Cameron Diaz

Cameron Michelle Diaz is an American film actress.


  • "My Latin roots are very strong. All my life, because I'm blonde and blue-eyed, people who aren't Hispanic can't believe I am. And people who are Hispanic always think I'm not, because I don't look like them. Being Latin is part of who I am and I bring that part to every role."

  • "An Egg McMuffin from McDonald's and a beer. You have to drink more alcohol; you've killed yourself with. Hair of the dog, that's what it is...... And you have to get grease. Grease is the only cure for a hangover."


  • I'm like every other woman: a closet full of clothes, but nothing to wear: So I wear jeans
    • Cameron Diaz on fashion diaz the holiday 2006 interview.shtml
  • I sincerely apologise to anyone I may have inadvertently offended...The bag was a purchase I made as a tourist in China.
    • Cameron Diaz after visiting Machu Picchu in Peru with a green bag which had a red star and the words "serve the people" printed in Chinese. BBC News
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