Cowboy Bebop
Cowboy Bebop is a 26 episode Japanese animated TV series by Shinichiro Watanabe that initially ran starting in 1998.
Faye calls out. Ein howls.
Vicious slits his throat, bird caws
Scene cuts to Jet, and Spike shuffling a deck of cards in the Bebop
Spike sets the deck of cards on the table, and stands up
Faye enters through a small door with shopping bags
Notices the silence and tension in the room
Faye walks toward the screen with Mao's picture and bounty
Spike begins to walk toward the exit
Spike's inside of his spaceship
Jet communicates via radio
[Back inside the Bebop]
Jet turns off the screen with Mao's info on it
[Faye picks up the card facing down on the floor and the monitor turns on]
[Faye looks at the card in hand; Ace of Spades - scene then cuts to Faye inside of a opera auditorium]
[Back at the Bebop, Jet's going through some information]
[Ein whimpers]
[Ave Maria plays as the scene cuts to the Opera]
[Scene cuts to a convenient store owned by Anastasia, with two kids looking at adult magazines]
[The two kids run out of the store, one falls behind and the other crashes into Spike]
[Scene cuts to inside of the store; Anastasia drinking while Spike's reading the adult magazine]
[Scene cuts back to the Opera concert]
[Faye sits down and Vicious creeps from behind her]
[Back at the convenient store]
[Spike's back in the Bebop going through his artillery]
[The monitor beeps turning on sending a live message from Faye]
[Scene cuts to Spike walking up to a remote cathedral with birds cawing, Rain plays in the background]
[Spike gazes coldly at the man before shooting him in the head]
[Gunfire within the cathedral ensues]
[Spike stays inside killing off Vicious men, while Faye runs out of the Cathedral and Jet's in the Bebop butchering a plant]
[Scene cuts back to the cathedral; Spike fighting Vicious]
[Spike shoots Vicious and in return Vicious stabs Spike and throws him out of the cathedral's front window. Spike experiences flashbacks as he's falling]
[Scene cuts back to Spike regaining consciousness, bandaged head to toe. Faye is watching over him, humming a soothing tune]
[An angry Faye walks out of the room after Spike screamed in pain]
See You Space Cowboy..
The two then laugh hysterically.
[Sirens wailing in the distance]
[Fires a shot, while Jet is standing outside with a radio in hand]
Back inside of the store
[Points the gun at the girl's head who then laughs weakly]
[Girl laughs a bit more]
[Both laugh]
Back outside of the store
[Spike approaches the man, making him look down at his feet to then high-kick the thug]
Back inside of the store
[Spike enters the store with headphones on, and is approached by Rengie]
[Rengie aims his gun at Spike]
[commenting on their diet of instant noodles]
Asteroid Blues
- Spike: This is real mystic and all but, uh, do you have anything to eat here?
- Old Man Bull: [Stomach growls]
- Spike: I see.
- Old Man Bull: The red-eyed coyote will appear at the zona norte at the far end of town. That is what I see. [Pause] You, Swimming Bird.
- Spike: Hm?
- Old Man Bull: The Swimming Bird shall meet a woman. The bird shall be hunted by this woman, and then... death.
- Spike: One more time...
- Old Man Bull: What's that?
- Spike: I was killed once before... by a woman.
- Old Man Bull: You take women too lightly, my friend.
- Spike: On the contrary... catch ya' later.
- Antonio: This again? Goddamn sonofabitch! Man, you're totally ripping me off, but do ya realize the reason you can live here is because I dug that gate with all my might, ya hear?
- Carlos: This again. You always say that when you lose. We all dug the gate together, remember?
- Jobin: That we did... We dug like there was no tomorrow...
- Spike: Me? I'm just an old-fashioned cowboy.
- Jet: Having yourself a little nap, huh?
- Spike: I had a sweet dream.
Stray Dog Strut
- Spike [looking at some nunchucks]: Long chain on this one. Way of the Dragon model?
- Spike: I hate kids and pets! They're all a royal pain in the butt!
- Spike: You know you really make me laugh Hakim, risking your life for a dog that's only worth a fist full of woolongs.
- Hakim: What's it to you?
- Spike: Nothing but a giggle, but you're worth a barrel full of woolongs yourself my friend.
- Jet: Don't count your chickens Spike, or should I say don't count your ducks.
- Spike: I hate kids & pets. They're all a royal pain in the butt.
- Jet: Complaining again. Didn't your grandmother ever tell you that a good boy has to finish what he starts?
- Spike: My grandmother died before I was born.
- Jet: My condolences.
- Spike: Well here's another great moment in the legend of Spike, famous bounty hunter & dog walker.
- Jet: Now don't get too hotheaded, Spike.
- Spike: You haven't seen hotheaded, Jet.
- [Spike sees Ein being thrown from the car]
- Spike: Damn it! THIS IS WHY I HATE PETS!
Honky Tonk Women
- Faye: You know the first rule in combat? [empties sub-machine gun through closed door] ...shoot them before they shoot you.
- Faye: My family have always been "Romanies," wandering about in search of love. You don't know anything, do you? That's another term for Gypsies! Everyone else, like you guys, with no pride in their lives are called "Gaujo."
