Bobby Fischer
Robert James Fischer was a USA born chess Grandmaster who later renounced his USA citizenship and became a Icelandic citizen in March 2005; World Chess Champion 1972-1975; usually known as Bobby Fischer.
On the game of chess
- Tactics flow from a positionally superior game.
- My 60 Memorable Games, 1969
- Best by test.
- On 1.e4, My 60 Memorable Games, 1969
- I have never opened with the QP - on principle.
- On 1.d4, My 60 Memorable Games, 1969
- Patzer sees a check, gives a check.
- My 60 Memorable Games, 1969
On the politics and rules of chess
- I love chess, and I didn't invent Fischerandom chess to destroy chess. I invented Fischerandom chess to keep chess going. Because I consider the old chess is dying, it really is dead. A lot of people come up with other rules of chess-type games, with 10x8 boards, new pieces, and all kinds of things. I'm really not interested in that. I want to keep the old chess flavor. I want to keep the old chess game. But just making a change so the starting positions are mixed, so it's not degenerated down to memorization and prearrangement like it is today.
- Radio Interview, June 27 1999 http://www.geocities.jp/bobbby_a/mp3/F_08_3.MP3
- You know I'm finished with the old chess because it's all just a lot of book and memorization you know.
- Radio Interview, January 27 2002 http://www.geocities.jp/bobbby_a/mp3/F_20_1.MP3
- In chess so much depends on opening theory, so the champions before the last century did not know as much as I do and other players do about opening theory. So if you just brought them back from the dead they wouldn’t do well. They’d get bad openings. You cannot compare the playing strength, you can only talk about natural ability. Memorization is enormously powerful. Some kid of fourteen today, or even younger, could get an opening advantage against Capablanca, and especially against the players of the previous century, like Morphy and Steinitz. Maybe they would still be able to outplay the young kid of today. Or maybe not, because nowadays when you get the opening advantage not only do you get the opening advantage, you know how to play, they have so many examples of what to do from this position. It is really deadly, and that is why I don’t like chess any more.
- Radio Interview, October 16 2006 http://www.geocities.jp/bobbby_a/mp3/F_35_3.MP3
- [Capablanca] wanted to change the rules already, back in the twenties, because he said chess was getting played out. He was right. Now chess is completely dead. It is all just memorization and prearrangement. It’s a terrible game now. Very uncreative.
- Radio Interview, October 16 2006 http://www.geocities.jp/bobbby_a/mp3/F_35_3.MP3
On other players
- They have nothing on me, those guys. They can't even touch me. Some people rate them better than me. That really bugs me. They think that no Americans play chess. When I meet those Russian patzers I'll put them in their place.
- Interview with Ralph Ginzburg, 1961 http://www.bobby-fischer.net/Bobby_Fischer_Articles4.html
- I have a minus score (against Spassky). I lost 3 and drew 2. I was better than him when I lost those games. I pressed for the win. My overall tournament record is much better than his. I'm not afraid of him, he's afraid of me.
- Interview prior to world championship match, 1972 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnAQN_iwNoA
- I'm not afraid of Spassky. The world knows I'm the best. You don't need a match to prove it.
- Interview by William Lombardy, 1972 http://www.bobby-fischer.net/Bobby_Fischer_Articles7.html
- Karpov, Kasparov, Korchnoi have absolutely destroyed chess by their immoral, unethical, prearranged games. These guys are really the lowest dogs around, and if people knew the truth about them, they would be held in more contempt than Ben Johnson, the runner, and they're going to know the truth when I do this book!
- Press Conference, September 1 1992 http://www.bobby-fischer.net/Bobby_Fischer_Articles6.html
- One of the reasons the God-damn Jews hate me so much, is that all my games are real. Nothing is prearranged, its all over the board, and if I play great, I play great. If I plunder my Queen, I'm looking to mate him too. That's real, y'know. Not like the God-damn Russian Jew players. It's all staged.
- Radio Interview, March 10 1999 http://www.geocities.jp/bobbby_a/mp3/F_05_1.MP3
- I studied that first Karpov-Kasparov match for a year and a half before i cracked it, what they were doing, and discovered that it was all prearranged move-by-move. There's no doubt of it in my mind.
- Radio Interview, June 27 1999 http://www.geocities.jp/bobbby_a/mp3/F_08_3.MP3
- I was going to do a book about the first prearranged Karpov-Kasparov match, '84-'85. But the God-damn Jews have stolen my entire file on that.
