Corner Gas
Corner Gas is a Canadian situation comedy that airs on CTV and The Comedy Network.
(having a whispered conversation in the library)
(Brent takes his arm out from around Davis)
Ruby Reborn
- Brent: Want me to fill it up?
- Man: Sure. You know I've never driven across Saskatchewan before.
- Brent: Well, you still haven't really. About halfway to go yet.
- Man: Sure is flat.
- Brent: How do you mean?
- Man: You know, flat. Nothing to see.
- Brent: What do you mean, like topographically? Hey Hank, this guy says Saskatchewan is flat.
- Hank: How do you mean?
- Brent: Topographically, I guess. He says there's nothin' to see.
- Hank: There's lots to see. There's nothin' to block your view.
- Brent: There's lots to see. Nothin' to block your view. Like the mountains back there. They're uh... Well, what the hell? I could've sworn there was a big mountain range back there. Juttin' up into the sky all purple and majestic. I must be thinkin' of a postcard I saw or somethin'. Hey, it is kinda flat, thanks for pointin' that out.
- Man: You guys always this sarcastic?
- Brent: Nothin' else to do.
- Hank: Freaky abstract art on the walls, and she puts weird cloths on the table.
- Brent: You mean tablecloths...
- Hank: It's too much. She's turned the coffee shop into a gay bar.
- Lacey: I mean come on, a boycott? Look, I'm not clubbing baby seals and I'm not using Honduran children to make sneakers.
- Hank: You could be clubbing baby seals with Hondurian children; I don't care about that!
- Oscar: (to Emma)Your son is turning the gas station into a movie theatre!
- Brent: Bear in mind that Dad has a tendency to overstate things.
- Oscar: I have never overstated a single thing in the history of the planet!
- Brent: Well, you're not in Toronto anymore, Lacey, with your grande-mocha-dappo-loppa-frappochinos! This is Saskatchewan! Tommy Douglas fought the federal government for free refills on coffee.
Tax Man
- Brent: It's not just you. Dad once got mad at a butterfly. Called it a 'sonofabitch' and told it to get out of his garden.
- Oscar: Oh, I see, all buddy-buddy with the tax man. My taxes pay for your suit, buddy boy!
- Marvin Drey the Taxman: I can appreciate that you don't wanna help me. I get that a lot, sometimes I get outright hostility. Just because of my job.
- Brent: Well, no offence but I mean I can't just turn over my father. There's a bond between father and son that's strong and sacred.
- Oscar: Hey idiot! You left the lid on the dumpster up last night! Crows have scattered garbage all over the place out there. And I'll be damned if I'm gonna clean it, it'll be you out there on your hands and knees scrapin' up crow crap!
- Brent: I'll tell you whatever you need to know.
- Oscar: My taxes pay your salary!
- Brent: Geez, Dad, you gotta stop paying everyone's salary! You're only one man!
- Oscar: Why'd you come in person? You ever hear of a telephone? It's a handy invention; I'll show you how it works sometime.
- Marvin Drey the Taxman: We did call.
- Oscar: You did not!
- [flashback, Oscar is on the phone]
- Oscar: What are you calling me on the phone for? My taxes paid for this call! You got something to say, you come here and say it in person. Get in the car, you ever hear of a car? It's a handy invention; I'll show you how it works sometime!
- [He slams the phone down.]
- Emma: Who was that?
- Oscar: I don't know, some jackass!
- Marvin Drey the Taxman: I just need to speak to your father to verify a few things.
- Brent: I don't think he's here. I think he went to Hawaii.
- Marvin Drey the Taxman: Hawaii?
- Brent: Not Hawaii. Somewhere cheaper than that. Red Deer.
Pilates Twist
- Brent: No fear. You know where I read that?
- Lacey: Where?
- Brent: On the T-shirt of a kid working down at the co-op. He didn't let fear stand in his way. He stood there bravely bagging onions.
- Hank: I don't even want to get into your pants.
- Brent: And you're not going to with that kind of whining.
