while, and there's that fine...
- Terry: Yeah, I heard you lost the car.
- Jared: You meet more interesting people on public transportation.
- Maxine Gibson: You know, I've got my sister's car while she's out of town. You ever need a ride, I'm there.
- Terry: You never made that offer to me.
- Max: Maybe 'cause you're spoiled.
Sneak Peek
- [In response to a man who have acknowledged Terry's identity as Batman]
- Terry: Mom, Matt, there's something I need to tell you.
- Mary: After the show, dear.
- Terry: No! It can't wait! I--I'm... Batman.
- (Matt and Mary laugh)
- Terry: Seriously, I am!
- Mary: Terry, please!
The Eggbaby
- [Eggbaby is crying over the comlink]
- Bruce: What's that?
- Batman: It's, uh...nothing.
- Bruce: Terry, is there something you haven't been telling me?
- Stalker: There are worse things than an honorable death.
- Batman: Betcha it's a short list.
Sentries of the Last Cosmos
- Max: Do you think there's a connection?
- Terry: Is Jar-Jar lame?
- Cory: Hey! Watch it!
- Nelson: Or what? You're gonna bop me with a flaming sword? Get a life.
- Batman: That's all you can find for Eldon Michaels? An address?
- Bruce: I searched everywhere for information about him. I found nothing. Not even a birthday.
- Batman: Maybe he really is from outer space.
- Eldon Michaels: Ow! That hurt!
- Batman: "Ow! That hurt?"
- Bruce: It's not easy to give up being God.
- Batman: I guess you'd know.
- Bruce: Why weren't you watching your back?
- Batman: I was too busy watching my front. Am I supposed to have eyes everywhere?
- Bruce: Only if you want to live to a ripe old age.
- Batman: You don't make it sound too inviting.
- Payback: You're a mean old man, you know that?
- Bruce: Mm-hmm. And what are you?
- Payback: I'm your worst nightmare!
- Bruce: You have no idea what my nightmares are like.
Where's Terry?
- Max: I'm staying. I want to find Terry, too.
- Bruce: Go home.
- Max: Make me.
- [Bruce stares]
King's Ransom
- Paxton Powers: Bruce Wayne's my mentor! He's like a father to me!
- Barbara Gordon: Except he doesn't glow in the dark.
- Paxton: Hey, I resent that! Where's my lawyer? I'll sue!
- Bruce: Anything broken?
- Batman: If I said yes, could I go home?
- Bruce: No.
- Bruce: When I was younger, women used to throw themselves at my feet all the time.
- Terry: What'd you do?
- Bruce: I stepped over them.
- Terry: Smooth.
- Bruce: I thought so.
- Guard 1: (After seeing the Repeller) Get a load of the freak in long johns.
- Guard 2: You really haven't been in Gotham long, have you, kid?
- Dr. Blades: What makes you think that you can rummage through my files like you own the place?
- Bruce: Because I do. Bruce Wayne.
- Batman: He expects me to work even harder while he's gone!
- Max: Why?
- Batman: He always thinks something bad's going to happen the minute he leaves town. (sky lights up) And somehow he's always right.
- Inque: [dissolving] After all I gave you... how could you have turned out like this?
- Deanna: You never gave me anything except money, mother. How did you expect me to turn out?
Big Time
- Terry: Guys this is Charlie "Big Time" Bigelow. Charlie was always scheming about how it was going to make it big and the name stuck.
- Charlie: And T.T. is Tiny Terry, 'cause he was always thinking small.
Out of the Past
- Bruce: [to Terry, in response to Batman: The Musical] You hate me, don't you?
- Terry: C'mon, I spent months trying to get tickets for this show. It's schway.
- Bruce: It's shw-arbage. [gets up and leaves]
- Terry: I'll tell you right now: there's no way I'm wearing the Robin suit.
- Talia: Ra's al Ghul was a man of many contrasts. Leader, environmentalist--
- Terry McGinnis: Sociopath.
- Bruce Wayne: I should have known you'd cheat death again, Ra's!
- Ra's al Ghul: I don't cheat death. I master it.
- Bruce: Sure Ra's, why not? Anything to hold off the Grim Reaper a few more seconds. I take it back. You don't cheat death. You whimper in fear of it!
- Ra's: SILENCE! [slaps Bruce]
- Bruce: And you hit like a girl.
- Batman: [after stopping Ra's al Ghul from transferring his mind into Bruce's body] Lady, that is the sickest thing I've ever seen. You're creeping me out!