- Radio Interview, January 27 2002 http://www.geocities.jp/bobbby_a/mp3/F_20_1.MP3
- Morphy and Capablanca had enormous talent, they are two of my favorites. Steinitz was very great too. Alekhine was great, but I am not a big fan of his. Maybe it’s just my taste. I’ve studied his games a lot, but I much prefer Capablanca and Morphy. Alekhine had a rather heavy style, Capablanca was much more brilliant and talented, he had a real light touch. Everyone I’ve spoken to who saw Capablanca play still speak of him with awe. If you showed him any position he would instantly tell you the right move. When I used to go to the Manhattan Chess Club back in the fifties, I met a lot of old-timers there who knew Capablanca, because he used to come around to the Manhattan club in the forties — before he died in the early forties. They spoke about Capablanca with awe. I have never seen people speak about any chess player like that, before or since. Capablanca really was fantastic. But even he had his weaknesses, especially when you play over his games with his notes he would make idiotic statements like 'I played the rest of the game perfectly.' But then you play through the moves and it is not true at all. But the thing that was great about Capablanca was that he really spoke his mind, he said what he believed was true, he said what he felt.
- Radio Interview, October 16 2006 http://www.geocities.jp/bobbby_a/mp3/F_35_3.MP3
On himself
- I'm not as soft or as generous a person as I would be if the world hadn't changed me.
- Interview with Ralph Ginzburg, 1961 http://www.bobby-fischer.net/Bobby_Fischer_Articles4.html
- I don't keep any close friends. I don't keep any secrets. I don't need friends. I just tell everybody everything, that's all.
- Interview with Ralph Ginzburg, 1961 http://www.bobby-fischer.net/Bobby_Fischer_Articles4.html
- I have a crazy quirk, Eugene. I like to say what I think. And if you're gonna work for the Jews, you can no longer say what you think. You can't say the holocaust never happened, for example. That is an absolute no-no. You can't say that circumcision is a crime. There are so many things you cannot say once you get on the Jewish bandwagon. ... There used to be a lot of people like me, but little by little the Jewish spirit seems to be conquering all.
- Speaking to Eugene Torre on Bombo Radyo Philippines, May 24 1999 http://www.geocities.jp/bobbby_a/mp3/F_07_3.MP3
- I would rather be free in my mind, and be locked up in a prison cell, than to be a coward and not be able to say what I want.
- Radio Interview, May 24 1999 http://www.geocities.jp/bobbby_a/mp3/F_07_3.MP3
- I object to being called a chess genius because I consider myself to be an all around genius who just happens to play chess, which is rather different. A piece of garbage like Kasparov might be called a chess genius, but he's like an idiot savant. Outside of chess he knows nothing.
- Radio Interview, July 6 2001 http://www.geocities.jp/bobbby_a/mp3/F_18_1.MP3
- I grew up with the concept of freedom of speech. So I'm too old, it's too late for me to adjust to the new world, the new world order.
- Interview en-route to Iceland, March 24, 2005 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QryuMf8qZ0g
On America and Jews
- Yeah, there are too many Jews in chess. They seem to have taken away the class of the game. They don't seem to dress so nicely, you know. That's what I don't like.
- Interview with Ralph Ginzburg, 1961 http://www.bobby-fischer.net/Bobby_Fischer_Articles4.html
- What is going on is I am being persecuted night and day by the Jews, for telling it like it is. They want to put me in jail, they're robbing me of everything I have, they're continuously lying about me. I've had enough of this shit. The latest thing they've done is I had some stuff in storage back in Pasadena for 12 years, spent a fortune on storage fees, a fortune on safes... and these God-damn Jews in America have just gone and grabbed it all.
- Radio Interview, January 13 1999 http://www.geocities.jp/bobbby_a/mp3/F_01_1.MP3
- No lie is too big for a Jew, no lie is too small... Jews live by lying, and die with coming in contact with the truth.
- Radio Interview, February 9 1999 http://www.geocities.jp/bobbby_a/mp3/F_04_1.MP3
- They're lying bastards. Jews were always lying bastards throughout their history. They're a filthy, dirty, disgusting, vile, criminal people.
- Radio Interview, March 10 1999 http://www.geocities.jp/bobbby_a/mp3/F_05_3.MP3
- My main interest right now is to expose the Jews. This is alot bigger than me. They're not just persecuting me. This is not just my struggle, I'm not just doing this for myself... This is life and death for the world. These God-damn Jews have to be stopped. They're a menace to the whole world.
- Radio Interview, March 10 1999 http://www.geocities.jp/bobbby_a/mp3/F_05_3.MP3
- The Jews have been hardened against Christ, against decency for thousands of years... They're gonna have to be annihilated, Eugene.