- Lacey: If I start a Pilates class, will you join?
- Brent: That depends.
- Lacey: On what?
- Brent: On what is Pilates?
- Lacey: Oh okay. Pilates is a method of unifying your mind and body...
- Brent: You lost me.
- Lacey: Oh, come on Brent. Don't you wanna unify your mind and body?
- Brent: No, I'm not gonna put all my eggs in one basket!
Oh Baby!
- Emma: A child's mind is their strength and their weakness.
- Brent: You're like Yoda.
- Emma: I don't know what that means.
(having a whispered conversation in the library)
- Brent: Do you have any books about child psychology?
- Alice: About what?
- Brent: Child psychology.
- Alice: Chives on top of me?
- Brent: Yes, that's right, Alice. I want a book about chives on top of you.
Grad '68
- Oscar: Are you saying I'm that easy to distract?
- Emma: Look Oscar, this spoon's dirty. (holds up spoon)
- Oscar: Really? (Oscar snatches the spoon and cleans it)
- Davis: At least I'm not...
- Karen: Blonde? Thin? Pretty?
- Davis: I'm pretty...
- Hank: I stand by my work... had I done it.
World’s Biggest Thing
- Lacey: Yeah, Brent. Why don't you look Fitzy's grandma in the eye and give her one good reason this town can't build a great big dirty hoe.
- Oscar: I didn't know whether to tell you this or not, but someone in town has a crush on me.
- Emma: A crush...on you? You couldn't get a dog to lick you if you were covered in gravy.
- Oscar: What the hell are you talking about? Dogs lick me all the time.
- Emma: So who's got a crush on you? Is Helen Keller back in town?
All My Ex's Live in Toronto
- Emma: You're going to the doctor.
- Oscar: Over my dead body!
- Emma: That'd speed things up.
- Brent: You're going to be around for a long time.
- Oscar: How do you know?
- Brent: Because I've angered the karma gods and you're my punishment.
- Karen: Do you know how fast you were going back there?
- Stephen: Uh, ninety-seven?
- Karen: Oh, that's a relief, radar gun's workin'.
Cousin Carl
- Mrs. Jensen: When your father ran the place, the customer was always respected.
- Oscar: Hey, jackass, stop talking to this old wingnut and come pump my gas!
- Brent: Well, he's a people person.
- Paul Kinistino: If anyone wants to give Oscar $1.20 to shut up about the bottle thing, he's in the corner.
- Oscar: I'm a senior!
Cell Phone
- Davis: Do you think my new cell phone is small?
- Karen: I don't know.
- Davis: Brent's got a smaller one. I mean I wasn't looking at it on purpose, he had it out and I just glanced at it.
- Karen: Right.
- Davis: But mine is small right? I mean how small would you say is normal? You get an inaccurate idea because you see smaller ones in movies and magazines and stuff. But for a normal person's cell phone mine is small, smaller than average.
- Karen: I don't think anyone really cares as long as it works.
- Brent: No, Dad, I didn't lose it. ...How could I be talkin' to you on it if I had lost it?
Comedy Night
- Lacey: Karen, I'm glad you're here. Look, we need to talk about the book club.
- Karen: I thought the first rule of book club was you don't talk about book club.
- Lacey: That's fight club.
- Karen: What do you know about fight club?
- Lacey: Right now we're reading Life of Pi.
- Hank: Oh, a detective novel.
- Lacy: What?
- Hank: You know, PI. Private investigator.
- Brent: I love books. I'm a voluptuous reader.
- Wanda: Now, I just need to finish the set design. I'm thinking something shiny. Bright colours, red, green, flashing lights...
- Brent: So, old Christmas decorations.
- Wanda: Yeah!
- Brent: Fine, you deck the halls but I'm not donning any gay apparel.
- Wanda: Okay.
Hook, Line and Sinker
- Karen: Kiss me, fish man.
- Brent: It would never rain in Dog River if I could squeegee the sky...
