Beauty and the Beast
Beauty and the Beast is a 1991 film about a young and beautiful French girl who falls in love with a hideous beast.
The most beautiful love story ever told.
- Directed by Gary Trousdale and Kirk Wise. Written by Roger Allers, Kelly Asbury, Brenda Chapman, Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont, Tom Ellery, Kevin Harkey, Robert Lence, Burny Mattinson, Brian Pimental, Joe Ranft, Chris Sanders, Bruce Woodside and Linda Woolverton.
- [first lines] Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a young Prince lived in a shining castle. Although he had everything his heart desired, the Prince was spoiled, selfish, and unkind. But then, one winter's night, an old beggar-woman came to the castle and offered him a single rose in return for shelter from the bitter cold. Repulsed by her haggard appearance, the Prince sneered at the gift and turned the old woman away. But she warned him not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty is found within. And when he dismissed her again, the old woman's ugliness melted away to reveal a beautiful Enchantress. The Prince tried to apologize, but it was too late, for she had seen that there was no love in his heart; and as punishment, she transformed him into a hideous Beast --- and placed a powerful spell on the castle and all who lived there. Ashamed of his monstrous form, the Beast concealed himself inside his castle, with a magic mirror as his only window to the outside world. The rose she had offered was truly an enchanted rose, which would bloom until his 21st year. If he could learn to love another, and earn her love in return by the time the last petal fell, then the spell would be broken. If not, he would be doomed to remain a beast for all time. As the years passed, he fell into despair and lost all hope. For who could ever learn to love a Beast?
- [growls] There's a stranger in here.
- So, you've come to stare at the BEAST, have you?!?
- Oh, it's no use. She's so beautiful, and I'm...Well, look at me!
- She'll never see me as anything...but a monster. It's hopeless.
- [To Mrs. Potts, Lumiere, and Cogsworth] But she is being so difficult!
- [singing] She glanced this way, I thought I saw. And when we touched, she didn't shudder at my paw. No, it can't be. I'll just ignore. But then she's never looked at me that way before.
- [said while dying in Belle's arms] You- You came back.
- [singing] Little town, it's a quiet village. Everyday like the one before. Little town, full of little people, waking up to say...
- [singing] There must be more than this provincial life!
- [singing] Ohhh, isn't this amazing? It's my favorite part because, you see, here's where she meets Prince Charming. But she won't discover that it's him till chapter three.
- Gaston, you are positively primeval.
- [singing] I want adventure in the great wide somewhere. I want it more than I can tell. And for once it might be grand, to have someone understand. I want so much more than they've got planned.
- [singing] There's something sweet and almost kind. But he was mean and he was coarse and unrefined. And now he's dear and so unsure. I wonder why I didn't see it there before.
- He's no monster Gaston, you are!
- (crying over the Beast's dead body) I love you.
- (looking into the prince's blue eyes; recognizing him as the Beast) It is you!
- [singing] Here in town there's only she, who is beautiful as me, so I'm making plans to woo and marry Belle!
- [singing] I'm especially good at expectorating... [spits]
- It's not right for a woman to read. Soon she starts getting ideas, and thinking...
- I'd like to thank you all for coming to my wedding. But first I'd better go in there and propose to the girl!
- [singing] I use antlers in all of my dec-orating!
- [singing] When I was a lad I ate four dozen eggs every morning to help me get large! And now that I'm grown I eat five dozen eggs, so I'm roughly the size of a BARGE!
- Were you in love with her, Beast? Did you honestly think she'd want you when she had someone like me?
- It's over, Beast! Belle is mine! (it was originally "Time to die!" but they changed it to fit Belle back into the scene.)
- What's the matter, Beast? [laughs wickedly] Too kind and gentle to fight back?
- [singing] And every last inch of me's covered in HAIR!
- [singing] Who can make up these endless refrains like Gaston?
- [singing] Screw your courage to the sticking place!
- Take whatever booty you can find, but remember: the Beast is mine!
- Ma chère, mademoiselle. It is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure that we welcome you tonight. And now, we invite you to relax, let us pull up a chair, as the dining room proudly presents... your dinner.
- Zut alors! She has emerged!
- It's a girl!
- NOW!
- Master, correct me if I'm wrong, but [chuckles] that might not be the best way to win the girl's affections.
