Carson Grant
Carson Grant is an American actor and artist.
- It was fun yet challenging to play the dual roles. I'm a really nice guy, and the character [of Dubious] is egocentric and hard-edged, so I had to pull out the negative aspects of me to attribute to the role.
- Davis, Leesa, "Who Got the Part: Carson Grant", Backstage, November 9, 2006, p. 18.
- About his film role in "Dear J" printed in 2006 Backstage
- The Arts, especially film, transcend all cultural barriers, hopefully offering an avenue where all people can find a common place to meet, understand each other, and nurture a safe world for all our children to grow strong within.
- Kaminsky, Denise, Aug 2006, "Carson Grant: Actor/Artist- A Lifetime of Art", Denise's Interviews and Media News, p.1
- About his thought on the Arts
- ...to harness and directed peaceful energy from the viewers under the mountain through a twenty foot, five pointed Texas Star Vortex which was hung between the two massive exterior columns on the balcony into the historically tarnished Dallas Dealy Plaza and book depository hoping to honor John F. Kennedy's memory.
- Kaminsky, Denise, Aug 2006, "Carson Grant: Actor/Artist- A Lifetime of Art", Denise's Interviews and Media News, p.1
- Prytyskacz,Jean, "Focus on an Artist", Westside Arts Coalition Newsletter, Spring 2007,p.5
- About a walk-under suspended cellophane and plastic 3-D hologram mountain installation Harmony Mountain (100' x 100') Carson constructed inside the second floor of the old Dallas Union Train Station for the SIGGRAPH 1990 Convention, Texas
- A is for audition sense, knowing what to prepare for auditions and finding your niche; B is for business sense, submitting through Back Stage, reading Ross Reports, allocating funds every week for materials; C is for common sense, knowing how to weed out scam artists and follow your instincts, not your ego D is for driving sense, performing regularly, taking classes, practicing your craft; and E is for exit sense, which, he says, means know when to leave an audition; exit your emotions. Look for and enter the next audition fresh and enthusiastic.
- Davis, Leesa, "Who Got the Part: Carson Grant", Backstage, November 9, 2006, p. 18.
- About his ABC's audition philosophy printed in 2006 Backstage.
- Remembering my grandfather, Colonel Sweet's pride with his membership in the Sons of the American Revolution, I am proud to be an American Compatriot.
- Vest, Stephen M., Spring 2008, "Welcome New Members Compatriots", The SAR Magazine, Vol. 102, No.4, p.46.
- Son of the American Revolution RI Chapter 2007 Ceremony.
- Taking on the responsibility of portraying a real person in history, preserving his genius while demonstrating the vulnerable crumbling of his personality, I researched carefully, and gained great respect for the contributions Mr. Hughes shared with the world.
- VanSchalkwyk, Cindy, "Native Son's Heart is in the Arts", Warren Times Gazette, Jan 11, 2007, p 1.
- About portraying Howard Hughes printed 2007 in the Warren Times Gazette