- Spike: I'm fine with being a "Gaujo."
Faye calls out. Ein howls.
- Faye: It's calling me... The great outdoors are calling out to me...
- Jet: You can do all of this with the cops.
- Spike: Let's go, Jet.
- Faye: Oh, fine. I won't run. At least untie one hand! I can't even go to the bathroom like this!
- Jet: Man, we got one yappy woman here.
Gateway Shuffle
- Spike: The music box is broken, or is it? It starts to play and a haunting tune fills the air. I awake suddenly from my dream, there is no music box and yet there it is, a tiny one, nestled in my hand and I awake from the dream again as if I were peeling an onion. It’s a dream no matter how far I go; I can never reach reality, trapped in an endless nightmare.
- Spike: So no one's going to bitch if we get rid of that monkey missile now, right?
- Faye: When you're told not to open something, well, who can resist?
- Spike [to Twinkle]: With 25,000,000 you can buy a whole lot of lobster stew.
- Faye: You know what they say cowboy, easy come easy go.
- Spike: That missile will hit Ganymede before I have a chance to recharge!
- Faye: Hey there, have a little trouble?
- Spike: Huh?
- Faye: I can bail you out for 80%...
- Spike: You're insane!!
- Faye: OK, by-bye now!
- Spike: Alright, 40%, that's my last offer!
- Faye: OK, I get the 60!
- Jet: Deal, just do it!
- Bob: They're gonna close the whole thing into hyperspace, missiles and all!
- Faye: This is no joke! (starts to flee)
- Jet: SPIKE!
- Spike: (in pain from G-force) I hear you!!
- Spike: "Next time", "we'll make money"? Jet, is she saying what I'm thinking she's saying, cause if she is...
- Jet: I don't know and I have no opinion.
- Spike: Man, she's taking a shower in our shower. That's not OK, right?
- Jet: Don't know, I have no opinion.
- Spike: ...fine, I'll go tell her myself.
- Jet: Mmmm... huh?- Wait, Spike! (three gunshots are heard) Bad move, Spike-o!
Ballad of Fallen Angels
Mao's captured by men working for Vicious- Mao: This won't do you any good. The times have changed. The syndicates can't survive like this any longer, this endless bloodletting is tearing us all apart.
Vicious slits his throat, bird caws
- Mao: If.. Spike were here.. you would never.. have done this..
Scene cuts to Jet, and Spike shuffling a deck of cards in the Bebop
- Jet: I don't feel like up for this.
- Spike: Ah-hm?
- Jet: I said, I don't feel like doing this.
Spike sets the deck of cards on the table, and stands up
- Spike: Then I have no choice.
- Jet: Hold on a minute, Spike.
- Spike: Hey, I don't wanna bother you.
- Jet: Don't get salty, alright? Just how much do you know about these boys?
- Spike: Enough to get the picture.
- Jet: Well then?
- Spike: There's a fat bounty, plenty of info on the guy and a lead. So, what are you scared of?
- Jet: Spike, you're avoiding the subject and you know it. What are you tryin' to hide from me?
- Spike: So, how did ya mess up your arm, huh, Jet?
- Jet: What does that have to do with that?
- Spike: Nothing at all.
- Jet: So, when are you gonna answer my question?
- Spike: When you answer mine.
Faye enters through a small door with shopping bags
- Faye: Why is this door so small? I can barely get through!
Notices the silence and tension in the room
- Faye: Ah.. hm.. What's going on?
- Jet: None of your business.
- Faye: Hm.. hey! We're supposed to be a team here, you know?
- Jet: Since when? You're just walking trouble, so stay out of it.
- Faye: Hmph! Fine, like I care.
Faye walks toward the screen with Mao's picture and bounty
- Faye: So, who is this guy? New hit?
- Jet: Ask, before you look.
- Faye: It's sitting right there. Lighten up.
Spike begins to walk toward the exit
- Jet: Spike? Wait a minute, Spike!
Spike's inside of his spaceship
- Spike: Prepare for take off.
Jet communicates via radio
- Jet: Spike? I'm not gonna back you up.
- Spike: Your call.
[Back inside the Bebop]
- Jet: Damn it. Bullheaded.
- Faye: Mao Yenrai, a twenty-eight million bounty for murdering a crime boss. He's the head of a syndicate, hm? [After a small pause] Whoa! That's who you guys are after!?
Jet turns off the screen with Mao's info on it
- Faye: What? Did you have a fight?
- Jet: Can it. You're being obnoxious!
- Faye: [Amused] Hm. Really?
- Jet: I said, can it! [Slams radio against the desk, a card falls from the deck of cards] He can do whatever the hell he wants!
- Faye: Oh, God. Men are such babies. Hm?
[Faye picks up the card facing down on the floor and the monitor turns on]
- Man on Tv: You there Jet!? I got something big!
- Faye: Something big, hm?
[Faye looks at the card in hand; Ace of Spades - scene then cuts to Faye inside of a opera auditorium]
- Usher-guy: Ma'am, excuse me? I need to see your ticket for the concert, please?