- Master, since the girl will be staying with us for quite some time, I think you might want to offer her a more comfortable room? [The Beast snarls at him] Then again, maybe not.
- Sacre bleu! Invaders!
- Couldn't keep quiet, could we? Just had to invite him to stay, didn't we? [imitating Lumiere] "Serve him tea. Sit in ze master's chair. Pet de pooch!"
- As you can see, the psuedo-facade was stripped away to reveal a minimalist rococo design. Note the unusual inverted vaulted ceilings. This is yet another example of the late neoclassic Baroque period. And, as I always say, "If it's not Baroque, don't fix it!"
- Enchanted? He-he ha-ha! Who said anything about the castle being enchanted? Ha-ha-ha... [to Lumiere] It was you, wasn't it?
- As you were!
- [suggesting things to woo Belle] Flowers, chocolates, promises you don't intend to keep...
- You what?
Mrs. Potts
- [singing] Tale as old as time, true as it can be. Barely even friends, then somebody bends unexpectedly.
- After all this time, he's finally learned to love.
- But it's not enough. She has to love him in return.
- Now Chip, I'll not have you making up wild stories!
- Cheer up child. It'll turn out alright in the end.
- [To Villager] Up here, you scurvy scum! Now! [The tea cups dump scalding tea on Villager]
- Mama, there's a girl in the castle!
- See, I told ya!
- [about to break into the basement with Maurice's wood-chopping contraption] Here we go! [later, after doing so] You guys gotta try this thing.
- [last lines] Do I still have to sleep in the cupboard?
The Mob
- [singing] We don't like what we don't understand, in fact it scares us, and this monster is mysterious at least...
- [singing] Here we come, we're fifty strong, and fifty Frenchmen can't be wrong...
- KILL THE BEAST! - [boom] - KILL THE BEAST! - [boom]
- Gaston: [flicking through the pages of Belle's book] How can you read this? There's no pictures!
- Belle: [laughs] Well, some people use their imagination.
- Gaston: [tossing the book aside] Belle, it's about time you got your head out of those books and paid attention to more important things. Like me. The whole town's talking about it. It's not right for a woman to read. Soon she starts gettings ideas, and thinking...
- Belle: Gaston, you are positively primeval.
- Gaston: Why, thank you, Belle!
- [Belle raises her eyebrows in surprise.]
- [The Beast finds Maurice in the castle.]
- Beast: Who are you? What are you doing here?!
- Maurice: [frightened] I was lost in the woods and-and-
- Beast: You're not welcome here!
- Maurice: I'm sorry.
- Beast: What are you staring at?!
- Maurice: Nothing!
- Beast: So you've come to stare at the BEAST, have you?!
- Maurice: Please! I meant no harm. I just needed a place to stay.
- Beast: I'll give you a place to stay! [grabs Maurice]
- Maurice: No, please! No, no!
- Gaston: When Belle and I come out that door...
- LeFou: Oh, I know, I know! I strike up the band!
- [The band plays "Here Comes The Bride" very rapidly.]
- Gaston: [slams a tuba on LeFou's head] Not yet!
- LeFou: Thorry!
- Gaston: This is the day your dreams come true.
- Belle: What do you know about my dreams, Gaston?
- Gaston: Plenty! Here, picture this... [props his muddy boots on Belle's book] a rustic hunting lodge... [kicks off his boots and places his feet back on Belle's book] my latest kill roasting on the fire... and my little wife, massaging my feet... [flexes his feet twice; Belle notices Gaston's feet and shows some interest, but then plugs her nose when he mentions her massaging his feet, thinking his feet are stinky] while the little ones play on the floor with the dogs... [gets up] we'll have six or seven.
- Belle: Dogs?
- Gaston: [laughs] No, Belle! Strapping boys, like me!
- Belle: Imagine that. [picks up her book, wipes it off, and puts it away]
- Gaston: And do you know who that little wife will be?
- Belle: [sarcastically] Let me think...
- Gaston: You, Belle!
- Belle: [backs up against front door] Gaston... I-I'm speechless... I really don't know what to say...
- Gaston: [leans over her] Say you'll marry me!
