Degrassi: The Next Generation
Degrassi: The Next Generation is a Canadian television show which follows students in middle and high school. It is a continuation of Degrassi Junior High and Degrassi High which originally showed in the '80s.
(Emma punches him)
(interrupted by Mr. Simpson)
(Paige rolls her eyes and leaves, while Emma smiles at Sean. Sean smiles back and goes into Degrassi. Emma waves the clipboard toward her like a fan)
(JT starts laughing)
(Jimmy kisses Ashley, Mrs. Kwan walks by)
(Emma throws a dodge-ball at Sean's crotch.)
(She throws it at his crotch again.)
(after Manny falls)
(Everyone thinks they have taken ecstasy but Sean actually switched them out)
[Craig passes by.]
[Craig bumps into Sean]
[Craig eavesdrops on Paige's conversation with Terri and Hazel in the hallway]
(Craig starts to walk away)
(Craig stops)
(Craig turns around)
[Emma and Manny run towards Craig.]
(Liberty shows a slide show of JT's embarrasing pictures)
(JT imitating Liberty)
(Mr. Simpson spits out food in a napkin)
(Jimmy laughs)
(throws bouquet & Joey catches it)
(Mrs. Kwan has blue ink all over her mouth)
(Emma and Kendra spray silly string on Manny while Liberty joins the scene)
(Kendra gives him a questioning/shocked look)
(Manny takes off her jacket, revealing a blue tube top, and capris)
Spinner: James, I'm trying to study.
(Ashley slaps Craig on stage, both walk off)
(Toby and JT are hacking into Jimmy's file, JT disconnects it)
(Craig walks away)
(Manny is standing there alone with her hand on her stomach)
(Sean, Ellie, Toby and Jimmy laugh)
(Ellie pulls down the sleeve of her shirt and shows Sean the scars that are still left over from cutting)
[Jimmy runs in the other direction. Rick turns his head, closes his eyes, and shoots Jimmy in the back. Jimmy screams and collapses.]
[Sean, Emma, and Toby see Rick walking with a gun. Rick sees them and starts walking towards them.]
[Sean grabs Emma's arm and starts to pull her away.]
[The trio stop.]Sean: Just... put the gun down, okay? Anything else is just gonna make your life worse.
Rick: It can't get any worse.
Sean: Believe me... it can. I know... I... We'll figure it all out, okay? J-J-Just... [Rick lowers gun] We'll figure this all out.
Rick: It's too late.
Sean: No...
Rick [raises gun over Sean's shoulder, pointing it at Emma's face]: I already shot someone.
[Sean looks at gun, pulls Rick's arm down, and they struggle for the gun.]
[Gun goes off. Sean and Rick's eyes both widen. They both collapse onto the floor. Emma and Toby are in shock.]
Spinner: We could've killed him!
[Dylan calls Marco's name in the distance and Marco hurriidley kisses Craig as he spot Marco.]
[J.T. crashes the car.]
Ellie If your here to do things you should do things
Manny but theres nothing left to do unless... Craig loves my tambourine
Ellie no thanks but we dont need any low rent poptarts in our band
Manny Well they do say there should be at least one attractive girl in every band
Ellie oh your not calling me ugly
(J.T. starts to cry)
(Paige opens the blinds)
(Paige drops Darcy)
Hazel: Paige did you become a lesbian and not tell me?
(Manny and Emma come up to school running and laughing)
'Derek: Can I ask you a personal question?
Liberty: Sure I'm all ears
Derek: about your baby. Did you ever consider keeping him, like when you held him?
Liberty: Get out.
Derek: I'm sorry, I'm adopted. It's just something I've always wondered.
Liberty: Get out, I mean it! I don't care if you were adopted, dropped by a stork, or abducted by aliens GET OUT!!
[Paige nods]
(Emma's embarresed)
(Mia slaps him across the face)
(Nic pushes him, and J.T. knocks him out with the mascot head)
(after Emma stabs a fake heart in class)
(Emma stabs fake heart repeatedly)
(J.T. finds two Lakehurst rivals by his car, one peeing on it)
[Emma starts to hyperventilate, Manny sobs]Liberty: [runs over] What happened? Is he okay? What's the doctor say? TOBY!
[Toby, Emma, Manny and Sean all embrace Liberty, crying]
Mia: You suck, Isaacs. You suck so bad.
Jimmy: The thing is, life is random. Sometimes its tragic and totally messed up, but there's one thing that makes all the drama and tears worth while. If you're lucky enough to find someone you love, who loves you back, its a gift.
Emma: You're sleeping with the enemy.
Manny: I'm so glad I moved out, because now I don't have to look at your mean stuck up judgmental face.
Darcy: You know I took a vow of abstinence!
Peter: Yeah? Well, the problem is, I didn't!
Paige: Why all the talking and not the kissing?
Paige: What's your problem. I hate you!
(both smile at each other)
Mother and Child Reunion, Part One [1.01]
- Emma: Read it again, Manny.
- Manny: Again? I read it like six times.
- Emma: Just one more time. Please?
- Manny: Okay. "Emma. You saved my heart and my project. If they protect the wildlife refuge, I owe it all to you. Love you, Jordan."
- Emma: Love you...love you...
- Both: Squeal
- Spike: Thanks for dropping these off.
- Manny: No problem Ms. Nelson. It gives us a chance to see the new school.
- J.T.: Don't you think we'll be seeing enough of it over the next year?
- Spike: [Gives J.T. an additional box to carry] Sure you can handle that?
- J.T.: [In Eastern European accent] I small but strong. Like bull.
- Emma: Speaking of bull...
- J.T.: Emma, let’s go. Oh, I see. Going to e-mail Jordan from here?
- Emma: Shut up!
- J.T.: (mimicking Emma) Oh, he can read into my soul.
(Emma punches him)
- Emma: [Seeing a picture of the younger Joey] People in the 80s were weird.
- Emma: I really hope you're Mr. Simpson.
- Snake: I am. And you must be Emma. Wow. Wow, Spike found all this stuff? Thats amazing
- Manny: Spike?
- Emma: My mom's nickname. Don't ask.
- Snake: I can see fedoras are making a comeback. Great. Thanks a lot guys. Uh, listen, go and enjoy your last few days of freedom.
- J.T.: Spike?
- J.T.: Toby?
- Toby: J.T.?
- J.T. and Toby: "Miki-hiki-wompa, miki-hiki-yeah, miki-hiki-wigwam, Northwood Summer Camp!"
- Manny: I guess they're friends.
- J.T.: Manny, Emma. This is Toby. We were at camp together.
- Emma: Nah, really?
- Snake: Wow it's great to see you.
- Caitlin: Likewise. So you're a teacher at Degrassi? Okay, here.
- Snake: Okay...this is your greatest memory of Degrassi?
- Caitlin: What? So I went through a headband phase. It was the 80s. You were there.
- Snake: Oh speaking of the 80s... How about this. Joey's fedora.
- Caitlin: Where's the shirt?
- Snake: I don't know. I think Joey's still wearing it.
- Lucy: [Spots Caitlin's limousine] Ooh, look at that. You should try to sell me a car like that, Jeremiah.
- Emma: Manny, would you calm down? If we're caught, I'll say I forced you.
- Emma: I want to meet him, it's just...I told him that I was in high school.
- Manny: You almost are. Jordan's coming here. You have to meet him. It's fate.
- Toby: Who's Jordan?
- J.T.: Some creep Emma met on the net. I bet he lives in Scarborough and works at a video store. I bet he's 40 and drools.
- Emma: And you still wet the bed. But I'm friends with you.
- J.T.: Ha, ha, ha.
- Toby: Okay, if you're meeting a stranger you met off of the Net, that could be really dangerous.
- Emma: He's not a stranger, he e-mailed me his picture. I've known Jordan a lot longer that I've known you.
- Manny: It's okay. Jordan's sixteen. He's coming here on a school trip.
- J.T.: School trip? It's summer.
- Emma: He organized it back in the spring, he got to go at the last minute. Quit making this into something it's not.
- Spike: I can't wait to meet Keith. He's got great taste in jewellery. That's a good sign.
- Caitlin: Thank you. Actually, I picked it out myself 'cause you know, he was so busy with preproduction and all that kinda stuff he just gave me his card and said, go crazy.
- Spike: Can't complain about crazy.
- Emma: Why are you on my computer?
- Spike: Excuse me? Our computer.
- Emma: You're on your reunion website again? Next time can we try asking before trespassing?
- Spike: Next time can we be more polite to our guest? Em.
- Emma: Caitlin Ryan, Ryan's planet! Birthdate: March 2nd, 1972, you're a Pisces right?
- Spike: And you're a stalker.
- Emma: I can't believe you're actually here...in my very messy room.
- Caitlin: Don't worry about it. Oh my god, it's great to see you, all grown up.
- Spike: She wishes. So, expecting an e-mail from your boyfriend?
- Emma: Did you...you hacked my e-mail? Haven't you ever heard of privacy?
- Spike: Relax, I couldn't hack my way out of a paper bag. And I can tell when my daughter's getting interested in boys.
- Emma: Mom, I'm not having sex.
- Emma: Okay. We've gone through all the e-mail. No video store, no mention of missing teeth.
- Manny: J.T.'s just worried about you.
- Emma: J.T.'s just immature.
- Keith: Yo, Frankie. Yeah. No, I'm in Toronto. No, I haven't seen any Eskimos yet.
- Lucy: I watch your show every week. The situations you get yourself into. You're very brave.
- Caitlin: Brave? What about you?
- Lucy: What about me?
- Joey: Oh c'mon, don't be so modest. Two years of physical therapy, followed by an honors BA and a masters in anthropology?
- Spike: Your Ph.D in one more year.
- Lucy: Guys, that's not brave.
- Caitlin: You're right. It's just brilliant, awsome, and amazing.
- Lucy: It isn't even awesome. It's just life. I survived the accident, I got off easy.
- Snake: Sorta like Wheels. Kills a kid, ten years later, scott free.
Mother and Child Reunion, Part Two [1.02]
- Toby: He's not reading into her soul, he's reading her email.
- Spike: You really want me out of here, don’t you? Is there something you’re not telling me?
- Emma: Yeah! Manny's coming over and we're going to watch TV all night. We might even eat popcorn, with real butter. Very shocking.
- Spike: Okay, smart mouth...
- Spike: (pounds on the hotel room door) Emma! Are you okay?!
- Emma: MOM!!!!
- Spike How could you do something so incredibaly stupid?
- Emma I made a mistake.
- Spike A mistake? You could have, you could have been killed.
- Emma You've never made a mistake before? Like maybe having me?
- Spike It's not the same thing.
- Emma I screwed up, I'm a dumb kid.
- Spike NO your not dumb, that's whats so confusing. You kept this guy a secret for 8 months. Why didn't you tell me. You know you can talk to me about anything.
- Emma No I can't. Your my mom don't you get it? You don't remember what its like being 12, you don't remember anything.
- Spike Actually, I do. Em, will you remember one thing? Even when you hate my guts, I'll always try to listen, and I'll try to understand, but we have to keep talking. OK?
- Spike I love you more than anything else in the world. OK.
- Emma Mommy I was so scared.
- Spike I know baby, I know
Family Politics [1.03]
- Spinner: Look, I didn't mean to make her cry.
- Emma: Well, congratulations, you did.
- J.T.: [After he gives a big speech about why he should be president] Oh, by the way, I quit the race for school prez, vote Ashley!
Eye of the Beholder [1.04]
- Liberty: Are you really going to let two prepubescent boys dictate your amusement?
