Camp Lazlo

Camp Lazlo is an Emmy nominated, American animated television series created by Joe Murray, produced by Cartoon Network Studios and currently airs on Cartoon Network. The show features a Boy Scout-like summer camp with a cast of all animal characters, along with a "retro" type of humor and silliness which is akin to Murray's previous series, Rocko's Modern Life. The show's setting is Camp Kidney, a scout camp that uses a theme: beans. There, a Brazilian spider monkey named Lazlo hangs and has adventures with his two best friends, Raj, a cautious, yet wise Indian elephant and Clam, an albino pygmy rhino who is very intelligent, however, he does not speak in complete sentences.

Theme song

There were some scouts who made a friend and Lazlo was his Name-O!
And Lazlo was his name-O!
And then the three went to camp and turned it upside-down-o!
And Lazlo was his name-O!!!!!

Beans are from Mars

  • Lazlo: The patient's eyes are googly again!
  • Lazlo: Raj, what's wrong with Clam?
  • (Clam is getting a brain freeze)
  • Raj: He has what we call the "brain freeze." (laughs then gets a brain freeze)
  • Lazlo: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Brain freeze! (gets a brain freeze and making funny faces)
  • Gretchen: Be Careful!
  • Nina: Your faces could stick that way.
  • Patsy: Especially since you just ate 16 gallons of frozen glue.
  • Nina: And, uh, everyone knows that aliens don't eat ice cream.
  • Lazlo: Oh, yeah? Let's recharge!
  • Squirrel Scouts: (screaming in terror as the Jelly scouts statically recharge themselves)
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