- Belle: I'm very sorry, Gaston...but...but I just don't deserve you! [she opens the door and Gaston tumbles out]
- Belle: Papa? Papa? [Lumiere and Cogsworth go in] Hello? Is someone here? Wait! I'm looking for my father. I...That's funny. I'm sure there was someone. I-Is anyone here?
- Maurice: Belle?
- Belle: Papa! [grabs a torch and rushes to his cell door]
- Maurice: H-How did you find me?
- Belle: Oh, your hands are like ice. I've got to get you out of there.
- Maurice: Belle, I want you to leave this place.
- Belle: Who's done this to you?
- Maurice: No time to explain. You must go! Now!
- Belle: I won't leave you!
- Beast: What are you doing here?!
- [The Beast grabs Belle and turns her around, forcing her to let go of her torch.]
- Maurice: Run, Belle! [torch goes out]
- Belle: Who's there? Who are you?
- Beast: The master of this castle. [roars]
- Belle: I've come for my father. Please let him out. Can't you see he's sick?
- Beast: Then he shouldn't have trespassed here!
- Belle: But he could die. Please, I-I'll do anything.
- Beast: There's nothing you can do. He's my prisoner. [starts to leave]
- Belle: Oh, there must be some way I can...Wait! [The Beast stops in his tracks. Belle brings her face into the moonlight so he can see her.] Take me instead.
- Beast: You?! [considers] You would...take his place?
- Maurice: Belle, no! You don't know what you're doing!
- Belle: [not listening] If I did, would you let him go?
- Beast: Yes. But...you must promise to stay here forever.
- Belle: Come into the light.
- [The Beast does so. Upon seeing him for the first time, Belle gasps, scared.]
- Maurice: No, Belle! I won't let you do this!
- [Ignoring him, Belle gets up and stands before the Beast.]
- Belle: You have my word.
- Beast: Done!
- [He releases Maurice, who rushes to Belle's side.]
- Maurice: No, Belle, listen to me. I'm old. I've lived my life.
- [The Beast grabs Maurice away from Belle.]
- Belle: Wait.
- Maurice: Belle!
- Belle: Wait!
- [Cut to the Beast opening the castle door and dragging Maurice out.]
- Maurice: No, please spare my daughter. Please!
- Beast: She's no longer your concern. [throws Maurice into the Pallenquin and shuts its door] Take him to the village.
- Maurice: Let me out! Please let me out! Let me out! Please! Please!
- [The Pallenquin slinks like a spider while Belle, watching from afar, cries.]
- [The Beast returns to the dungeon after sending Maurice back to the village in exchange for Belle.]
- Lumiere: Master?
- Beast: [growls] What?
- Lumiere: Uh, since the girl is going to be with us for quite some time, I was thinking you might want to offer her a more comfortable room?
- [Beast growls louder this time and lumbers off without saying a word.]
- Lumiere: [with a nervous smile] Then again, maybe not!
- [Cut to the dungeon]
- Belle: [sobbing] You didn't even let me say goodbye! I'll never see him again! I didn't even get to say goodbye!
- [Beast hangs his head in shame.]
- Beast: I'll show you to your room.
- Belle: My room? But I thought--
- Beast: What, you wanna stay in the tower?
- Belle: No.
- Beast: Then follow me.
- [The Beast is leading Belle to her bed chamber with Lumiere lighting the way.]
- Lumiere: [whispers to the Beast] Say something to her.
- Beast: Huh? Oh. [to Belle] I, uh, hope you like it here. [Lumiere silently encourages him to keep talking] The castle is your home now so you can go anywhere you like except the West Wing.
- Belle: What's in the West-?
- Beast: [firmly] It's forbidden!
- (They arrive at the bed chamber.)
- Beast: Now if you need anything, my servants will attend you.
- Lumiere: [whispers] Dinner, invite her to dinner.
- Beast: You will join me for dinner! THAT'S NOT A REQUEST!
- [He slams the door shut. Belle, clearly regretting her decision, leaps onto her bed and weeps.]
- Gaston: [singing] Lefou, I'm afraid I've been thinking...
- Lefou: [singing] A dangerous pastime...
- Gaston: I know! [grabs Lefou]
- Beast: [through clenched teeth] Well, where is she?
- Cogsworth: Who? Oh, heh-heh, the girl. Yes, the girl. Well, actually, she's in the process of, er...circumstances being what they are...[despairingly] she's not coming.
