Beast Wars
Beast Wars is a CG animated television series made by Mainframe Entertainment. It is one of several infomercial series marketing the Transformers toy line to children.
Rattrap trips him
[Rattrap blows up Ravage's ship, falls and lands in Rhinox's arms]
[Megatron, Inferno, Quickstrike and Rampage are outside the Maximal base]
[Depth Charge emerges from a lake to finish off Rampage]
- Dinobot: Their shields are down! Destroy them!!
- Megatron: Now where's the fun in that? A little torment I think first, yeeesss! Side Guns!
- Optimus Primal: [groans] Damage Report.
- Cheetor: Believe me, you don't wanna know.
- Optimus: [sigh] That's what I thought.
- Megatron: [Newly Transmetalized Now rodent, feel my power!
Rattrap trips him
- Rattrap:Power you got....brains are another story.
- Rattrap:: [firing a gun on the Autobot Ark] Man, that thing wasn't built, it was poured!
- Optimus Primal: Die cast construction. [Looks right into the camera, breaking the fourth wall and speaking to viewers] It's a lost art!
- [A nod to the Generation 1 toys]
- [The Maximals are comparing their new forms]
- Rattrap: Never had taste did ya, kid? Now this, hurr, this is what class is all about! Call me, Rattrap!
- Cheetor: Oh yeah?! How's about I cut meeces to pieces?!
- Rhinox: Ease back, Cheetor. Livin' Large is for forms like me, Rhinox.
- Rattrap: Man, all this for a Golden Disk!
- Optimus: It was Cybertron's most carefully guarded relic, Rattrap. It gave the location of a major energon source. That's why Megatron stole it.
- Rattrap: Yeah, like I care. Ya know, we was supposed to be doin' deep-space exploration! Playin' "Galactic Patrol" wasn't nowhere in my job description, ya know what I'm sayin'? You sure you're cut out for this commander gig?
- Optimus: [sigh] Remember the Great War, Rattrap. If the Predacons get enough energon, they'll start it again! We can't let that happen. Besides, you wanted exploration, and here we are, on an unknown planet. What more do you want?
- Rattrap: Well, call me picky, but a working spacecraft might be nice!
- Optimus: [sigh] Just no pleasing some people.
- [Cheetor has just raced away to show off to a pair of live cheetahs.]
- Optimus: [into commlink] Cheetor, return to base immediately! We don't have time for this! Cheetor?! Please respond!
- Rhinox:: No good. The energon fields mess up the commlinks. Anything over a hundred meters, they ain't worth scrap.
- Optimus:: Well, that's just prime!
- Rattrap:: So, uh, this your first day on the job, or what?
- Optimus:: Shut up, Rattrap.
- Rattrap:: Oh, yes, sir! You know, I just feel heaps better knowing that our lives are in your capable hands... we're all gonna die.
- Optimus: We don't have to do this Megatron. There has been peace between the Maximals and Predacons for centuries. Why start this up again?
- Megatron: Peace belongs on your side, Maximal scum! Yeesss. But not on ours. Permit me to inform that an enemy which appears to be peaceful may in fact be merely... bidding it's time.
- Cheetor: [fixes his gun] Finally!
- Megatron: We Predacons have never abandoned our rightful goal of galactic conquest. Nooo! We have merely been waiting... for the right moment, to strike!
- Cheetor: You mean like THIS?! [shoots Megatron right in the neck]
- Optimus: Cheetor!
- Megatron: [in a sadistic tone] Ah, a treacherous under-handed sneak attack. Oh, I like you pussy cat, yeeesssss. But it shall avail you not, no! For not the power gauntlet has been cast. Predacons; Terroize!
- Optimus: [to the Maximals] Do it! Maximize! [all the Maximals and Predacons transform into robot mode]
- [Optimus and Dinobot duel for leadership of the Maximals. They lock swords and push against each other.]
