
Digimon can refer to various fictional characters in several manga, TV series and movies.

Taichi "Tai" Kamiya/Yagami

  • (introducing Joe) "Oh, and the this is Joe. Don't scare him. He'd probably wet his pants"
  • "A man must first face himself before he faces his enemies."
  • "Never trust anything without feet!"
  • "Sure, let's go for a hike. Then after that we'll hike. And then we can hike some more."
  • "Or, we could stand here frozen until the monster gets us!"
  • "I have a foolproof plan: first we'll eat something, then after that... I'm open to suggestions!"
  • (sarcastically) "I'm glad we never hear you complaining..."
  • "When we get back, this is gonna make one great story. Yup... but... of course, not a single soul will ever believe me."
  • "When we had to survive on our own, we grew up very fast... except for Joe, he just threw up very fast..."
  • "But my dad likes his mess where it is..."
  • "You can do it, and even if you can't, we won't think any less of you, man!"
  • [looking at Agumon in his poor disguise] "Yeah. That's real inconspicuous."
  • [About Keramon] "Maybe we should tell someone important like the principal or Bill Gates or something..."

Yamato "Matt" Ishida

  • "Great! Anybody bring a helicopter?"
  • "We've sacrificed too much to give up now!"
  • "Has anybody noticed? We talk a lot about food."
  • "Boy, that's productive. This thing puts the pieces together, and then it takes them apart."
  • "I finally got it figured out. If I'm ever gonna change, I have to do it on my own. On my own. The others can't help me."
  • "I've never let anyone get close to me before."
  • "No question, man, you are the dude of doodles!"
  • "Put your fists down when you talk to me and stop acting like you can bully your way into being the leader!"
  • "Moving right along, folks... keep it moving... Our next stop on the tour will be the forest of irrelevant road signs. No pictures, please."
  • "Computer guys can never just tell you something. They have to spend all day explaining it to you..."
  • "I swore I would never let anyone see me cry. But really, all I ever wanted to do was cry."
  • "Guys, the closest thing our grandmother has to computer is an egg timer..."
  • "They're not weird, they're my best friends! [Quietly] Considering this is the only computer in town..."
  • "I'm sick of all your blabbering Davis, you're the only one who hasn't tried yet, so just get in the hole!"
  • "First I'll take a little stroll over to our old refrigerator and take a peek at what's not expired..."
  • "Is that a ring in your nose or is that an allergic reaction?"
  • "Did it all of a sudden get sunnier - or is it just Tai's sunny disposition?"
  • (To TK and Tokomon) "Remember, it's an amusement park - so like ... amuse yourselves.

Koushiro "Izzy" Izumi

  • (repeated line) "Prodigious!"
  • "Do you have Internet access?"
  • "You're going to need a password! You can use mine to get on the Internet: 'Prodigious'!"
  • "Potato chips, chocolate chips... anything but computer chips!"
  • [To Tentomon] "I love you."
  • "I'm one step ahead of you, Tai."
  • "It's Alive!"

Sora Takenouchi

  • "Too bad your brain isn't as big as your hair."
  • "Now that you boys have holes in your heads, maybe your brains will get more oxygen."
  • "I don't care what you're faster than! As long as you're faster than a gigantic, rolling teddy bear!"

Hikari "Kari" Kamiya

  • "It looks like a flip-flop with a bent nail in it."
  • "My light will guide us toward the others."
  • "Being a Digidestined means that sometimes you have to save the world, even if you're the one who caused the problem."

Miyako "Yolei" Inoue

  • "Let's go get that evil, cute guy!"
  • "This helmet makes my glasses look smaller!"
  • "Perfecto!" ("Bingo!" in the Japanese version)
  • (about Ken) "I didn't say I wanted to kiss him, duh, I just wanna marry him!"

Ken Ichijouji

  • "Hero time, Wormmon!"
  • "AH-HA! HA! HA! HA! HA-Oh, it's not that funny!
  • "Aaaaauuuuhhh!"
  • (grabs Cody by the leg mid-fall) "I've got you Cody!"
  • "He...called me a punk."
  • "Uh, Davis... What are you doing?"
  • (thinking sarcastically) Thanks a lot, Davis. Great, no pressure.