- Beast: WHAT??!!!!!
- Belle: I'm not hungry!
- Lumiere: Uh, Master, I could be wrong, but [chuckles] that may not be the best way to win the girl's affections.
- Cogsworth: Please! Attempt to be a gentleman.
- Beast: [through clenched teeth] But she is being so difficult!
- Mrs. Potts: Gently, gently.
- Beast: [to Belle, muttering] Will you come down to dinner?
- Belle: No!
- Beast: [to the objects] Hmm?
- Cogsworth: Suave. Genteel.
- Beast: [back to Belle, with forced calm] It would give me great pleasure, if you would join me for dinner.
- Cogsworth: And we say please.
- Beast: Please?
- Belle: No, thank you!
- Belle: Yes, I can!!
- Beast: FINE!! THEN GO AHEAD AND STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARVE!!!!! [to the objects] If she doesn't eat with me, then she doesn't eat at all!
- [The Beast catches Belle in the West Wing and stops her from touching the enchanted rose, afraid she might damage it.]
- Beast: Why did you come here?
- Belle: I'm...I'm sorry.
- Beast: I warned you never to come here!
- Belle: I didn't mean any harm.
- Beast: Do you realize what you could have done???
- [The Beast thrashes at the furniture.]
- Belle: Stop!
- Beast: Get out!!
- Belle: No!
- [Terrified, Belle flees, and the Beast, realizing that he may have destroyed his chances with Belle, hangs his head in shame.]
- Belle: Here now. Oh, don't do that. Just hold still.
- [Belle puts a wet towel on the Beast's wounds. He roars in pain.]
- Beast: THAT HURTS!!!
- Belle: If you hold still, it wouldn't hurt as much!
- Beast: If you hadn't ran away, this wouldn't have happened!
- Belle: If you hadn't frightened me, I wouldn't have run away!
- Beast: [triumphantly] Well, you shouldn't have been in the West Wing!
- Belle: Well, you should learn to control your temper.
- [The Beast initially opens his mouth, but says nothing.]
- Belle: Now hold still. This might sting a little.
- [The Beast widens his eyes and grimaces as Belle reapplies the towel.]
- Belle: By the way, thank you...for saving my life.
- [The Beast stops grimacing and looks back at Belle.]
- Beast: You're welcome.
- Monsieur D'Arque: I don't usually leave the asylum in the middle of the night. But he said you'd make it worth my while.
- [Gaston tosses him a bag of money.]
- Monsieur D'Arque: Ah! I'm listening.
- Gaston: It's like this...I've got my heart set on marrying Belle. But she needs a little...persuasion.
- LeFou: [laughs] Turned him down flat.
- [LeFou laughs again, but Gaston decks him.]
- Gaston: Everyone knows her father is a lunatic. He was in here tonight, raving about a beast in a castle.
- Monsieur D'Arque: Maurice is harmless.
- Gaston: The point is Belle would do anything to keep him from being locked up.
- LeFou: [laughs] Yeah, even marry him.
- [Gaston threatens to deck him again and LeFou puts his mug over his eyes.]
- Monsieur D'arque: So you want me to lock her father in the asylum, unless she agrees to marry you?
- [Gaston and LeFou nod.]
- Monsieur D'Arque: Oh, that is despicable. [laughs sinisterly] I love it!
- [Cut to Maurice, who's back at his cottage, preparing to leave again.]
- Maurice: If no one will help me, then I'll go back alone! I-I don't care what it takes. I'll find that castle and somehow I'll get her out of there!
- [Maurice departs. Shortly afterwards, Gaston and LeFou barge in right.]
- Gaston: Belle! Maurice!
- LeFou: Oh well. [Laughs] I guess it's not going to work after all.
- [LeFou prepares to leave, but Gaston grabs him.]
- Gaston: They have to come back sometime. And when they do, we'll be ready for them. LeFou...[Throws him into a pile of snow]...don't move from that spot. Until Belle and her father come home. [leaves]
- LeFou: But...but I...[groans]...aw nuts!
- [LeFou hits the side of a wall and a pile of snow falls on top of him.]
- Beast: [referring to Belle] I've never felt this way about anyone. [determined] I want to do something for her...but what?