- Speaking to Eugene Torre, Radio Interview, May 24 1999 http://www.geocities.jp/bobbby_a/mp3/F_07_1.MP3
- America is totally under control of the Jews, you know. I mean, look what they're doing in Yugoslavia... The Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense are dirty Jews.
- Radio Interview, May 24 1999 http://www.geocities.jp/bobbby_a/mp3/F_07_2.MP3
- They are subhuman. They are the scum of the Earth. When you talk about Americans, you're scraping the bottom of the barrel of humanity.
- Radio Interview, October 16 1999 http://www.geocities.jp/bobbby_a/mp3/F_09_2.MP3
- Hopefully the Jews will get it in the neck soon. They have alot of enemies all over the world. These biological weapons are getting very cheap and easy to deliver. I'm optimistic, I'm hoping that Washington DC will be wiped out.
- Radio Interview, October 16 1999 http://www.geocities.jp/bobbby_a/mp3/F_09_2.MP3
- I think that the Jews would like to eat me... I think they've got eating Fischer on their minds. They hate my guts. Or maybe they love my guts.
- Radio Interview, June 30 2001 http://www.geocities.jp/bobbby_a/mp3/F_17_3.MP3
- I'm very concerned because I think the Jews want to drive the elephants to extinction because the trunk of an elephant reminds them of an uncircumcised penis. I'm absolutely serious about that... Jews are sick, they're mental cases.
- Radio Interview, July 6 2001 http://www.geocities.jp/bobbby_a/mp3/F_18_1.MP3
- Circumcision is a crime. The Jews say they know better than millions of years of evolution... The only road to sanity for the Jews is to admit that circumcision is a crime.
- Radio Interview, July 6 2001 http://www.geocities.jp/bobbby_a/mp3/F_18_1.MP3
- The Jews are not fighters, they have miserable bodies. They're cunning like rats.
- Radio Interview, July 6 2001 http://www.geocities.jp/bobbby_a/mp3/F_18_1.MP3
- I was in Japan a couple of months ago, I saw a preview for the movie Pearl Harbor. And they showed the Japanese airplanes coming in to bomb Pearl Harbor, and I applauded. Nobody else in the theater applauded.
- Radio Interview, July 6 2001 http://www.geocities.jp/bobbby_a/mp3/F_18_3.MP3
- Look at all I've done for the US. Nobody has single-handedly done more for the US image than me, I really believe this. When I won the World Championship in '72, the United States had an image of, you know, a football country, baseball country, but nobody thought of it as an intellectual country. I turned all that around single-handedly, right? But I was useful then because there was the Cold War, right? But now I'm not useful anymore, you see, the Cold War is over, and now they want to wipe me out, steal everything I have, put me in prison, and so on.
- Radio Interview, September 11 2001 http://www.geocities.jp/bobbby_a/mp3/F_19_1.MP3
- Look at the history of the (United States). The history of the country is basically what? Get something for nothing, right? Take, kill. They invaded the country, they robbed the land of the American Indians, they killed almost all of them off... That's the history of the United States. A despicable country.
- Radio Interview, September 11 2001 http://www.geocities.jp/bobbby_a/mp3/F_19_1.MP3
- Jews are anti-social, destructive, intolerant, mean-spirited, deceitful, et cetera. They wish to destroy, rule and kill, rob whoever gets in their way. To facilitate them getting what they want, they have developed a perverted, unnatural, destructive, evil lifestyle. Even though they live off the non-Jews as parasites, they still hate them and wish to destroy them. Jews hate nature and the natural order, because it's pure and beautiful, and also because it's bigger and stronger than they are, and they feel that they can not fully control it. Nature's beauty and harmony stands in stark contrast to their squalidness and ugliness, and that makes them hate it all the more. Jews are destroyers. They are anti-humans. The anti-human Jew hates and wants to destroy all non-Jews. He will also destroy even other Jews who are less destructive and evil than he is, if they get in his way. Apparently, the wickedness of the Jew is genetically based. Jews are destroyers. They are anti-humans. By the act of circumcision, the Jew shows his hatred towards nature and the natural order. By this bloody, cruel, senseless act, he shows his cruelty and sadism, and that he will stop at nothing to obtain his ends. Surely the Jews are also behind the Islamic circumcision, which serves as an ideal cover and distraction from their own wickedness in this regard. Jews are truly anti-human and anti-nature. Jews are intensely selfish, intolerant and anti-social, et cetera. They are full of hate, greed, malice, et cetera. Naturally, other people, i.e. the non-Jews, don't like being bulldozed aside, robbed and murdered by the Jews, and will sooner or later resist. That is where the lies and deceit of the Jews come into place.
