Chrono Crusade

Chrono Crusade is a manga and anime series released in the late 1990's and early 2000's. The main characters are a nun (Rosette Christopher) and demon (Chrono) who work together to perform exorcisms in the late 1920's. The manga was orignially published by Kadokawa Shoten and authored by Daisuke Moriyama; it was released in the United States by ADV Manga. The anime was produced by GONZO Digimation in Japan and released by ADV Films in North America.

Rosette Christopher

  • Let me ask you the reverse. How is it that you can give up so easily? [exaggerated sigh] I can't understand that...attitude! "It's bad luck! I have no choice!" People who passively accept their fate...because no one knows their future, least of all me, so I don't dare put things off. I have to do what I can, while I can still do it, so...I'll be kicking and screaming, 'til the very end.

  • Good, because only those who believe will be saved, so they say. Get it? Ha ha ha!

  • When you're having fun, have fun, and when you're angry, act angry...and when you want to cry your eyes out, do it! Because after you've cried, you feel better.

  • When you keep your problems to yourself, and force yourself to smile, the person it's hardest on is you.

  • [to Chrono] It's because my time is limited, that I don't have any doubts. It's all thanks to this. That's why I can walk straight ahead, it's why I can always keep going...because I have you with me.



  • Oh, applesauce! You've wrecked another jalopy. Sister Kate is going to KILL us!

  • [to Rosette] I change things. I want to believe that anything can be changed. The moment I met you, a new world opened up for me. You see, after wandering in the darkness for so long, a light brought me happiness. It's all thanks to you.

  • I want to protect much, that it covers your part of my heart.

  • Now I understand that we have to be incomplete.

Azmaria Hendrich

  • My wings have always called forth unhappiness.

  • Are regrets...all you have? You're not the only one with regrets, you know! I couldn't help her either...and now Rosette is suffering by herself! The two of us are the same, we both fought alongside Rosette! And...Satella too. Maybe there's something I could have done to help her, but's too late to change any of it. But the friendship, the time we had together, means something! [ holds up the photograph ] Look! You can't deny even the good things we shared! You can't pretend those precious moments didn't exist!

  • Rosette...Chrono...I will become stronger! So please, watch over me, okay?


  • Even at a time like this there’s not a single word of rescue from the one you worship. You see? That is the truth of this world. He doesn’t watch anything and doesn’t save anyone.

  • I am the Alpha and the Omega. I am the beginning and the end.


[During a conversation with Chrono, Rosette looks down and sees Elder under the table looking up her dress]

Edward 'The Elder' Hamilton: I see Paris, I see France, I see someone's...

Sister Rosette Christopher: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

[Rosette blushes red and covers her skirt]

Edward 'The Elder' Hamilton: This time more whiter than the french fry.

[Rosette takes the spoon from Chrono's bowl]

Sister Rosette Christopher: Perverted old man! I'll kill you with this spoon!

[Elder rolls to his side, dodging Rosette's thrust with the spoon]

Chrono: [watching the rain fall] Depressing, isn't it?

Sister Rosette Christopher: No. Considering we were up all night on a mission, and they ask us to do the shopping on our way home. I'd say it's more than depressing, it's the absolute worst.

Azmaria Hendrick: [being tossed around in the back seat] I'm sorry, I said I could do it by myself.

Sister Rosette Christopher: What are you talking about? It was obvious to all of us that you couldn't do it alone!

Azmaria Hendrick: [the phone rings] Oh, the Phone! Whoah!

[falls down]

Chrono: Oh, are you all right, Azmaria?

Azmaria Hendrick: Yeah, I'm jake.

Sister Rosette Christopher: You just stay put. Chrono answer the phone!

Chrono: Huh what?

Sister Rosette Christopher: Can't you see I'm busy? Someone's gotta drive!

Chrono: Hello? Oh, Father Remington, Rosette can't answer the phone right now.

Sister Rosette Christopher: [grabs the phone and talks excitedly] Oh, hello, Father.

Chrono: Oh boy.

Azmaria Hendrick: Should she do that while driving?