Metalseadramon:This my moment to shine!dose my my hair look alright?

T.k Takaishi: How boring. I'm not having any fun at all!
Puppetmon: (aghast) What? I'm the life of the party...I put the fun in fungus
TK Takaishi: (scoffs) HA! You just play the same game over and over again...boring!
Puppetmon: (distraught) I'm not boring!

T.k Takaishi: (Being held at eye level by Matt) Gee, Matt, you look diffrent, have you done something with your hair?
Matt: (deadpan) No I'm just not using as much hair gel that's all

Sora: "What kind of sicko turns people into keychains?!"
Piedmon: "I'm not a sicko, I'm a collector of these new items of such sentimental value to me."

Kari Kamiya: "His smile makes him look so gentle."
TK Takaishi: "Yeah, but his hair makes him look a bit' like you, Kari."

Kari: "I can't leave now, there's a magician coming over and I've already promised to get sawed in half!"
Tai: "Well, make sure the half with feet comes home as soon as possible!"

Mimi: Ew, what's that awful smell?
Tai: Heh, sorry. I guess now we know why they call them sweat socks huh?

Tentomon: Whenever my skin gets dirty, I just shed it.
Izzy Izumi: That would be difficult for me.

Ken: You will bow down before me.
T.K. Takashi: Sorry, the floor's kind of dirty.

T.K. Takashi: When you can't think of anything to say, do you always resort to fighting?
Ken: I guess...
T.K. Takashi: That's your problem. You don't know when to talk and when to fight. Now's a good time to talk... on the other hand... it's also a good time to fight! (punches Ken).

[about Piedmon]
Joe: He made them all disappear.
Tentomon: Well, at least he didn't saw them in half.

Matt: I've been living a lie.
Gabumon: You're not a natural blonde?

BlackWarGreymon: I'm going to a darker place for me.
Davis: You should try my sock drawer.

Davis: Sorry I'm late. I was supposed to get a haircut but when I looked in the mirror, I realized my hair was already perfect.
Yolei: The only thing is he was staring in the mirror for over an hour.

Arukenimon: I'll be back to destroy you in a minute.
Mummymon: Yeah, ditto that.
Davis: Destiny Stones can break my bones, but you guys are real losers.

Davis: Alright, if you're gonna destroy me, then will you please proceed to wash your hands first? I like to keep things clean.
Veemon: Good thing he hasn't seen your room...

Ken: (Thinking) It looks like Cody still hates me. Well, here it goes.

Cody: (Thinking) It looks like Ken still hates me. Well, here he comes.

Ken: Here you go, Cody. You're invited, too.

Cody: Really? I'm glad I made your list!

Ken: Ahem. I request the honor of your presence at a holiday celebration. That is...

TK: Say no more. You're having a Christmas party. We're in!

Veemon: Hey Ken, can we come?

Ken: Of course! Maybe you'll even catch Gatomon under the mistletoe!

Ken: Can't we go any faster?

Davis: Don't be a backseat driver, Ken.

Davis: Hey, it's getting pretty dark in these woods. Here, Kari, I'll hold your hand so you won't get scared.
Kari: I'm not scared.
T.K.: And it's not her hand... it's mine.

[Joe is doubled up on the floor in pain and clutching his stomach]
Kari: Joe, what is it?
Joe: My stomach.
Kari: What's wrong does it hurt?
Joe: No. I'm just doing this 'cause it's fun

Sora: Tell me how you like your eggs and I'll do the best I can.
Joe: I prefer my eggs to be covered in salt and pepper, but I guess it doesn't really matter.
Tai: I like soy sauce.
Matt: How about salsa?
Sora: How about a reality check?
Izzy: I'll have mine with mustard and jellybeans, please.
Tai: Oh, gross!
T.K.: Jellybeans. That sounds good.
Mimi: What? You're all weird! My favorite is eggs covered in maple syrup! Sometimes I like to eat them with cherries on top!
Tai: Now that's weird!
T.K.: But I bet it's good.
Joe: You guys are completely making me lose my appetite! I mean, come on. Jellybeans and cherries on eggs? That's just crazy talk! Salt and pepper is all they need. Keep it simple. That's always been my motto.