- Emma: Wanna dance?
- Sean: Yeah.
- Emma: (about Sean) He seems scary and dangerous, but he's actually nice.
- J.T.: Girls too sexy for me? I doubt it!
- Emma: You guys stayed home, to look at porn?
- Toby: Yeah, but its a rite of passage.
- J.T.: Kate and Jeff came home, and made us look at sites with them. Guys, too.
- Manny: With them?
- Emma: Male and female?
- Toby: Could you keep it down?
- Manny and Emma: LOSERS!
Parents' Day [1.05]
- Emma: Okay, so let’s try to imagine. You’re a squeegee kid.
- Manny: Okay, I’m a squeegee kid.
- Emma: So how does it feel being compared to a cockroach?
- Manny: I’d say, “Hey, preppy kids. Get off my case. We’re people, too.”
- Sean: Oh, please.
- Emma: That’s the thing. They don’t want us to think. They wants us to become braindead NAK robots.
- Toby: What’s with her?
- Manny: NAK rage, kind of like road rage.
- Emma: Last week NAK told us to join the army. What’s tomorrow? A hole in the ozone is good because it makes a better tan? Imagine being a squeegee kid. Out in the cold, no school, no parents.
- Toby: No parents?
- Emma: Toby, this isn’t a joke!
- J.T.: Hey, we could contaminate the water fountations with e. coli, that way they’d have to shut down the school, right?
- Toby: There probably is e. coli in the fountains.
- Snake: Actually, we test our water on a daily basis, boys. It’s fine.
- Manny: He stared right at you.
- Emma: That's because I bumped into him.
The Mating Game [1.06]
- Jimmy: Man, we were this close. Then, her brother came home early. Messed up everything.
- Spinner: That sucks. Want me to take care of him?
- Liberty: I could help you with your assignment. I get straight A’s.
- J.T.: And I get straight D’s. So why rock the boat?
- Spinner: (after Jimmy told him that he and Ashley are going to have sex) To mark this heroic achievement, you better get "Little Jimmy Junior" there a present.
- Jimmy: What?
- Spinner: Condoms, you idiot!
Basketball Diaries [1.07]
- Spinner: My Ritalin, its like speed.
- Jimmy: I thought it calmed you down.
- Spinner: Yeah, for me. Its got something to do with the configuration of my brain, or something.
- Jimmy: You have a brain?
- Spinner: Ha ha.
- Sean: My social worker says it's beneficial, personally I wouldn't give a rat's a-
(interrupted by Mr. Simpson)
- Mr. Simpson: Class! Sorry for the delay.
Secrets And Lies [1.08]
- Paige: When the bomb went off, did your whole life like flash right before your eyes?
- Mr. Kerwin: No, just the bomb
- J.T.: (acting gay) Hey, Liberty, girlfriend!
- Liberty: I should have seen the signs...that boy band CD you have-
- J.T.: That's my sister's!
- J.T.: Liberty, I'm not gay, okay?
- Liberty: You lied?
- J.T.: Yes, 'cause you just wouldn't take a hint.
- Sean: Poetry is crime / no idea how to rhyme / stupid waste of time.
- Toby: Women can have body hair too, my Aunt Petina has it-
- J.T.: That's not what I mean.
Coming of Age [1.09]
- Manny: So are you feeling ok?
- Emma: Oh yeah Manny, I love being a woman. (she looks at her sarcastically) I don't feel any different.
- Emma: But I did have this idea. Like my mom says, never be embarrased to speak. (sees Paige and shows her clipboard) Paige, do you want to sign my petition to get a Tampon dispenser in the girls washroom?
- Paige: Yeah sure. (she signs the clipboard. Sean comes riding up on his bike)
- Paige: Hey Sean, Do you want to sign Emma's petition. For Tampons. (she smirks. Sean walks over and signs the clipboard)
- Sean: Sure, If Emma came up with it. It's gotta be a good idea.
(Paige rolls her eyes and leaves, while Emma smiles at Sean. Sean smiles back and goes into Degrassi. Emma waves the clipboard toward her like a fan)
- Man: (Emma and Spike pass by) Oooh, I would like a lick of "that".
- Spike: (disgusted) Excuse me?
- Man: I would like a lick of your "cone". (smiles) Sue me.
- Spike: I probably could because I don't think that's what you meant.
- Emma: (experiencing PMS while watcing a soap opera and crying) We're just so small and the universe is so massive...
- J.T.: Yo, yo! Puff Emma's in da house!
- J.T.: Aw, did little Emmy pee her pants?
- Emma: No, I just started my period, for the first time. You know, menstruation? Something that happens with, oh, fifty percent of the population. Perfectly normal, right Ms. Kwan. (JT drops a pen he was holding and his eyes widen. Toby's eyes widen,too. Sean jaw drops and is surprised.)
- Ms. Kwan: Yes Emma.
- Manny: We should celebrate
- Emma: Celebrate what exactly?
- Manny: Becoming a woman.... Em you can get Pregnant now.
- Emma: Oh great can we celebrate by finding me a washroom?
Rumours and Reputations [1.10]
(After rumors that Mr. Armstrong is having an affair with Liberty)- Mr. Armstrong: OK, Liberty give this a shot we've been working on it.
(JT starts laughing)
- Ashley: Do you even know what people are saying? About you and Armstrong.
- Liberty: What do you mean?
- Ashley: I mean, that you two are extra friendly.
- Liberty: You know what, Emma? Go back to rain forests and whales. Because when it comes to people, you suck!
- J.T.: Don't you think you're a little too obvious?
- Emma: About what?
- JT: Sean.
- J.T.: Teachers aren't people. They're...teachers.
Friday Night [1.11]
- Mrs. Kwan: You guys may think you're adorable, but that doesn't mean everyone else does.
- Jimmy: Total tyrant.
- Mrs. Kwan's student: Mrs. Kwan! I will eat the chicken wing, (bites it) I eat the chicken wing, (finishes it) I ate the chicken wing!
(Jimmy kisses Ashley, Mrs. Kwan walks by)
- Mrs. Kwan: Ms. Kerwin, Mr. Brooks! This is a school, not a petting zoo!
- Paige: Guy talk is short. Yes. No. Grunt.
- Paige: Emma, your thing for Sean is more obvious then Heather Sinclair's bargain basement nose job.
- Paige: Having a little boy trouble, Emma?
- Emma: Sean asked me if he wanted to hang out with me tonight. Not go out, hang out. Is that a date?
- Paige: Hon, that's a date.
(Emma throws a dodge-ball at Sean's crotch.)
- Armstrong:Nice job Emma, there are other targets.
(She throws it at his crotch again.)
Wannabe [1.12]
- Emma: Um, what are those?
- Liberty: Aren't they the most beautiful boots ever?
- Emma: They are...they're something
- Emma: Oh, please, Paige, Hazel? Are you like gonna like do like your colors like together like?
- Paige (in the Video-Announcement): School Spirit. Can you have enough? If you ask me, the answer is no. That's why I formed a Degrassi Spirit Squad. So come sign up: boys and girls. Give me a D. Give me an E. Give me a G...
- Emma: Give me a break!
- Paige: What does that spell? Degrassi!
- Liberty: What?
- Toby: Why, we came over to say hi.
- JT: And we want your chip can.
- Paige: Oh, look. It's little-miss save the world.
- Emma: Oh, look. It's little-miss plastic. Shouldn't you be testing your make-up on your stuffed-animals?
- Paige: Shouldn't you be hugging a tree?
- Spinner: YOU MORON! They're both clubs!
- J.T.: The ace of spades, the ace of clubs...they're both so similar!
Cabaret [1.13]
- Sean: Hey! Shut up! Let them dance.
(after Manny falls)
- Ashley: Terri, you predicted a twist in her day and she just twisted her ankle.
- Ashley: You want us to look like prostitutes?
- Paige: Fine! I'll get us some nun costumes!
- J.T.: You don't even know how to dance!
- Toby: I don't have to dance. I'm just hunting.
- J.T.: You're doing this just to get close to Emma.
- Toby: Duh!
- J.T.: News Flash, Toby: She has a boyfriend!
- Toby: Who refused to dance. So who's the hero now?
Under Pressure [1.14]
- Spinner: Aw, poor Terri. (coughs)
- Terri: Um, that's how my flu started.
- Spinner: No, I...
- Terri: Poor Spinner.
- Paige: Maybe we'll see you later. Like next week, when you're not contagious.
Jagged Little Pill [1.15]
- Ashley: (gasps) Liberty!...I didn't invite you! How did you know? Was I sending a psychic vibration?
- Emma: Uh...No. J.T. and Toby called.
- J.T.: I brought us a little party favor, boys. (Takes out a rag and unwraps it. It reavels a plastic bag with an ecstasy pill in it.)
- Toby: Aspirin?
- Sean: Ecstasy.
- Toby: E?!
- Sean: I don't know man. This stuff is pretty intense.
- J.T: It better be. I paid my cousin 2 weeks allowance for this
(Everyone thinks they have taken ecstasy but Sean actually switched them out)
- J.T.: (Thinking he took ecstasy) Toby, I'm floating on a fluffy white cloud.
- Toby: Right.
- J.T.: Can you feel it? How can you not feel it?
- Toby: I'm starting to...think.
- J.T.: (Circling his hands around a lava lamp) Buzzzz buzzzz! (Sean smiles and shakes his head.)
- Toby: Dude! This is incredible!
- J.T.: Dude, this is ecstasy! (points both hands to head, Sean snickers.)
- J.T.: (about taking 'E') Toby, if you wanna be a bad boy, start acting like one.
- Sean: Bad boy?
- J.T.: Are you coming over tonight?
- Emma: No, Manny and I are having Girl's Night. No boys allowed (notices Sean), and especially not boys named Sean!
- Sean: Emma
- Emma: Sean, just leave me alone! If I knew you were gonna be here, I would've stayed home!
When Doves Cry (01) [2.01]
- Toby: Man, grade eight was supposed to be ours. It's so unfair.
- J.T.: I have no problem with an expanded Degrassi. Way more fish in the sea!
- Toby: What, you're fishing for a new babysitter?
- J.T.: Dude. Older women, hot sexy older women just waiting to make me into a man, okay? This year, Toby, just trust me. I know it
[Craig passes by.]
- Manny: Is that the sound of your heart pounding? No wait, it's mine.
- Emma: Proof that summer is so overrated.
[Craig bumps into Sean]
- Sean: Is Degrassi a high school and a blind school this year?
- Craig: Sorry man, I'm lost.
- Sean: Buy a map.
- Craig: [Shows crumpled sheet of paper] Already got one. I'm not blind. Just uh--
- Girl 1: [Walking by] Hey boys.
- Girl 2: Who's the new guy?
- Craig: --directionally... challenged.
- Girl 3: Hey cutey
[Craig eavesdrops on Paige's conversation with Terri and Hazel in the hallway]
- Craig: You know there are laws against child labor.
- Paige: Okay thanks Mr. News at Five. [rolls eyes and walks away]
- Mrs. Kwan: Closing down the high school was a last minute board decision. Meaning we are not fully prepared for the influx of students.
- Liberty: Will there be a seperate student council? Seperate video announcements? What about the Grapevine?
- Mrs. Kwan: Okay, one question at a time. In the short term, Degrassi's going to be a very crowded place.
- J.T.: [Whispering to Toby] Small price to pay. Older women, younger men...very hot.
- Toby: Older women, J.T. Yorke...very not.
When Doves Cry (02) [2.02]
- Craig: Where am I supposed to go? Back-back home so Dad can...
