Command & Conquer: Yuri's Revenge
Command & Conquer: Yuri's Revenge (2001) is an expansion pack for Westwood Studios' real-time strategy computer game Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2. The Sequel to the game is Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3.
Quotes from cutscenes
- Lt. Eva: We're now on DEFCON 2.
- President Dougan: What the devil's going on, Liutenant?
- Lt. Eva: He surfaced, Mr. President. I'm sure you all recognize this man. (an image of Yuri appears) We know him only as Yuri, advisor of the Soviet Premier Romanov. While we were busy fighting the Soviets, Yuri has used his mind control technology to establish a secret army of his own. (image switches to an airborn footage of Alcatraz) A group of Yuri's initiates have taken over Alcatraz island here in San Francisco. They have constructed some sort of device there.
- President Dougan: What kind of device?
- (Yuri interrupts the transmission)
- Yuri: Perhaps I can explain, Mr. President.
- President Dougan: Yuri...
- Yuri: The device is called a Psychic Dominator. There's a network of such devices spread across the globe.
- President Dougan: More of your mind control tricks?!
- Yuri: No tricks, Mr. President. In a few moments I will unleash a tidal wave of psychic energy designed to dominate the minds of the entire planet. There will be no more free will... only my will.
- President Michael Dougan: Yuri, Yuri. The war's over. Can't we all just - get along? [pauses] What if I was to give you a full presidentual pardon? Your country needs a leader. It could be you!
- Yuri: Why should I be content to lead one nation, if I could control the whole world, Mr. President?
- President Dougan: [getting stern] You can't threaten us! We're the most powerful nation on Earth! We did win the war, you know!
- Yuri: [mockingly] Did you? Indeed? [shakes head] I think not.
- Lt. Eva: Mr. President, something's happening. The device is beginning to deploy.
- President Dougan: Call in an airstrike. I want that tower taken out!
- (the fighters are shot down and one of them crashes into the nuclear reactor next to the Dominator)
- Technician: Comrade Yuri, the Allied planes have damaged one our power plants in San Fransisco. The Psychic Dominator on Alcatraz will not function!
- Yuri: Most unfortunate, but we have other devices. I think time has come to activate them.
- [Yuri pulls three control rods, activating his Psychic Dominators around the world]
- Liutenant Eva: [on screen] Mr. President, we're detecting huge shockwaves of energy all across the globe.
- President Dougan: My God...the maniac's really going to do it. May God help us all... [the Dominators erupt and the title appears]
- Liutenant Zofia: Commander, the purpose of this base is now clear. It is a launch facility. The rocket appears to be a pressurised spacecraft. The Premier wishes to know it's destination.
- Premier Romanov: (plays with a toy rocket) We have analyzed the flight plan of this rocket ship. It is programmed to fly to the Moon. We must find out why. You have Cosmonaut training, yes? (slams the toy rocket into starting position)
- (image of the rocket leaving Earth orbit)
- Liutenant Zofia: The liftoff was without complications, Comrade General. You should be achieving lunar orbit within moments. Your retro-rockets should fire, allowing for a smooth landing. (quietly) Take care, Comrade General. We don't know what Yuri's up to. (looks to the side) Retro-rockets will fire in 3... 2... 1... (the rocket lands) Your spacecraft has landed, Comrade General.
- Soviet Premier Alexander Romanov: [staring into the camera above him] Finally, the Soviet Union have reached the Moon! One little baby step for Comrade General, one giant leap for Soviet people, yes? Ha ha!
- Liutenant Zofia: I think you might like to know that when this is over, I would like you to be back here in Moscow. Winter here is cold, yes. But THIS winter could be DIFFERENT...
- (Soviet campaign ending)
- Lieutenant Zofia: The castle has been taken, my general. I knew you would be victorious! [interrupted by an incoming call] Comrade General, we are picking up an energy buildup beneath the castle! The signature wave is consistent with the distortion wave of the Time Machine!
- Yuri: I've found your little device in San Francisco. Repairing it was a simple matter. It is too late, comrade. The entire world and all of its history is mine to command and conquer. [the Time Machine vanishes]
- Zofia: [typing speedily on a keyboard] We still have the Time Machine's command codes, comrade General. [finishes typing and turns to the camera with a satisfied look] I have overridden the controls and released all of the energy reserves. If you remember, we ourselves experienced some difficulties when too much energy was channeled into the machine. The machine's energy resource has been depleted. Yuri cannot use the machine without additional power. [sarcastically] He will be trapped in time!
- [Time Machine exits in a forest clearing, at a nighttime storm]
- Yuri: [Machine beeps in the background for low power] What is that? [spots a dark mass] Who is there? [a lightning reveals the mass as a T-Rex, who roars and steps on the Machine; Yuri screams as the camera blackens]
- (several announcement voices): (image of Russian soldiers marching in front of a building with pillars, while a background screen repeatedly shows "REDS INVADE USA") (...) Soviet troops are on Wall Street, where the stock market closed for (...) (image of a space station being constructed in orbit) (...) new Golden Age of space exploration, thanks to Premier Romanov and his bold new program (...) as communism leaves the bounds of our planet and expands across the Solar System...
- In the middle of the first Soviet mission.
- Zofia: We have escaped into the past, Comrade General. But I'm afraid that our superiorly selected engineers have increased the efficiency of the American Power Plants too much! We have arrived more than 65 million years in the past. Stand by, while we attempt another time-shift.
- Allied campaign ending
- Yuri: Listen to me! [he is brought to a metal chamber by two men]... You will obey!
- Guard: You behave, or there'll be no dessert tonight!
- Yuri: [panicing] I'm Yuri, and you will obey.
- [guards walk away laughing)
- Carville: We've got a nice 'n safe spot for him. [a large, hollow machine drops onto Yuri, who panics] Professor Einstein calls it a Psychic Isolation Chamber. [chuckles] Thanks to you, he won't be able to mind control a fly! [everything suddenly becames distorted, he looks around confused] What's goin' on?
- Lieutenant Eva: We're picking up a time distortion wave, general.
- Einstein: It's the two timelines, liutenant! They are merging! One series of events must take presidence over us all!
- Eva: Timelines merging in 3, 2, 1...[the distortion powers up]
- [a scene similiar to the intro]
- Eva: We're now on DEFCON 2.
- Dougan: [comes in] What the devil's going on, Lieutenant?
- Eva: He's surfaced, Mr. President.
- Carville: [on screen]How've you been, Mr. President?
- Dougan: [shocked to see Carville, who was assinated in the previous timeline] General... Carville! How...?
- Carville: Have you ever heard of time-travel, sir?
- [image changes to outside, where Tanya is wearing a black gown]
- Tanya: [turns on the spot]What do you think? There's a victory bash at the White House tonight, so I thought that we could— (stares behind the camera, where Eva is approaching in a white gown; it is obvious that Eva asked the general first)
- Eva: You coming, commander?
- Tanya: (looks at the ground, confused) That wasn't supposed to happen... (spots Einstein) Professor! Doc! Hey, you still got that Time Machine, right? Good. Could you send me back, like, two hours ago? I don't think you got your timeline straight. (to the general) Catch you on the replay.
- Eva: (on a mission in Hollywood) It looks like Yuri's got the studio filming another dinosaur movie. He's not very creative, is he?
- Eva: And I thought the Brute was bad! Yuri calls this thing a Mastermind. It's basically a big brain on wheels that mind controls everything that gets near it. DON'T get near it.
- Carville: (a Floating Disk has been spotted for the first time) Holy cow... Commander, we've got some kind of UFO on radar! Either if it's an alien invasion or Yuri's been watching too much TV, watch yourself.