- Faye: Ticket? Oh, I don't have any ticket.
- Usher-guy: Well then, I'm afraid I can't let you in, ma'am.
- Faye: Alright, but he's going to be very unhappy with you.
- Usher-guy: Huh!?
- Faye: That's right, him. Balcony, first box. You know who.
- Usher-guy: Huh!? Mao Yenrai?
- Faye: Can you park my sift craft? It's out front.
[Back at the Bebop, Jet's going through some information]
- Jet: What makes them all think, they can do whatever the hell they like? Hm? There's an encryption on this thing.
[Ein whimpers]
- Jet: Hm? You're worried? Relax. You haven't seen the decryption master at work. [Opens files] You see? Now we type in MAO YENRAI. So, I was right. The bounty is for real but there's a whole lot more to it.
[Ave Maria plays as the scene cuts to the Opera]
- Faye: Is this Mr. Mao Yenrai's box? I looked all over for it. Actually I--
- Man#1: Yes. We've been waiting for you.
- Faye: Hm--ah? Hngh.
- Man#2: We request that you remain quiet during the performance.
[Scene cuts to a convenient store owned by Anastasia, with two kids looking at adult magazines]
- Anastasia: Put 'em back!
[The two kids run out of the store, one falls behind and the other crashes into Spike]
- Anastasia: You're not gettin' away!
- Kid#1: Get out of my way!
- Spike: Hmm? [while looking at the adult magazine]
- Kid#1: Hm? Hey, give it back, you dumbass! Gimme!
- Anastasia: Hmph! Really.. kids these days.. I'll hand you over to the police. [both kids are in headlocks, she then notices Spike] Oh my dear God.
- Spike: Hey.
[Scene cuts to inside of the store; Anastasia drinking while Spike's reading the adult magazine]
- Spike: Isn't it bad for your health to drink it all in one gulp, Annie?
- Anastasia: What's bad for my health is seeing you come back to life. It's a shock to the system.
- Spike: Hey, thanks a lot for the warm welcome.
- Anastasia: Hmph. Why welcome the dead? It's all feudal. [She pours herself another glass]
- Spike: But, I'm alive.
- Anastasia: No, you're not. You died three years ago. That's how things work here. I know why you're here Spike.
- Spike: Huh?
- Anastasia: You wouldn't of have come unless you needed some information. Something important, right? Well, I'll help if I can, but don't ask me too much.
- Spike: ..Anastasia.
- Anastasia: No! Don't you call me that, there are only two people who can use that name. So, what do you wanna know?
- Spike: Mao Yenrai. What happened to him?
[Scene cuts back to the Opera concert]
- Faye: Mao Tianjin, what's the reason for this?
- Man#1: No reason to speak, Ms. Valentine. We've done a very thorough background check on you. Rest assure, you'll be held in a very secured location. Please, take your seat.
[Faye sits down and Vicious creeps from behind her]
- Vicious: You're trembling.
- Faye: Eh? Who are you? Tell me!
- Vicious: Vicious.
[Back at the convenient store]
- Anastasia: You know, I don't tell you what to do, but just don't get tangled up with Vicious, anymore, alright? [brief pause] Why am I talking to you? It's useless.
- Spike: Sorry.
- Anastasia: You've never listened to anyone in your whole life. [Gulps down a glass of liquor] And on top of that you're a stubborn show off! You think it'd kill you to listen to your elders for once!? No. That's too much to ask. Abut Mao, he had a lot of guys out looking for you. He was convinced that you were still alive, said he could feel it. No one could talk him out of it. So now, here you are finally back and Mao is..
- Spike: Annie.. [Annie pours herself another glass] I think you've had enough.
- Anastasia: Not yet! This one is for Mao.
- Spike: If it's for Mao, I'll drink it myself. [Takes glass away from her and downs it in one shot]
[Spike's back in the Bebop going through his artillery]
- Jet: All right, and what are you planning to do with all the artillery?
- Spike: Where is the girl?
- Jet: When she saw all the bounty figures, she had a lapsed insanity. I'm sure she's somewhere screwing up and getting in trouble.
- Spike: I see.
- Jet: Let me tell you something! You're not gonna get any reward money from Mao. He's already dead. Assassinated. Internal politics, between rival crime syndicates. Do you understand? It's a trap.
- Spike: Yeah, I know. I know the whole sad story.
- Jet: [shocked] And you're still going? [brief thoughtful pause] Wait, does this have to do with Mao?
- Spike: Yeah. I have a debt to pay off.
- Jet: You wanted to know what happened to my arm..
- Spike: Hm?
- Jet: This is what I paid, yeah.. [Holds his prosthetic metal arm up] ..for being too gung-ho and being ahead of the game. You get the point?
- Spike: I don't want to do this, Jet.
- Jet: Then, why are you?
- Spike: [smiling] Let's just say, my past is catching up to me.
[The monitor beeps turning on sending a live message from Faye]
- Faye: Heh-heh. I kind'a got myself caught.
- Jet: Whaaat?!
- Faye: Yeah, they want you to come and pick me up. Either you show up at the place they specify or my life is over. Oh! the arrival time is--
- Jet: -- Who asked you to go up on your own!?
