Cornstalk was a prominent leader of the Shawnee people in the era of the American Revolution. His Indian name was Hokoleskwa ("blade of corn"), rendered in innumerable spelling variations by contemporary chroniclers.
- We must fight, or we are undone.
- Cornstalk to Shawnee Council
- Let us kill all our women and children, and go fight till we die.
- Cornstalk to Shawnee Council
- Variant: What shall we do now? The big knife is coming on us, and we shall all be killed. Now we must fight, or we are done. Then let us kill our women and children and go fight until we die? I shall go and make peace!.
- Cornstalk to Shawnee Council
- My son, the Great Spirit has seen fit that we should die together; and has sent you here. It is his will. Let us submit. It is best...
- Cornstalk to his son Elinipsico shortly before their murders
- I was the border man’s friend. Many times I have saved him and his people from harm. I never warred with you, but only to protect our wigwams and lands. I refused to join your paleface enemies with the red coats. I came to the fort as your friend and you murdered me. You have murdered by my side, my young son.... For this, may the curse of the Great Spirit rest upon this land. May it be blighted by nature. May it even be blighted in its hopes. May the strength of its peoples be paralyzed by the stain of our blood.
- Cornstalk's Curse
Others On Chief Cornstalk
- I have heard the first orators in Virginia, Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, but never have I heard one whose powers of delivery surpassed those of Cornstalk on that occasion.
- Colonel Benjamin Wilson, 1774
- When Cornstalk arose, he was in no wise confused or daunted, but spoke in a distinct and audible voice, without stammering, or repetition, and with peculiar emphasis. His looks while addressing Dunmore were truly grand, yet graceful and attractive.
- Colonel Benjamin Wilson, 1777