- Joey: So he can what? What does he do to you?
(Craig starts to walk away)
- Joey: He hits you doesn't he?
(Craig stops)
- Joey: Doesn't he?
(Craig turns around)
- Craig: Yeah... yeah he does.
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun [2.03]
- Spinner: So I get it. I can't dance 'cause I'm white.
- Jimmy: No, you can't dance cause you suck!
- Craig: How was the rest of the party?
- Emma: Fine, until all the supposed adults started singing 80's hits.
- Snake: Hey, girls! Wanna come in and get down?
- Emma: We're gonna more like get lost! (walks away)
- J.T.: I can't believe this is considered cool.
- Toby: I dunno, I think I look cool.
- J.T.: I think you look look like a retro loser.
Karma Chameleon [2.04]
- Hazel: It's all about the tight satin shorts if you ask me.
- Jimmy: Ooo... tight satin shorts, we're there.
- Paige: Then pencil it in boys, retro roller skating party.
- Ashley: [joining in] Retro roller skating party? That sounds cool.
- Paige: Ugh. Funny how something is cool one year and so totally uncool the next. Kinda like people.
- Ashley: I get it Paige, you don't have to invite me to your dumb party.
- Paige: Oh, but I was kinda hoping you could take drugs and act like a total freak and destroy everything. Oh... wait, you did that last year.
- Paige: Ellie right?
- Ellie: Uh huh.
- Paige: Here's the deal. Hazel and I, best friends. But Hazel's stuck on the other side of the room. You, however, are right here.
- Ellie: And you want me to switch.
- Paige: I knew you'd understand.
- Ellie: [Turns back around]
- Paige: [Sits down] Uhm. Hun... maybe you didn't hear me.
- Ellie: I did. Loud and clear, thanks.
- Ashley: Hey Paige.
- Paige: Okay, this is so not the time to talk to me.
- Ashley: Just for a sec, please?
- Paige: [Sighs] What.
- Ashley: You and I have been friends since grade two. That's like seven years, half our lives.
- Paige: Is this an apology or math lesson?
- Ashley: Apology. What I called you--
- Paige: I believe the word was hag.
- Ashley: It was wrong. I was the real hag, and I'm sorry.
- Toby: Man, I can't believe how many sites are devoted to anime.
- J.T.: Not this again...
- Toby: J.T., anime is the biggest development in animation in years.
- J.T.: ANd I really don't care. ANd I think it's for geeks.
- Emma: Anime is actually very current.
- Toby: See, she knows about anime. Who's you're favorite character? Ashuhara?
- Emma: I said I know about it. I didn't say I like it.
- J.T.: See.
- Manny: Toby, girls aren't into that stuff... [Spots Craig] Hey Craig!
[Emma and Manny run towards Craig.]
- J.T.: You see Toby. That is what girls are into.
- Toby: And sure not me. I may be the first jewish monk.
- Snake: Hey, girls! Wanna come in and get down?
- Emma: We're gonna more like get lost! (walks away)
- J.T.: I can't believe this is considered cool.
- Toby: I dunno, I think I look cool.
- J.T.: I think you look look like a retro loser.
Weird Science [2.05]
- Manny: You are so jealous.
- Liberty: I'm not jealous, I'm appalled. Teacher's pet wins again.
- Raditch: Do I want to know what these are?
- J.T.: Those are the silicon molecules of the female breast. I made it out of flour, water, and lard!
- Emma: (putting her arm on JT's chest) Well, there's no other explanation.
Drive [2.06]
- Ashley: I acted like an idiot and totally embarrased myself.
- Ellie: Yeah you did - kidding.
- Craig: Know what, I like you guys.
- Sean: So what are you gonna kiss us now?
- Spinner: What about your mom Marco, she works in the music biz.
- Marco: Spin, she's a piano teacher
- Spinner: Because we are going to party!
- Craig: No party Spin.
- Spinner: Girls?
- Craig: No girls.
- Spinner: Booze?
- Craig: No Booze.
- Spinner: Donuts?
- Craig: That we can do!
- Spinner: Hark, the soldier approaches (burps). Encore, maestro (burps).
- Marco: (dials the phone) Afraid of talking to a stranger?
- Sean: No. (takes phone) Hello, this is the power company.
- Emma: So, this is what you do for fun Sean, prank call your ex-girlfriend?
- Sean: (drops phone and turns to Marco) You're dead, phone boy. (begins to chase Marco)
- Sean: Shut up.
- Spinner: No, you shut up.
- Sean: You shut up.
- Spinner: Shut up.
- Sean: Shut up.
- Spinner: You shut up.
- Craig: Why don't you both just shut up!?
Shout (1) [2.07]
- J.T.: Oh buddy, deoderant is your friend.
- Toby: Its your lunch, from last week.
- J.T.: Solid to liquid in seven days, fascinating.
- Paige: Don't touch me! Don't ever touch me!
- Spinner: Why not?! Everybody else does!
- Spinner: I'm a winner on the field and with the ladies!
- Paige: I didn't want to do it. I said no over and over!
- Hazel: Paige, if you said no, that's rape.
- Paige Michalchuk and the Sexkittens (PMS): It happens to other people/You say how sad/You say poor thing/When it's you, it's something else/It's everything/ You'll never believe the nightmares/ You'll never know the pain you caused/ You'll never see the scars you left/ The things you stole/ Everything I lost/ You took my body/ Tore it in half/ You took my childhood, my heart, and my laugh/ You took everything I kept for myself/ And then you're gone; I'm not your poor thing
Shout (2) [2.08]
- J.T.: You wanna know something Liberty? You're boring. B-O-R-I-N-G!
- Liberty: I'm stunned. J.T. spelled a word.
- J.T.: You want another one? Fun. F-U-N. Something you wouldn't know if it came up and bit you in the butt!
- J.T.: It was cool of you to 'fess up to Raditch. See you around...rebel. (leans in to kiss Liberty, then pulls away, walks away, turns around, winks, and Liberty sighs)
- Ashley: (to Paige by the lockers) Have you been to a doctor?
- Paige: He wore a condom...very thoughtful.
(Liberty shows a slide show of JT's embarrasing pictures)
- J.T.: (smirks, talks to Toby) YOU GAVE HER MY PHOTO ALBUM!?
(JT imitating Liberty)
- J.T.: You take that back. I do so have friends! Ten textbooks, a hundred stuffed animals, oh and sometimes, even my parents like me!
Mirror in the Bathroom [2.09]
- Mohammed: Hey, it's the More of Everything Grrl. I think you should join the sumo team. Seriously.
- Terri: Hey! Most girls on the planet look like this, so get used to it!
- Paige: No kidding
- Terri: I made $500 today as plus-sized model! Yeah. Plus-sized. What do you make, ice cream boy?
- Toby: (talking to Ashley) I'm fine, "Mom"! So go back to sipping your blood and leave me alone!
- J.T.: Laxatives... Tasty going in, nasty going out!
- Ashley: JT, I need to talk to you.
- J.T.: Ah, so you finally have reached my love vibe!
- Ashley: No, I'm not in your little fantasy!
- J.T.: Oh, so, am I in yours?
- J.T.: So, do you still feel invisible, Tobes?
- Paige: Oh yeah, well you need a microscope to see your (Hazel nudges her) I was gonna say brain.
Take My Breath Away [2.10]
- Manny: So, Do you want to go to the movies?
- Craig: Sure. Oh you mean with you.... I don't know. Just kidding!
- Manny: (laughs)You so had me there.
- Craig: Do you want to know the real reason I couldn't kiss her?
- Jimmy: Why?
- Craig: She reminds me of my five year old half sister!
- Craig: The cotton candy incident. She nearly choked me with it.
- Jimmy: Look on the bright side, dude. If it had been a candy apple.....you'd have been dead.
- Toby: Somethings happened to your computer!
- Mr. Simpson: JT, did you email me naked baboon picture again?
- Craig: I heard screaming.
- Emma: That was the TV
Don't Believe the Hype [2.11]
- J.T.: Look Liberty, I know what you're going to say, okay? So don't.
- Liberty: You heard them. It's wrong to hide. It's a natural talent J.T., you should be proud.
- Toby: (trying to annoy JT) Oh, seamstress! Won't you come here and mend my dress for me?
- Mr. Simpson: Um... How long did you cook this for?
- Spinner: I don't know... About 5 minutes?
(Mr. Simpson spits out food in a napkin)
- Liberty: (to the teacher) I didn't make it. JT did!
- J.T.: What? You're lying.
- Liberty: No, he's lying!
- Liberty: Don't make me tell the guys you're the next martha Stewart
- Spinner: (to Jimmy)So I went home last night and asked my mom what my culture was and she pointed to the globe and said, "You're from Earth."
(Jimmy laughs)
- Paige: Good. Because I had my doubts.
- Liberty: JT, you never stop surprising me. I mean normally, you're such a... slob.
- J.T.: Great. First you blackmail me into making you a dress and then you insult me.
White Wedding (1) [2.12]
- J.T.: The way I see it, there are some upsides to love - Emma gets the day off, Simpson canceled homework today, and... STRIPPERS!
- Toby: Yeah, because I always think of strippers when I think of love.
- Sean: It's a slow song...and you're not dancing.
- Emma: No one caught my interest.
- Sean: (Looking down at the ground) Oh. How about now?
- Craig: I'm faced with a choice between plain old boring potato chips and hot and spicy nachos so you know what I get?
- Joey: Ice cream?
White Wedding (2) [2.13]
- Manny: Emma, just stop being a baby, and get ready for the wedding.
- Emma: Manny, mind your own business.
- Manny: Oh, that's funny. Didn't I tell you the same thing, last night?
- Emma: I did what I thought was right!
- Manny: Yesterday you freaked because I talked to Sean. What you did was so much worse.
- Emma: Well, gee, Manny, thanks for the support. What a best friend you are.
- Spike: Who's going to be the lucky girl?
(throws bouquet & Joey catches it)
- Joey: (in a girly voice) Looks like I'm the lucky girl!!!
Careless Whisper [2.14]
- Marco: Come on Spin, ladies first...
- Spinner: Well, in that case, go right ahead Marco.
- Spinner: Aw, did we offend Ellie?
- Jimmy: Ya think?
- Ellie: Don't flatter yourselves, I'm going to the bathroom.
- Terri: Some people say it's a sin.
- Dr. Sally: Which is the greater sin: being yourself, or pretending to be somebody you're not?
- Marco: I'm going to get a drink of water.
- Ashley: Oh, I'll get it.
- Marco: No, it's ok, I'll get it. (follows Ellie upstairs)
- Ashley: (laughs) I didn't know my kitchen was upstairs.
- J.T.: (Kendra and Toby are holding hands) Hello? Uh, I'm trying to eat here!
- Kendra: (lets go of Toby's hands) Sorry, we must be pretty gross.
- J.T.: No, you're not too bad. (Toby and Kendra hold hands again, JT stares) Okay, I'm lying, see you guys later! (leaves)
- Kendra: Toby, maybe JT has a point.
- Toby: JT? A point? That's a new one!
- Teacher: (to the class) Write about your fears and hopes.
- Toby: My fear is that Kendra hates me. My hope is that I die.
Hot for Teacher [2.15]
- Armstrong: So, Fred has five fish tanks. Two are 24 liters. How many cups will he need to fill all five fish tanks? Mr. Yorke?
- J.T.: Yeah, I think Fred needs to get a life!
- Ellie: Should I tell him?
- Ashley: It doesn't hurt to ask.
- Ellie: First rule of puberty, Spinner: shower everyday.