- Optimus: [about Dinobot's concept of honour] For a Predacon, Dinobot...[straining with effort] ... you have qualities I could like!
- Dinobot: And you... have proven to be a worthy adversary... I will have you recycled... with full honours.
- Optimus: Well... that's... just... PRIME!
- Megatron: Well, well. This is an interesting sight, yeesss. Optimus Primal and the traitor Dinobot, engaged in battle.
- Scorponok: Who do you think's gonna win?
- Waspinator: Ooooooh, Waspinator bet on Optimus!
- Tarantulas: [snickers] The winner isn't what interests me.
- Megatron: Nor me. Nooo. How much more... preferable it would be if they both lost... Yeeesssss...
- [Waspinator and Terrorsaur retreat. Dinobot fires after them, and accidentally knocks down a large rock, which almost crushes Rhinox.]
- Rattrap: I knew it, you traitor! You tried to scrap my pal! [Pounces on Dinobot and prepares to shoot him in the face] Once a Pred, always a Pred!
- Optimus: Ease off, Rattrap. It was an accident.
- Rattrap: Says you!
- Optimus: That's right, "Says me!" You wanna question my orders one more time?!
- Megatron: Across the galaxy it has come to this, Optimus Primal. Face to face, tooth to claw. Yeeessss... Have you anything to say?
- Optimus: I'd say that's PRIME. Let's do it!
- [After chasing Cheetor into a ventilation system.]
- Scorponok: He's gone into the vents. You'd better report this to Megatron.
- Waspinator: Me?! You're second-in-command!
- Scorponok: So make it an order!
- Terrorsaur: Blast those Maximals! They destroyed my power! But at least I got rid of Megatron...
- [A rebuilt Megatron emerges from the Darkside.]
- Megatron: Well, well. Look who's back!
- Terrorsaur: [goes pale] Help!
- [The Maximals and Predacons are in the Ark, with Optimus Primal carrying the spark of Optimus Prime]
- Optimus: Not here! Do you understand?! Take it outside! Rhinox, keep those repairs coming.
- Megatron: Ah, I see we have a new "Optimal Optimus" to deal with. And carrying Prime's spark as well.
- Optimus: I said outside!
- Megatron: You wouldn't dare fire in here! It might upset history.
- Optimus: We'd have 4 million years to clean you off the walls Megatron. I might risk it!
- Inferno: I will protect you, Royalty!
- Megatron: No, Inferno! Not this time. This is not the end of it, Optimal Optimus, no. The Universe cowered once at the name of Megatron, and it shall do so again!
- Optimus: Freedom is the right of all sentient beings, Megatron!
- Megatron: Then they'd better stay out of my way!
- Dinobot: [Arguing with Rattrap] With Optimus gone, I should be... [Rhinox grabs him by the neck and lifts him off the ground]
- Rhinox: I'm in a bad mood. Understand?
- Dinobot: [weakly] Uh-huh!
- Rattrap: Get yer shiny new butt skyward and see if you can find Chopperface before the Preds do.
- Cheetor: You mean, fly?
- Rattrap: Do I mean fly? NO! I meant take a submarine. Of course I mean fly!
- [Rattrap converts to vehicle mode]
- Rattrap: As for you, hop on!
- [Dinobot shudders in disgust]
- [Tarantulas is preparing to feast on Cheetor]
- Cheetor: This is a really dumb plan, web brain. I don't have any real blood, just mech fluid.
- Taratulas: Oh, my filters will adjust. It is the act I enjoy more than the nourishments.
- Rattrap: [from behind] Y'know, you're one sick bug, Eight-Eyes!
- [Dinobot is telling the Maximals about how he fought a clone of his]
- Rattrap: Besides, if there was a clone, then where is he?
- Dinobot: I'm afraid he's gone for good. A shame really. He was such a handsome creature. And…quite tasty.