- Brent: It's not childish. Hey, is poop face hyphenated?
- Karen: I can't believe you're sending me in without back-up.
- Davis: It's just a fishing trip, Karen.
- Karen: But it's with Hank, twelve hours, killing fish.
- Davis: If it gets to you, you don't have to kill him, just throw him into the lake.
- Karen: I wasn't worried about the fish.
- Davis: I wasn't talking about the fish.
Face Off
- Davis: Uh... I came to use your skate sharpener.
- Oscar: Getting ready for the season opener, eh? Geez, I can't wait.
- Davis: I heard we almost lost Brent.
- Oscar: What do you mean?
- Davis: The Stonewood Saints asked him to play for their team.
- Oscar: They what? Sons of... How would they like it if we went there and burnt down their rink?
- Karen: That genuinely seems like an appropriate response to you?
- Rocket Ronnie: Over-celebrating a bit for a tie, aren't we boys?
- Hank: You're just upset because you didn't win! You poor tie-ers!
- Brent: Yeah, sleep well tonight knowing you don't suck less than we do!
- Dog River Howler: River dogs almost win!
- Brent: They're frightened and confused by the weird newness.
- Lacey: They're ranklin' at the weird newness.
- Wanda: It's a premature! [meaning offside]
I Love Lacey
- Davis: [after losing the Grey Cup tickets] Well, I'll have to go to a scalper.
- Karen: Isn't it weird for you to go to a scalper?
- Davis: Why? Because I'm a Cree man? I resent that!
- Karen: Because you're a police officer and scalping tickets is illegal.
- Davis: Oh yeah.
- Hank: Hey Oscar, does your friend Russell like to lie on the kitchen floor with a phone in his hand?
- Oscar: No.
- Hank: Then either this guy ain't Russell, or your friend Russell's dead.
- [Oscar runs over and sees Russell is dead.]
- Oscar: Told ya he was here.
The Brent Effect
- Karen: I know you're my senior officer, so I say this with all due respect: How stupid are you? You can't just fire your gun off willy-nilly!
- Davis: It wasn't willy-nilly. It was at crows.
Wedding Card
- Brent: Or you could have just said 'We lost the photos'....Mind you that wouldn't have been as emotionally scarring.
- Oscar: Daisy arch? You'll never get me under one of those death traps.
Smell of Freedom
- [Fitzy and a woman accuse Brent of making fun of people.]
- Brent: I'm a monster? A monster with a game?
- Oscar: How'd you lose your sense of smell in the first place?
- Davis: I got hit in the face with a ball.
- Oscar: Then what you need to do is get hit with a ball again.
- Davis: I don't think that'll work.
- Oscar: Why not?
- Davis: Because this isn't Gilligan's Island.
- Oscar: This is not about revenge. This is about getting even.
- Oscar: You're about to watch yourself lose a customer!
- Man: I let you play here for free.
- Oscar: Not any more you don't.
- Lacey: Phobias are irrational, they don't have to make sense. Don't you guys have any?
- Brent: Fears? Not really. I mean, just the standard stuff, you know. Pirates, vampires, sasquatch, intimacy, commitment.
- Lacey: What about you?
- Wanda: None come to mind. Being intimate with a sasquatch.
- Hank: I'm like Wanda, I don't have any fears.
- Brent: What about bees?
- Hank: I don't have any bees either. [Pause] Oh, fear of bees, right, yeah.
- Davis: Fear is natural. It's what makes us human. It's what separates us from the animals.
- Wanda: That, and opposable thumbs. And pants.
- Hank: Rollerblading.
- Wanda: Any kind of bipedal locomotion.
- Karen: We can make fire. Animals can't make fire.
- Hank: Well, if you don't count dragons.
- Wanda: Actually, there's a lot that separates us from animals.
- Davis: You had me at pants.
Lost and Found
- [Karen has lost her footbag.]
- Karen: I'm looking for my footbag.
- Oscar: It's called a sock, Einstein!
- Karen: look at my footbag! I could do this forever!
