Cast-iron architecture
Dazed and Confused is a 1993 film about the adventures of incoming high school freshmen and seniors on the last day of school, in May of 1976.
It was the last day of school in 1976, a time they'd never forget... if only they could remember.taglines
- Written and directed by Richard Linklater.
David Wooderson
- Man, it's the same bullshit they tried to pull in my day. If it ain't that piece of paper, there's some other choice they're gonna try and make for you. You gotta do what Randall "Pink" Floyd wants to do, man. Let me tell you this, the older you do get the more rules they're gonna try to get you to follow. You just gotta keep livin' man, L-I-V-I-N.
Benny O'Donnell
- [on public address system, to junior high students] Okay, all you freshman fucks, listen up! Normally you'd be spending your freshman summer getting your asses busted, and running for your worthless little lives. But today, since we feel so sorry for you, we're gonna make it easy on ya; gonna save us all a lotta time. If you meet us here, right here, after school today, y'all only get one "lick" from each of us. But if you run like cowards, well, it's open season, all summer long, boys. Oh, and Mitch Kramer. Mitchy-Mitchy-Mitchy...We're gonna be lookin' for you, pal. Your ass is gonna be purple by the time this day's over. Have a nice afternoon. [kisses CB mic]
- Ms. Ginny Stroud: Okay guys, one more thing, this summer when you're being inundated with all this American bicentennial Fourth Of July brouhaha, don't forget what you're celebrating, and that's the fact that a bunch of slave-owning, aristocratic, white males didn't want to pay their taxes.
- Kaye: You know, you guys were in class trying to list all the "Gilligan's Island" episodes without even a hint of irony.
- Shavonne: What the hell are you talking about, girl?
- Kaye: You weren't thinking about it, were you?
- Shavonne: Gilligan's Island?
- Kaye: It's what's called a male pornographic fantasy.
- Shavonne: Oh my...
- Kaye: Think about it. You're basically alone on a deserted island with two readily available women. One a seductive sex-godess type, the other a healthy girl-next-door type with a nice butt. So guys have it all, the madonna and the whore. Women get nothing; we get a geek, an overweight middle-aged guy, some nerdy scientific type, I mean...
- Jodi: The professor is sexy.
- Wooderson: Say, man, you got a joint?
- Mitch: No, not on me, man.
- Wooderson: It'd be a lot cooler if you did.
- Wooderson: I've been thinkin' about gettin' back in school, though, man.
- Dawson: What, like, J.C. or something like that?
- Wooderson: Yeah, man, that's where all the girls are right? But I'd just as soon keep workin', though, keep a little change in my pocket. Better than listenin' to some dipshit, doesn't know what the hell he's talkin' about, anyway!
- Dawson: I know what you're talkin' about, man!
- Wooderson [to Mitch]: So, you're a freshman, right? Tell me, man, how's this year's crop of freshman chicks lookin' this year?
- Dawson: Wood, you're gonna go to jail very soon, man!
- Wooderson: Naw, man. That's what I like about these high school girls; I get older, they stay the same age.
- Cynthia: God, don't you ever feel like everything we do and everything we've been taught is just to service the future?
- Tony: Yeah I know, like it's all preparation.
- Cynthia: Right. But what are we preparing ourselves for?
- Mike: Death.
- Tony: Life of the party.
- Mike: It's true.
- Cynthia: You know, but that's valid because if we are all gonna die anyway shouldn't we be enjoying ourselves now? You know, I'd like to quit thinking of the present, like right now, as some minor insignificant preamble to something else.
- Kyle: George toked weed, man?
- Slater: Absolutely George toked weed, are you kiddin' me, man? He grew fields of that stuff, man, that's what I'm talkin' about. Fields.
- Kyle: He grew that shit up Mount Vernon, man.
- Slater: Mount Vernon, man? He grew it all over the country, man. He had people growin' it all over the country, you know. The whole country back then was gettin' high. Lemme tell you, man, 'cause he knew he was onto somethin', man. He knew that it would be a good cash crop for the southern states, man, so he grew fields of it, man. But you know what? Behind every good man there's a woman, and that woman was Martha Washington, man, and every day, George would come home, she'd have a big fat bowl waiting for him, man, when he'd come in the door. She was a hip, a hip, hip lady, man.
- Coach Conrad: Come here, Randy. Come here. You been out with those losers all night?
- Slater: Hey, Coach Conrad. Remember me? Second-period gym class?
- Coach Conrad: That's the kind of people I was tellin' you about. Trouble like this means nothing to those clowns. You're the one with something to lose.
- Pink: Coach, you don't even know them. How can you even pretend to talk that way?
- Coach Conrad: Okay, Randy. I shouldn't do this, but I'm willing to wipe the slate clean and forget about this. I want you to get your priorities straight, quit hanging out with those hoodlums and sign your commitment to your team. Have you done that yet?
- Pink: I'm still thinkin' about it.
- Coach Conrad: No one's paying you to think about it, just do it!
- Pink: You know, Coach, I gotta get goin'. Me and my "loser" friends, you know, we gotta get Aerosmith tickets. Top priority of the summer. Oh, and Coach, I forgot. I might play ball. But I will never sign that!
- It was the last day of school in 1976, a time they'd never forget... if only they could remember.
- Weed rules.
- See It With A Bud
- Jason London - Randall 'Pink' Floyd
- Rory Cochrane - Ron Slater
- Wiley Wiggins - Mitch Kramer
- Sasha Jenson - Don Dawson
- Michelle Burke - Jodi Kramer
- Adam Goldberg - Mike Newhouse
- Anthony Rapp - Tony Olson
- Matthew McConaughey - David Wooderson
- Marissa Ribisi - Cynthia Dunn
- Shawn Andrews - Kevin Pickford
- Cole Hauser - Benny O'Donnell
- Milla Jovovich - Michelle Burroughs
- Joey Lauren Adams - Simone Kerr
- Christin Hinojosa - Sabrina Davis
- Ben Affleck - Fred O'Bannion
- Jason O. Smith - Melvin Spivey
- Deena Martin - Shavonne Wright
- Parker Posey - Darla Marks
- Nicky Katt - Clint Bruno