Brian K. Vaughan
Brian K. Vaughan is the Eisner and Harvey Award-nominated co-creator of many critically acclaimed comic books.
The man is a complete wackadoo, but so is every great actor who ever lived. You gotta separate the artist from his/her art, or you won't be able to enjoy anything.
- I really like Colossus, actually, especially because only Ultimate writers get to use him. Eat it, Whedon!
- I've always thought of fantasy as a genre of best-case scenarios, and horror as a genre of worst-case scenarios.
- I'm the one who started spreading that particular factoid, about Bendis, Azz and me all being bald Brian's from Cleveland, just to get my name mentioned in the same sentence as two much-better writers, and it's worked like a goddamn charm. Next up, I'm going to grow a big, disgusting beard, just so people will start talking about Alan Moore and me in the same breath.
- If a good editor will let me tell my story with the right artist, I'm happy.
- Ain't It Cool News interview
- I just make crap up more than anything else.
- Ain't It Cool News interview
- It's TV shows like BUFFY and ANGEL that usually have an incredible cliffhanger every commercial break that amaze me.
- Ain't It Cool News interview
- Not a word of my writing has ever been changed by another person's hands, and I don't think many screenwriters can say that.
- Ain't It Cool News interview
- Comics are essentially films with fewer frames per second.
- I think it was born out of that grade school fantasy that a lot of nerds like me had, which was "I could probably get the cute red-headed girl that sits across from me, if only every other boy in the entire school dies."
- TALKING "Y" WITH BKV: THE BRIAN K. VAUGHN INTERVIEW conducted by Nolan Reese May 21, 2003
- Your own creations are your own children; you gave life to them, so you’ll always have, if not more passion to them, more connections to them.
- TALKING "Y" WITH BKV: THE BRIAN K. VAUGHN INTERVIEW conducted by Nolan Reese May 21, 2003
- But Cruise is really good!
The man is a complete wackadoo, but so is every great actor who ever lived. You gotta separate the artist from his/her art, or you won't be able to enjoy anything.
- I, for example, am a pompous asshole, but my comics are genius!
- "Writer's block" is just another word for video games. If you want to be a writer, get writing, you lazy bastards.
- MySpace blog, 09 April 2007
- When I was in college, I was belittling the woman who later become my wife for not knowing who Boba Fett was, and she responded by asking me if I knew who the Prime Minister of Israel was. Surprisingly? Not Mon Mothma.
- "It's about how boys become men — and why it takes women to make that transformation possible."
- In an Entertainment Weekly article, about the main theme of Y: the Last Man