- Davis: I don't like that footbag. Lenny on Law & Order, he wouldn't hacky-sack.
- Karen: ...All in the knee...
- Davis: That other guy on Law & Order...he might hackey-sack...
- Hank: The hunter has become the hunted! The fox has become... the fox... that has caught... itself?
Hero Sandwich
- Brent: This is the Dog River Howler after all, the info is sketchy at best. Remember last year when those coyotes were comin' into town, eatin' people's cats.
- Dog River Howler: Cattle killed by Werewolfs!
- Hank: Plus the plural werewolf is werewolves... with a "v".
- Brent: Also a good point.
- Mayor Fitzgerald: It's time that Dog River joined the 20th century.
- Karen: Now we'll only be one century behind.
Security Cam
- Brent: Wanda, can I show you something?
- Wanda: I've already seen your belly doing the hula.
- Brent: Now, no more dirty talk. Hand me that big tool so I can mount this.
Bingo Night
- Emma: Why don't you call? You have such a beautiful voice.
- Wanda: At Karaoke Night, you threw a shoe at me.
- Emma: My feet were tired.
Mosquito Time
- Emma: I need Oscar around the house. His weirdness keeps me sane.
- Karen: Oscar, do you have any liquid dish soap?
- Oscar: Lickey disco?
Hurry Hard
- Lacey: [Attempting to say "Hurry Hard"] Have a heart! Have a heart!
- Davis: Get her!
- Karen: Yeah! Get her!
- Lacey: Oh, have a heart!
- Brent: That's "hurry hard".
An American in Saskatchewan
- Hank: You can't just leave me here! It's like 10 miles to town!
- Davis: It's your house, you'll live.
- Hank: All I have to eat here are pickles and Pop Rocks!
- Davis: You'll probably live.
- [Davis holds up a piece of wood and shows Wes.]
- Davis: I'll give you this if you get rid of the ATM.
- Wes: You're bribing me with a piece of wood?
- Davis: It's not just a piece of wood, I've got a whole pile of wood. It's yours.
- Fitzy: My plan to promote Dog River is working. An American tourist came here accidentally.
Pandora’s Wine
- Brent: Brunch is a powerful tool. I won't see it used for evil.
- Brent: Revenge is a brunch best served with nice biscuits.
- Oscar: You gotta stop living in the past.
- Emma: Does that mean we can finally get a digital clock?
- Oscar: Sure, if you want to blow 800 bucks.
- Emma: Idiot.
Doc Small
- Davis: A rooster lays an egg on a roof; which side does it roll down?
- Hank: The Alberta side! No wait, trick question, the roof is flat.
- Davis: Nope. It's a slanted roof.
- Hank: He he.... the egg is square!
- [Karen and Davis look at each other stunned.]
- Hank: No?
- Karen: Okay. A plane crashes on the border of Alberta and Saskatchewan. Where do they bury the survivors?
- Hank: Hmmm. Well, I guess you gotta figure out which province has more of the plane.
- Karen: The plane is equally divided between the two provinces.
- Hank: Oh.
- Karen: [Repeats herself] A plane crashes directly on the border of Alberta and Saskatchewan. Where do they bury the survivors?
- Hank: Ohhhhh! The survivors... one on each side.
- Brent: ...the committee to convince a young doctor to live in Dog River or C.T.C.A.Y.D.T.L.I.D.R. or ctcaydtlidr.
- Dr. Chris Garner: Please. You guys think I don't know what's going on? It's obvious the whole town has conspired to convince me not to live here. The weird sexcapades of Brent and his friends.
(Brent takes his arm out from around Davis)
- Dr Chris Garner: People tossing their kids out. And the constant smothering by this woman who dresses all slutty.
- Lacey: (fake laugh) Flirty...!
Rock On!
- Oscar: What's all the racket? I can hear you clear across town!
- Brent: You can hear us two blocks away?
- Oscar: Back in the 70s, I wrote a tune called Mona the Monkey. Next thing you know, I turn on the radio and there's Earl the Squirrel.