- Faye: Ah! C'mon now! We're comrades, right?
- Jet: You brought this up on yourself, so deal with it yourself. We're busy!
- Faye: No! Wait Jet!
- Spike: Where are you?
- Faye: You mean, you're really gonna come for me!?
- Spike: Well, it's possible. I got my reasons, so don't take it personal.
- Jet: Spike.
[Scene cuts to Spike walking up to a remote cathedral with birds cawing, Rain plays in the background]
- Vicious: When angels are forced out of heaven, they become devils. You agree, don't you, Spike?
- Spike: I'm just watching a bad dream that I'll never wake up from.
- Vicious: I'll wake you up right now.
- Spike: What's your rush, Vicious? After all, it's been a long time.
- Vicious: [chuckles] Are you pleading for your life?
- Spike: Hardly. Begging doesn't work on you, remember? Even if it's coming from the man who took you in and made you what you are.
- Vicious: Perhaps, but he was a beast who lost his fangs. That's why he had to die, Spike. And that's why you have to die.
- Faye: Aah-hn!
- Man#1: Now, we'd like for you to drop your gun, slowly. What's wrong? If you don't comply--
[Spike gazes coldly at the man before shooting him in the head]
- Faye: -- Ah?!
[Gunfire within the cathedral ensues]
- Faye: Be careful!
[Spike stays inside killing off Vicious men, while Faye runs out of the Cathedral and Jet's in the Bebop butchering a plant]
- Jet: Ah? [sighs] I'm butchering it. [Cellphone rings, he answers it] Hm? Hello?
- Faye: Oh God! Jet! It's Spike, he's-- [Jet hangs up, as he sits in silence]
- Jet: Damn it!
[Scene cuts back to the cathedral; Spike fighting Vicious]
- Vicious: You should see yourself. Do you have any idea what you look like right at this moment, Spike?
- Spike: What?
- Vicious: A ravenous beast. The same blood runs through the both of us. The blood of a beast who wanders, hunting for the blood of others.
- Spike: I've bled all that kind of blood away.
[Spike shoots Vicious and in return Vicious stabs Spike and throws him out of the cathedral's front window. Spike experiences flashbacks as he's falling]
- [Green Bird plays in the background]
[Scene cuts back to Spike regaining consciousness, bandaged head to toe. Faye is watching over him, humming a soothing tune]
- Faye: Oh, you're finally up, huh? You slept too much, you've been asleep three days. Yeah, I was starting to worry about you. Hey, you should be grateful to me for staying here.
- [Spike beckons her over despite muffling painful moans]
- Spike: [muffles] You sing off-key.
[An angry Faye walks out of the room after Spike screamed in pain]
- Jet: Hm? [Chuckles] Oh well..
See You Space Cowboy..
Sympathy for the Devil
- Spike: I thought you like jazz.
- Jet: Are you dense? I was wailing the blues since the doctor whacked my bottom on the day I was born.
- Spike: A baby hipster, very cool!
- Jet: I didn't know you were a fan of the blues, Fatty!
- Fatty: Are you kidding? I was a fan of the blues since I was in my daddy's sack, if you know what I mean!
- Wen: I finally get to die, do you...do you understand?
- Spike: Yeah, I understand...as if.
- Spike [Throws the harmonica in the air, aiming at it with his finger]: Bang.
Heavy Metal Queen
- [Inside Heavy Metal Queen's Truck, while heavy metal music plays in the background]
- Spike: [Shouting] HUH!? WHAT!?
- V.T.: They say "When in Rome, do as Romans do". And it's not shit-loud noise. It's called heavy metal!
- [Jet's repairs to Faye's ship still aren't done]
- Faye: It's so ugly... and pieces of it are still broken!
- Jet: [mutters] Too bad it's not your mouth that's broken.
- Faye: I heard that.
- Faye: [Seeing that her bounty is dead] My 12 million...
- [Spike goes outside to find his ship has been vandalized]
- Spike: Ack! My ship!
- Muriel: Yeah, it was trashed by those three guys. I think they were called the "Something Brothers".
- Spike: You were watching?
- Muriel: Uh-huh!
- Spike: Then Muriel, why didn't you tell me about it?
- Muriel: But I did tell you. I told you just now!
Waltz for Venus
- Roco: Come on, can't you show a little mercy and compassion?
- Spike: 'Fraid I'm fresh outta that stuff.
- [Spike giving half his bounty to Faye]
- Spike: That's all you're gonna get, Faye.
- Faye: I know...don't sweat it.
- Spike: Depositing it at the casino again?
- Faye: It's a lot more fun than the bank.
- Spike: Girl never gives up...
- Roco: You have very smooth moves, my friend. Can I ask you favour?
- Spike: Hm?
- Roco: Can you teach a guy like me how to make all those cool moves? Like Judo and Kung Fu-OOOOOOOOO
- Spike: Huh?
- Roco: Hey...wait a minute! I wanna be a tough guy like you
- Spike: You are really annoying. Now what part of 'no' didn't you understand?
