Chicken Run
Chicken Run is a 2000 clay animation film made by the Aardman Animations studios. It tells the story of a band of chickens who seek escape from their coop before their owners, mild-mannered egg farmer Mr. Tweedy and his overbearing wife, make them all into chicken pot pies.
This Ain't No Chick Flick! taglines
- Directed and written by Peter Lord and Nick Park.
- [about Fowler] Hey, what's eatin' Grandpa?
- [Ginger squawks loudly] Was your father, by any chance, a VULTURE?!
- [Rocky and Ginger are in an oven] It's like an oven in here!
- Operation Cover-Up! [Is then covered with an old sock]
- [About Rocky] I don't like the look of this one. His eyes are too close together.
- Pushy Americans, always showing up late for every war. Overpaid, oversexed, and over here!
- Keep pedalling! We're not there yet! You can't see paradise if you don't pedal!
- Cock-a-doodle-doo! What, what.
- [After she fainted from a near-death experience] All me life flashed before me eyes. [disappointed] It was really borin'.
- I don't want to be a pie! I don't like gravy.
- Bingo!
- [after Ginger is released from Solitary in the dumpster] Oh, it's nice to have a bit of time to yourself, isn't it? [smiles calmly]
- I laid five eggs this morning. FIVE! I was dead chuffed with that, I was!
- We musn't panic... We mustn't panic...!! [two seconds before she and all the other chickens start screaming]
- [After everyone learns that Rocky cannot fly] I had a feeling he was a phoney all along. In fact, I'm not even certain he was American.
- Ginger: So laying eggs all your life and then getting plucked, stuffed and roasted is good enough for you, is it?
- Babs: It's a livin'.
- Mr. Tweedy: [opens the door sees Mrs. Tweedy in a mess] I Told you they was Orgnaized.
- Mrs. Tweedy: [she growls at Mr. Tweedy and make the door fell down and screamed and got killed and Mr. Tweedy walks away and cries]
- Ginger: We did it everyone [everyone cheers]
- Bunty: Face it ducks; the chances of us escaping from here are a million to one.
- Ginger: Then there's still a chance.
- Mrs. Tweedy: Chickens go in; pies come out.
- Mr. Tweedy: What sort of pies?
- Mrs. Tweedy: [sarcastic] Apple.
- Mr. Tweedy: My favourite!
- Mrs. Tweedy: CHICKEN pies, you great lummox!
- Babs: Morning, Ginger. Back from holiday?
- Ginger: I wasn't on holiday, Babs. I was in solitary confinement.
- Babs: Oh, it's nice to get a bit of time to yourself, isn't it?
- Ginger: Listen. We'll either die free chickens or we die trying.
- Babs: Are those the only choices?
- Ginger: But you're supposed to be up there - you're the pilot.
- Fowler: Don't be ridiculous. I can't fly this contraption.
- Ginger: "Back in your day"? The Royal Air Force?
- Fowler: 644 Squadron, Poultry Division - we were the mascots.
- Ginger: You mean you never actually flew the plane?!
- Fowler: Good heavens, no! I'm a chicken! The Royal Air Force doesn't let chickens behind the controls of a complex aircraft!
- Rocky: You see, flying takes three things: Hard work, perseverance and... hard work.
- Fowler: You said "hard work" twice.
- Rocky: That's because it takes twice as much work as perseverance.
- Nick: First of all, we sneak in all quiet, like...
- Fetcher: [interrupting] Like a fish!
- Nick: Yeah, like a-- [pauses] Like a fish? You stupid Norbert.
- Nick: [aboard the flying machine] The exits are located here and here. In the quite likely event of a emergency, put your head between your knees--
- Fetcher: And kiss your bum goodbye!
- Mr. Tweedy: [being attacked by the chickens] MRS. TWEEDY! The chickens are revolting!
- Mrs. Tweedy: [not paying attention] Finally, something we agree on.
- Nick: Eggs from heaven.
- Fetcher: No, from her bum.
- [On the flying machine]
- Fowler: We need more power!
- Mac: I can't work miracles, captain! We're giving her all she's got!
- Fowler: Increase velocity!
- Babs: What does that mean?
- [After everyone is yelling]
- Rocky: Whoa, whoa, hold up! Let's get right to the point. Where am I?
- Ginger: Oh, yes, how rude of us. It's just that we're very exci-- [clears throught] This is a chicken farm.
- Babs: And we're the chickens! [winks]
- [Fowler is forced to share his bunk with Rocky]
- Fowler: ABSOLUTELY OUTRAGEOUS! Asking a senior officer to share his quarters?! And with a non-commissioned Yank, no less! Why, back in my day, I'd never...