- J.T.: (has model dinosaur skeleton, goes up to Toby, Emma, Manny) Hello, Toby Isaacs. Will you be my friend? Hi, Emma and Manny! Will you be my friends?
- Sean: So, how were things with Ms.Hot Sauce? (Ms. Hatzilakos)
- J.T.: Hot and saucy!
- Spinner: Well you're a bum and you hang out at my house too much.
- Jimmy: That's because you pee on the toilet seat and my mom doesn't want you over! (to passers by) WHAT?!?
(Mrs. Kwan has blue ink all over her mouth)
- Mrs. Kwan: Boys, is there something you want to tell me?
- Spinner: No! No, um, we're just talking about how... stunning you look today!
- Jimmy: Don't make me start a Terri list. Top item: nosy; doesn't mind her own buisness.
Message in a Bottle [2.16]
- Jimmy: (after Sean drops bottle of booze) You come to my house, and you steal my parents' booze.
- Sean: (drunk) Come on Jimmy, your parents are so rich, they won't even know.
- Emma: Sean, I like you.
- Sean: I like you, too
Dressed in Black [2.17]
- J.T.: So, what are you getting?
- Toby: (holds up a box labeled "GLOW," glow in the dark condoms.)
- J.T.: Oh! The force is strong with you! (holds up a cane.)
- J.T.: (about the condoms) What does this mean, ribbed?
- Toby: (reads the condom box) For her pleasure? No idea.
- J.T.: Well, better find out.
- Toby: (about condoms) Trust me, J.T, you don't need extra large.
- Toby: Did you see the Pina Colada flavored?
- J.T.: Yeah! Too bad they don't have...bacon!
- Kendra: How old am I?!
- Toby: 12.
- Kendra: And what grade am I in?
- Toby: 7th.
- Kendra: And you thought I'd have sex with you?! Pervert!
- Spinner: Introducing J.T the human glowworm!
Relax [2.18]
- Paige: (after Terri reads her palm) What do you see Terri?
- Mr. Armstrong: I see Paige Michalchuk in detention after school.
- Manny: Awesome! I made it.
- Emma: Now for the initiation.
- Manny: Initiation?
(Emma and Kendra spray silly string on Manny while Liberty joins the scene)
- Liberty: Congratulations, one and all.
- Emma: Sorry you didn't make it, but you are team manager. That's good.
- Liberty: That's GREAT. And believe me, I'm going to keep you girls in line.
Fight for Your Right [2.19]
(after Jimmy accidentally throws food at Paige)- Paige: Someone isn't getting out of here alive.
- Emma: You know what I just said about giving up? I lied.
- Emma: So I guess I'm going home now.
- Raditch: Yes, you are.
- Emma: (to Toby) You're still eating that garbage?!
- Sheila: Hey, watch it! That's slander!
- Emma: So was your commercial!
How Soon is Now? [2.20]
- Paige: What you did to me changed my life. I still can't sleep without my light on. Sometimes I even look under the bed to make sure you're not there. I made a mistake going upstairs with you, but you made more than a mistake, you made a choice.
- J.T.: Paige! Help! I'm trapped in a box!
- Paige: Does it say "Caution: Freak Inside"?
- Paige: I have one thing to say to you, Dean! Get ready, 'cause I'm coming after you this time! Not like Spinner or the mascot! For real.
- J.T.: Enough for you, Mr. Rapist?
Tears Are Not Enough (1) [2.21]
- Mr. Manning: Craig, I'm so sorry. It'll never --
- Craig: It'll never happen again? Huh?! Is that what you were gonna say? 'Cause that's what you always say!
- Mr. Manning: Because you always screw up.
- Craig: No, Dad, you're the one who screws up! It won't change! Ever!!
- Mr. Manning: Hi, again...uh, Allison.
- Ashley: Hi, it's Ashley.
Tears Are Not Enough (2) [2.22]
- Paige: At least you don't have radioactive skin! And your date isn't a pumpkin!
- Kendra: ... I mean who would want to be some stupid Luau thing?
- Toby: That's why I love you...
(Kendra gives him a questioning/shocked look)
- Toby: Wait, I don't mean LOVE you, I just like you a lot...yeah that's it, I like you a lot...a whole lot...
- Terri: When I was little, I went to a birthday party. Then my dad showed up and told me the news - my mom didn't make it. I was really sad...
- Craig: Because she died?
- Terri: No. Because I couldn't play pin the tail on the donkey...
- Craig: That's okay. Pin the tail on the donkey is a fun game when you are a kid.
Father Figure (1) [3.01]
- Paige: This is it; start of grade 10, a whole new year. I'm just so happy I have you to share it with.
- Spinner: Me too, honeybee.
- Ellie: Honeybee? Did he just say honeybee?
- Craig: Yeah, I bet you guys have pet names too. (refering to Ellie and Marco)
- Emma: It's an old yearbook. From the 80s
- Craig: (looking at a yearbook) Oh my God, it's Joey! With hair!
- Paige: Fail English, no biggie. Fail gym, then we need to talk.
- Ms. Kwan: I'll see you in class, Gavin. Grade 9 English, that is.
- Spinner: Go ahead and laugh. Laugh at the big dummy.
- Paige: No one was laughing, hon.
- Jimmy: Uh, I was!
- Shane: (shows Emma a picture of her younger self) This is my daughter, Emma. But, she doesn't love me.
- Emma: Why do you say that?
- Shane: She never visits me.
- Emma: Maybe because she couldn't find you, until now...
Father Figure (2) [3.02]
- Spike: You have a lot of explaining to do. You're not talking to me? Emma, you start talking right now!
- Emma: You lied to me Mom. I found him.
- Spike: Shane? You found Shane?
- Emma: Right where you left him. In that prison in Stouffville. How could you?!
- Spike: I did not put him there. His parents did.
- Emma: And you didn't stop them?
- Spike: I was 16!
- Spinner: I have no backbone.
- Mr. Armstrong: Excuse me?
- Spinner: I have no backbone. I'm whipped, I'm totally spineless. My girlfriend completely controls my life.
U Got the Look [3.03]
- Paige: Sully's not your type. But I can think of ten other guys you'd be adorable with.
- Manny: I don't wanna be adorable, bunnies and puppies are adorable.
- Paige: Then don't be. Change your image, it's as simple as that.
- Emma: Wanna hear my mission for the year? Students Improving The Enviornment. I call it "SITE"
- Manny: Wanna hear my mission for the year?? To be hot.
(Manny takes off her jacket, revealing a blue tube top, and capris)
- Emma: Whoa.
- Manny: There is no way I'm getting dumped this year for being too young.
- JT: (talking to Toby) I mean, I've known Manny since I was like four, it's not like she's become a whole new...(looks at Manny) person?
- Emma: A thong.
- Manny: Its perfect! What do you think?
- Emma: I think that they shouldn't sell these at the mall.
- Liberty: Psst. Manny? Are you aware I can see your underpants?
- Manny: Are you aware that I don't care?
- Emma: Manny, I'm not sure you should...
- Manny: What? Raditch said no visible underwear. And do you see any underwear?
- Emma: No, but...
- Manny: That's right, because I'm not wearing any.
- Manny: Who needs friends when you're hot?
Pride (1) [3.04]
- Spinner: (sees Paige and Dylan checking out hot men) That's just wrong!
- Jimmy: What? He's gay. That's what they do!
- Spinner: Yeah but, it's gross! I mean touching another guy and kissing!
- Jimmy: You were all over Marco just a second ago!
- Spinner: Ha ha, very funny. (squirts Jimmy with his water gun)
- Spinner: They should just put them all on an island somewhere... or something.
- Jimmy: Yeah, because that's the answer.
- Spinner: I didn't mean 'homo' as in 'gay', I mean 'homo' as in...
- Dylan: ...Milk?
- Paige: I thought vampires couldn't go out in the sun!
Pride (2) [3.05]
- Craig: (after getting tickets from Dylan for his hockey game) Hockey, the Gardens, boys night out!
- Jimmy: Boys night out! (high fives Craig)
- Spinner: (mocking) Oooh, hockey! Oooh, boys night out! Could you be any bigger fags?!
- Jimmy: Gee, I don't know who's a bigger weirdo today. Spinner or Marco?
- Spinner: Marco! And he's not coming. What? Since when does Marco like hockey? He's probably doing some gay arts activity with Ellie anyway.
- Jimmy: Well uh, they broke up.
- Spinner: (sarcastically) Right, broke up! Fine then.
- Marco: (sees Spinner sitting on the steps of the school, and walks to him) So...
- Spinner: So what?
- Marco: Look Spin um, you didn't tell anybody, did you?
- Spinner: Tell anybody what?
- Marco: What I said yesterday. At the cafe?
- Spinner: (shrugs his shoulders)
- Marco: I mean after the date with Hazel! You know what I'm talking about!
- Spinner: Dude, I can't read your mind so say it!
- Marco: (sits next to Spinner) That I'm gay.
- Spinner: Oh that! Well, you know, maybe I did, maybe I didn't. (walks away)
- Marco: (after Spinner spikes the ball and hits him) Yeah, good thing Spin spikes like a girl!
- Jimmy: What is your problem with Marco?
- Spinner: What's my problem? That's my problem. (points to the wall where he has written, in indelible ink, "MARCO IS A FAG".)
- Jimmy: Marco's gay?
- Spinner: Yeah, and if you don't back off, I might start to think that you are, too.
- Jimmy: What are you going to write next? ...Something about me being black?
Gangsta Gangsta [3.06]
- Sean: I've got a record ok?
- Jay: You’re that guy aren’t you? Nearly killed a kid in Wasaga!
- Sean: It was a fight, and I deafened him in one ear.
- Jay: Sorry? What, I can't hear you.
- Sean: You know, you’re a real comedian for someone sitting in the principal's office.
- Toby: You had a wet dream?
- JT: Shut up!
- Toby: Who was it about?
- JT: Your mom!
- Alex: (referring to Emma) She really is as flat as a board, huh?
- Emma: Snake, what's wrong?
- Snake: My laptop. I-I left it right here, locked up last night. I-I knew that the chemo was making me stupid, but-
- Emma: (look at Sean in the hallway) Maybe it's not the chemo...
Should I Stay or Should I Go? [3.07]
- Manny: It was the best night of my life
- Emma: Just tell me what happened already!
- Manny: No, I can't, but I will soon.
- Spike: Put on the shirt, Archie! You are not dead yet! Put on the damn shirt and go!
Whisper to a Scream [3.08]
- Terri: (aggravated by Toby) Are you following me?
- Toby: I don't know...am I?
- Toby: 'Till next we meet.
- Hazel: Or...maybe your admirer is Toby.
- Both: Ugh!
- Ellie's mom: Don't cause a scene, Eleanor! Just shut up, smile, and wave.
- Caitlin: Okay, Ellie, here we are. I'm just sad it's only once a week.
- Ellie: I can work mornings, weekends, afternoons. I'll get your coffee, wash your car, anything!
- Caitlin: You sound like me! But, as my therapist says, it's very important to have a life.
- Emma: (agreeably surprised) Wow, Toby, I didn't expect it to be so big and tasty !
- Toby: (smile) Yeah, I know. You like it, don't you ?
Against all Odds [3.09]
- Manny: I didn't know he had a girlfriend.
- Emma: Me neither. So can we please go?
- Manny: It doesn't look like they're gonna last long, so here's your chance. You wait for the fight to end. Chris is hurt, he needs a shoulder to cry on, there you are.
- Emma: Okay, that's totally evil!
- Manny: It may be evil, but it's effective.