- Karen: That's not exactly what we in the police business call "hard evidence".
- Davis: It's not even soft evidence.
- Oscar: Mona the Monkey? Earl the Squirrel?
- Lacey: Casper the Ghost. Dennis the Menace.
- Karen: Tony the Tiger.
- Davis: Winnie the Pooh.
- Lacey: Soup of the Day.
- Oscar: You're all smart. Maybe Tony the Pooh doesn't know when he's being ripped off, ever think about that?
- Lacey: Maybe just a half cup for you today.
- Brent: Let me guess, you're broke.
- Hank: What makes you say that?
- Wanda: Because you're staring at the cash the way Hank stares at cash. [pause] Oh my God, you've become your own metaphor.
Slow Pitch
- Brent: That's right, Wes is nuts. This coming from a guy who once punched a skunk.
- Oscar: He had it comin'.
- Oscar: I rub my left elbow, bunt; I rub my right elbow, bursitis. Bunt, bursitis. Bursitis, bunt.
- Hank: Aw, man... I can taste Wes eating those nachos now.
Harvest Dance
- Brent: I can't eat your jelly salad this year, Mom. Lacey has me on some South Park Atkins Diet.
Dress for Success
- Brent: Hold my monkey.
- Brent: [referring to fake money on money tree] "Well why can't you get it yourself, did some fictional hooligan steal your make believe ladder?
- Oscar: You just bought ten thousand dollars worth of stocks in twenty seconds; Congratulations, you are the stupidest man in the world!
- Hank: Oh yeah? Let's see you do it faster!
Key to the Future
- Hank: I had a dream about your mom.
- Brent: ..You have five seconds to make my skin stop crawling.
Dog River Vice
- Oscar: Canada has more Ukranians than one other country, can you guess which one?
- Emma: The Ukraine?
- Oscar: Yeah, it's the Ukraine!
- Brent: Quitting coffee is hard; quittin' knittin' is easy...and fun to say. Quittin' knittin', quittin' knittin', quittin' knittin'...
Will and Brent
- Wanda: Hey, Lacey! I need your boards; I'm up to my armpits in bulletins!
- Brent: That's almost two feet of bulletins.
Mail Fraud
- Hank: Is Aruba near Cuba?
- Lacey: They don't arrange countries phonetically.
- Hank: It would be cool if they did, though. Then Canada would be next to...Granada.
- Lacey: It's Grenada.
- Hank: Yeah right! And we live in Ca-Nay-Da. So did he tell you where he was going next?
- Lacey: Yeah! Yeah, he just landed in Madrid, which is right next to, uh...Fadrid.
- Hank: Oh! Lucky skunk.
- Lacey: Hank, he's not lucky. He's delusional.
- Wanda: Dear Brent, I know you're on vacation, but if you get the chance; maybe in between your pedicure and your mud bath, you can fix the debit machine like you said you would. All the best, Wanda.
- Brent: Dear Wanda: you can do it. Sincerely, Brent.
- Wanda: Dear Brent, I don't have the pass codes to fix the machine, now do I? P.S.: Your shirt's ugly.
- Hank: Where's Incommunicado?
- Wanda: You're familiar with the island of Ignoramus?
- Oscar: Not now, I'm downloading a google.
- Oscar: That's probably because you hooked your hard drive in to the protocol, and using bits to spamming up the Internet
- Wanda: How are we ever going to tell when you actually do lose your mind?
Trees a Crowd
- Hank: To defeat a child, you gotta think like a child!
- Brent: You are uniquely qualified.
- Brent:(running from kids) I've had it with your stupid plans, Now it's time for my stupid plans.
Picture Perfect
- Hank: With your knowledge of city stuff, and my knowledge of non-city stuff, we know all stuff!
- Lacey: We know all stuff. Wow, that does sound tempting, but I'm not really drawn to a night of drinking beer and watching TV.
Ruby Newsday
- Lacey: Hank was right, my newspaper was late this morning.
