
Beyond Good and Evil
Jenseits von Gut und Böse [Beyond Good and Evil] (1886) is a major 19th century philosophical work by Friedrich Nietzsche
Aphorism 9
- So you want to live 'according to nature?' Oh, you noble Stoics, what a fraud is in this phrase! Imagine something like nature, profligate without measure, indifferent without measure, without purpose and regard, without mercy and justice, fertile and barren and uncertain at the same time, think of indifference itself as power — how could you live according to this indifference? Living — isn't that wanting specifically to be something other than this nature? Isn't living assessing, preferring, being unfair, being limited, wanting to be different? And assuming your imperative to 'live according to nature' basically amounts to 'living according to life' — well how could you not? Why make a principle out of what you yourselves are and must be?
Aphorism 13
- Physiologists should think twice before positioning the drive for self-preservation as the cardinal drive of an organic being. Above all, a living thing wants to discharge its strength — life itself is will to power -: self-preservation is only one of the indirect and most frequent consequences of this.
Aphorism 29
- Independence is an issue that concerns very few people: — it is a prerogative of the strong. And even when somebody has every right to be independent, if he attempts such a thing without having to do so, he proves that he is probably not only strong, but brave to the point of madness. He enters a labyrinth, he multiplies by a thousand the dangers already inherent in the very act of living, not the least of which is the fact that no one with eyes will see how and where he gets lost and lonely and is torn limb from limb by some cave-Minotaur of conscience. And assuming a man like this is destroyed, it is an event so far from human comprehension that people do not feel it or feel for him: — and he cannot go back again! He cannot go back to their pity again!
- Variant translation: It is the business of the very few to be independent; it is a privilege of the strong. And whoever attempts it, even with the best right, but without being obliged to do so, proves that he is probably not only strong, but also daring beyond measure. He enters into a labyrinth, he multiplies a thousandfold the dangers which life in itself already brings with it; not the least of which is that no one can see how and where he loses his way, becomes isolated, and is torn piecemeal by some minotaur of conscience. Supposing such a one comes to grief, it is so far from the comprehension of men that they neither feel it, nor sympathize with it. And he cannot any longer go back! He cannot even go back again to the sympathy of men!
Aphorism 54
- People used to believe in 'the soul' as they believed in grammar and the grammatical subject: people said that 'I' was a condition and 'think' was a predicate and conditioned — thinking is an activity and a subject must be thought of as its cause. Now, with admirable tenacity and cunning, people are wondering whether they can get out of this net — wondering whether the reverse might be true: that 'think' is the condition and 'I' is conditioned, in which case 'I' would be a synthesis that only gets produced through thought itself.
Aphorism 55
- There is a great ladder of religious cruelty, and, of its many rungs, three are the most important. People used to make human sacrifices to their god, perhaps even sacrificing those they loved the best ... Then, during the moral epoch of humanity, people sacrificed the strongest instincts they had, their 'nature,' to their god; the joy of this particular festival shines in the cruel eyes of the ascetic, that enthusiastic piece of 'anti-nature.' Finally: what was left to be sacrificed? In the end, didn't people have to sacrifice all comfort and hope, everything holy or healing, any faith in hidden harmony or a future filled with justice and bliss? Didn't people have to sacrifice God himself and worship rocks, stupidity, gravity, fate, or nothingness out of sheer cruelty to themselves? To sacrifice God for nothingness — that paradoxical mystery of the final cruelty has been reserved for the race that is now approaching: by now we all know something about this.
Chapter IV: Maxims and Interludes
Aphorism 67
- Die Liebe zu Einem ist eine Barbarei: denn sie wird auf Unkosten aller Übrigen ausgeübt. Auch die Liebe zu Gott.
- Translation: Love of one is a piece of barbarism: for it is practised at the expense of all others. Love of God likewise.
- Source: Projekt Gutenberg-DE
- Translation source: Penguin Classics edition, translated by R. J. Hollingdale, ISBN 014044923X
Aphorism 68
- "Das habe ich getan" sagt mein Gedächtnis. Das kann ich nicht getan haben — sagt mein Stolz und bleibt unerbittlich. Endlich — gibt das Gedächtnis nach.
- "I have done that", says my memory. "I cannot have done that" — says my pride, and remains adamant. At last — memory yields.
- Source: Gutenberg-DE
- Translation source: Hollingdale
Aphorism 69
- One has only seen little of life, if one hasn't also seen the hand that mercifully — kills.
Aphorism 71
- The sage as astronomer. — If you still experience the stars as something "over you," you still don't have the eyes of a knower.
Aphorism 74
- Ein Mensch mit Genie ist unausstehlich, wenn er nicht mindestens noch zweierlei dazu besitzt: Dankbarkeit und Reinlichkeit.
- Translation: A man with genius is unendurable if he does not also possess at least two things: gratitude and cleanliness.
- Note: An earlier translation had "purity" in place of "cleanliness".
- Source: Gutenberg-DE
- Translation source: Hollingdale
Aphorism 85
- Die gleichen Affekte sind bei Mann und Weib doch im Tempo verschieden: deshalb hören Mann und Weib nicht auf, sich misszuverstehn.
- Translation: The same emotions in man and woman are, however, different in tempo: therefore man and woman never cease to misunderstand one another.
- Source: Gutenberg-DE
- Translation source: Hollingdale
Aphorism 94
- Reife des Mannes: das heisst den Ernst wiedergefunden haben, den man als Kind hatte, beim Spiel.
- Translation: Mature manhood: that means to have rediscovered the seriousness one had as a child at play.