- Emma: I can't do that! It's not right!
- Manny: Yes, it is. And yes, you can.
- Emma: Whatever it takes, right?
- Manny: I'll go get us some water.
- Jimmy: Not everyone here wants to, uh, watch that. Know what I'm saying?
- Marco: No, seeing naked ladies doesn't burn my eyes out, no. Besides...I wasn't looking at them.
- Spinner: Then what were you looking at?
- Marco: The drapes, Spin. The drapes.
- Jimmy: He was looking at the dudes, you idiot.
- Emma: So you don't want to be friends?
- Manny: Not with a stuck-up prude princess.
- Emma: Well good, because I don't want to be friends with the school slut.
- Spinner: Admit it. You have a man-crush!
- Marco: Oh please. I mean, Spin - your hair? So last year. Your shoes - they never match anything you wear, and to tell you the truth, you're not even that cute!
Spinner: James, I'm trying to study.
Never Gonna Give You Up [3.10]
Holiday (1) [3.11]
Holiday (2) [3.12]
(Ashley slaps Craig on stage, both walk off)
This Charming Man [3.13]
Accidents Will Happen (1) [3.14]
(Toby and JT are hacking into Jimmy's file, JT disconnects it)
Accidents Will Happen (2) [3.15]
(Craig walks away)
(Manny is standing there alone with her hand on her stomach)
Take On Me [3.16]
(Sean, Ellie, Toby and Jimmy laugh)
(Ellie pulls down the sleeve of her shirt and shows Sean the scars that are still left over from cutting)
Don't Dream It's Over [3.17]
Rock and Roll High School [3.18]
- Craig: Ash, I swear, if you play that song in the competition I'll-
- Ashley: Have sex with more grade nines?
- Snake: Guys, settle down please
- Craig: You know, if you weren't such a prude, I'd never been with Manny
- Ashley: Oh, but I thought you loved her.
- Craig: Oh, you know what, go-
- Snake: Hey! One more word, double homework!
- Jimmy: A homie is a playa and that is all/ So why'd you have to go and kick his-
- Spinner: -ball and chain/ Ain't that your name/ Cause you a playa-hater and that's a shame-
- Jimmy: And chicks like you ain't worth too much/ So shut up girl-
- Both: And make my lunch!
- Spinner: And here's a song called...uh, we're still thinking of a name!
- Ashley: This song is your prize for breaking my heart/ Should have written these words to you right from the start/ You say it doesn't matter, how it's all in the past/ My pain doesn't show, it's disguised by this mask/ I can;t pretend to forgive and forget/ Gonna make the day you met me a day you'll regret/ 'Cause you're the dust in my eye/ You're the rock in my shoe/ Yeah, you lie, lie, lie/ Better watch what you say, 'cause I'm on to you/ Mr. Nice Guy/ Oh, Mr. Nice Guy/ Mr. Nice Guy/ You're so nice
It's Raining Men [3.19]
- Spinner: You like him, don't you?
- Dylan: Uh...
- Spinner: So ask Marco out on a date!
- Spinner: Dude, it's not grade nine public speaking. Just go up to him and go, "Dude, you like me, I like you, let's hook up". Okay, maybe not those exact words.
- Spinner: It looks like it's straight eye for the gay guy.
- Marco: Well, after the pimp hat, and the bee incident, and what my dad said, I thought you were never gonna talk to me again.
- Dylan: Well, it crossed my mind, but...I do think you're pretty cute.
- Marco: So, does this mean that I can have another shot? A chance to redeem myself?
- Dylan: Well, that depends...what are you doing this Friday?
- Dylan: What is this, hug the homo day?
- Marco: I hate bees! The're like flying death monkeys!
- Spinner: Ok, this? Enrique called. Wants his shirt back. (tosses shirt)
- Spinner: This, whole Oliver Twist thing? (in English accent) Please sir, don't wear this. You'll look like an idiot. (tosses shirt)
- Spinner: Planning on wrestling cattle, dude?
- Marco: Yeah, don't throw that.
- Spinner: Now this, classy, sporty...very David Beckham...and very Del Rossi.
I Want Candy [3.20]
- Ashley: These are supposed to be the best years of our lives and it's just been one disaster after another after another. This school is cursed.
- Spinner: So transfer next year.
- Paige: Spin!
- Ashley: No, he's right. Next year, I'm leaving Degrassi.
- Emma: Alex, what is your problem?
- Alex: Let's see, your personality, you clothes, your holier-than-thou attitude. You.
Our House [3.21]
- Sean: It's not just my house. It's our house.
- Spinner: I'd watch it with Manny, she's got a reputation.
- JT: What if people talked about you and Paige like that?
- Spinner: They don't, because Paige isn't a slut and doesn't get at it with other people's boyfriends.
- Amy: Hey, Seany! Wanna see my world famous Avril Lavigne impression? [sticks out her toungue and squints her eyes] You don't like me anymore...
- Sean: Amy, you dumped me.
- Ellie: And he has a girlfriend.
- Amy: What are you? Some kind of blood sucking vampire?
- Ellie: Keep hanging on to my boyfriend and you'll find out.
The Power of Love [3.22]
- Mr. Simpson: Guys, keep moving please. Let's get all the way down the stairs. We're gonna want to let these trucks go through, all right?
- Paige: Craig, what's going on?
- Craig: Uh, those curtains that Marco picked out? They're, like, totally flammable.
- Hazel: Brooks, what's the problem?
- Jimmy: Let's see. I'm wearing a sari, our limo driver just got arrested, and the school almost burned down.
Ghost in the Machine (1) [4.01]
- Dean's Lawyer: Ms. Michalchuk, how many men have you had sex with?
- Paige's Lawyer: Objection!
- Paige: Actually, I'd like to answer that. That was my only time. And I certainly would not have chosen to lose my virginity upstairs, at a house party, with a guy I'd known for an hour!
- Ashley: Those are backwards.
- Craig: Thanks.
- Ashley: Listen, I didn't mean to be all weird yesterday.
- Craig: You weren't weird. You just ignored me...which I guess is sort of weird. Sorry, now I'm being weird.
- Ashley: Look, I was hoping we could be friends but as soon as I saw you...
- Craig: You got sucked into some bizarre last year time warp?
- Ashley: Yeah. So...good birthday?
- Craig: Well, my freak of a dad left me this check for ten grand in his will.
- Ashley: Are you serious?
- Craig: Yeah, the guy is half eaten by worms and he's still trying to buy me. Pathetic.
Ghost in the Machine (2) [4.02]
- Ashley: You know, you guys should try going a little more post-emo. Still punk, but less mopey.
- Craig: I don't think the other guys even know what regular emo is. Spinner probably thinks it's a muppet.
- Craig: I'm the bank of Craig!
- Paige: What? I'm easy! Everyone knows it. The judge, my mother, now you. Like Dean. Just get me alone, do whatever you want. No one will stop you. What? You don't want me?
- Spinner: Not right now, no.
- Paige: 'Cause Dean got there first?
- Spinner: You have to let that go!
- Paige: You want me to just let it go? Like someone was rude or stole my seat at lunch?
- Spinner: No that's not what I...I just, I want my girlfriend back. I want Paige back!
- Paige: You don't even know her.
- Spinner: That's stupid.
- Paige: The truth? Paige went upstairs that night. She never came back.
King of Pain [4.03]
- Emma: Me and then Liberty Van Zandt? What will people think?
- Manny: Honestly, Em? That's the meanest thing I've ever heard you say. And that's saying something.
- Marco: I am...I am gay.
- Alex: We'll ask the crowd at the at the assembly tomorrow: who would they rather vote for; the freak, or the queer? By the way, I'm the freak.
- Marco: Take this with you. make your dorm mates jealous.
- Dylan: They're straight.
- Marco: So make them uncomfortable.
Mercy Street [4.04]
- Paige: Someone tell me I’m hallucinating.
- Emma: Who is he?
- Spinner: Remember our friend Terri McGregor? The girl who was in a coma last year?
- Paige: He’s the psycho that put her there. His name’s Rick, her ex. He used to beat her.
- Spinner: Yeah, and he’s your new classmate Emma. He starts tenth grade tomorrow.
- Emma: We have to do something!
- Alex: I know, let’s adopt a dolphin. Train him to defend us from Rick.
- Emma: Or we can talk to Mr. Raditch.
- Alex: Sure. Me and Marco can handle that without you.
- Alex: What do you know about the cause? You ever ice your mom's lip, bandage her up? Lay awake at night listening to her cry? Didn't think so.
- Rick: All those people who hate me, I want to let them see who I really am. Show them how wrong they are.
- Emma: Well, they're not interested Rick.
- Rick: They will be. Someday.
Anywhere I Lay My Head [4.05]
- Spinner: Any more bitter and she would be a lemon.
- Jay: Nice housewarming.
- Sean: Yeah. But she'll go back home. Maybe next time her mom'll burn down the whole place.
- Alex: Now that would be a housewarming.
- Jay: So basically this is a bon voyage, good bye, thanks for all the sex party.
- Sean: Let me make it simple. Move in...with some one who loves you.
- Spinner: We need to play more gigs to get to smokin' hot.
- Ashley: Spinner has a point.
- Spinner: Who asked you? I mean - yeah. What she said.
- Craig: Well, that sucked.
- Ashley: Just keep smiling; no one noticed.
Islands in the Stream [4.06]
- Alex: Not that I'd ever admit this, but I used to be scared of you.
- Paige: Please, I am so not scary.
- Alex: No, you're a pushover a coward and a suck. 'Cause if my boyfriend showed up here and treated me that way, I'd be shopping for a new boyfriend.
Time Stands Still (1) [4.07]
- Emma: Rick, the feathers thing was so stupid. And it only makes the people who did it look totally juvenile.
- Rick: They're life ruiners. Everyone laughing. They're all life ruiners.
- Alex: Ooh, looks like Rickie got a friend.
- Jimmy: Stop. Get over it. It's boring.
- Mr. Raditch: So you want me to order this student to like you? Is that what you're saying?
- Spinner: Hey, reject! Where's your friend?
- Toby: Like I'm gonna tell you.
Time Stands Still (2) [4.08]
- Jimmy: How're you holding up?
- Rick: Good.
- Jimmy: That's good. Kinda surprised to see you this afternoon.
- Rick: Yeah, I bet you are.
- Jimmy: Look, I'm really sorry about everything, and if those guys give you any more problems, I got your back.
- Rick: You stabbed me in the back. You set the whole thing up... [pulls out gun]
- Jimmy: Rick, come on, I defended you! [sees gun] ...Is that real?
- Rick: All this time... you pretended to be my friend. [Jimmy backs away slowly] You made me do this.
[Jimmy runs in the other direction. Rick turns his head, closes his eyes, and shoots Jimmy in the back. Jimmy screams and collapses.]
[Sean, Emma, and Toby see Rick walking with a gun. Rick sees them and starts walking towards them.]
- Rick: Hi, Emma. Sorry I kissed you.
- Sean: He's got a gun, okay? Let's go.
[Sean grabs Emma's arm and starts to pull her away.]
[The trio stop.]
- Rick: I'm glad I found you, Emma. You made my list.
- Toby: Rick... what're you doing?
- Rick
[Sean looks at gun, pulls Rick's arm down, and they struggle for the gun.]
- Toby: STOP!
[Gun goes off. Sean and Rick's eyes both widen. They both collapse onto the floor. Emma and Toby are in shock.]
- Spinner: He's my best friend!
- Jay: Either outcome, I would say he
- Ashley: He shot Jimmy, Mom! I want an answer. Who was this guy who shot him, if not some psycho?