- Brent: Yeah, well, you can thank my dad. He's your eager 12-year-old.
- Lacey: Really? Ha! That is so sweet. Sweet and a little bit sad. Mostly sad.
- Brent: Yeah, we're all very proud.
- Lacey: Why should I pay you? These tips are for my service.
- Man: Can I get a coffee?
- Lacey: In a sec!
- Wanda: Come on! Betty or Veronica? Anyone can think of that.
- Lacey: This is what I'm saying.
- Hank: Yeah? Well, I don't need this! I quit!
- Lacey: You're quitting a job you never had.
- Hank: It's finally sinking in, isn't it? No more questions from me.
- Lacey: [to Wanda] Thanks for sticking up for me.
- Wanda: I got your back, sister! [they high-five]
Block Party
- Hank: All great artists overcome adversity.
- Brent: Actually most of 'em go nuts, lop off an ear or two.
- Hank: Lop off my ear!? Some help you are!
Physical Credit
- Davis: Award of Excellence? They don't have that in the Olympics.
- Oscar: Oh believe me, I tried.
Hair Comes the Judge
- [Davis is bugging Oscar about the hole in his muffler.]
- Oscar: A porcupine died for that hole, buddy boy!
- Davis: Don't make this about the porcupine!
- Davis: When have you ever cut my hair?
- Karen: You take a lot of naps.
- Lacey: Seriously, Wanda. I need your complete, impartial opinion.
- Wanda: Alright. I'll be completely impartial. I'll listen to you and Dingledork (referring to Hank)
- Hank: Hey!
Dog River Dave
- Oscar: Ungrateful ungrates!
- Hank: Ingrates. I think that's ingrates.
- Oscar: Ingrateful ingrates!
Two Degrees of Separation
- Oscar: It's like Africa in here. It's like a sauna. It's like a Sauna in Africa!
- Emma: Oh, It's imperceptible.
- Oscar: Well I percept it!
Just Brent and his Shadow
- Hank: Blink twice if you're in danger.
- Hank: You blinked like 13 times; I don't know what that means.
I, Witness
- Wanda: What's four times five?
- Brent and Karen: 19.
- Oscar: 21.
- Brent and Karen: 19.
- Oscar: 21.
- Brent and Karen: 19.
- Fitzy: What's going on?
- Wanda: I asked them what four times five is.
- Fitzy: Isn't that 20?
- Man: Yeah, Fitzy's right.
- Oscar: 21.
- Brent and Karen: 19.
- Man and Fitzy: 20.
- Karen: I need an excuse of some sort.
- Wanda: But I did all this work!
- Karen: That's the excuse... you did all the work!
- Oscar: No, that's it; I'm not doing it.
- Emma: You're being cruel; I never ask you to do anything.
- Oscar: What are you talking about. You ask me to do stuff all the time.
- [In a Flashback] Emma: Oscar, can you pass me the milk?
- Oscar: And I got a lot more examples.
Blog River
- Karen: Hey, Davis. I figured you'd be in tax prison by now.
- Karen: You make it sound like Christmas.
- Wanda: Tax time beats the crap out of Christmas.
- Lacey: Why do people who like to do things make people who don't like to do things do things?
- Hank: Hello, question mark. Is there anybody out there, question mark. Nobody's reading this blog are they... question mark. I'm gettin' a sandwich
- Emma: this will be fun! Food, people, the smell of the grill.
- Lacey: That's my job. I do this all day.
- Emma: But this is outside!
- Lacey (sarcastically): Oh great. My job plus bugs.
One Piano, Four Hands
- Wanda: I think I've got Hot Cross Buns Down, let's try Three Blind Mice.
- Emma: They're the same tune.
- Wanda: ...You just blew my mind.
- Emma: Glad to have helped.
- Oscar: Who's punching your horses now?
- Wanda (to Hank): If you are not injured from this accident, you will be when I'm done with you!
- Hank: I think I broke my wrist.
