David Suzuki
David Suzuki is a Vancouver-born Canadian geneticist who has attained prominence as a science broadcaster and an environmental activist.
- With the growing urgency of climate change, we cannot have it both ways. We cannot shout from the rooftops about the dangers of global warming and then turn around and shout even louder about the "dangers" of windmills.
- [I]f one day I look out from my cabin's porch and see a row of windmills spinning in the distance, I won't curse them. I will praise them. It will mean we are finally getting somewhere.
- ibid.
- The planet, hell! What about my nuts?
- Rick and David Suzuki get rescued, Rick Mercer Report, Feb 20 2007, in reply to Mercer's attempt to get him to jump into a frozen lake "for the planet".
- We now have access to so much information that we can find support for any prejudice or opinion.
- The way we see the world shapes the way we treat it.
- Education has failed in a very serious way to convey the most important lesson science can teach: skepticism
- [I]f one day I look out from my cabin's porch and see a row of windmills spinning in the distance, I won't curse them. I will praise them. It will mean we are finally getting somewhere.