Commando is a Hollywood action movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. It is still enjoyed today on video for its camp value, hillarious one-liners, and humorously over-the-top violence.
John Matrix
- [Fighting Cooke] I eat green berets for breakfast and right now, I'm very hungry!
- All that matters to me now is Jenny.
- [Before fighting Bennett] C'mon, Bennett, let's party!
- [After throwing a pipe through him with steam coming out of it] Let off some steam, Bennett.
- [Cooke says, "Fuck you, asshole", but discovers his gun is empty] Fuck you, asshole.
- You're a funny guy, Sully. I like you. That's why I'm going to kill you last.
- [Dangling Sully over the cliff] Listen, your loyalty is very touching but it isn't the most important thing right in your life now. But what is important is GRAVITY!
- [Dangling Sully over the cliff] And I got to remind you, Sully: This is my weak arm!
- [Dangling Sully over the cliff] Remember, Sully, when I promised to kill you last? I lied. [drops Sully]
- [After breaking the man's neck on the plane] ...And please do me a favour - don't disturb my friend. He is dead tired.
- [After killing Cooke] We'll take Cooke's car. He won't be needing it.
- Como esta?
- [hearing explosions] Welcome back, John. So glad you could make it!
- John, I'm not going to shoot you between the eyes, I'm going to shoot you between the balls!
- They offered me a hundred grand. You want to know something? When I found out I could get my hands on you, I said I'd do it for nothing.
- John, stick your head out, one shot, right between the eyes, I'll make it quick, just for old time sake.
- Ever since you had me thrown out of your unit, I've waited to pay you back. Do you know what today is Matrix?... Pay day!
- John!.. I'll be ready, John!
- CATCH... YOU!!!
- John, I feel good!
- NO - Not daddy...
- What does it feel like to be a dying man?... your a dead man John!
- Tranquilizers... I wanted to use the real thing!!
- You're getting old, John. You're getting old.
- Not nearly as nice as watching him smash your face in.
- Got a warrant?
- Daddy?
- What is that Army helicopter doing here? You said you wouldn't go away again. You said you were done.
- Dad, that is so old.
- Is it bad?
- (In response to "What's in this?", referring to a sandwhich) You don't wanna know.
- (General Kirby asks her to let him talk to John in private) No way, Jose
- Lawson: [carrying garbage] I was afraid you'd miss me...
- Cooke: [drawing his gun] Don't worry. We won't.
- Forrestal: Now that is American workmanship. You think the japanese invented that? Bullshit. We did. Oh, for a while there we lost it. But we got it back.
- Cooke: I like Cadillacs.
- Forrestal: You like Cadillacs, well come round around here, brother, and get into this Cadillac. You gonna love it. This is style and beauty... Comfy, right? Oh, I know what you gonna say, that's vinyl. Take it from me, you don't want leather, brother. Leather's hot. It's uncomfortable. It cracks. Nothing but trouble. Look at the headroom you've got in here. A guy like you is not gonna have any problem. Go ahead, start it up. Listen to that. That's power. That's performance.
- Cooke: You know what I like best?
- Forrestal: What's that?
- Cooke: ... The price. [Cranks up the car and backs up]
- Forrestal: Eh, wait a minute! You can't drive that car in here! Whoa! Whoa! [Cooke speeds up and runs over Forrestal]
- Matrix: [Reading a magazine Why can't they just call him "Girl George"? It would get rid of all the confusion.
- Jenny: Dad, that is so old.
- Matrix: [To Jenny, referring to a sandwhich she made him] What's in this?
- Jenny: (Jokingly) You don't wanna know.
- Jenny: [After Kirby leaves] Is it bad?
- Matrix: I'm not going away, if that's what you mean.
- Jenny: The it can't be bad.
- Diaz: Mellow out man. We can't talk business with you waving guns in people's faces... Your daughter is safe, Colonel. Now whether she stays that way is up to you. My people got some business with you. And if you want your kid back, then you gotta co-operate, right?
- Matrix: WRONG! [shoots him between the eyes]
- Bennett: Sully will make sure you get on the plane. Henrique is to stay with you, make sure you get off. If I don't hear of either one of them, she's dead.
- Matrix: How much are they payin' you, Bennett?
- Bennett: They offered me a hundred grand. You want to know something? When I found out I could get my hands on you, I said I'd do it for nothing...
- Henrique: Hey, hold it! [grabs Matrix by the arm]
- Matrix: I'll be back, Bennett!...
- Bennett:... John, I'll be ready, John!
- Sully: Have a nice trip, uh? Take care. Oh, here. Have some beers in Val Verde, Matrix. It'll give everyone a little more time with your daughter.
- Henrique: Heh.
- Matrix: You're a funny guy, Sully, I like you. That's why I'm going to kill you last...
- Henrique: Move.
- Sully:... Hasta luego, fellas.
- Stewardess: Any carry-on luggage?
- Matrix: [pointing to Henrique] Just him.