- [Dinobot flicks a piece of flesh from between his teeth at Optimus Primal's face and belches. Cheetor gives him a thumbs-up, Rattrap stares at him, Rhinox frowns and Optimus says...]
- Optimus Primal: You're disgusting.
- [Dinobot smiles]
- Scorponok: There it is, just as Megatron said.
- Blackarachnia: "Just as Megatron said, just as Megatron said." Don't you even get tired of groveling to that saurian?
- Scorponok: [dangerously] Megatron is our leader. He rewards loyalty and punishes those who oppose his will.
- Blackarachnia: Oh, I'm all a-quiver.
- Dinobot: Unlike you, I do not spend my time scurrying though sewers!
- Rattrap: Yeah?! Well a sewer smells better than your breath, Bronto-brain!
- Dinobot: Grrr! You'll get used to it when I bite your useless head off!
- [At this point, Tarantulas gets up and points his gun at the two]
- Tarantulas: DIE, MAXIMALS!
- Rattrap and Dinobot: SHUT UP!!! [They both punch Tarantulas, knocking him out again]
- [Rattrap is trying to break into the Ark]
- Optimus Primal: We have to get inside!
- Rattrap: Oh, it's jammed! Oh, the power surge musta—
- [Rhinox growls angrily, then shoots the locking mechanism with the Chainguns of Doom]
- [Waspinator has been knocked silly by Rhinox]
- Waspinator: [makes funny noises] Destroy all Autobot-bot-bots-bots!
- Megatron: Waspinator! What are you buzzing about?!
- Waspinator: Waspinator? Negative-negative-negative. I am Shrapnel, Decepticon hero-o-o-o.
- Blackarachnia: Shrapnel? That was a Decepticon from the Great War three centuries ago! He's wacko.
- Waspinator: Wacko? No, Wonko! Wonko the Sane! [salutes the audience, then begins punching his own head]
- [Megatron has reformatted Rhinox into a Predacon, who has systematically wrecked the other Predacons and turned on him]
- Megatron: Rhinox... Such a pleasure to see you, Rhinox.
- Rhinox: Always a treat to see you, too.
- Megatron: Traitor!
- Rhinox: Yup, you got a point there! In which case; Rhinox, TERRORIZE! [transforms] They're playin our song, Megatron; time to dance!
- Megatron: Oh I do so hate to disappoint, but you won't mind if I sit this one out?
- [Megatron has reformatted Rhinox into a Predacon, who has systematically wrecked the other Predacons and turned on him]
- Rhinox: Well what do you know? I win. Reprograming me was the worst mistake you ever made, 'cause now that I'm a Predacon, I'm just a little too crafty for you.
- Megatron: ... Yes, I see this now.
- Rhinox: It's called irony, sport. I take over and you head straight for the recycling bin, yesss.
- Megatron: So it would seem, and even now, Rhinox, you're teaching me a very valuable lesson.
- Rhinox: Yeah, what's that?
- Megatron: Sometimes Predacons gloat too much. [Activates a machine, turning Rhinox back into a Maximal]
- Megatron: Good work, Inferno. Now go and repair yourself.
- Inferno: Yes, my Queen!
- Megatron:...I wish he wouldn't call me that.
- [The Predacons have faked their own deaths to trick the Maximals, and are hiding in a crevice. Tarantulas eats a rat, letting the tail drop on Terrorsaur.]
- Terrorsaur: Stop slobbering on me, Tarantulas!
- Tarantulas: I am feasting!
- Waspinator: [pushing against Tarantulas's abdomen] Give Waspinator room! Tarantulas fat enough.
- Tarantulas: If Waspinator doesn't stop cuddling me like a stuffed toy when he sleeps, I will eat him as well!
- Waspinator: I'd like to see you try!
- Tarantulas: Oh, yes I will!
- [Waspinator and Tarantulas begin a loud, undecipherable arguement.]
- Terrorsaur: YOU ALL MAKE ME SICK!!! I can't stand this any longer, Megatron! I've gotta get out of here!