- Roco: Oh come on, I can do it. Just give me a try. [Bows] I beg you master
- (The elevator door shuts in Roco's face)
- Spike: It's not about strength or power - you gotta be fluid.
- Roco: Huh?
- Spike: You have to be like water. You see what I'm saying?
- Roco: Not even a little bit
- Spike: That's what I thought
- Roco: How did you do that?
- Spike: You're tense, I'm calm. You apply excessive force, I control that force through fluid motion. That means relaxing the whole body so that it could react instantly without resistance. You know, without thought. Do you see now? It means becoming like clear water.
- Roco: Water?
- Spike: Right. Water can take any form. It drifts without effort one moment then pounds down in a torrent the very next.
- Spike: I'm not a criminal. Oh That makes me seem even more like a criminal, doesn't it?
- Stella: Everyone says bad things about him... And he seems to hang out with some bad people... But Roco is a good person.
- Spike: I might be one of those bad people he hangs out with.
- Stella: Maybe. Guess you could be one, but if you are, you’re very different. I can feel these things. Both you and Rocco have something beautiful inside you. It’s hard for most people to see it, but it’s there. I know it is, that’s why I’m sharing my tea with you.
- Spike: Something beautiful, huh? I’m afraid that … afraid that I lost that a long time ago.
- Stella: I...I never got to see Roco once with my own eyes...Hey, what was Roco like?
- Spike: You know without looking, right? He was a great guy. Exactly the person you thought he was.
- Roco: Do you think... if we had met earlier in life, would we have been friends?
Jamming with Edward
- "Weather" report: Chance of rock shower today is 10%.
- [A meteor strikes close enough to scatter Edward and her equipment.]
- "Weather" report: Chance of rock shower today has raised to 90%.
- Ed: [sarcastically] Really?
- Jet: I'm not the type to be led around by woman.
- Spike: Then lead her around.
- Jet: I'm even less the type to do that.
- Jet: You can't tell a woman's age just by looking at her.
- Faye: [She rams her heel into his foot] And you can't tell what a woman will DO by looking.
- Jet: Same with a snake!
- Ed: Ed will introduce Ed. Full name - Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky the 4th.
- Spike: That's a long name.
- Faye: Who the hell's this?
- Ed: Ed made up that name for Ed, isn't it cool?
- Spike: If you made it up, how can you be the 4th?
- Jet: Nothing good comes from the Earth anymore.
- Jet: [describing Edward from conflicting interviews] 2 meters tall. Ex-basketball player. Beautiful kid. And on top of it, a gay alien.
- Spike: Jet, do you know that there are three things that I particularly hate?
- Jet: Really?
- Spike: Kids, animals, and women with attitudes. So tell me, Jet, why do we have all three of them neatly gathered on this ship?!
Ganymede Elegy
- Faye: He's kidding himself if he thinks his old girlfriend's still carrying the torch for him.
- Spike: And you're kidding yourself if you think every woman's like you. They're not you know.
- Ed: Duty calls, THREE O'CLOCK TEA!
- Faye: Really, men are such hopeless romantics.
- Jet: I live and wander with a group of weirdos.
- Alisa: I don't need time that stands still.
- Spike: [Stumbling upon his bounty] Looks like all this good karma's finally paying off.
- Jet: I'll do this. You can go back.
- Spike: You are not gonna let him go, are ya?
- Jet: When I was a cop this was my beat. I'm the Black Dog, and once I bite, I don't let go. I have no regrets about her, but I'll settle this score on my own terms.
- Spike: Sense of justice and duty, huh...
Toys in the Attic
- Jet: Humans were meant to work and sweat for their money after all. Those that try to get rich quick or live at the expense of others all get divine retribution along the way.
- Faye: "Survival of the fittest" is the law of the land. To fool and to be fooled is the reason we live. I've never had anything good happen to me when I trust others.
- Ed: It's a space creature. It's spooky.
- Ed: Lesson, lesson...if you see a stranger follow him.
- Spike: So what was the real lesson? Don't leave things in the fridge.
Jupiter Jazz (Part 1)
- Bull: That is no ordinary star. That is the tear of a warrior. [...] One who has finished his battle somewhere on this planet. A pitiful soul that could not find its way to the great spirit that awaits us all.
- Vicious: Cold climates do not bother me.
- The Van: True, your heart is colder than any planet. Colder than the eyes of a serpent about to strike.
- The Van: Remember, Vicious, a snake cannot eat a dragon.
- Spike: What a depressing group...
- Ed: 1,0,1,1, good-bye!
- Junk yard worker: I don't know any woman. Like I would know! [...] I have no luck with them. I'd rather be with an armadillo.
- Gren: Take care. [Faye looks up] That was close. When someone sneezes and doesn't get told to take care, that person turns into a fairy...That's what they say around here.
- Faye: Then it's okay. I'm already a fairy.
- Spike: [on being confused with Vicious] You think I'm Vicious? You don't know what vicious is!!!
- Faye: Hold on a minute. [puts glove on] If I don't do this I'll chip a nail...