- Cogsworth: Oh, there's the usual things; flowers, chocolates, promises you don't intend to keep...
- Lumiere: Ahhhh, no, no! It has to be something very speical. Something that sparks her interest. [Realizes] Wait a minute!
- [Cut to the Beast with Belle]
- Beast: Belle, there's something I want to show you.
- [He starts opening the door, but then he closes it and turns back to Belle.]
- Beast: But first, you have to close your eyes.
- [Belle raises her eyebrow.]
- Beast: It's a surprise.
- [Belle closes her eyes. The Beast opens the door and leads her inside.]
- Belle: Can I open them?
- Beast: No, no, not yet! Wait here!
- [The Beast opens two curtains to let the light in and Belle, still closing her eyes, smiles.]
- Belle: Now can I open them?
- Beast: All right. Now!
- [Belle opens her eyes and sees that she has just stepped into the biggest library ever.]
- Belle: I can't believe it! I've never seen so many books in all my life.
- Beast: You...you like it?
- Belle: It's wonderful!
- Beast: Then it's yours.
- Belle: Thank you so much!
- Lumiere: Voila! [Sees that the Beast has been given ringlets] Oh, you look so...so...
- Beast: Stupid.
- Lumiere: Not quite ze word I was looking for. Perhaps a little more off the top?
- Beast: I let her go.
- Cogsworth: [chuckles] Yes. Splen- [realizes what the Beast just said] You, what? How could you do that?!
- Beast: I had to.
- Cogsworth: Yes, but...why?
- Beast: Because...I love her.
- [Cut to after Cogsworth tells the other objects.]
- Objects: He did WHAT?!
- Cogsworth: Yes. I'm afraid it's true.
- Chip: She's going away?
- Lumiere: But he was so close.
- Ms. Potts: After all this time, he's finally learned to love.
- Lumiere: [excitedly] That's it then! That should break the spell!
- Ms. Potts: But it's not enough. She has to love him in return.
- Cogsworth: Now, it's too late.
- Belle: [Answering the door] May I help you?
- Monsieur D'Arque: I've come to collect your father.
- Belle: My father?
- Monsieur D'Arque: Don't worry, Mademoiselle. We'll take good care of him.
- [He backs away, showing a carriage to the insane asylum.]
- Belle: My father's not crazy!
- LeFou: He was raving like a lunatic! [to the villagers] We all heard him, didn't we?
- Villagers: Yeah!
- Belle: No, I won't let you!
- Maurice: [comes outside] Belle?
- LeFou: [teasingly] Maurice, tell us again old man. Just how big was the beast?
- Maurice: He was....He was enormous. I'd say at least eight....No, more like ten feet.
- LeFou: [laughs] Well, you don't get much crazier than that!
- [The Villagers laugh.]
- Maurice: It's true, I tell you!
- LeFou: Get him out of here!
- [Two men carry Maurice away.]
- Maurice: Let go of me!
- Belle: No, you can't do this!
- [Monsieur D'Arque shrugs her off. Gaston appears.]
- Gaston: Poor Belle. It's a shame about your father.
- Belle: You know he's not crazy, Gaston.
- Gaston: Hmm. I might be able to clear up this...little misunderstanding. If...
- Belle: If what?
- Gaston: If you marry me.
- [A look of revulsion crosses Belle's face, realizing that Gaston orchestrated the whole thing.]
- Belle: What?
- Gaston: One little word, Belle. That's all it takes.
- Belle: Never!
- Gaston: Have it your way!
- Maurice: Belle! [Belle runs back into the house as Maurice turns to his captors.] Let go of me!
- [Belle runs back outside with the magic mirror.]
- Belle: My father's not crazy and I can prove it! [To the mirror] Show me the Beast!
- [The mirror reveals the Beast and everyone yelps in terror.]
- Village Woman: Is it dangerous?!
- Belle: Oh no-no, he-he'd never hurt anyone! Please! I know he looks vicious, but he's really kind and gentle. He's my friend.
- Gaston: If I didn't know better, I'd think you'd have feelings for this monster.
- Belle: He's no monster, Gaston. YOU ARE!
- [Gaston becomes visibly enraged.]
- Gaston: She's as crazy as the old man! [Takes the mirror from Belle and turns to the crowd] The Beast will make off with your children! [Crowd gasps] He'll come after them in the night!