- [Terrorsaur is so mad that he even starts to hop and laugh maniacally, until Scorponok punches him.]
- Scorponok: We wouldn't be here if you hadn't tripped over that spy cable.
- Megatron: You are correct, Scorponok. But thanks to Terrorsaur's inadvertant discovery of our enemy's spy camera, we were able to pull off this little... deception. Yesss.
- Blackarachnia: But what if they detect us? Do not forget that my signature-damping device is only experimental.
- Megatron: We have only to wait until they repair their ship, and then attack while their guard is down. With the Maximal ship in our posession, we will be able to recover the orbiting stasis pods, containing Maximals "eager" [evil chuckle] to become new Predacons. [stomps over to Terrorsaur] SO NO ONE LEAVES!
- Terrorsaur: Leaving? [nervous chuckle] Who said anything about leaving?
- [Dinobot is attempting to single-handedly fight off a Predacon attack on the ancestors of the human race, but is blasted by Quickstrike back into some rocks severely damaging him]
- Quickstrike: Well, howdy, haha! Don't bother getting up, I'll just kick you while you're down!
- Dinobot groans but fires a blast from his eye lasers knocking Quickstrike back then gets to his feet and attempts to fire another blast.
- Automated System Diagnostic: Warning, systems failing. [Quickstrike's eye narrow smugly.]
- Quickstrike: [gloating and tauntingly] So, what's a warrior without weapons, eh?
- Dinobot: A warrior still! [Punches Quickstrike twice, then throws him so he lands on his head, knocking him out]
- Tigatron: Lie still. You've been hit. Your beast mode will make repairs but it will take time.
- Airazor: But Blackarachnia and Scorpinok. Oh.
- Tigatron: I intercepted one of Scorpinok's cyberbees. I was able to reprogram it while you were unconscious. With luck it should reach the Maximal base right about now.
- Airazor: You may need backup.
- Tigatron: I hunt better, alone.
- Airazor: Or sometimes you can be too alone.
- Airazor: But it wouldn’t hurt to visit us now and then would it?
- Tigatron: No, I don’t suppose it would. Farewell my friends.
- Tigatron: (referring to both the planet and Airazor) I'd forgotten what beauty this planet once offered.
- Airazor: Tigatron!
- Tigatron: Airazor!
- Tigatron: Wherever we go, my spark will find yours!
- Airazor: And mine… yours!
- Silverbolt: Blackarachnia, I want you to return with me, to the Maximals.
- Blackarachnia: Get a clue, you canine cretin! I'm a Predacon! I'm evil! I'll shoot you--
- Silverbolt: No. My heart tell me that you will not.
- Blackarachnia: Oh yeah? [shoots him in the leg]
- Silverbolt: [shocked] You... SHOT me!
- Blackarachnia: No duh, Dog-Boy! I'm evil!! Now do you believe me?
- Silverbolt: And yet... you ensured the wound would not be mortal. Your inner Maximal goodness—
- Silverbolt: I know how you're feeling. You don't know whether to kiss me, or kill me.
- Blackarachina: [angrily] I'm a black widow spider, you idiot! [suggestive] I can do both.
- [Waspinator, a little way ahead, transforms and looks at his map.]
- Waspinator: Wazzpinator has reached coordinates! [Checks map]] Hmm...that weird- [Gets blown to pieces by the stasis pod Silverbolt and Blackarachnia were riding.]
- Blackarachnia: What are you looking at?
- Silverbolt: That star. It's a planet really. It's Venus. It reminds me of you.
- Blackarachnia: Dark, hot, deadly, and poisonous? You're sweet.
- Silverbolt: No, wait. That's not what I meant...
- Depth Charge: I have no time for you X.
- Rampage: Like you had no time for Starbase Rugby. You had friends there! As I recall. Tasty ones too.