- Spike: We still haven't settled the score from earlier. [raises gun]
- Vicious: Make your move [grips sword]
Jupiter Jazz (Part 2)
- Gren: You said that you don't need comrades, but I am attracted to that word. To the point of tears...
- Faye: You're going to die.
- Gren: I'm not afraid to die.
- Faye: You're lying.
- Gren: Either way I won't last much longer.
- Vicious: I'm the only one who can keep you alive...And I'm the only one that can kill you...
- Ed: Where's my souvenir, is it here, is it here yet?
- Vicious: There's nothing to believe in. Nor is there a reason to believe.
- Ed: Where did all of you guys go?
- Faye: Someplace very good.
- Ed: How come Edward got left out!
- Faye: I'll tell you about it someday.
- Ed: Nah, it's okay
- Faye: Oh Ed, Anything but blue.
- Gren: You're the one aren't you? You're Spike? Julia was always talking about you. Your eyes are diffrent colors, I see what she was talking about now.
- Spike: How did you know her? Where was she?
- Gren: Right on the corner bar stool. She would slip in when I wasn't looking and ask me to play the same song over again everytime she came in. Strange lilting tune, and then she would smile. Ohh what a smile, so sad...... so beautiful.
Bohemian Rhapsody
- Ed: [while playing chess] Eenie, meenie, miney, moe...
- Hex: This is either an idiot or a genius! I like this fellow...!
- Hippies: Peace to the entire galaxy and to my bank account! Love, love!
My Funny Valentine
- Faye: Do you want to know something about my past that nobody else does?
- Ein: [yawns]
- Faye: Why are you helping me?
- Witney Hargas Matsumoto: The prince must protect his sleeping beauty.
- Jet: Women don't work on reason.
- [Faye has just poured out her life story to the dog in front of the bathroom. Spike flushes the toilet and emerges from the bathroom stall, shocking Faye.]
- Faye: [angry] How long were you in there listening, Spike?
- Spike: Too long. Your story needs editing.
- Faye: [angry] I have to settle my debts with him. therefore I have the right to do to him whatever I want, as well as the right over his bounty.
- Spike: [astounded] That's incredible. She just explained, in the clearest terms, a completely nonsensical argument.
- Jet: That's what I said: Women don't work on reason.
Black Dog Serenade
- Ed: You're going out. Get souvenir.
- Ed: Bonsai, bok choy, wise guy, water boy. Lights shine bright in the old town tonight.
- Fad: We can't live on with our pretty little ideals.
Mushroom Samba
- Spike: Food rage...it's a scary thought!
- Younger Shaft brother: You do want to know why I drag an empty coffin around like this, don't you? It's because, I'm going to go home after putting your corpse inside... [Coffin is run over by truck]
- Ed: Pieces... all in Pieces
- Ed: Foody, food, food do you have any? Yes you don't? No you do?
- Younger Shaft brother: My big bro ate a mushroom he bought from you and laughed and laughed, and twisted his intestines to death!
- Domino Walker: Sounds like a happy way to die I'd say.
- Frog: Hey, mister. This here is the stairway to heaven. You know that, don't cha?
- Spike: Obnoxious little frog.
- Frog: Fine, what do I care? I warned you though!
- Jet: [Talking to his bonsai trees] So that's it? The secret to the universe is so simple! By the way, just who am I anyway?
- Ed: Ein, you're a cow-woof-woof!
- Ein: Woof!
- Ed: Here we go! One! Two! Five! Four! Hello! [Takes off on scooter]
- Ein: Woof! [Transl: Thank you.]
- Cow: Mooo. [Transl: It's no problem.]
Speak Like A Child
- Spike: Most things get better when I kick them...
- Ed: Ahhh that's the wrong one.
- Spike and Jet: Huh?
- Ed: You got a VHS.
- Spike and Jet: Huh?
- Ed: It won't play beta.
- Spike and Jet: Huuuh!?
- Younger Faye (on a tape): Well, knowing me, I'm sure I am troubling a lot of different people.
- Younger Faye (on a tape): And now a big cheer from my heart. Let's... go... me, alright! Do your best! Do your best! Don't lose me! Let's go, don't lose, don't lose me! Do your best! Do your best! Me, me, me! Don't lose, don't lose! Me, me, me! Go me!
Wild Horses
- Miles: Hey, do people ever tell you you don't talk much?
- Spike: Hey, do people ever tell you you talk too much?
- Doohan: Do you want to use the machine, or do you want the machine to use you?
- Doohan: You can still back out of this, you know.
- Miles: Negative, Blue Sox fans never leave the game early.
- Spike: Whatever happens, happens.
Pierrot le fou
- Pierrot: Hello. Welcome!
- Spike: Yo!
- Pierrot: [Breaks out into maniacle laughter] Let's party!
- Pierrot: Hello, gentlemen! I have journeyed here to take your lives.
- Pierrot: Hello, boy.
- Pierrot: Mommy, it hurts!!
- Jet: Cause really...there's nothing as pure and cruel as a child.
- Ed: Faye Faye, Smoke Smoke Faye Faye. Puff Puff, Faye Faye.
Boogie Woogie Feng Shui
- Jet: They sure are disrepectful fellows.
