Der Fuehrer's Face
Der Fuehrer's Face, also known as Donald Duck in Nutzi Land, was a popular wartime cartoon released in 1943.
Ve HEIL!{honk} HEIL!{honk} Right in Der Fuehrer's face
Not to luff Der Fuehrer iss a great disgrace
So ve HEIL!{honk} HEIL!{honk} Right in Der Fuehrer's face
Ven Herr Goebbels says,"Ve own der vorld und space,"
Ve HEIL!{honk} HEIL!{honk} Right in Herr Goebbel's face
Ven Herr Goering says,"Dey'll never bomb dis place
Ve HEIL!{honk} HEIL!{honk} Right in Herr Goering's face
Iss ve not der Supermen?
Aryan-pure Supermen?
Ja! Ve iss der Supermen!
Super-duper Supermen!
Iss der Nutzi Land so goot?
Vould you leave it if you could?
Ja! Dis Nutzi Land iss goot!
Ve vould-a leave it-a if-a ve could!
Ve bring der world new order!
Heil Hitler's new world order!
Evry'one of foreign race
Vill luff der Fuehrer's face
Ven ve bring to der world disorder!
Ven der Fuehrer says, "Ve never vill be slaves!"
Ve HEIL!{honk} HEIL!{honk}, but still ve verk like slaves.
Vile der Fuehrer brags, and lies, and rants, and raves,
Ve HEIL!{honk} HEIL!{honk}, and verk into our graves.
Ven der Fuehrer yells, "I gotta have more shells!"
Ve HEIL!{honk} HEIL!{honk}, and for him ve make more shells.
Iff vun little shell, should blow him right to [hell],
Ve HEIL!{honk} HEIL!{honk}, and vouldn't that be swell?
Donald Duck
- Heil Hitler! Heil Hirohito! Heil Mussolini!
- Oh boy boy am I hungry, oh boy oh boy I am so hungry!
- Am I glad to be a citizen of the United States of America!
- I cant stand it, I cant stand it!! I am going nuts, nuts, nuts!!!
- Heraus, Schweinehund!
- Here! Improve the mind! Heil Hitler!
- Velcome, velcome to Nutzi Land! Vhat a glorious privilege is yours to be a nazi! Ve verk 48 hours a day for the fuehrer!!!!!!!
- GET TO VERK!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Mach schnell!
- Is this not vonderful? Is not the Fuehrer glorious? Heil Hitler!
- Vhat's that you say Schweinehund? Verdammter Esel!!!!!!!!!!!! Heil Hitler!
- Attention workers! Through the kindness of the Fuehrer now comes the vacation with pay!
- And now,... the vacation is over! By special decree of the Fuehrer, Heil Hitler! You have been chosen to verk overtime!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Song
Ven der Fuehrer says, "Ve iss der master race"Ve HEIL!{honk} HEIL!{honk} Right in Der Fuehrer's face
Not to luff Der Fuehrer iss a great disgrace
So ve HEIL!{honk} HEIL!{honk} Right in Der Fuehrer's face
Ven Herr Goebbels says,"Ve own der vorld und space,"
Ve HEIL!{honk} HEIL!{honk} Right in Herr Goebbel's face
Ven Herr Goering says,"Dey'll never bomb dis place
Ve HEIL!{honk} HEIL!{honk} Right in Herr Goering's face
Iss ve not der Supermen?
Aryan-pure Supermen?
Ja! Ve iss der Supermen!
Super-duper Supermen!
Iss der Nutzi Land so goot?
Vould you leave it if you could?
Ja! Dis Nutzi Land iss goot!
Ve vould-a leave it-a if-a ve could!
Ve bring der world new order!
Heil Hitler's new world order!
Evry'one of foreign race
Vill luff der Fuehrer's face
Ven ve bring to der world disorder!
The Factory Song
These parts weren't in the original Spike Jones version; there were added in the Disney version.Ven der Fuehrer says, "Ve never vill be slaves!"
Ve HEIL!{honk} HEIL!{honk}, but still ve verk like slaves.
Vile der Fuehrer brags, and lies, and rants, and raves,
Ve HEIL!{honk} HEIL!{honk}, and verk into our graves.
Ven der Fuehrer yells, "I gotta have more shells!"
Ve HEIL!{honk} HEIL!{honk}, and for him ve make more shells.
Iff vun little shell, should blow him right to [hell],
Ve HEIL!{honk} HEIL!{honk}, and vouldn't that be swell?