- Source: Gutenberg-DE
- Translation source: Hollingdale
Aphorism 98
- Wenn man sein Gewissen dressirt, so küsst es uns zugleich, indem es beisst.
- Translation: If one trains one's conscience it will kiss us as it bites.
- Source: Gutenberg-DE
- Translation source: Hollingdale
Aphorism 120
- Die Sinnlichkeit übereilt oft das Wachsthum der Liebe, so dass die Wurzel schwach bleibt und leicht auszureissen ist.
- Translation: Sensuality often makes love grow too quickly, so that the root remains weak and is easy to pull out.
- Source: Gutenberg-DE
- Translation source: Hollingdale
Aphorism 132
- Man wird am besten für seine Tugenden bestraft.
- Translation: One is punished most for one's virtues.
- Note: An earlier translation had "best" in place of "most".
- Source: Gutenberg-DE
- Translation source: Hollingdale
Aphorism 136
- One seeks a midwife for his thoughts, another someone to whom he can be a midwife: thus originates a good conversation.
Aphorism 138
- Wir machen es auch im Wachen wie im Traume: wir erfinden und erdichten erst den Menschen, mit dem wir verkehren — und vergessen es sofort.
- Translation: What we do in dreams we also do when we are awake: we invent and fabricate the person with whom we associate — and immediately forget we have done so.
- Source: Gutenberg-DE
- Translation source: Hollingdale
Aphorism 143
- Was wir am besten thun, von dem möchte unsre Eitelkeit, dass es grade als Das gelte, was uns am schwersten werde. Zum Ursprung mancher Moral.
- Translation: Our vanity would have just that which we do best count as that which is hardest for us. The origin of many a morality.
- Source: Gutenberg-DE
- Translation source: Hollingdale
Aphorism 146
- Wer mit Ungeheuern kämpft, mag zusehn, dass er nicht dabei zum Ungeheuer wird. Und wenn du lange in einen Abgrund blickst, blickt der Abgrund auch in dich hinein.
- Translation: He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you.
- Source: Gutenberg-DE
- Translation source: Hollingdale
Aphorism 151
- Ein Talent haben ist nicht genug: man muss auch eure Erlaubniss dazu haben, — wie? meine Freunde?
- Translation: It is not enough to possess a talent: one must also possess your permission to possess it — eh, my friends?
- Source: Gutenberg-DE
- Translation source: Hollingdale
Aphorism 153
- Was aus Liebe gethan wird, geschieht immer jenseits von Gut und Böse.
- Translation: What is done out of love always takes place beyond good and evil.
- Source; Gutenberg-DE
- Translated by Helen Zimmern
Aphorism 156
- Der Irrsinn ist bei Einzelnen etwas Seltenes, — aber bei Gruppen, Parteien, Völkern, Zeiten die Regel.
- Translation: Madness is something rare in individuals — but in groups, parties, peoples, ages it is the rule.
- Source: Gutenberg-DE
- Translation source: Hollingdale
Aphorism 157
- Der Gedanke an den Selbstmord ist ein starkes Trostmittel: mit ihm kommt man gut über manche böse Nacht hinweg.
- Translation: The thought of suicide is a powerful solace: by means of it one gets through many a bad night.
- Source: Gutenberg-DE
- Translation source: Hollingdale
Aphorism 160
- Man liebt seine Erkenntniss nicht genug mehr, sobald man sie mittheilt.
- Translation: One no longer loves one's knowledge enough when one has communicated it.
- Source: Gutenberg-DE
- Translation source: Hollingdale
Aphorism 169
- Viel von sich reden kann auch ein Mittel sein, sich zu verbergen.
- Translation: To talk about oneself a great deal can also be a means of concealing oneself.
- Source: Gutenberg-DE
- Translation source: Hollingdale
Aphorism 171
- In a man devoted to knowledge, pity seems almost ridiculous, like delicate hands on a cyclops.
Aphorism 176
- Die Eitelkeit Andrer geht uns nur dann wider den Geschmack, wenn sie wider unsre Eitelkeit geht.
- Translation: The vanity of others is only counter to our taste when it is counter to our vanity.
- Translated by Helen Zimmern
Aphorism 177
- Ober Das, was "Wahrhaftigkeit" ist, war vielleicht noch Niemand wahrhaftig genug.
- Translation: With regard to what "truthfulness" is, perhaps nobody has ever been sufficiently truthful.
- Translated by Helen Zimmern
Aphorism 179
- Die Folgen unsrer Handlungen fassen uns am Schopfe, sehr gleichgültig dagegen, dass wir uns inzwischen "gebessert" haben.
- Translation: The consequences of our actions take us by the scruff of the neck, altogether indifferent to the fact that we have "improved" in the meantime.
- Source: Gutenberg-DE
- Translation source: Hollingdale
Aphorism 187
- Kurz, die Moralen sind auch nur eine Zeichensprache der Affekte.
- Translation: In short, systems of morals are only a sign-language of the emotions.
- Source: Gutenberg-DE
- Translated by Helen Zimmern
Aphorism 195
- The Jews — a people "born for slavery" as Tacitus and the whole ancient world says, "the chosen people" as they themselves say and believe — the Jews achieved that miracle of inversion of values thanks to which life on earth has for a couple of millennia acquired a new and dangerous fascination — their prophets fused "rich", "godless", "evil", "violent", "sensual" into one and were the first to coin the word "world" as a term of infamy. It is in this inversion of values ... that the significance of the Jewish people resides: with them there begins the slave revolt in morals.
Aphorism 287
- It is some basic certainty which the noble soul has about itself, something which does not allow itself to be sought out or found or perhaps even to be lost. The noble soul has reverence for itself.