- Faye: The more righteous a guy was in his youth, the more likely he's gonna fall for a young girl later in life.
- Spike [arriving to see Faye, Ed and Ein hiding and observing]]: What are you guys doing?
- Faye: Hey, over there, who is that?
- [Spike sees a girl next to Jet]
- Faye: I wonder if she's a new girlfriend.
- Spike: For that, she's rather young.
- Ed: Hotdog bun, not too young
- Faye: Maybe she's the secret love child?
- Spike: For that, she's rather old.
- Ed : Oldy, moldy, history, mystery
Cowboy Funk
- Andy von de Oniyate: My beloved steed Onyx is no ordinary horse! At times, she sets my troubled mind at ease; at others she is my chess partner.
- Spike: Horses don't play chess!
- Faye: No one is more annoying than someone who is just like you.
Brain Scratch
- Spike Why do you kill your own followers? What's the point of that?
- Dr.Londes I didn't kill anyone; these people believed in something, and so they are the ones who killed, they did this of their own free will... Tell me, why do you think people believe in God? Because they want to. It's not easy living in such an ugly and corrupt world. There is no certainty and nothing to hope for. People are lost, so they reach out. Don't you get it? God didn't create humans. No, it's humans who created God.
- Dr.Londes Do you know what the greatest and worst invention that humans ever made was? Television. Television pollutes the mind of those who watch, those who lose themselves in a dream world, afraid of reality. Humans will always seek to escape reality, this gloomy, dark world. So, they immerse themselves in a great, big image formed by little dots of insignificant light. In it's own self, television has become a new religion.
- Spike: You are the one who can't tell... fantasy from reality, Londes. If you want to dream, dream alone.
- Jet: It was all a kid's dream. Yeah, all he could do was dream...
- Ed: This time, have sweet dreams...
- Dr.Londes (before credits) The souls that God gave us thrive in an immense network, living in the vast infinity of space... Is the body nothing but a mere shell? An empty casing filled with vast consciousness and states of being... hindering and stopping the great potentials and goals one can accomplish... after all, these feeble bodies are too small, too limited a container for the wonder that is the human soul.
Hard Luck Woman
- Ed: I think I know, I don't think I know. I don't think I know that I know. I think I know even though I don't think I know...
- Sister Clara: Our father who art in heaven... never mind the rest. Let's eat.
- Sister Clara: In this world, people have to cherish what ties they have...
- Jet: A woman's heart is as fickle as the sky of Ganymede.
- Appledelhi Siniz Hesap Lufen: Yes, happiness comes in the form of a map.
- Faye: It's the best, belonging is the very best thing there is.
The Real Folk Blues (Part 1)
- Vicious: Don't forget, a snake's venom poisons slowly after the bite.
- Faye: It might be good to pair up with another woman. How about it? Wanna partner up?
- Jet: Men only think of their past right before their death, as if they were searching frantically for proof that they were alive.
- Vicious: ... And you will shed tears of scarlet
- Jet: Hey Spike have you ever heard this story?
- Spike: Huh?
- Jet: There was a man who was injured on a hunt. The man had no means to treat the wounds and his leg began to rot and death approaches. In the last moments of his life a rescue helicopter picks him up and rushes him to the hospital. As the helicopter flies the man looks outside the window seeing white capped mountains glistening in the sunlight and he thought "That's where I was going" ... I hate that story. Men only think of their past right before their death, as if they were searching frantically for proof that they were alive.
The Real Folk Blues (Part 2)
- Vicious: 'You will shed tears of scarlet.' or 'You will shed crimson tears.'
- Spike: There once was a tiger striped cat. This cat died a million deaths, revived and lived a million lives, and he was owned by various people who he didn't really care for. The cat wasn't afraid to die. One day the cat became a stray cat, which meant he was free. He met a white female cat, and the two of them spent their days together happily. Well, years passed, and the white cat grew weak and died of old age. The tiger striped cat cried a million times, and then died too. Except this time, he didn't come back to life.
- Jet: Yeah. That's a good story.
- Spike: I hate that story.
- Jet: Huh?
- Spike: I never liked cats, Jet. You know that.
- Jet Oh yeah.
The two then laugh hysterically.
- Bull: Do not fear Death. Death is always at our side. When we show fear, it jumps at us faster than light. But, if we do not show fear, it casts its eye upon us gently and then guides us into infinity...
- Vicious: A beast that has lost its place. He has nowhere to return to now. He will come.
- Spike: Look at these eyes. One of them is a fake, because I lost it in an accident. Since then, I have seen the past in one eye, and the present in the other. I had believed that what I saw was not all of reality...
- Spike: I'm not going there to die. I'm going to see if I am really alive.
- Vicious: I told you before, Spike. I'm the only one who can kill you and set you free.
- Spike: Those words apply to you as well, Vicious. Either way, it's going to end here.
- Spike: Julia is dead. Let's finish it now.
- Vicious: As you wish.
- Spike: [Points his finger like a gun] Bang. [And finally, Spike was presumably dead, and farewell]
- Julia: [Dying] It's all a dream.
- Spike: Yea, just a bad dream.