- Emma: He was Toby's friend.
- Detective: Toby, do you know why he did this?
- Toby: How am I supposed to know? Look the guy is a psycho, a total psycho.
- Detective: Was he bullied, teased?
- Toby: Always, every day, constantly. Look he's not my friend, he's a psycho, and he's not my friend.
- Reporter: Did the shooter say anything before he died?
- Toby: ... He died?
Back in Black [4.09]
- Sean's Mom: Sean, I heard what happened.
- Sean: Yeah, I know. That was quite the performance. Oh, I miss my baby, what if I never get to see him again? Oh, I love him. Boo hoo.
- Sean's Mom: Oh, Sean...
- Sean: Next interview, try telling them the truth. Like how you gave up on me, how you booted me out of your life. Just stop playing the poor abandoned role because nobody's buying it, especially not me!
- Reporter: What does it feel like to be a hero?
- Sean: I guess I'm about to find out.
- Ellie: I don't know what to believe.
- Sean: You want me to talk? Fine! When the gun went off, My hand was covered in warm liquid. I thought I pissed myself, but then I realized I was drenched in Rick's blood.
- Ellie: Sean...
- Sean: No!
- Sean: That kid at school. He was gonna shoot my friend, so I grabbed the gun and it went off. I think...I think I might have, I might have killed him. I might have killed him!
- Sean's Mom: Oh baby!
- Emma: Sean. Maybe you need to see a doctor?
- Sean: I'm fine. I was just thinking.
- Emma: About what?
- Sean: Emma...I'm sorry.
- Emma: For what?
- Sean: For last year you know? For everything I put you through. Everything. I'm sorry.
- Emma: Ancient history. So maybe we should get going, huh?
- Manny: If you hadn't ditched him for Webster here, he would've never hooked up with Rick.
- Sean: I am Sean Cameron. I want some chocolate milk. And I need the stupidity to be over.
- Sean: I told them everything.
- Ellie: Let's get you out of here.
- Sean: Ellie. Look I don't know how-
- Ellie: You're staying aren't you? Sean please. I love you.
- Sean: I love you, too. But Ellie...
- Ellie: When are you coming back?
Neutron Dance [4.10]
- Ashley: So one minute we're talking first recording session butterflies, and the next, full on lip lock.
- Ellie: Don't do it.
- Ashley: Yeah, little late for that.
- Ellie: Not the kiss. The rest.
- Ashley: He's different. I think.
- Ellie: Guys suck, Ashley. They enjoy messing with our feelings and then sticking us with the rent.
- Mr. Oleander: Paige. Hey. You know this is a bar right?
Voices Carry (2) [4.12]
- Liberty: Radishes, radishes, not so sweet, red and round and gross to eat. They have power and cruel little voices saying 'I run Degrassi, you have no choices'. Ugly and mean and slightly obscene, the stubbornest radishes I've ever seen.
- Mr. Raditch: Interesting song. I'd appreciate a reprisal. Monday. Detention. Both of you.
- JT: I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I chickened out. But what you did, the way you stood up to Raditch...took guts. Brilliant.
- Liberty: You know what I wish I'd done? (kisses JT) I crushed on you for four years.
- JT: (kisses Liberty) My stomach hurts a little.
Bark at the Moon [4.13]
- Paige: You either like me or you don't!
- Manny: I got Danny?
- Danny: Manuella!
- Manny: I used to babysit you.
- Danny: So let's take it to the next level!
- Manny: If you can't commit to a simple dance, how can you commit to me?
Secret (1) [4.14]
- Emma: What's in the van?
- Jay: What do you think's in the van?
- Emma: Beer, more beer, smelly shag carpeting from the 70's...
- Jay: You've already had the tour.
- Emma: Show me again. Show me again for real.
- Jay: After you.
Secret (2) [4.15]
- Jay: Are you hot for Dracula or are you trying to mess with me?
- Emma: Are you gonna be in the ravine tonight? Are we gonna party? I think I need another bracelet
- Jay: I don't like being messed with, okay?
- Manny: It doesn’t take Sherlock Holmes to figure it out. Why would you hook up with Jay? Are you in love with him?
- Emma: No! Of course not.
- Manny: What do you get out of it?
- Emma: That's a really stupid question.
- Manny: No, what you're doing is stupid. You're letting a disgusting bottom-feeder use you to serial cheat on his girlfriend.
- Emma: Should you really be preaching to anyone about that? We're not having real sex.
- Manny: It's pretty close.
- Emma: (viciously) But I'm not getting pregnant. (looks Manny up and down)
- Manny: Why are you trying to hurt me?
- Emma: Cause you won't leave me alone!
- Manny: You're better than this! You're better than what you're doing!
- Emma: What do you know about who I am or what I'm worth or anything?!
- Jay: Lexi!
- J.T.: Lexi is late for her scene.
- Alex: You want a scene? Hey, best friend Amy, let's give JT a scene. Tell me about the ravine, Amy. About how you went down on my boyfriend, Amy. And the braclets you got for it.
- Amy: I didn't sleep with him!
- Alex: Yeah, by whose definition?
- Jay: Alex, just come outside, calm down.
- Alex: Don't touch me, don't talk to me, or I'll deck your smug face too.
Eye of the Tiger [4.16]
- Jay: This guy? He's nasty, tastes like fire, rubs people the wrong way. This guy here? Sweet, refreshing. But when these two get together, bad news. Kind of like you and me.
- Jimmy: My basketball career, my entire future, gone.
- Spinner: Don't say that, you're getting better.
- Jimmy: Rick put me in this chair for life!
- J.T.: Hmm, let's see. Rolling on the cement with you, or rolling in the water with your sister?
- Danny: She's the smartest girl in school and you don't even have an IQ! You don't deserve her.
Queen of Hearts [4.17]
- Ellie: Wait, that's my rent money.
- Alex: You're bugging me, Ellie.
- Ellie: You know, we'll just forget this hand. Can I have the cards?
- Alex: Sit down!
- Guy: I lead with the ace of hearts.
- Alex: Keep it. Don't bother. Four points, we win. You really ought to believe in people more.
- Ellie: It’s open.
- Mrs. Nash: It’s the middle of the night Ellie. There’s no emergency?
- Ellie: I had to be sure of something.
- Mrs. Nash: Sure of what?
- Ellie: That you could come over. That you were sober. You weren’t drunk.
- Mrs. Nash: You woke me as a test?
- Ellie: I wrote a letter to Mr. Martin. It says I’m giving two months notice.
- Mrs. Nash: Oh, so you’re coming home!
- Ellie: I said I wrote it Mom. I haven’t given it to him. Not yet.
- Mrs. Nash: But you’re going to?
- Ellie: No more drinking?
- Mrs. Nash: The best I can do is try. Day by day. Try.
- Ellie: Then promise me you’ll try and make it easy for me to trust you.
- Mrs. Nash: Come home, Ellie. I’m tired of being alone.
- Ellie: Yeah. Me too.
Modern Love [4.18]
- Paige: I was fixated on your earlobes for most of the class.
- Matt: So my nano computer lesson was dull?
- Paige: That my eyes were even open in Media Immersion is a testament to you.
- Manny: Em, what's wrong with your eyes?
- Emma: I'm trying to kill Chris with my mind.
Moonlight Desires [4.19]
- Marco: First I get rejected by the blood drive guys, then by Dylan.
- Alex: Uh, my ex, Jay Hogart? Remember how I dumped him for cheating on me with half the school? It's not a gay thing, it's a guy thing.
- Craig: Hey, and don't I remember you beating up Amy for being equally trampy?
- Ellie: How's Ashley, Craig? Or are you back with Manny? It's so hard to remember, seeing as how you dated them both at the same time.
- Craig: Okay. Let's just call it a people thing.
- Ellie: It's not a thing, it's a choice. Monogamy. Wow. What a difficult concept.
- Craig: You know, you are a great guy. The most honest, down-to-earth, nicest person that I know. You're a little short, but that just adds to the cuteness. That I would find you to be. If you were a girl or I was not a guy. (Points to self) Is not gay. Just tell me this is helping.
- Marco: You're telling me what I really want to hear. I appreciate it, thanks. If you want to help tell me I'm an idiot.
- Craig: You're an idiot?
- Marco: I can't go downstairs. I can't stay here. I can't talk to Dylan. What do I do?
[Dylan calls Marco's name in the distance and Marco hurriidley kisses Craig as he spot Marco.]
- Craig:
West End Girls [4.20]
- Manny: I swear, if I peed on the floor Paige would claim she gave me the water
- J.T.: Maybe you two can be the world's first matching prom queen set. Like socks, or mittens or, uh, bookends!
- Manny: We're not bookends
- Mrs. Hatzilakos: Well, the school appreciates it, Paige. Thank you so much!
- Manny: For being a big fat useless pile of nothing.
- Paige: Did you want to say something Manny?
- Manny: Gosh, no, Paige, it's all you.
- Liberty: What can I say? My baby and I share a love of cheese.
- J.T.: Yes, we do.
- Kevin Smith: You ever seen one of my flicks?
- Craig: Yeah. I like the one where the guy's standing outside the 7-Eleven...
- Kevin Smith: Mind narrowing that down a little?
Goin' Down the Road (1) [4.21]
- Jimmy: Hey, you can’t throw fries at a kid in a wheelchair.
- Alanis: I'm here because I can't stand four more years of Bush in the states.
- Kevin: Yeah, that's why I'm here.
- Paige: Listen, girl-fiend, you and your so post-pubescent, he makes the Backstreet Boys look relevant boyfriend can kiss my yoga-toned ass.
Goin' Down the Road (2) [4.22]
- Ellie : Ms. Hoffman, he went into my purse, stole my tampons and did this!
- Caitlin: Woah, don't make it my fault.
Venus (1) [5.01]
- Emma: Manny, he's looking at you!
- Manny: Please, I'm not his type. He's looking at you. You are.
- Emma: He's the first guy I've liked since hurricane Sean blew through my emotional trailer park.
- Manny: I'm going to be an actress. An Academy Award-winning actress. And you can sell this for a million dollars because I'm gonna be famous! (Manny takes off her top for Peter's camera)
Venus (2) [5.02]
- Paige: I won't even get into kindergarden with my resume
- Craig: Do you know how humiliating it was to find out, in public, that my girlfriend dumped me by e-mail?
- Ellie: Oh. Oh, you’re forgetting on your birthday. It’s a pretty good detail too. Ashley wanted to tell you herself. She wanted to wait until the time was right. She was...concerned.
- Craig: That I’d go off my meds and go all crazy. I’m fine. You know I’m fine. We hung out all summer and I don’t need you protecting me.
- Ellie: All this anger is for Ashley. Buy a ticket, go to London, and freak on her there.
- Craig: I can feel them, you know? Your eyes burning a hole in my back
- Jimmy: Oh, Manny Santos, my how you've grown.
Death of a Disco Dancer [5.03]
- Paige: Did you sign up for those college info sessions tomorrow?
- Alex: Why do you drone on about me going to college?
- Paige: Because I don't want to come back for the reunion to find out my former friends are losers.
- Peter: Hey, if she gets to go can I?
- Snake: Isn't this your first of five weeks of detention? Yeah, Ms. Hatzilakos...oh, I mean your MOMMY would say no.
Foolin' [5.04]
- Liberty: I can't trust you to deal with this
- J.T: Fine. Then I can't deal with you. That's it, Liberty, I'm done.
- Liberty: You're breaking up with me...now?
- J.T.: Respect me, Liberty and then maybe we can make a decision together for once.
