Charles M. Schulz
Charles Monroe Schulz was an American cartoonist, the creator of the comic strip Peanuts.
- See also: Peanuts.
- It seems beyond the comprehension of people that someone can be born to draw comic strips, but I think I was. My ambition from earliest memory was to produce a daily comic strip.
- As quoted in a brief biography at HarperCollins http://www.harpercollins.com/global_scripts/product_catalog/author_xml.asp?authorid=8773
- A cartoonist is someone who has to draw the same thing day after day without repeating himself.
- In his book You Don't Look 35, Charlie Brown! (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1985; ISBN 0030056241)
- I never give my work to somebody else and say, "What do you think about that?" I just don't trust anybody. If I think it's funny, or if I think it's silly, I send it in anyway because I'm just trying to please myself. I never try to please a certain audience. I think that's disastrous. There's no way in the world you can anticipate what your reader is going to like or dislike.
- National Cartoonist Society talk, 1994 http://web.archive.org/web/20070416184458/http://www.planetcartoonist.com/editorial/success_charlesschulz.shtml
- If I were a better artist, I'd be a painter, and if I were a better writer, I'd write books-- --but I'm not, so I draw cartoons!
- 1992, as quoted by Tom Tomorrow in his comic strip This Modern World (2000) http://archive.salon.com/comics/tomo/2000/02/21/tomo/index.html
- I just draw what I think is funny, and I hope other people think it is funny, too.
- Address to the Sonoma County Press Club as quoted in the Sonoma County Press Democrat (2000-02-13)
- The only thing I really ever wanted to be was a cartoonist. That's my life. Drawing.
- ibid.