Cowboy Bebop: Knockin' On Heaven's Door
- Spike: It's just that he was all alone. Always by himself. Never anyone to share the game. A man who lived in dreams -- that's who he was.
- Jet: Spike. Time to go. Wake up.
[Sirens wailing in the distance]
- Rengie: Think about it, sweetheart. You know what the world is like? It's like a boiling pot with a soggy stew inside. Nothing in it stands out. It's all the same. One big, pulpy, slushy puddle of goop. Yet, there is something that's special, you see, that one ingredient that makes it a stew. And you know what that is?
- Clerk girl: The meat?
- Rengie: That's what everyone says -- "The meat." But that same meat could be used for anything -- curry, goulash. Same ingredients. It's the stew mix that makes it a stew.
- Clerk girl: Stew mix is on aisle five. We have th--
- Rengie: I'm not looking for stew mix!
[Fires a shot, while Jet is standing outside with a radio in hand]
- Jet: Great, a wanna be preacher with a gun. Hey, Spike, you there? there's three of them. I'll go 'round the back.
- Spike: All right.
Back inside of the store
- Rengie: Forget about the police showing up. I disconnected the silent alarm. See, I know your security better than you do.
- Gunman: Rengie, just get the money!
- Rengie: You see this logo? That's your security company. I used to work for these guys not long ago.
- Clerk girl: Oooh.
- Rengie: they laid me off when they restructured, so now I'm a thief. Ain't that ironic?
- Clerk girl: Uh-huh.
- Rengie: Well, then laugh.
[Points the gun at the girl's head who then laughs weakly]
- Rengie: Laugh a little more.
[Girl laughs a bit more]
- Rengie: Let's have a big laugh. Ha-ha-ha!
[Both laugh]
- Rengie: It's nothing to laugh about!
Back outside of the store
- Gunman outside: Hey, take a hike, buddy. We're closed. Go somewhere else.
[Spike approaches the man, making him look down at his feet to then high-kick the thug]
Back inside of the store
- Rengie: Now, you're going to put some woolongs on this cash card. Max it out, understand?
[Spike enters the store with headphones on, and is approached by Rengie]
- Rengie: Huh? Hey! What the hell you think you're doing? You! Are you deaf or what? Yo! Headphone boy! Take them off! Hey!
[Rengie aims his gun at Spike]
- Spike: How much is this?
[commenting on their diet of instant noodles]
- Spike: Just carbohydrates aren't very good for you. Man needs protein.
- Jet: What are you on about?
- Spike: I said I like meat.
- Spike: You're pretty tough for a corporate girl.
- Electra: The more you know, the shorter your life is.
- Spike: I love a girl who can kick my ass.
- Ed: [Sung] Circles an eyeball
- Circles are pretty
- A tasty wonderful
- Just like black grapes!
- Old Man Bull: Know this, Swimming Bird: This blue eye perceives all things conjoined, the past, the future, and the present. Everything flows, and all is connected. This eye is not merely seeing reality. It is touching the truth. Open the eye of truth. There is nothing to fear.
- Spike: Yeah. I see what you mean.
- Vincent: Is there an indelible line between sanity and insanity? Or do they change, from one into the other, without the slightest provocation? We'll find out that the world itself is insane.
- Vincent: The most beautiful butterflies imaginable.
- Vincent: I have no fear of death, it just means dreaming in silence, a dream that lasts for eternity.
- Spike: You're an original, aren't you?
- Vincent: No, I am merely looking for the door to the light.
- Vincent: Know much about purgatory? It's the world we live in now, and Halloween is the day a damned soul in purgatory can be released into heaven, if he prays hard enough. Say your prayers.
- Mendeloh: Do you believe in the devil? Humans see all kinds of beans my friend, but we make up imaginary ones, with torches and pitchforks. In our dreams, we fly like gods, and why is that, huh? Because humans used to fly not too long ago.
- Spike: So you sell drugs here?
- Mendeloh: No, imagination enhancers; if you imagine something, it can come into being. Imagine a devil, and it can become real.
- Faye: I'm just a gun-toting weathergirl.
- Faye: Damn it! Morons don't learn until they die!
- Jet: So ends another episode of "Wasting Time with Faye".
- Faye: And so ends another episode of "Wasting Time with Jet".
- Vincent: Tell me, before this life of yours ends, did I die on Titan long ago? Is this world just a dream that these butterflies are showing me? Are they part of the dream? Or are the butterflies real and Titan just a nightmare that I can't wake up from? I can't tell.
- Ed: It's a lymph lymph lymphocyte, a lymphocyte ocyte!
- Ed: Bing! Zap it in the microwave!
- Ed: Is that a fish tank?
- Ed: [Talking to Faye] Right! Ed's on guard!
- Ed: [smells Lee Sampson's hat] Funny, funny smell!
- Lee Sampson: [Playing video game] Huh? Oh man, I'm dead.
- [Vincent shoots guard]
- Lee Sampson: Huh? Oh man, he's dead.
- Tagline: Get ready for the world of Bebop.
- Tagline: Say your prayers.
- Tagline: They're here to save the planet. But not for free.