- Liberty: We did, last summer. Remember? When we decided to use the king size condom, the one that slipped off? I'm pregnant.
[J.T. crashes the car.]
- Spinner: Jimmy was my best friend and I basically cut his legs off. I don't like to broadcast that.
- Spinner: You are looking at Little Mister Handsome, ages four to six.
- Darcy: So what happened after six?
- Spinner: I guess I just got ugly.
- Jimmy: He tends to get people shot.
Weddings, Parties, Anything [5.05]
- Manny: As if it weren't embarrasing enough last night, now you have to see me with my jammies on. I'm sorry I ruined your gig.
- Craig: Ahh, the Sasquatch isn't really cut out for weddings. Funerals maybe.
- Manny: Despite the freak show, I had fun. It was nice of you to invite me.
- Craig: I had ulterior motives. Ever since that video came out, things have sucked for you. So I wanted to cheer you up, make you smile again.
- Manny: What are friends for? (He looks at her, leans over and kisses her)
- Craig: Look, unless your last name is Hendrix and you've come back to rock us from the grave; no solos while I'm singing.
- Jimmy: Look, the music you have us playing is lame. Wedding bands are lame, ergo YOU'RE LAME!
- J.T.: If there's something I can do for you, anything at all, I'll do it.
- Liberty: You could mangle your male parts in a tragic industrial accident.
- Manny: Did you just throw a drumstick at my head?
- Ellie: You could feel it through all that hairspray? Amazing.
Ellie If your here to do things you should do things
Manny but theres nothing left to do unless... Craig loves my tambourine
Ellie no thanks but we dont need any low rent poptarts in our band
Manny Well they do say there should be at least one attractive girl in every band
Ellie oh your not calling me ugly
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For [5.06]
Turned Out (1) [5.07]
Turned Out (2) [5.08]
(J.T. starts to cry)
Tell It To My Heart [5.09]
Redemption Song [5.10]
The Lexicon of Love (1) [5.11]
The Lexicon of Love (2) [5.12]
(Paige opens the blinds)
(Paige drops Darcy)
Hazel: Paige did you become a lesbian and not tell me?
Together Forever [5.13]
- Liberty:I can't tell J.T. stuff 'cause (Gasps and looks down) Oh. Oh, that's disgusting.
- Toby: (looking down) Why is there water in the floor?
- Liberty: Toby, it's time!
- Toby (confused): T-T-Time for what, time for what, Liberty? Time for-- (gasp) NO! NOT IN MY BUBBY'S CAR!
- Craig: Um, I'm kind of about the band.
- Leo: Craig, it's different now. Now the band is about you.
- Ellie: Chick on sticks is going to suffer back here, yo.
I Against I [5.14]
- Manny: Male strippers dropping it like it’s hot? Oh yeah, oh yeah.
- Danny: (at a "Guess Your Weight" stall) Say, mmmm... 140?
- Manny: Maybe if I was carrying an entire 8-year-old!
- Danny: Sign says guess, I guessed.
- Manny: Derek, your friend's an idiot.
- Derek: I'm aware.
- Ellie: You think it's better if people have unwanted babies?
- Linus: I think it's better if people don't have sex unless they're married.
- Linus: You're promoting promiscuity.
- Alex: You're promoting stupidity
- Linus: Why don't you try going to church?
- Marco: I do, every Sunday. (shows the cross on his necklace)
- Linus: They let you in?
- Marco: What's that supposed to mean?
- Caitlin: Morning, fellow members of the worst cheer-up squad ever.
- Jimmy: You're telling me that I get to throw things at him for charity?
- Marco: Spinner...you really are lost, huh?
- Spinner: You have no idea.
- Linus: Condoms make kids have sex.
- Marco: You can take your friends, and you can all go to hell.
- Linus: Why? So we can visit you fag?
Our Lips Are Sealed (1) [5.15]
- Spike: You guys are on your own for breakfast.
- Emma: And lunch, and supper, and every meal after that.
- Spike: We count on you Em. I count on you.
- Emma: And what a super job I'm doing!
- Spike: You are. Look, I gotta go or I'll be late getting Jack to daycare.
- Emma: Snake called again.
- Spike: How nice for him.
- Manny: I am so fat!
- Emma: Don't even talk about fat, I'm the fat one in this house. All this fast food, no wonder I've gained all this weight.
- Manny: Tell me about it. I have a meeting with Ms. Fine on Friday and I can't even fit into my lucky jeans!
- Emma: 'Dump the lumps' Ms. Fine, as in the agent from hell?
- Manny: If she's Satan that explains why she's the best agent in town. She called 'cause she saw me in the Kevin Smith movie, wants to audition me again. Crisis down here!
- Emma: Look around you! Crisis is actually an epidemic.
- Manny: My thighs are an epidemic and they're taking over the world.
- Emma: We are going to take control. I am going to take control.
- Manny: Pie charts? We've done pie charts every year since grade four.
- Emma: It's a chore wheel.
- Manny: (sigh) Okay, does it have laundry? Because I'm out of underwear and this commando chafing is killing me.
- Emma: Okay, Manny you are on laundry. I'm on homework and exercise and grocery shopping and cleaning and mom managment.
- Manny: That should burn a few calories.
- Emma: I sincerely hope so.
- Manny: You're a stick and you're insane.
- Emma: Mom, I'm home.
- Manny: She's working late.
- Emma: What are you doing?
- Manny: Baby pedicure. (puts a chip in her mouth)
- Emma: Do you know how much fat is in just one chip? I brought celery. Celery has negative calories because you burn calories while you're chewing. And this. (handing Manny a notebook)
- Manny: I'm not eating paper no matter how many calories it burns.
- Emma: It's a diet diary. We write down every morsel that goes into our mouths.
- Manny: Great, more homework.
- Emma: Do you want to get this agent? Think of it as fun, think of it as a challenge.
- Manny: Woo-hoo, let the fun begin.
- Emma: Total calories, 110, total grams of fat, 2.
- Manny: Total flavor, 0. How am I suppose to do math when I'm starving?
- Emma: I think my stomach is digesting itself, but we are not feeling hungry, we are feeling light.
- Manny: As in L-I-T-E.
- Emma: Okay, we need to jog one mile at 6 miles per hour to burn off 110 calories.
- Manny: Okay, I'm going to go get a diet pop and pretend it's a milkshake.
- Paige: Twigs and berries. You girls practicing to be on Survivor?
- Emma: It's called a diet.
- Paige: Totally wishing I had your willpower. When bathing suit season comes around, prepare to be hated by a jealous me.
- Manny: Suddenly, I'm stuffed. When are we running that mile? Or five?
(Manny and Emma come up to school running and laughing)
- Manny: What's so funny?
- Emma: Nothing. It's just I feel all...floaty.
- Manny: Me too. Is that good?
- Manny: Let me guess: you went to visit Shaquille O'Neil and all you got was his running suit.
- Toby: I could get us some fake IDs. Take you ladies on a pub crawl!
- Emma: Oh, and you're all so perfect! You take advantage of drunk girls, you are the drunk girl, and the last time I checked, you were making out with his mother!
- Darcy: Hey Emma, I think you got an extra ounce on your right cheek.
- Chante: Yeah, call Weight Watchers! And 911!
- Emma: Do you think it's funny to laugh at a tub of lard? It's not! I know what's wrong so you can stop pointing it out!
- Darcy: Emma, we were just joking. You're so not fat.
- Chante: Are you okay?
- Emma: I'm fine. I just don't want to be here.
- Hazel: I told you! Paige doesn't eat sweets.
- Alex: That's a lie! You ate three pieces of chocolate cheesecake this weekend!
- Paige: It was our two-month anniversary!
Total Eclipse of the Heart [5.17]
- Marco: If you ever hurt me again, I...
- Dylan: I won't. Even idiots grow up at some point. I'm a slob, okay, I'm reckless and I'm your exact opposite...but you mean everything to me, Marco, and I want another chance.
- Marco: You are such a jerk.
- Dylan: What? But I-(Marco kisses Dylan)
'Derek: Can I ask you a personal question?
Liberty: Sure I'm all ears
Derek: about your baby. Did you ever consider keeping him, like when you held him?
Liberty: Get out.
Derek: I'm sorry, I'm adopted. It's just something I've always wondered.
Liberty: Get out, I mean it! I don't care if you were adopted, dropped by a stork, or abducted by aliens GET OUT!!
High Fidelity (1) [5.18]
- Jay: I'm not here to bug you, okay? Just watching the game with Chad...or was, until he passed out. You look like you just got hit by a bus.
- Alex: Paige Michalchuk Break-up Express.
- Jay: Well, if you're looking for a shoulder to cry on, or a quick rebound, I'm here.
- Alex: Jay, I'm not bi, I'm not confused, I'm a lesbian, an actual lesbian. Who just broke up with her first girlfriend and it sucks.
- Jay: I'm sorry. That's one of the few times I said sorry and actually meant it.
- Alex: That's one of the few times you said sorry and I actually believed you.
- Jay: Do you wanna watch some TV with me? No funny business, just friends.
- Alex: Fine.
- Spinner: I'm so virginal, Mary's jealous.
High Fidelity (2) [5.19]
- Paige: Spin, just so you know, I never blamed you for what happened with Jimmy.
- Spinner: You mean that?
[Paige nods]
- Spinner: I know your birthdate, your favorite colour! I know.. [falls off the stage]
- Paige: Take it from someone who knows Spin, toking before school ends in tragedy.
- Mr. Simpson: I just hope everybody get what's been inside of you.
- Paige: I don't think that's advisable, sir.
Here Comes Your Man (01) [6.01]
- Darcy: Hey Paige, I guess I'm the only one not sorry to see you go. I know you had sex with Spinner last year, I thought you were above being a low grade ho. Guess I was wrong
- Paige: Sweetie, I would love to indulge your need to ruin my party with a full on catfight, but I'll pass. Save the drama for high school, hun, I'm moving on.
- Emma: If fun were people, I would be China.
(Emma's embarresed)
Here Comes Your Man (2) [6.02]
- Emma: Sean?
- Sean: Shh!
- Emma: What are you doing here?
- Sean: I screwed up, Em, I screwed up real bad.
- Emma: Understatement of the century. The police are looking for you.
- Sean: I know, I know. That's why I need your help. You're the only one who cares. You're the only one who...
- Emma: You're wrong. I don't care, Sean. I can't. Not anymore. You need to turn yourself in.
Can't Hardly Wait [6.03]
- Manny: Thank you, Sister Cukoo-Bananas.
- Mia: Mistakes?
- Darcy: Unless you got knocked up on purpose in which case you got even bigger issues. (Mia pushes Darcy)
- Nic: Hey did you ever figure out who the father was?
(Mia slaps him across the face)
- J.T.: What's your problem?!
(Nic pushes him, and J.T. knocks him out with the mascot head)
- Nic: Hey! You Degrassi dorks better sleep with one eye open. This isn't over.
True Colours [6.04]
- Toby: At this point, all we can afford is Jimmy and Spinner jamming in sombreros.
- Emma: When you see me at class, don't look at me, when you pass me in the hallway, don't talk to me, 'cause you and me are done!(pushes Peter against locker and walks away.
Eyes Without a Face (1) [6.05]
- Peter: Good morning, Emma.
- Emma: Nothing about you is good. Don't talk to me.
- Peter: I have ears ya know.
- Manny: So it's just a soul you're missing?
- Manny: (to Peter) You and a camera is a no-no.
- Peter: He played you Darcy, just like you played me.