- Blackarachnia: I'm tired of being your slave. Terminate the link between us or I'll crack this cube, and you know what will happen then.
- Tarantulas: You don't have the nerve. Besides, I can stop you with a single thought.
- Blackarachnia: Really? I'm betting the energon radiation will interfere with our link.
- Tarantulas: Will it? Let's find out!
- [Tarantulas tries to enter Blackarachnia's head.]
- Blackarachnia: I warned you!
- [Upon cracking the energon cube, Blackarachnia starts to scream.]
- Tarantulas: Demon!! What have you done?! Stop this insanity, She-Spider! Throw the cube away!
- Blackarachnia: ... Never!... I will be free... one way or another!...
- Tarantulas: Fine! Go ahead and delete yourself for all I - [suddenly wails in pain] ... The cyberlink works both ways!... I share your pain...
- Blackarachnia: ... Then sever the link, Tarantulas!... Save us both!...
- Tarantulas: ... No... I can't...
- Blackarachnia: ... Then... we go off-line... together!
- Tarantulas: ... Fine!... You win!... Again!... The link is broken... Get out of my mind! GET OOOUUT!!
- Blackarachnia: [throws the cube away] Told you I'd be free.
- Tarantulas: [angry] But you won't live to gloat about it. I'm going to take you apart, piece by treacherous piece.
- [Tarantulas takes Blackarachnia into a choke-hold]
- Blackarachnia: You?! What are you doing here?!
- Tarantulas: You have some information I need.
- [Megatron listens through a radio he planted on Tarantulas]
- Megatron: Yeeesss, let's hear it...
- Blackarachnia: Okay, Tarantulas, here's the scoop: Megatron is a slag-sucking saurian. Got it?
- Megatron: [growls] She'll pay for that!
- Cheetor: Silverbolt?
- Silverbolt: Yes?
- Cheetor: Well, I just, kinda wanted to say I'm really sorry about all this and well I promise I'll bring her in with minimal damage, okay?
- Silverbolt: Well, that is very considerate of you, Cheetor... and I am sorry too.
- Cheetor: Sorry? For what?
- Silverbolt: For... THIS! [Silverbolt punches Cheetor and knocks him down] Cheetor, how do you feel?
- Cheetor: Woah, a little dizzy, but I'll be okay.
- Silverbolt: Then I am, again, sorry. [Silverbolt hits Cheetor again, knocking him out]
- Dinobot: [holding Tarantulas hostage] Do not fire, Megatron! I have a hostage!
- Megatron: Why, so you do! [Shoots Tarantulas]
- [The Maximals discover that Optimus Prime is critically wounded]
- Optimus Primal: Silverbolt! What—[gasps in horror at Prime's smoking head] Well, that's just prime!
- Rattrap: Or what's left of him, anyway.
- [Rhinox smacks Rattrap]
- [Optimus Primal has just fused his spark with that of Optimus Prime]
- Cheetor: Bigbot? How do you feel?
- Optimus Primal: In a word... PRIME!!
- [Waspinator has just been shocked by an energy surge from a computer]
- Megatron: Damage report.
- Waspinator : Waspinator in pain, but still functional.
- Megatron: Not YOU, imbecile, the COMPUTER!!
- [responding to a summons from Megatron]
- Blackarachnia: You bellowed?
- Megatron: I did, yesss.
- [Terrorsaur has been knocked into a cliff wall by a blast from Cheetor]
- Terrorsaur: [To Waspinator] DO SOMETHING!
- Waspinator: Terrorsaur not give signal!
- Terrorsaur: ATTACK, YOU IMBECILE!!
- Waspinator: [To viewer]] Waspinator will engage enemy.
- [After Megatron has one of his infamous monologues]
- Blackarachnia: Why do you always talk to yourself?
- Megatron: Oh, I just feel the need for... intelligent conversation.
- Depth Charge: I have no time for you now, X.