Tai: Be ready when I give the signal.
Izzy: Roger.
Mimi: He forgot his name!

Joe: [looking at a picture of Gommamon] Alright, look at Gommamon!
Gomamon: I'm cuter in person.

Gennai: You must never forget that you are the Digidestined.
Joe: I'll never forget this stomachache.

Koromon: How did you know my card was the fake, Tai?
Tai: I didn't. I kept your card because you're my friend.
Koromon: (sarcastically) Oh, how nice.

Sora: There are millions of kids like us in the world.
Biyomon: You mean there are millions of Soras?
Sora: (yelling) There's only one of me!

Tai: Did you find anything down there, Izzy?
Tentomon: You could say that, Tai, but the thing is we're up here and you're down there.
Agumon: I think you guys may need glasses. We're way up here above you.
Izzy: But that can't be! That's scientifically impossible!

Davis: See that guys? I got a noogie! It means I'm one of the guys now!
Demiveemon: Davis? If you're one of the guys now, does that means you were one of the girls before? Why can't you humans ever make up your minds? I'm so confused...

Davis: Let's go, T.A.!
TK Takashi: T.A.?
Kari: He forgot how to spell T.K.!

Tentomon: TK and Kari not only have moms and dads, they have something else too.
Izzy's Father: They have brothers.
Tentomon: In a word, bingo!
Izzy: Why would you want them shooting arrows at your loved ones? Sounds kind of dangerous to me.
Izzy's Mother: They're angels, Izzy. Maybe they're like Cupid, he was sort of like an angel. When he shot arrows, they were arrows of love.
Izzy: Mom, isn't that a little corny?
Tentomon: It may be corny, but I believe it. All we have to do is get Angemon and Angewomon to hit you guys with their arrows of love.
Izzy: Hey! Let's not be too hasty here!
Matt Ishida: Well, what do you think?
Tai: It's worth a shot. Kari!
Matt: T.K.!
T.K.: You sure you wanna?
Tai: Let's see these arrows of hope and light!
Matt: You two have got to get them to shoot at us.
Tai: They'll only do it if you tell them to.
Kari: You really want them to do that to you?
TK: But what if you get, like, dead or something?
Matt: Hey, never happen.
TK Takaishi: Okay. Angemon, I know this maybe sounds crazy but I need you to hit Matt and Tai with your arrow.
Kari Kamiya: You too, Angewomon.
Agumon: Wait a minute, Tai. What if that prophecy is all wrong?
Tai: Do you want the whole world to be destroyed?
Matt Ishida: Sometimes miracles require a little faith.
Matt: Scared, Tai? I'll hold your hand just in case you try to run away.
Tai: Yeah. Me too.
Angemon: One miracle
Angewomon: Coming up.

Joe: [yelling] Didn't I tell you not to eat all the food?!? I told you we need to ration, which means save food for later, as in much later.
Gomamon: But it is later Joe. You told me that 20 minutes ago.
Joe: [shaking Gomamon] 20 minutes is not much later! Please tell me there's still food in the bag!
Gomamon: I don't know. Since you can't handle eating and floating on the ocean at the same time, I ate it all. Besides, I need food to digivolve in case you run into bad Digimon.
Joe: So, do we see any bad Digimon? NO! If I starve, who are you gonna protect?
[Joe retches and heaves over the side of the bed-boat]
Gomamon: That's enough about food. Things'll get better soon. Hang in there buddy.
[Both see a crate coming near the bed-boat]
Gomamon: That crate is gonna hit us!
Joe: Maybe it's full of fruit, vegetables, bread, milk, cereal, hotdogs, cookies, candy, and soda!
Gomamon: I wish!
Joe: You wish?!? We wouldn't need food if you hadn't eaten ours!
Gomamon: You're strong when you're hungry...
Joe: Starvation is a good motivator.

Yolei: I hate Go Fish. Can't we play something else?
Davis: Sure, let's play strip-

Patamon: Aren't cats supposed to land on their feet?
Gatomon: Oh, shut up.

Veemon: Now that Ken's run Tentomon out of his tree, maybe we can climb it and have a look around.
Davis: You bet!
Tentomon: Stay out of my tree! I know exactly how many pieces of bark are on it.