- Radio Interview, February 19 2005 http://www.geocities.jp/bobbby_a/mp3/F_31_2.MP3
- I don't think there'll be any (world) peace until these Jews are dealt with, Eugene. These people are animals, they're just bastards, y'know. Absolute animals.
- Speaking to Eugene Torre, Radio Interview, February 19 2005 http://www.geocities.jp/bobbby_a/mp3/F_31_2.MP3
- The United States is an illegitimate country, just like Israel. It has no right to exist. That country belongs to the Red man, the American Indian... It's actually a shame to be a so-called American, because everybody living there is a usurper, an invader taking part in this crime, which is to rob the land, rob the country and kill all the American Indians.
- Interview en-route to Iceland, March 24 2005 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QryuMf8qZ0g
- The United States is evil. There's this axis of evil. What about the allies of evil - the United States, England, Japan, Australia? These are the evildoers.
- Press conference in Iceland, March 25 2005 http://www.bobby-fischer.net/Fischer_clips_hair_but_not_views.htm
On religion
- I read a book lately by Nietzsche and he says religion is just to dull the senses of the people. I agree.
- Interview with Ralph Ginzburg, 1961 http://www.bobby-fischer.net/Bobby_Fischer_Articles4.html
- Our mind is all we've got. Not that it won't lead us astray sometimes, but we still have to analyze things out within ourselves.
- Interview for Ambassador Report, 1977 http://www.hwarmstrong.com/ar/Fischer.html
- Most people are sheep, and they need the support of others.
- Interview for Ambassador Report, 1977 http://www.hwarmstrong.com/ar/Fischer.html
- I had some personal problems, and I started listening to a lot of radio ministers. I listened every Sunday all day, flipping the dial up and back. So, I heard just about every guy on Sunday. And then I heard Mr. Armstrong, and I said, "Ah, God has finally shown me the one, I guess."
- Interview for Ambassador Report, 1977 http://www.hwarmstrong.com/ar/Fischer.html
- Well, I kind of split my life into two pieces. One was where my chess career lies. There, I kept my sanity, so to speak, and my logic. And the other was my religious life. I tried to apply what I learned in the church to my chess career too. But I still was studying chess. I wasn't just "trusting in God" to give me the moves.
- Interview for Ambassador Report, 1977 http://www.hwarmstrong.com/ar/Fischer.html
- (The Worldwide Church of God) cleaned my pockets out frankly. I have some money left, but not that much. I've got some assets. It's amazing they didn't get everything. Now my only income is a few royalty checks from my books. I was really very foolish, but I thought I was doing what I had to do. When I sent those checks off, I really didn't have the slightest qualms, no regrets, not the slightest. I don't really regret it that much, to tell you the truth, even now.
- Interview for Ambassador Report, 1977 http://www.hwarmstrong.com/ar/Fischer.html
- I can remember times coming home from a chess club at four in the morning when I was half asleep and half dead and forcing myself to pray an hour and study (the Bible) an hour. You know, I was half out of my head-stoned almost.
- Interview for Ambassador Report, 1977 http://www.hwarmstrong.com/ar/Fischer.html
- Church members shouldn't let themselves be confused. They begin not trusting in their own judgment, and then they're finished. That's a terrible, terrible thing. First, they get conducted in with a nice sweet program, no money, everything free, free, free. And then they get sucked in, and suddenly a few lies get mixed in. They are told that their human nature is wicked and these nice people who gave them all these things wouldn't be lying to them, would they? And then I think once you start distrusting your own mind you're finished. From there you just get more and more confused. Once you think that your own mind is not your friend any more-your own conscience and your own mind is not your friend-then I think you are on your way to insanity. You have been stripped bare. All your defenses are gone.
- Interview for Ambassador Report, 1977 http://www.hwarmstrong.com/ar/Fischer.html
- You don't learn anything in school. It's just a waste of time. You lug around books and all and do homework. They give too much homework. You shouldn't be doing homework. Nobody's interested in it. The teachers are stupid. They shouldn't have any women in there. They don't know how to teach. And they shouldn't make anyone go to school. You don't want to go, you don't go, that's all. It's ridiculous. I don't remember one thing I learned in school. I don't listen to weakies. My two and a half years in Erasmus High I wasted. I didn't like the whole thing. You have to mix with all those stupid kids. The teachers are even stupider than the kids. They talk down to the kids. Half of them are crazy. If they'd have let me, I would have quit before I was sixteen.