- Rampage: Just like you had you had no time for Starbase Rugby? You had friends there, as I recall; tasty ones, too.
- [The final battle between Megatron and Optimal Optimus]
- Megatron: Well?! Let's have it! The usual "destiny and honour" speech!
- Optimus Primal: Speech this. (Punches Megatron in the face)
- [Transwarp drive has shorted out, and the Axalon is plummiting to the ground]
- Rattrap: We're all gonna die!
- Dinobot: Wait! Look! Down in the sky! Is it a bird?
- Rhinox: Maybe a plane!
- Rattrap: Nah! It's Optimus!
- [Heroic music plays, as Optimus singlehandedly uses his jets to set the entire ship down safely]
- [After Silverbolt breaks through the Axalon's hull to find Blackarachnia]
- Rattrap: Ah, I used to be young like that.
- Optimus: ...What?!
- Rattrap: Err—I mean, we've got trouble! Oh yeah, trouble... with a capital "B"!
- Megatron: A stick? Against a Transmetal? Really, Dinobot, I think not! Face it Dinobot, you're old technology, obsolete! What can you possibly do?
- Dinobot: Improvise!
- Quickstrike: So, what's a warrior without weapons, eh?
- Dinobot: A warrior STILL!!!
- (Dinobot then proceeds to bash up Quickstrike despite his injured weaponless state.)
- Tarantulas: You shouldn't take your eyes off a spider. They tend to be venomous.
- Dinobot: But they still SQUASH!
- (Dinobot blasts loose a giant boulder above Tarantulas, which lands on top of Tarantulas.)
- [Waspinator has been possessed by the Spark of Starscream, and is attacking the Maximal base, outmaneuvering their fire]
- Cheetor: Hey, since when did Buzz-Brain learn to fly so fast?
- Starscream: Since his exostructure was commandeered by the Spark of AIR COMMANDER STARSCREAM!!!
- Dinobot: Starscream?! Impossible!
- [Megatron gets behind Dinobot and shoots him in the back]
- Megatron: Now now, Dinobot. We must pay attention, otherwise deary-me, look what happens!
- Megatron: First we conquered, now we devide. Tarantulas, Terrorsaur, you'll return with me. Scorponok and Blackarachnia will stay here, under the command of Starscream.
- Terrorsaur: Starscream? How come he gets promoted?
- [Megatron grabs Terrorsaur]
- Megatron: [to Starscream] Thus you are rewarded for your service. [to Terrorsaur] And thus you are encouraged to keep your beak shut!
- Starscream: Perhaps I'm being oversensitive, Blackarachnia, but is there something you're not telling me?
- Blackarachnia: More like something you're not telling us!
- Starscream: Such as?
- Blackarachnia: I scanned your file. You weren't blasted to scrap metal by Unicron. You got blasted by Galvatron! AFTER you betrayed him!
- [The Maximals pretend that Dinobot is seriously injured to trick Starscream]
- Rattrap: [to Dinobot] Lie still! And GROAN, for cryin' out loud! You're supposed to be half-dead!
- Dinobot: If you don't shut up, Vermin, you will be my role model!
- [Starscream holds Optimus and Dinobot hostage]
- Starscream: Attention, fools. The raptor and the ape are my prisoners! They will be destroyed unless you carry out my commands!
- Tigatron: We had an agreement, Starscream!
- Starscream: And now we have another one. If you wish to save the lives of your comrades, you will attack the Predacon base!
- Cheetor: The Pred base?! What is this?!
- Scorponok: It's called treachery!
- [Scorponok aims at Starscream, but is blasted away by Blackarachnia]
- Rattrap: [to Starscream] You... You're nothing but a schemin' snake in the grass!
- Starscream: Flattery will get you flattened, vermin. OBEY ME!!!
- [Dinobot 2 has just refused an order from Megatron]
- Megatron: What?! What possible reason do you have to disobey me?! I am your master! I am your creator!