[After Davis makes an unamusing joke about cutting ShogunGekomon's hair]
Kari: Davis, sometimes you're so insensitive.
Davis: (jumps around flailing his arms) I'm so sensitive that I use a special toothpaste so my teeth don't hurt when I eat ice cream! Ahhh!
[Kari giggles and laughs]

Apocalymon: Do you think it's fair that I should have to live with all this agony? Why should you get to laugh when I am forced to cry? Why do you get to taste the best life has to offer while all I do is choke on its leftovers? Answer me this! WHY DO ALL OF YOU GET THE PIZZA, WHILE I GET THE CRUSTS?!?!
Mimi: Ahh, I can't take all these metaphors!
Izzy: Boy, this guy really holds a grudge.
Apocalymon: I will rule the world and plunge it into darkness, so that I don't have to be alone anymore in my misery. A ha ha! A HA HA HA! Wait a minute, what am I laughing at? I'm supposed to be depressed!

Mimi: Oh my! I would just love to take on home and put it on my bed with all my other stuffed animals!
Matt: There she goes again. Do you think Mimi hears the same things we hear? I'm not so sure anymore.
Izzy: Maybe she's an alien spy.

T.K: Smells better than broccoli. Who knows, it might taste better.
Matt: Has anybody noticed? We talk a lot about food.
Sora: Nah, I'm not hungry.
Joe: I'm skipping this one too. I just don't like to eat on an empty stomach. Besides, I don't even know what that stuff is, but I'm sure I'm allergic to it.

Agumon: Now let's try some solo performances, starting with Mimi.
Tai: Mimi?
Sora: Mimi?
Izzy: Mimi?
Matt: Singing?
Mimi: Oh give me a home where the buffalo roam... (Singing badly)
Joe: Avoiding your song.
Mimi: Oh come on I had singing lessons for three years.
T.K: Oh you did? Did it help?
Izzy: Mimi, you should get a refund. That's what I think.

Sora: If only Taichi's brain was bigger than his hair...

Kari: [After Wizardmon sacrificing himself to save Kari and Gatomon] Oh no! Wizardmon, you're gonna be okay! Please don't leave, Wizardmon!
Wizardmon: Are you all right, Gatomon?
Gatomon: [Crying] You saved me... I'm sorry!
Wizardmon: About what?
Gatomon: Sorry I got you involved in this.
Wizardmon: Don't be sorry... I don't have any regrets! If I wouldn't met you, my life would have no meaning! I'm glad you and I were friends!
Gatomon: That's forever!
Wizardmon: Thank you for everything, Gatomon! [Dies.]

Gotsumon: [Pumpkinmon runs right into a teenager who falls down on the ground] Wow, you hit down some kind of monster!
Pumpkinmon: Even worse, I think I hit down a teenager!

Matt: You're a thief! We worked so hard we could afford a trip to Hawaii!
Digitamamon: [Growing furiously] Hawaii is not on the schedule, but if you insist I'll send you to the moon! [Attacks]

Myotismon: [To Wizardmon] Did you really think you could betray me and get away with it?
Wizardmon: [Protecting Gatomon] How could I betray you? I was never on your side to start with!

[non American dub] (while Angewomon and Deviwomon are slapping each other)
Taichi: Is that how women fight?
Koushirou: Yeah, they must slap each other to death!

Tai: Wow ... Look at 'em go.
Izzy: I know I shouldn't be watching, but I can't take my eyes off them.
Kari: Get her Angewomon! That's right! Knock that witch's block off! Go!

Angewomon: Vamdemon. Not only did you interfere with the Chosen Children's mission, but you have invaded the real world and killed my friend, Wizarmon. Learn the full weight of your sins!
Vamdemon: I will change everything in this world into darkness! After fusing this place with the Digital World, I will become its sole ruler! I only did what I was destined to do!
Angemon: Vamdemon. Does this mean you have no intent of repenting for your sins?
Vamdemon: Hmph. Dead-
Angewomon: Saint Air!
Vamdemon: Ugh!
MetalGreymon: My strength is being restored!
WereGarurumon: Now!
Garudamon: Give our power to Angewomon!
AtlurKabuterimon: Horn Buster!
Lillymon: Flower Cannon!
Zudomon: Hammer Spark!
WereGarurumon: Kaiser Nail!
Garudamon: Shadow Wing!
MetalGreymon: Giga Destroyer!
Angemon: Heaven's Knuckle!
Angewomon: Holy Arrow!
Vamdemon: Don't! Uuuu... Uuuuaaarrrghhh!