- Belle: No!
- Gaston: We're not safe until his head is mounted on my wall! I say we kill the Beast!
- Villagers: Yeah!
- [About the Beast]
- Man 1: [singing] We're not safe until he's dead!
- Man 2: [singing] He'll come stalking us at night!
- Woman: [singing] Set to sacrifice our children to his monstrous appetite!
- Man 3: [singing] He'll wreak havoc on our village if we let him wander free!
- Gaston: [singing] So it's time to take some action, boys! It's time to follow me!
- Through the mist, through the woods,
- Through the darkness and the shadows;
- It's a nightmare, but it's one exciting ride!
- Say a prayer, then we're there
- At the drawbridge of a castle,
- And there's something truly terrible inside.
- It's a Beast! He's got fangs, razor sharp ones!
- Massive paws, killer claws for the feast!
- Hear him roar, see him foam,
- But we're not coming home
- 'Til he's dead! Good and dead!
- Kill the Beast!
- Belle: No! I won't let you do this!
- Gaston: If you're not with us, you're against us! Bring the old man!
- [Guards throw Maurice into the cellar.]
- Maurice: Get your hands off me!
- [Gaston throws Belle in as well.]
- Gaston: We can't have them running off to warn the creature. [slams the cellar door]
- Belle: Let us out!
- Gaston: We'll rid the village of this Beast. Who's with me?!
- Mob: I am! I am! I am! [singing] Light your torch, mount your horse!
- Gaston: [singing] Screw your courage to the sticking place!
- Mob: [singing] We're counting on Gaston to lead the way!
- Through the mist, through the woods,
- Where, within a haunted castle,
- Something's lurking that you don't see ev'ry day!
- It's a beast, one as tall as a mountain!
- We won't rest 'til he's good and deceased!
- Sally forth, tally ho!
- Grab your sword, grab your bow!
- Praise the Lord and here we go!
- Gaston: We'll lay siege to the castle and bring back his head!
- [The Beast lays dying with Belle at his side. Meanwhile, the rose is down to its last petal.]
- Beast: You...you came back...
- Belle: Of course I came back. I couldn't let them... [hugs the Beast] Oh, this is all my fault. If only I'd gotten here sooner...
- Beast: Maybe...it's better...it's better this way...
- Belle: Don't talk like that. You'll be all right. We're together now. Everything's going to be fine. You'll see.
- [Knowing better, the Beast reaches up and touches Belle's cheek.]
- Beast: At least...I got to see you...one last time.
- (His hand falls and his eyes close.)
- Belle: No. No! Please. Please! Please don't leave me! (Sobs) ...I love you...
- [The last petal falls away, leaving Cogsworth, Lumiere, and Mrs. Potts distraught.]
- [Belle's admission that she loves the Beast breaks the spell and turns him back into a human, bringing him back to life as well; he turns around and sees Belle for the first time as a human.]
- The Prince: Belle...it's me!
- [Belle gazes into his eyes and recognizes him.]
- Belle: It is you!
- [The two of them kiss, which effectively breaks the spell on the castle and turns all the objects back into humans as well.]
- The Prince: Lumiere! Cogsworth! Mrs. Potts! Look at us!
- Chip: Mama! Mama!
- [Chip and the footstool respectively turn back into a boy and a dog.]
- Cogsworth: [shakes Lumiere's hand in truce] Well, Lumiere, old friend. Shall we let bygones be bygones?
- Lumiere: Of course, mon ami. I told you she would break ze spell!
- Cogsworth: I beg your pardon, old friend, [laughs] but I believe I told you.
- Lumiere: No, you didn't! I told you!
- Cogsworth: You most certainly did not, you pompous, paraffin-headed peabrain!
- Lumiere: En garde, you-you overgrown pocket watch!
- [The two begin fighting again.]
- Robby Benson — Beast (voice)
- Paige O'Hara — Belle (voice)
- Richard White — Gaston (voice)
- Jerry Orbach — Lumiere (voice)
- David Ogden Stiers — Cogsworth/Narrator (voice)
- Angela Lansbury — Mrs. Potts
- Jesse Corti — Lefou (voice)
- Bradley Pierce — Chip (voice)
- Kimmy Robertson — Featherduster (voice)