- Rocky: Hey, you weren't exactly my first choice either. And scoot over, your wing's on my side of the bunk--
- Fowler: "YOUR SIDE OF THE BUNK"?! The WHOLE bunk is MY side of the bunk!
- Rocky: [snapping back] Just-- What's that smell, is that your breath?
- Fowler: [grumbling] ... It's absolutely outrageous...
- Mac: THRUST! [rapidfire] I went over my calculations, hen, and I forgot the key element missing is thrust!
- [Silence]
- Rocky: I-– I didn't get a word of that.
- Mac: THRUST! Other birds, like ducks and geese, when they take off, what do they have? THRUST!
- Rocky: I swear she ain't using real words.
- Ginger: She said we need more thrust.
- Rocky: Oh! Thrust! Well, of course we need thrust! Thrust and flying are like, well, like this. [Crosses fingers] That's flying, and... that's thrust.
- Ginger: Where there's a will, there's a way
- Rocky: Couldn't agree more. And I will be leaving that way.
- Ginger: So that's it! You're from the circus.
- Rocky: Shh!
- Ginger: You're on the run, aren't you?
- [Rocky pulls her behind a hut]
- Rocky: You want to keep it down?! I'm trying to lay low here!
- Ginger: I should turn you in right now!
- Rocky: You wouldn't!... Would you?
- Ginger: Give me one reason why I shouldn't.
- Rocky: Because I'm... cute?
- [Ginger squawks loudly]
- Rocky: [muffles her] What are you doing?! Do you know what will happen if that guy finds me?!
- Ginger: It's a cruel world.
- Rocky: I've just decided, I don't like you.
- Ginger: I've just decided, I don't care. Now show us how to fly.
- Rocky: With this wing?!
- Ginger: Teach us, then!
- Rocky: No!
- [Ginger squawks again]
- Rocky: [muffles her again] Now you listen here, sister. I'm not going back to that life! I'm a lone free ranger - emphasis on "FREE"!
- Ginger: And that's what we want! Freedom!
- [Rocky notices the Tweedys approaching]
- Rocky: Oh no! Oh no, they're after me!
- Ginger: Teach us to fly, and we'll hide you.
- Rocky: And if I don't?!
- [Ginger squawks again]
- Rocky: [muffles her again] Was your father, by any chance, a VULTURE?!
- Rocky: Time to make good on that deal, doll--
- Ginger: [grabs his beak] The name... is Ginger.
- Ginger: I thought you were going to teach us how to fly.
- Rocky: That's what I'm doing.
- Ginger: ... Isn't there usually some flapping involved?
- Rocky: Hey, do I tell you how to lay eggs? Relax! We're making progress.
- Ginger: Really? I can't help feeling we're going around in circles.
- [Ginger points to the chickens, who are indeed, spinning around in circles]
- Rocky: Whoah, woah, cut it out! You're making me dizzy!
- [The chickens stop, and start wobble around uneasily and toppling over]
- Rocky: There. I think they're ready to fly now.
- Ginger: Good, because they certainly can't walk anymore!
- Rocky: You know what your problem is? You're... difficult!
- Ginger: Why, because I'm honest?! I care about what happens to them! Nothing I'd expect a lone free ranger to know anything about!
- Rocky: Hey, if this is the way you show it, I hope you never care about me!
- Ginger: I can assure you, I never will!
- Rocky: Good!
- Ginger: Fine!
- [Ginger has been put on the pie macine, and can't get free]
- Ginger: Oh great! Brilliant!
- Rocky: Yo! baby doll!
- Ginger: Rocky!
- Rocky: I'm coming! [He begins slipping on the metal] I'm still coming!
- Ginger: Come on! Stop this thing!
- Rocky: I'm getting there!
- [The machine releases Ginger. Rocky makes a grab at her but misses as she falls down a chute]
- Rocky: Oh, "chute"!
- Ginger: ROCKY!
- Rocky: Don't worry! I'll be down there before you can say...
- [Mixed vegetables tumble towards him]
- This Ain't No Chick Flick!!
- Escape or Die Frying.
- A Few Good Hen.
- There's Nothing More Determined Than Poultry With A Plan.
- She's Poultry In Motion.
- Feathers will Fly!
- The Lone Free Ranger.
- It's Chicken Impossible.
- A Chicken Will Rise!
- The Cluck Stops Here.
- Run, Don't Walk!
Voice cast
- Julia Sawalha — Ginger
- Mel Gibson — Rocky
- Miranda Richardson — Mrs. Tweedy
- Tony Haygarth — Mr. Tweedy
- Benjamin Whitrow — Fowler
- Jane Horrocks — Babs
- Phil Daniels — Fetcher
- Timothy Spall — Nick
- Lynn Ferguson — Mac
- Imelda Staunton — Bunty