(When they first meet Gennai)
Gennai: "I'm old, not deaf!"

Joe: Whatever they are, they're aggrivating my hay-fever.
Matt: Hey Joe. Is there anything you don't complain about?

Cherrymon: (to Matt) What's the matter? Never seen a talking tree?
Matt: Not many.

Phone Operator This number only exists in your imagination. Please hang up, and don't call back.
Matt: What planet did I dial?

Phone Operator: Tomorrow's forecast calls for clear skies with ocassional ice cream
Mimi: What do you wear for that?

Joe: The don't call me old reliable for nothing.
Gomamon: But they don't.
Joe: I'm going to ignore that.


  • (Repeated line)"Takatomon"
  • "Being scared is pointless, it's like trying to ice skate on sausages"

Rika Nonaka

  • "This isn't the kind of fight we can walk away from."
  • "Walk all over him, Renamon!"
  • "I guess wherever you go, there you are."

Jeri Katou

  • "Sorry Takato, Jeri only likes you as a friend'- Talking through puppet
  • "Destiny. Destiny. Destiny."


Terriermon: "Admit it Henry, you'd be lost without me."
Henry Wong: "Looks like I'm lost with you."

Takato Matsuki: "Don't freak out, mom..."
Takato's mom: "It's too late for that..."

Takato Matsuki: Mom, Dad, why are girls so crazy?
Mrs. Matsuki: They're not. Their husbands make them that way.
Mr. Matsuki: Hmm...right

Takato Matsuki: Sorry to wake you up so late.
Henry Wong: That's okay. I was just sleeping.
Terriermon: And not just sleeping... snoring too.

Henry: You better just back off, Rika.
Rika: Or else what? You'll go run off and hide on me? Ooo... I'm so scared.

Guilmon: You going to fight her, Takato?
Takato: No way, she's a girl. Besides, she'd kick my butt.

Henry: Maybe it doesn't matter what card we use, Rika.
Rika: Okay, did that pig monster eat your brain?

IceDevimon: I hear one becomes quite warm before freezing.
Henry Wong: You're so twisted, it's scary.

Rika Nonaka: It's not funny, you know. I don't want to walk all the way to the next town just to find your little friend.
Henry Wong: Well, if it makes your feel any better, Rika. The tunnel might flood and we can all swim there.
Rika Nonaka: It's just my luck to be stuck down here with a couple of comedians.

Terriermon: What are you, Henry, the center of the universe? What, you think the sun won't rise if you're not there to greet it or something?
Henry Wong: What are you talking about?
Terriermon: Just look behind you, Henry.
Henry Wong: Huh?
Terriermon: You don't have to do everything yourself. They're all here to help you. Let 'em.

Takato Matsuki: Try this card.
Henry Wong: The last one almost killed him.
Takato Matsuki: Hey, I'm just trying to help.

Ryo: I feel so powerless.
Ebonwumon: Better to feel powerless than to feel dead.

Renamon: Or what, you'll use that little flame of yours to boil water and make me some bad tea?

Guilmon: I need a bigger tummy Takato, can you draw me one?
Takato Matsuki: Okay.
Guilmon: You're a pal.
Terriermon: Draw him some self control.
Henry Wong: And just how many buns have you had?
Terriermon: Two, three, twelve, lost count.
Mrs. Wong: You know Terriermon, Henry could learn from you. He's handsome, but skinny as a mosquito.

Renamon: Anything that can concern a sovereign is not to be taken lightly.
Terriermon: How can we take it lightly? It's huge.
Renamon: What I'm saying is we need a plan.
Terriermon: Going in and beating him up isn't plan enough?
Guilmon: Terriermon, I think Renamon is right. I mean she's always been right before what's different about now?
Renamon: Why thank you.
Terriermon: Renamon and Guilmon sitting in a tree...