- Bruce: You? She kissed me!
- [Ra's compound has just exploded and he, in Talias body, was inside]:
- Terry:I'm going back! Maybe I can... [Bruce grabs his shoulder]
- Bruce: Whatever was in there died years ago.
- Bruce: [about Talia] She was a very special woman.
- Terry: The special woman?
- Bruce: You going on patrol at some point tonight?
- Terry: Sorry!
- [Terry leaves, and Bruce looks at the screen with Talia's picture]
- Bruce: Rest well, beloved.
Speak No Evil
- Terry: Did you hear a scream?
- Dana: Hey, it's Gotham City. That's practically our theme song.
- Zoologist: [calling after the escaped gorilla] Fingers!
- Batman: Fingers?
- Zoologist: My kids named him.
- Bruce: He's a kindred spirit if I've ever seen one.
The Call
- Superman: Good to see you, Bruce.
- Bruce: It's been a while.
- Superman: You seem to be holding up pretty well.
- Bruce: I could use some of that Kryptonian DNA.
- Superman: You'll outlive us all, Bruce. You're too stubborn to die.
- Superman: Stick with Warhawk. He needs your help.
- Batman: (sarcastically) Right. Warhawk. My good buddy.
(After seeing Superman betray them on a screen)
- Barda: I don't believe it.
- Aquagirl: It is hard to accept..
- Barda: No, I mean I don't believe this thing.
- Batman: It came straight from the Batmobile's recorder.
- Barda: And that's suppose to convince me! I know even less about your vehicle than I do about you!
- Batman: What reason do I have to end up in the middle of this.
- Barda: What reason would Superman have to kill Warhawk! It's easier for me to believe that you fabricated this.
- Batman: Listen lady, I never asked to be part of this club. You people just came to me.
- Barda: That was only Superman who came to you and now you're accusing him of murder! It doesn't make sense!
- Batman: I know it doesn't! And it's not going to be unless you open your eyes and stop being so pigheaded!
- Warhawk: Yeah, Barda, calm down. The kid's right.
- Aquagirl: Warhawk! How did you....?
- Warhawk: I wasn't in the armor. I was operating it by remote, that's the only reason I'm not dust right now.
- Kai-ro: Very shrewd. Not very like you.
- Batman: Well, not Aquagirl. Of course, I did save her life.
- Bruce: That's one way to make friends.
- Warhawk: [about Batman] He disobeyed me... I like that.
- Big Barda: So, where should we boom them to? Deep space? The surface of the sun?
- Superman: Barda, these creatures never asked to come here. We have no right to kill them.
- Warhawk: Back to his old self, all right.
- [Batman is in the Batmobile, being pursued by Superman.]
- Batman: What's the top speed on this thing?
- Bruce Wayne: Mach three.
- Batman: Is that faster than a speeding bullet?
- Big Barda: [inviting Batman to join the Justice League] C'mon. It'll put you one up on the old Batman. He never made it past part-timer.
- Superman: Yeah. He wasn't what you'd call a "joiner".
- Batman: Maybe he and I have something in common after all. [walks off]
- Superman: More than you think, son. More than you think.
- Bruce Wayne: I'm sorry. I know how hard it is to go against a friend.
- Terry McGinnis: I outgrew him, that's all.
Curse of Kobra
- Terry: It's a toxic waste dump.
- Bruce: Or so they say. Can you think of a better way to keep people away?
- Terry: Call it a high school?
- Zander's Assistant: I telling you it's a big mistake. She's rude, she's sarcastic, and she has absolutely no respect.
- Batman: Gotta be Max.
- Bruce: Don't blame yourself.
- Terry: Why not? It's my fault.
- Bruce: I know, but blaming's not productive.
- Batman: These people tried to raise you without family, or friends, or love. But you couldn't get along without those things, could you?
- Zander: You're right. It was my weakness.
- Dr. Childes: I told you it would never work. I'll have her eliminated.
- Zander: No! I like her. She's so different from these mindless automatons I'm surrounded by. She's... She's a person.
- Dr. Childes: That's the problem.
- Ro: Zeta was picked up by some muscle-bound gorilla with a thing for explosives.
- Batman: Mad Stan.
- Batman: I'll go. You're staying here.
- Ro: But...
- Batman: Don't make me lock you in!
- Ro: And just what am I supposed to do while you're gone?
[Batman turns on the radio]
- Batman: Enjoy.
- Ro: (sarcastically) Thanks heaps.