Eyes Without a Face (2) [6.06]
- Manny: You need to watch out for Peter. He sure has his creepy eyes on you.
- Ashley: So do you think he wants to?
- Ellie: (Her mouth full of food) He's a guy.
- Ashley: Have you talked about, you know, doing it?
- Ellie: (coughs from her soda) Can you please not say 'doing it'? And I find it a little embarrassing. And by a little I mean hugely. I've only had two boyfriends. Marco, gay; and Sean - and we never, you know...
Working for the Weekend [6.07]
- Jimmy: Are you serious?
- Spinner: I've never been seriouser!
Crazy Little Thing Called Love [6.08]
- Jay: Alright but I warned you, While you were gone, Emma and I kinda fooled around.
- Sean: You had sex?
- Jay: No, no no...i mean, not really..depends on how you look at it, I had more than she did.
- Sean: You didn't care about Emma you used her, You took advantage of her.
- Jay: I didn't take advantage of anybody, the truth is, she chased me dude. she damn near begged me to let her do it.
- Emma: Sean! It was two years ago, right after I had a gun pointed at my face. To say i was super-duper messed up would be an understatement
- Sean: How could you do that? And with Jay. The thought of you two together makes me wanna-
- Emma: What happened to 'I won't hold it against you?'
(after Emma stabs a fake heart in class)
- Manny: Em, you're killing Johnny Carcass Man! His heart's not going to work with a pencil in it.
- Emma: I'm sorry I was imagining it belongs to Sean...who found out about me and Jay, from Jay.
- Manny: Ouch! Hope you had a soft landing when you fell off that pedestal.
(Emma stabs fake heart repeatedly)
- Manny: Easy, coocoo bananas! This is one of the few classes I'm not failing.
- Emma: Where is my lucky bra? The one that gives me Manny boobs?
What's It Feel Like to Be a Ghost? (1) [6.09]
- J.T.: Your phone is shut off.
- Mia: Solution? Don't call.
- Ellie: (to Manny) I don't know how I made it through high school without having my breasts shown online.
- Dylan: (after Manny and Ellie start fighting) Oh dear.
- Craig: Wow this guy sounds like a real jackass. You sure you want to keep him?
- Manny: Like I said, he's pretty cute.
- J.T.: I think there should be a daycare at Degrassi.
- Mia: Yeah, and I should be Lindsay Lohan!
What's It Feel Like to Be a Ghost? (2) [6.10]
- Toby: Oh, now this makes sense. So this is about you, Mia. You're gonna get us all killed!
- J.T.: Way to make her feel good.
- Toby: Oh, I'm sorry. I just have this neurotic adversion to being murdered!
- J.T.: Lakehurst is not gonna hurt anybody. I'm gonna handle it.
- Toby: Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do? Tickle him to death?
- Ellie: (about the coke)I think you have that the wrong way around. I found the loot bag and I know the coke is yours. Craig told me.
- Manny: He lied, that's what drug addicts do, Ellie. Good luck with him.
Rock This Town [6.11]
- Sean: Margarita meet wastebasket. Wastebasket meet Margarita.
- Manny: (to Emma) Does Mexico know you've stolen all of their tequila?!
- Sean: Emma, are you wasted?
- Emma: No. The question is, am I wasted enough? (Throws Up)
- Emma: Are you up for some of my trademark sweet berry slushie?
- Sean: I'm up for some trademark sweet berry you.
(J.T. finds two Lakehurst rivals by his car, one peeing on it)
- J.T.: Couldn't find a toilet?
- Drake Lempke: (Laughing) He did.
- J.T.: Oh I get it. My car sucks, ha-ha. You guys slay me with your humor.
- Drake Lempke: Yeah, mascot boy? Laugh at this. (pulls out knife)
- Johnny DiMarco: (To Drake after he stabs J.T.) Man what the hell did you do?
- J.T.: I'm gonna get me a big bowl of Liberty!...oatmeal.
- Doctor: Is there anyone in the family I can speak with?
- Emma: His (JT) grandma's coming, but she'll be a few hours.
- Toby: You can talk to me. I'm his brother.
- Doctor: His aorta was punctured. It's a main artery and... we couldn't repair the damage. He didn't make it.
- Toby: Wha-what? You're joking.
- Doctor: I'm sorry. Your brother's gone.
[Emma starts to hyperventilate, Manny sobs]
- Sean: I'm gonna kill 'em. (Drake and Johnny) I'm gonna KILL 'EM!
[Toby, Emma, Manny and Sean all embrace Liberty, crying]
The Bitterest Pill [6.12]
Danny: Does Danny have to choke a dude Toby?Mia: You suck, Isaacs. You suck so bad.
Jimmy: The thing is, life is random. Sometimes its tragic and totally messed up, but there's one thing that makes all the drama and tears worth while. If you're lucky enough to find someone you love, who loves you back, its a gift.
If You Leave [6.13]
Sean: Who are you loyal to, Manny? Your dead friend or your new Lakehurst crush?Emma: You're sleeping with the enemy.
Manny: I'm so glad I moved out, because now I don't have to look at your mean stuck up judgmental face.
Standing in the Dark (1) [7.01]
Peter: I'm a jackass. Sorry. Jackbutt.Darcy: You know I took a vow of abstinence!
Peter: Yeah? Well, the problem is, I didn't!
Standing in the Dark (2) [7.02]
Love Is a Battlefield [7.03]
It's Tricky [7.04]
Death or Glory (1) [7.05]
Death or Glory (2) [7.06]
We Got the Beat [7.07]
Jesse's Girl [7.08]
Hungry Eyes [7.09]
Pass The Dutchie [7.10]
Owner Of A Lonely Heart [7.11]
Live To Tell [7.12]
Bust A Move (1) [7.13]
Bust A Move (2) [7.14]
Got My Mind Set On You [7.15]
Sweet Child 'O Mine [7.16]
Talking In Your Sleep [7.17]
Griffin:Are you sure?Paige: Why all the talking and not the kissing?
Paige: What's your problem. I hate you!
Uptown Girl Part 2 [8.02]
(both smile at each other)
Fight the Power [8.03]
Didn't We Almost Have it All [8.04]
Man With Two Hearts [8.05]
- Clare: You're talking about underwear in Media Immersion and I'm the one with the problem?
- Riley: Easy, all star!
- Riley: Give it up, you can't beat me!
- Peter: Oh, yeah? Watch me!
- Peter: AAH!
- Mia: I told you not to do that!
- Peter: I'm just trying to put some color in your cheeks before the big shoot.
- Mia: It's been postponed, so do you wanna go to a movie?
- Peter: Yeah. Oh, wait, I have a project with Riley.
- Mia: Should I be jealous?
- Peter: Ha, ha, yeah. Hey why don't you come hang out with us?
- K.C.: And I need brain food. Why dont you show me where you keep the peanut butter.
With or Without You [8.06]
- Sav: Do you know what your new nickname is?
- Alli: No?
- Sav: Backwoods Bhandari.they think you hooked up with Johnny.
- Alli: That's awesome!
- Anya: And now we'll be able to say we went out for exactly six months.
- Sav: I'm not following.
- Anya: Your last family gathering didn't include me. We're done.
- Danny: Do they have refunds on condoms?
Money for Nothing [8.07]
- Spinner: Why, daddy won't spend for the expensive Channel bag?
- Holly J.: It's Chanel. And no.
- Mia: I'm so sorry you had to find out like that.
Lost in Love Part 1 [8.09]
- Connor: What was K.C. doing with that heart? What was K.C. doing with that heart?
- Alli: Sending Clare a rose to ask her to the dance. Don't you dare tell her.
- Connor: She should go with me, we're better friends!
Lost in Love Part 2 [8.10]
- Clare: I wanted to go with you.
- K.C.: Prove it. By dancing with me.
- Kelly: No, I came here to kiss you.
- Manny: You can't have everyone like you all the time. Sometimes you have to choose, and this time you chose wrong. (about Kelly supposedly choosing Gweneth over Emma)
Bad Medicine [8.11]
- Peter: Don't they give you boobs and make you all paranoid and stuff?
- Riley: I'm on a date with Anya, and I like her. A lot.
- Anya: C'mon! What type of bread would you be?
- Riley: I don't know!
- Anya: Okay, I'll go. I would be...a Pop Tart.
- Riley: A Pop Tart? Is that even a kind of bread?
- Anya: I don't know!
- Riley: You're way too cute when you laugh.
- Sav: We went out for six months! That's way more important than some stupid gay picnic!
Causing a Commotion [8.12]
- Clare: What, should we just kick out everyone who's not a jock?
- The Shep: Don't tease me.
- Clare: You're a terrible principal!
- The Shep: And you're a little bitch.
- Clare: You can't give me detention for having a point of view.
- The Shep: Sure I can. I'm the principal. A slightly retarded one at that, but dammit, I AM WHAT I AM!
- Sav: It's my life, and I want you in it.
Heat of the Moment [8.12]
- Alli: You're not breaking up with me.
- Holly J.: If I wanted to ruin your life, I would create an I Hate Alli group, have 400 people join, and talk about how much they hate you and want you dead.
- Sav: The Sinclairs called the police.
Jane Says Part 1 [8.13]
- Jane: He put me to bed every night.
- Mrs. Valieri: Are you okay with him being around more?
- Lucas: You and your stupid backwards pajamas.
Jane Says Part 2 [8.14]
- Spinner: Talk to me.
- Jane: Urination is key to a healthy diet. Besides, who doesn't love that "fresh from yourself" taste?
Touch of Grey [8.15]
- Emma: Wanna blaze?
- Emma: I'm tired of everyone calling me blonde Emma. I'm not even blonde anymore!
- KC: You had this idea that I was a good guy. I kind of liked it.
- Clare: KC you didnt punch him did you?
- Emma: [on her cellphone while in class] Kelly! Are you in the room?
- Kelly: Yes, what's up?
- Emma: I didn't get rid of it! There is still brownies and weed in the room. They're doing searches.
Heart Of Glass [8.16]
- Clare: I think you should zip your jacket back up.
- Alli: I think Johnny won't agree.
- Grace: Are you and Johnny gonna seal the deal tonight?
- Clare: My 12th birthday, totally like this!
- Clare: It's a political allegory of the Russian Revolution!
- Bruce: Pigs started the Russian evolution?
- Johnny: (after Alli puts her hands over his eyes and he turns around) You're not Burce.
Danger Zone [8.18]
- Clare: I think the reason we fight all the time is because we're afraid if we don't... we'll do this [Clare tries to kiss KC]
- KC: [Pulls away from Clare]
- Clare: Or maybe I had it all wrong .[Clare tries to leave]
- KC:no You had it right. [KC pulls Clare in for a kiss]
- Holly J: (Blocking Spinner from the Guy with the Gun) Don't shoot!
- Man with Gun: (looking at Spinner) This guys playing tricks with me.
- Holly J: No, he's just trying to be a stupid hero!
- Holly J: I got kicked off the squad, my dad lost all his money, and (checks to see if Spinner is still listening) ... I'm in love with the stupid hero over there.
- Mia: (to Peter) Look, it's Holly J. (Everyone claps for her. She smiles)
You Be Illin [9.05]
- Jenna: Hey Johnny DiMarco. I've noticed you, around school.
- Johnny: Your eyes work, good.
- Jenna: [touches his hair] You know what they say about guys with big headphones.
- Johnny: Big ears?
- Jenna: You and Alli broke up right? You're... available?
- Jenna: Alli, he loves you!
Beat It Part 1 [9.07]
- Ms. H: Larissa's the head of our LGBT club.
- Riley: What's that a sandwich?