- Interview with Ralph Ginzburg, 1961 http://www.bobby-fischer.net/Bobby_Fischer_Articles4.html
- I don't like American girls. They're very conceited, you know. In Europe they're more pleasant.
- Interview with Ralph Ginzburg, 1961 http://www.bobby-fischer.net/Bobby_Fischer_Articles4.html
- Sometimes girls write me. One girl in Yugoslavia sent me a whole slew of love letters. I don't know how she got my address. She was in a crowd watching me play. She says when I left there the stars fell out of the sky over Yugoslavia, or something like that.
- Interview with Ralph Ginzburg, 1961 http://www.bobby-fischer.net/Bobby_Fischer_Articles4.html
- They're all weak, all women. They're stupid compared to men. They shouldn't play chess, you know. They're like beginners. They lose every single game against a man. There isn't a woman player in the world I can't give knight-odds to and still beat.
- Interview with Ralph Ginzburg, 1961 http://www.bobby-fischer.net/Bobby_Fischer_Articles4.html
- I despise the media... They're destroying reality, turning everything into media.
- Interview by Brad Darrach for Life Magazine, 1971 http://www.bobby-fischer.net/Bobby_Fischer_Articles5.html
- I'll play a lot, stake matches. Not like the Russians. They win the championship and then hide for three years. Every few months, anyway twice a year, I'd like to get up a purse and meet a challenger. It's good for the game, keeps up interest in chess, and it's good for the bank account. I want to get some money together. Like take professional football. All these athletes making hundreds of thousands of dollars. Contracts, endorsements. If there's room for all of them, there ought to be room for one of me. I mean, after all, I'm a great goodwill ambassador for the United States!
- Interview by Brad Darrach for Life Magazine, 1971 http://www.bobby-fischer.net/Bobby_Fischer_Articles5.html
- First of all, we have to understand what communism is. I mean, to me, real communism, the Soviet communism, is basically a mask for Bolshevism, which is a mask for Judaism.
- Press Conference, September 1 1992 http://www.mark-weeks.com/chess/92fs$$.htm
Quotations about Fischer
- His chess technique is nearly a miracle. In their youth, only a few players could handle the endgame so precisely. Only two such players are known to me, Smyslov and Capablanca.
- Former world chess champion Max Euwe about teenage Fischer.
- So why the unfair and out-of-line hysteria about Bobby? Well, it turns out that Bobby, an independent thinker in other fields than chess is definitely not Politically Correct. Apparently, even chess players are not allowed to stray beyond the narrow bounds of PC without being severely punished.
- Murray Rothbard, October 1992 http://www.lewrockwell.com/rothbard/ir/Ch58.html
- Bobby is a tragic personality... He is an honest and good natured man. Absolutely not social. He is not adaptable to everybody’s standards of life. He has a very high sense of justice and is unwilling to compromise as well as with his own conscience as with surrounding people. He is a person who is doing almost everything against himself. I would not like to defend or justify Bobby Fischer. He is what he is. I am asking only for one thing. For mercy, charity. If for some reason it is impossible, I would like to ask you the following: Please correct the mistake of President François Mitterand in 1992. Bobby and myself committed the same crime. Put sanctions against me also. Arrest me. And put me in the same cell with Bobby Fischer. And give us a chess set.
- Boris Spassky in an appeal to George W. Bush, August 7 2004 http://www.chessbase.com/newsdetail.asp?newsid=1843
- I don't want him in my cell. I want a chick in my cell.
- Fischer's response to Boris Spassky's letter to president Bush
- Fischer has become more virulently anti-Jewish since ceasing to play competitive chess. In denying himself chess, therefore, is he, in fact, denying his own Jewishness? As Cockburn writes: 'No player has ever been such a walking advertisement for the Freudian interpretation of chess.'
- The Observer, Sunday May 9, 1999
- Among this year’s worst news, for me, was the death of Bobby Fischer. Telling a friend this, I got, “Are you out of your bloody mind? He was a Nazi-praising raving lunatic and anti-Semite. Death is too good for him.” He did, indeed, become all that. But none of it describes the man I knew. Towering genius, riches, international fame and a far from normal childhood might be too heady a mix for anyone to handle. For him they proved fatal. I’m still sad about his death. In our three encounters on my late-night show, I became quite fond of him.http://cavett.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/02/08/was-it-only-a-game/
- Dick Cavett, February 8, 2008