- Henrique: [to Matrix] Open your mouth again and I'll nail it shut.
- Stewardess: Sir! During takeoff you must remain seated.
- Matrix: I'm air sick...
- Arius: [To Jenny] Your father seems to be co-operating. You'll be together with him again soon. Won't that be nice?
- Jenny: Not nearly as nice as watching him kick your ass. (Directors cut)
- Sully: You know i've got something I'd really like to give you.
- Cindy: I'm not interested!
- Sully: Ohh, you don't know what you're missing
- Cindy: Well from here it looks like a nightmare, will you please leave me alone!
- Sully: ... You fucking whore
- Police Officier: Attention all units, emergency on theater level, suspect six foot two, brown hair. He is one gigantic motherfucker...
- Cindy: You steal my car, you rip the seat out, you kidnap me, you ask me to help you find your daughter which I very kindly do, and then you get me involved in a shoot out where people are dying and there's blood spurting all over the place, and then I watch you rip a phone booth out of a wall, swing from the ceiling like Tarzan, and then there's a cop that's going to shoot you and I save you and they start chasing me. Are you going to tell me what's going on or what?
- Matrix: No.
- Matrix: Where is she, Sully?
- Sully: Kiss my ass...
- Matrix: [pushes him] I can't hear you!
- Sully: I'll say it a little louder: get fucked!
- Matrix: Listen, your loyalty is very touching (carries him to the edge of a cliff) but it is not the most important thing in your life right now! But what is important is GRAVITY. And I have to remind you, Sully (Pats the arm he holds Sully with) this is my weak arm!
- Sully: You can't kill me, Matrix! You need me to find your daughter!
- Matrix: Where is she?
- Sully: I don't know! But Cooke knows! I'll take you where I'm supposed to meet him!
- Matrix: But you won't.
- Sully: Why not?
- Matrix: (Dangles key in front of Sully's face) Because I already know. (Sully whimpers) Remember, Sully, when I promised to kill you last?
- Sully: That's right Matrix, you did!
- Matrix: I lied. (Drops Sully)
- [After Matrix dropped Sully of the cliff]
- Cindy: What did you do with Sully?
- Matrix: I let him go...
- Cook: Scared, motherfucker? Well you should be, 'cos this Green Beret's going to kick your big ass!
- Matrix: I eat Green Berets for breakfast and right now I am VERY hungry!
- Cindy: I can't believe this macho bullshit!
- Soldier: Slitting a little girl's throat is like a warm knife through butter.
- Bennett: [to the soldier] Put the knife away, and shut your mouth.
- Bennett: I love listening to your little piss ant soldiers trying to talk tough, they make me laugh. If Matrix was here, he'd laugh too.
- Arius: My soldiers are patriots.
- Bennett: Your soldiers are nothing, Matrix and I could kill every one of them, at the blink of an eye - you remember that.
- Arius: Are you trying to frighten me Mr Bennett?
- Bennett: I don't have to try. When Matrix finishes the job, he'll be back for his daughter - no matter whether she's dead or alive, it doesn't matter. Then he'll be after you, and the only thing between Matrix and you... is me.
- Arius: I think it is you that is afraid Mr Bennett, you are afraid of Matrix.
- Bennett: Of course, I'm smart. But I have an edge, I have his daughter...
- John: [To Cindy] Don't break the silence until they've seen me.
- Cindy: How will I know?
- John: Because all fucking hell is gonna break loose.
- Bennett: [after he shot Matrix] John! How's your arm John?
- Matrix: [hidden behind a wall] Come over and find out!
- Bennett: No thanks, I think I'll take a pass. John, stick your head out, one shot, right between the eyes, I'll make it quick, just for old time sake.
- Matrix: Bennet, stop screwing around and let the girl go! It's me that you want! (Bennet laughs) I've only got one arm! You can beat me! (Gets out.) C'mon, Bennet. Throw away that chickenshit gun. Don't just pull the trigger. (Holds up a knife) You wanna put a knife in me. (Mysteriously)Look me in the eyes, and see what's going on in there when you turn it. That's what you want to do, right?
- Bennet: (Nervous whisper) I can kill you, John.
- Matrix: C'mon. Let the girl go. It's between you and me. Don't deprive yourself of some pleasure. C'mon, Bennet, let's party!
- Bennet: I can beat you. I don't need the girl. (Pushes Jenny aside) I don't need the girl! I-- I don't need the gun, John. I can beat you! I DON'T NEED NO GUN! (Throws it down and takes out a knife) I KILL YOU NOW!!!!!
- Bennett: [Punching him] John, I feel good! Just like old times... What does it feel like to be a dying man?... you're a dead man John!
- Matrix: Bullshit! [Punches back]
- Arnold Schwarzenegger - John Matrix
- Vernon Wells - Bennett
- Dan Hedaya - Arius
- Alyssa Milano - Jenny
- Rae Dawn Chong - Cindy