Rika: Nobody interferes, I want to sing.
Takato: You Wha?!!!
Rika: Nobody interferes, I want to sing.
Takato: Okay, just drop that wrench and I'll sing with you!
Guilmon: Do you even know how to sing?

Mr. Wong: Give me your portable digi thing.
Henry: You mean my digivice?
Mr. Wong: Yeah, come on, I'll arm wrestle you for it.
Henry: Since you put it that way...
Mr. Wong: When we designed the prototype we wanted to give kids a way to communicate with and control digimon on the network.
Henry: Maybe mine's broken because I can't control Terriermon at all.
Terriermon: It would take more than a piece of plastic to control me.

Guardromon: Are you sure that's safe?
Suzy: No.
Guardromon: Oh. OK!

[Renamon materializes next to Rika]
Takato: Where do you come from all the time!? Do you just wait around to scare us?

Digimon Frontier

Kanbara Takuya: You're toast, lady!
Ranamon: Thanks, but I've already had my breakfast.

Takuya: My destiny sure seems to involve a lot of running!

Mercurymon: If only thy mouth were thy weapon, then truly thou couldst never be defeated.

Koji: Kouichi, what's wrong bro?
Kouichi: Nothing, it's nothing.
Koji: You're acting weird.
Kouichi: Well then, maybe I'm just weird.
Koji: [smiling]

Takuya: [wakes up] Where are we?
Zoe: Why, we're in the middle of our date!
Takuya: Our what

Takuya: You want power?!?! I'll show you power.. WILD FIRE TSUNAMI!!!

Tommy: Wait for me!


(the image is upside-down)
Tommy: (looking through his legs) Hey, everything's all funny! (image turns rightside-up) Or maybee it's just me!

All: Even if I spend time with my family, or other friends, or our family, or maybe just hanging around not crying, I’ll be best friends with you guys, forever!! ;)

Part I

[Agumon jumps to avoid on coming car]
Passenger: Did you see that?
Driver: [tired sounding] No, I was sleeping.
Passenger: But you're driving!

[Agumon detroys vending machines, Kari is on his back in a Koloa-like outfit.]
Kari: Hey! Mom says not to do that to society!
[Kari takes two of the beverages that came from the destroyed machines]
Kari: Just one each!

Mrs. Kamiya: Kids, I'm making your favourite, liver sticks!
Tai: Great...
[closes the door]
Tai: Oh, good. It looks like she burned them.

Sora: [over the phone] Tai, I know you're there! Mimi told me you were the one who threw up in my hat!

Part II

[After Meeting up with the Digidestined on the internet]
Patamon: I was surfing the web, but I wiped out.

[After repeated e-mails are sent to slow down Diaboromon]
Izzy: YOU'VE... GOT... MAIL!!! [presses enter]

[Wargreymon and Metalgarurumon are becoming Omnimon]
Izzy: They're digivolving together!

Izzy: I'm about to barf.
Tai: Wait 'till you try the cake.

[Tai is typing an email]
Tai: "Dear Sora, I'm sorry I made fun of your hair. I know you haven't been this mad at me since I forgot to tell you I threw up in your hat. You say you love thunderstorms, so what's a few raindrops between friends? Love, Tai." Love? I meant from! [changes "love" to "from"]
Kari: Whatcha writing?
Tai: Nothing! It's just a joke! [Covers the monitor. "from" changes back to "love"]
Kari: If you want to send an email, you'll have to do this. [grabs the mouse] Click!
Tai: I wasn't going to send that!
Kari: Then why were you writing it?

Inferimon: I'm looking for the programmer. Don't interfere!

[Diaboromon has been killed by Omnimon]
Diaboromon: Connection Terminated. Willis...

Part III

[After Terriermon Digivolves for the first time]
Willis: He wears pants now?

[Before Lunch]
Terriermon: If Davis eats all that... [Inflates Stomach]
DemiVeemon: [Laughing]

[Terriermon Inflates ears to shade Willis]
Willis: I don't suppose you could turn into a glass of lemonade too?
Terriermon: Don't push it.
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