- Dinobot 2: And I…have my honor!
- [Silverbolt has just saved Blackarachnia]
- Blackarachnia: Oh, no. You're not saving my life again? Even after I shot you?
- Silverbolt: It's my duty, ma'am. As a Maximal and a heroic character.
- Blackarachnia: You know, I like 'em big and stupid, but you're pushing it.
- Megatron: [quoting a Cybertronian verse] "And became the hero who said 'Hurt not the Earth, nor the sea, nor the trees, nor the very fabric of time', but the hero would not prevail."
- Optimus: Finish the quote, Megatron: "Nor would he surrender!"
- [Silverbolt returns from being alone with Blackarachnia]
- Rattrap: Where ya been, Bird-dog?
- Silverbolt: Scout patrol.
- Rattrap: Oh yeah, yeah, scout patrol, yeah. Find any new positions? [Silverbolt knocks him to the floor and puts a foot on his head]
[Rattrap blows up Ravage's ship, falls and lands in Rhinox's arms]
- Rattrap: Ahh...my hero! [Kisses Rhinox]
- Rhinox: [Drops him] Oh, get down!
[Megatron, Inferno, Quickstrike and Rampage are outside the Maximal base]
- Megatron: Quickstrike, you may lead.
- Quickstrike: Yeah! That's what I like to hear! [runs into the Maximal base]
- Inferno: Royalty, why was I not chosen?
- Megatron: Because Inferno, when expecting booby straps, [Quickstrike sets off a trap which punches him against a wall] always send a boob in first.
- Rattrap: Man. This is definitely not my day.
- Waspinator: No. Waspinator secures area. [transforms] Now, maximal will leave or be scraped.
- Rattrap: No chance, bug-face. I got here first. Heh, besides, we got a cease-fire going, remember.
- Waspinator: So? Waspinator not shoot [punches Rattrap].
- Rattrap: Man. It's amazing how sweet we're being these days.
- [Quickstrike has been put on trial for helping Tarantulas to betray Megatron. Megatron is judge (complete with hammer and wig) while Inferno is the secretary with the typewriter]
- Megatron: [hits his hammer] Let the trial commence! Waspinator will speak for the defense.
- Waspinator: Waspinator like defense. More defense and maybe Waspinator not get blown all the time!
- Quickstrike: [gloomily] Looks like this is my last ride.
- Waspinator: [clears his throat] Two-head throw Megatron in lava pit. Meagtron angry, think two-head a traitor. Want to slag two-head. Waspinator down with that!
- Quickstrike: Ah.
- Waspinator: Defense take a rest.
- Megatron: Ah, brilliant as always, yes. Predacons, your verdict? [Rampage and T2 Dinobot hold Quickstrike up]
- Quickstrike: Uh-oh. [Rampage and T2 Dinobot point their guns at Quickstrike]
- Megatron: Anything to say before sentence is carried out?
- Quickstrike: I know I've done you wrong, boss! Give me another chance! I swear I'll make it up to you!
- Megatron: Very well. Tell me why Tarantulas tried to destroy the Ark.
- Quickstrike: I plain don't know! What I do know is that dang spider double-crossed both of us! I'd be happy to track him down for you and kick his kiester!
- Megatron: [laughs] "Dang spider"? I applaud your good intentions... but we are through being lenient with traitors.
[Depth Charge emerges from a lake to finish off Rampage]
- Silverbolt: Quickly! We must pursue Waspinator!
- Depth Charge: Outta my way. I got a job to finish.
- Silverbolt: No! Waspinator has the Sentinel control modual. If Megatron gets his hands on-- [Depth Charge grabs him by the chest plate and holds him up in the air]
- Depth Charge: That's your war! I've got my own.
- Silverbolt: Perhaps you should remember what it means to be a Maximal... if you dare call yourself that again!
- Rattrap: Save your voice-box, 'Bolt. He's got what he wants.