- Wanda: Damn!
- Hank: I know!
Census Sensibility
- Hank: You don't know how it goes down! You don't even know when it goes down! It just went down and you didn't even know!
- Brent: I so don't believe you. My disbelief is like an iron fortress of disbelief... patrolled by Superman... and he doesn't believe you either.
- Oscar: [Seeing pregnant women] Headcount! One... and a half. Let's go.
- Fitzy: I don't even have a desk! This is a door on two filing cabinets!
The Good Old Table Hockey Game
- Hank: You beat Brent! You're Queen of the Knobs!
- Karen: Please don't call me that.
Potato Bowl
- Oscar: Something's different about these mashed potatoes.
- Emma: That's because it's RICE.
- Oscar: Needs sour cream.
- Wanda: (talking about the bowl to Emma) I paid fifty bucks for it on Ebay!
- Emma: Fifty bucks, is that all?
- Mayor Fitzy: Yeah, I mean for an enchanted bowl that's a bargain!
Happy Campers
- Fitzy: Your meatloaf's good, but I wanted a cheeseburger. Actually, I heard there was sashimi but it's not on the menu.
- Karen: I can do sashimi.
- Lacey: Can I get you anything else?
- Fitzy: Do you have sashimi?
- Lacey: Eat your meatloaf.
Gopher It
- Fitzy: I guess my strategy of no one running against me, is working.
- Fitzy: You know, of all the ideas I've heard; your is the first. Let's do it.
- Guy in Suit: Meet the new manager of the Dog River Pump 'N' Go.
- Oscar: Have a nice day, jackass.
Cable Excess
- Emma: So whaddya think?
- Oscar: I dunno. Where's the gotcha? Where's the water cooler? Maybe if you had an ostrich. You don't talk about it, it's just there. Ostrich. Think about it.
- Hank: Yeah-ah, I got this friend, who egged a cable van.
- Peggy: We only take questions about pets.
- Hank: [Pause] I have this pet, who egged a cable van...
- Davis: Do you have to have your top button done up when you talk to him?
- Karen: What are you saying?
- Davis: I'm just sayin' would it kill ya to flirt with him?
- Karen: Um, yeah!
- Lacey: So...you know the log? Was that fire real or was it added digitally?
- Cable guy: Oh, it's real. But here's the crazy thing about that log...it was shot...in July.
Spin Cycle
- Brent: Are there birds in here?
- Wanda: It's the phone.
- Brent: Are there birds in the phone?
- Wanda: Hey Olivia, the new comics are in.
- Hank: Oh thanks. Olivia?
- Wanda: Newton-John? Let's get physical?
- Hank: Oh no, not right now, I'm about to work out.
- Lacey (naked): Wow! This isn't so bad, it's actually..It's kind of liberating.
- Emma: I couldn't get the photographer.
- Lacey: What? .. Well who's that guy?
- Emma: I've got no idea.
- Man: Can I get a coffee to go?
Whiner Takes All
- Karen: Hey, how did you know I forgot my wallet?
- Wanda: I...saw it in your eyes...you look wallet-less.
Accidental Cleanist
- Oscar: It's not a sex bench! It's a make-out bench. And it's not a make-out bench!
- Brent: Whatever you say, Hef.
- Oscar: I was walking downtown, and what should I see? But Brent Leroy's Corner Gas tree!
- Brent: So you wrote a poem about it?
Final Countdown
- Lacey Burrows: Wow. That is a great-looking cake.
- Emma Leroy: Chocolate double chocolate with chocolate icing. I've been serving it to Brent for 39 years.
- Lacey Burrows: You fed Brent cake when he was one?
- Emma Leroy: Well, that's how we got him to walk.
- Davis Quinton: No permit, no fireworks. Now, if you can gently carry them and very carefully place them in the trunk of the police car while I stand way over here, that'd be great.
- Davis Quinton: Wanda is a scared! Wanda is a scared!
- Oscar Leroy: Walter has a beard! Walter Has a beard!