Jocko Homo, 1977
- God made Man, but he used a monkey to do it
- Are we not men? We are DEVO!
Other songs
- A victim of collision on the open sea / Nobody ever said that life was free.
- Freedom of choice is what you got / freedom from choice is what you want.
- Freedom of Choice, 1980
- None of you would help me when I baked my bread / Now all of you would help me eat it / I can see that you are very well fed / This indicates that you don't need it.
- Enough Said, 1981
- The way that we weren't is what we'll become.
- Laugh if you want to / Or say you don't care / If you cannot see it / You think it's not there / It doesn't work that way.
- Peek-A-Boo!, 1982
- Beautiful mutants I can see in the distance / I think they're calling our name.
- R U Experienced?, 1984
- You only punch yourself out when you start swinging blind.
- Plain Truth, 1988
- Besides, God isn't dead / He's in your head / Right where he ought to be.
- DEVO Has Feelings Too, 1990
- But wishin' is for chumps/ High hopin' is for fools / They'll hunt you down / and taze you bro / for playin' with the rules
- Don't Shoot (I'm a Man), 2009
- Like the Bible, devolution is basically an extended joke. One man's doughnut is another man's death.
- Gerald V. Casale
- People accuse us of trying to be glamorous! We don't wear these because we like them. We have to! They're protective gear.
- Gerald V. Casale, about the Yellow Suits (The Men Who Make The Music, 1979)
- We're sucking the gooey cellulite from modern music. Reductive synthesis. We do it all for you.
- Mark Mothersbaugh (The Men Who Make The Music, 1979)
- (On performing) We do this because we have to. Do we look like we're having fun?
- Mark Mothersbaugh (Television interview, 1980)
- We do give straight answers, but nobody believes them.
- Gerald V. Casale (American Bandstand interview, 1980)
- We think anarchy and rebellion, as stances, are obsolete, and dishonest. As a matter of fact, they're designed to keep people where they are.
- Gerald V. Casale (Interview, 1981)
- We were taking our inspiration from the high and the low; the biggest ideas, and the dumbest ideas.
- Gerald V. Casale (Television Interview, 2004)
- Being in a band is really great when you're 20. When you're 30, it's kind of 'Spinal Tap,' and when you're 40, it's just pathetic.
- Mark Mothersbaugh (New York Times, Make a Myth, Whip It Good, 2001)
- We've been called a "no-hit wonder." We don't care.
- Gerald V. Casale (2005 Newspaper Interview)
- We denounce this as impostors playing with fire.
- Gerald V. Casale in reference to the band Korn's use of Devolution to promote a single.
"The Devolutionary Oath"
This was created by members of the band and appeared on various printed material, including the label of the CD release of "Dev-O Live".- Be like your ancestors or be different, it doesn't matter.
- The fittest shall survive, yet the unfit may live.
- Lay a million eggs or give birth to one, so shall your species survive.
- Wear gaudy colors or avoid display, it's all the same.
- We must repeat!