
Dolph the Fascist Hippo is a fictional character currently appearing in the Danish television show Dolph & Wulff, played by Danish actor Jonas Schmidt, who is otherwise known in Denmark from another popular comedy series, P.I.S., and a longrunning series of Toyota commercials. Dolph is a large, Fascist, baby-blue Hippopotamus usually appearing armed with a baseball bat.


  • "Wulff, when you open your mouth, suddenly all of the nazi messages are as clear as crystal"

  • "You are sick! SICK!"

  • "You are weak! WEAK!"

  • "Shut up, little hobbit!"

  • "You are not fit in the society of the future."

  • "You are 100% asshole."

  • When Anders Morgenthaler says that "The Toucan Boy" is 28% bird, Dolph always adds "... And 100% asshole"

  • Dolph demonstrates the strength of military dictatorship and democracy by hammering his baseball bat into a rock (dictatorship) and a cake (democracy). Later Dolph throws a cake at Michael Wulff and says "Look, now you got weak democracy all over your face"

  • "Swift and silent like a ninja." alternative translation: "Stealthy and silent as a ninja"

  • "Lalala rubbish and gossip, it's all I hear coming from the big foaming wound you have, where the rest of us have a face"
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