Sister Anna, Sister Mary, Sister Claire: [all Girls in Unison] Hi, Chrono!


Sister Anna: Is Rosette writing more apologies? Then again, I guess that's what happens when a servant of God destroys an entire building.

Sister Mary: A building? I heard it was a whole block

[Sister Anna, coils in surprise]

Sister Claire: Actually I heard it was a whole island.

[Anna coils in greater shock]

Sister Claire: It must be so hard

Chrono: [sheepishly] Well, it happens every time.

Sister Rosette Christopher: [shouts] It happens every time?

Sister Anna, Sister Mary, Sister Claire: [unison] Oh, Rosette!

Sister Rosette Christopher: A whole block, was it? An Island? Blowing people's mistakes out of proportion is so much fun, isn't it?


Sister Rosette Christopher: BUT WERE YOU THERE?!

[Rosette moves her head around, seeing the girls run away]

Sister Anna: Who would want to be teamed up with you?

Sister Rosette Christopher: [while driving erratically] Say, why do you think Sister Kate is such a pill anyway?

Chrono: Could it be because you are always doing things that make her angry?

[the slot machine in the casino rolls two 7's and a lemon, Rosette is frustrated]

Sister Rosette Christopher: Chrono...gimme another!

[Chrono slaps her hand]

Sister Rosette Christopher: Hey! What's in your bonnet?!

Chrono: You've had it, nun girl! This is no time to be gambling around in a casino!

Sister Rosette Christopher: [suddenly coy] Oooh, but poopsie...we've come all this way to Sin City, so why not sin a little? Besides, how often does a girl get to wear something like this?

[she wiggles her rear at him]

Sister Rosette Christopher: Don't try to tell me you don't like it, too. Loooook, Chrono! Gimme a coin! C'mon, big spender...just one more?

Chrono: [obviously half-tempted, half-scandalized] No...the mission comes first!

[he attempts to pull her away from the machine, she holds on]

Sister Rosette Christopher: [whining] Whaaa, I don't want to go! Can't you hear?! The slots are CALLING me! Pleaaaase?

[she breaks the machine handle, both panic and run away]


-Rosette and Satella enter a shop-

Shopkeeper: Can I help you with something?

Rosette: [startled, then nods] Yes!

Shopkeeper: Please, tell me!

[Awkward laughs and chuckles are exchanged until Satella can't take it anymore]

Satella: Hurry up and tell him what you want!

Rosette: Okay, already!

[she squares herself and takes a deep breath]

Rosette: [deathly serious] Do you have a cold medicine that would work, even on a devil?


Sister Rosette Christopher: You know, I really do like this view. I wish I could go on looking at it forever.

[Chrono smiles, then sits beside Rosette]

Sister Rosette Christopher: Hey...

Chrono: Hm?

Sister Rosette Christopher: ...I was thinking about undoing the seal. If I did it, then you could heal all of your wounds, and everything would be jake--[puts her hand to the pocketwatch]

Chrono: [stopping her with his hand] No, applesauce, Rosette. Being here with you is what's really important right now...and I don't want to lose anything else. Not ever again.

[Rosette considers, then takes her hand off the watch, and instead places it on top of Chrono's hand]

Sister Rosette Christopher: I think about them sometimes, and wonder how everyone is doing.

Chrono: Uh-huh.

Sister Rosette Christopher: But for right now...I'd rather just be here with you.

[they watch the sunset in silence for a moment]

Sister Rosette Christopher: In these past few months we've spent together, I've wanted to say so many things to you. But the words...just won't come. [her eyes begin to tear]

Chrono: [looks at her concernedly] ...let's go back inside. I think you should lie down and rest.

Sister Rosette Christopher: But I don't want to rest yet...not yet. I'm just...[beginning to cry] so scared, Chrono!

[their fingers lace together and Chrono's grip tightens]

Sister Rosette Christopher: [sobbing freely now] I'm scared! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!

[she throws herself into Chrono's arms, crying against his chest]

Sister Rosette Christopher: [weakly] I...just live a little longer. that so wrong?

Chrono: [now crying along with her, holds her tighter] Oh, Rosette...
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