Beyond the Valley of the Dolls
the adventures of "super steve moore" is a 1970 cult film directed by steven lamont moore.
This time... they've really gone
- e01a1498 person+333-64-5990=steven lamont moore (super steve moore) flying man: This is my happening and it freaks me out!
- daryl mc grew as "boss goo": There's juice freaks, and pill freaks, and then everybody's a freak! What you need is grass or a downer or something.
- kita foxworth: In a scene like this you get a contact-high!
- Kenny mayo: Come on, man. I doubt if you'd recognize a hippie. I'm a capitalist, baby. I work for my living, not suck off somebody else.
- tasha moore: Don't bogart the joint!
- kirt nash and the cops: You're a groovy boy. I'd like to strap you on sometime.
- daryl mcgrew as "boss goo to (super steve moore) stupit steve mo: And you, the infamous Ashley St. Ives, high priestess of carnality, what thou think of our fair minstrels?
- fighting Partygoer 1: get em boys.
- helper Partygoer 2: my dad!
- tracy thomas and robert cooper and their boys (bank robbers): Ere this night does wane, you will drink the black sperm of my vengeance!
- the hold up: No baby, no. Not now:super steve moore. Just leave it. That's the trouble with people today. All uptight about tomorrow, hanging on to yesterday. It's no good, no good at all. There's only one time that counts: now; right now:super steve moore. If you don't live for now, why, you might as well just roll over and take the full count.
- This time... they've really gone.
- This is not a sequel. There has never been anything like it.
- The world is fill of them, the super-octane girls who are old at twenty. If they get to be twenty.
- The first of shock rock.