Dan Rather
Dan Rather is a newscaster who was host of CBS Evening News
- "Good evening. President Reagan, still training his spotlight on the economy, today signed a package of budget cuts that he will send to Congress tomorrow. Lesley Stahl has the story. ”
- Rather's first lines in his debut as anchor of The CBS Evening News, Monday, March 9, 1981
- And to each of you, courage. For the "CBS Evening News," Dan Rather reporting. Good night.
- Sign-off, Wednesday, March 9, 2005
- [My job is] a very high trapeze act, frequently with no net.
- Quoted in The New Yorker, March 7, 2005. http://www.newyorker.com/archive/2005/03/07/050307fa_fact2
CBS Evening News Farewell (2005)
- Final broadcast for CBS Evening News (9 March 2005)
- We've shared a lot in the 24 years we've been meeting here each evening, and before I say 'Good night' this night, I need to say thank you. Thank you to the thousands of wonderful professionals at CBS News, past and present, with whom it's been my honor to work over these years. And a deeply felt thanks to all of you, who have let us into your homes night after night; it has been a privilege, and one never taken lightly.
- Not long after I first came to the anchor chair, I briefly signed off using the word, Courage. I want to return to it now, in a different way: to a nation still nursing a broken heart for what happened here in 2001, and especially to those who found themselves closest to the events of September 11; to our soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines, in dangerous places; to those who have endured the tsunami, and to all who have suffered natural disasters, and must now find the will to rebuild; to the oppressed and to those whose lot it is to struggle in financial hardship or in failing health; to my fellow journalists in places where reporting the truth means risking all; and to each of you, Courage.
For The CBS Evening News, Dan Rather reporting. Good night.
About Dan Rather
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[degrees] in the valley...I was sweating like Dan Rather checking for forged documents.- Jay Leno, September 10, 2004, on The Tonight Show
- What are the odds that Dan Rather would have accepted such patently phony documents from, say, the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth?"
- Ann Coulter, September 16, 2004 http://www.townhall.com/columnists/anncoulter/ac20040916.shtml