Child's Play
Child's Play. It is written by Don Mancini and directed by Tom Holland.
[Chucky comes alive]
Andy Barclay
- His real name is Charles Lee Ray and he's been sent down from Heaven by daddy to play with me.
- Look, you stay here; I have to go tinkle.
- You hear this, you son of a bitch! I'm gonna get you for this! I'm gonna get you and I'm gonna get Eddy, no matter what!
- (voodoo chant [phonetically]) Ah-day, do-ee, Demballa...give me the power I BEG of you! Zacuse zintiem may poivre de mort. Mortize mella de vacure de vermose. Andale porte buasay Dembella! Zacuse zintiem may poivre de mort. Andale porte buasay Dembella! Andale porte buasay Dembella! zacula vula suka may tae dae dae zulabe!
- Hi, I'm Chucky. Wanna play?
- Hi. I like to be hugged.
- I've gotta get outta this damned body. Now where are ya you little shit?
- Sure, how ya want it? Broken leg?
- The only person that I let in on the fact that I was still alive was a six-year-old kid. I'm gonna be six years old again. Well, John, it's been fun, but I gotta go. I have a date with six-year-old boy... and you have a date with death.
- Kill'em! Strangle'em! Don't let go!
- Kill'em! Kill'em! Kill'em ALL!!
- Don't fuck with the Chuck!
[Chucky is sitting in the elevator going up.]- Old Woman: What an ugly doll.
- Chucky: Fuck you.
- Chucky [about to be set on fire by Andy]: Andy, no, please! We're friends till the end, remember?
- Andy: This is the end, friend!
- Officer cadet Shelton: Are you contradicting me you sorry ass sack of shit!?
- De Silva: You asshole.
- Officer Cadet Shelton: What did you say?
- Officer Cadet Shelton: Think you're pretty funny don't you De Silva?
- De Silva: Yes i do, sir.
- Officer Cadet Shatlon: Why don't you drop and give me 25, right now.
- De Silva: 25 WHAT, SIR?
- Officer Cadet Shelton: 25 push-ups De Silva.
- Karen Barclay: I said talk to me, damn it. Or else I'll throw you in the fire!
[Chucky comes alive]
- Chucky: You stupid bitch! You fucking slut! I'll teach you to fuck with me!
- Catherine Hicks - Karen Barclay
- Chris Sarandon - Detective Mike Norris
- Alex Vincent - Andy Barclay
- Brad Dourif - Charles Lee Ray/Chucky's Voice
- Dinah Manoff - Maggie Peterson