Chris Matthews
Chris Matthews politically liberal (although since until around 2005 had shown a strong liking for President Bush, saying that Bush 43 "belongs on mount Rushmore . . .")host of Hardball with Chris Matthews, known for his trademark "hardball" interruptions of his guests
- He (Newt Gingrich) looks like a warlock
- If you voted for McCain/Palin, you are an idiot.
- There's actually a network that I could think of that [does not ask difficult questions] for a living, which is tell the people at home the same answer all the time, because it makes them feel good. And they don't like hearing arguments on that network, the people that watch it. There are people out there that — there was a great scene at the end of Carnal Knowledge — remember that old movie — where Jack Nicholson is going to the hooker, and he wants it exactly the same every time. And when she— when Rita Morena, who played the hooker, said something just a little bit different in their normal sort of business they did, and he couldn't do it. They want it exactly the same way, these people who watch Fox. Every night they want it the same way. They can't do it if it's not exactly the same way.
- Real Time with Bill Maher, 27 August 2004; regarding the Fox News Channel
- "The period between 9-11 and (invading) Iraq was not a good time for America. There wasn't a robust discussion of what we were doing. If we stop trying to figure out the other side, we've given up. The person on the other side is not evil. They just have a different perspective. The smartest people understand the enemy's point of view, because they understand what's driving them." (quote from Edmonton Sun, Nov. 21, 2005 http://www.edmontonsun.com/News/World/2005/11/21/1316384-sun.html)