Burt Rutan
Burt Rutan is an aerospace engineer, notable for designing SpaceShipOne.
- "If you don't have a consensus that it's nonsense, you don't have a breakthrough."
- From article: Taylor, Chris (Nov. 29, 2004). The Sky's the Limit. Time Magazine, p. 67.
- "I strongly feel that, if we are successful, our program will mark the beginning of a renaissance for manned space flight. This might even be similar to that wonderful time period between 1908 and 1912 when the world went from a total of ten airplane pilots to hundreds of airplane types and thousands of pilots in 39 countries. We need affordable space travel to inspire our youth, to let them know that they can experience their dreams, can set significant goals and be in a position to lead all of us to future progress in exploration, discovery and fun. Thanks to the X PRIZE [Foundation] for the inspiration."
- From website: The Ansari X PRIZE (http://www.xprize.org/teams/mojave_aerospace_ventures.php ). Retrieved Nov. 23, 2004.