Charles Foster Johnson

Charles Foster "Icarus" Johnson (born April 13, 1953) is an American Jazz guitarist who also runs the weblog Little Green Footballs.


  • We got email today from an LGF reader who was browsing the Lexis research system and discovered that anti-American, anti-capitalist icon Noam Chomsky has embarrassingly capitalist tastes; among other expensive property he owns a 36,155 square foot home near Cambridge, a 13,503 square foot vacation home, and four boats. And we won’t even mention the cars. Teaching kids to hate their own country seems to pay quite well.

  • Hamas is an openly genocidal, disgustingly bloodthirsty, racist Islamic death cult that brainwashes Palestinian children to be mindless Jew-killing jihadi suicide missiles. Is there something else we need to know about them? Oh yeah, they also run some hospitals.

  • Zuniga Hides the Evidence ... Like the craven coward he is, Markos Zuniga, rising young star of the Democrats, has now removed the page at Daily Kos where he wrote “Screw them” about the four Americans torn apart and hung from a bridge in Fallujah.

  • On the subject of the left’s latest cause du jour, the “white phosphorus” fairy tale, Michael Moynihan asks a question to which LGF readers probably already know the answer: How Credible is Jeff Englehart?

  • Inevitably, whenever Israel takes action to protect themselves against openly genocidal Arab terror gangs, the accusations start bubbling up from antisemitic sewers that Israel is using diabolical weapons never seen before by mankind, evil chemicals that cause bizarre mutations and/or mysterious wounds.

  • I’d just like to say “thank you” to President Bush and to the men and women of the US military, who—by the New York Times’ own admission—took out a terror-sponsoring regime in Iraq that could have constructed a nuclear weapon within months, as soon as sanctions were lifted enough for them to obtain sufficient fissile material.

  • The Diggbats didn’t like it one bit that they were being prevented from stealing copyrighted material ... Kevin Rose has surrendered to the mob, and posted the code at his own blog, with a ludicrous explanation that amounts to endorsing the thugs ... You either respect the concept of intellectual property, or you don’t."

  • The British Parliament is now in the hands of the worst kind of terror-appeasing moonbats... We’re about to witness what happens when a country is governed by the “progressive” Kos mentality. And it’s going to be ugly.

  • [...] ironically, the jihadis are just as opposed to the theory of evolution as creationists. So they have that in common [...] This is an area in which Islamists agree 100% with the Discovery Institute and creationists. If that makes you uncomfortable ... well, it should. [...] I'm making a very narrowly defined point. The proponents of "intelligent design" are on the same page with radical Islamists, on that issue. And the devaluation of science by Islam, in favor of religion, is largely responsible for the appalling state of the Islamic world today. Western civilization has advanced to its current point because we DO have a strict division between these two disciplines. Science is not religion, and religion is not science. If we lose that clarity, we're in danger of losing everything. As I've tried to say at least 20 different ways, this is not a put down of religion. Religion is a civilizing force, as long it's not allowed to rule people's lives. The intelligent design movement is trying to erase these lines and bring us back into the Dark Ages. We should learn from the failure of Islam, but this is an issue that is obviously not going to rest easy.

  • The simple fact is that Chairman Mao was a pretty perceptive political thinker. You can deplore what he did in China and still realize that not everything he wrote was the sheer embodiment of evil. [...] Is this really how you want to start judging politicians -- by their favorite philosophers? [...] Actually thinking about issues has gone way out of style on the right. It's much easier to march in lockstep with populist goons like Glenn Beck. [...] It's appalling that so many LGF readers are buying into this insanity. What's wrong with you people?


  • If anyone ever compiles a list of Internet sites that contribute to Israel’s public relations effort, Johnson's site will probably come in first, far above the Israeli Foreign Ministry's site.
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