Duke Nukem
Duke Nukem is a series of platform and First-person shooter computer games from Apogee Software.
(From teaser trailer released December 19th 2007)
Duke Nukem
Also known as "Duke Nukum"- Forget it metal breath, I'll just kick your butt and still have time to watch Oprah.
Duke Nukem 3D
- Duke Nukem 3D (1996)
- "Born to be wild!" [after singing Steppenwolfs song 'Born To Be Wild' on the microphone in the 3rd episode of Duke Nukem 3D, Shrapnel City, level 1]
- Ah... much better! [after peeing on the toilet]
- Blow it out your ass!
- Come get some! [reference to Ash's quote from Evil Dead 3]
- Damn it!
- Damn!
- Damn, I hate disco!
- Damn, I'm good!
- Damn... I'm looking good! [after looking at himself in a mirror]
- Damn, those alien bastards are gonna pay for shooting up my ride.
- Damn, you're ugly.
- Game over!
- Get away from her, you bitch! [in reference to Aliens]
- Die, you son of a bitch! [in reference to Jaws]
- Get back to work, you slacker! [checking out office computer playing duke3d]
- Go ahead, make my day. (reference to the phrase "Go ahead, make my day" written by Joseph C. Stinson and spoken by the character Harry Callahan from the 1983 film 'Sudden Impact')
- Guess again, freakshow. I'm coming back to town, and the last thing that's gonna go through your mind before you die... is my size- 13 boot!
- Groovy! [reference to Ash's quote from Evil Dead 2]
- Hail to the king baby! [reference to Ash's quote from Evil Dead 3]
- Heh, heh, heh... what a mess!
- Hmm, don't have time to play with myself. [Duke examines the Duke Nukem II arcade machine]
- Hmm, that's one "Doomed" Space Marine.[seeing a torn corpse of a Space Marine from Doom]
- Holy cow!
- Holy shit!
- I'll rip your head off and shit down your neck. [reference to Sergeant Hartman in Full Metal Jacket]
- I'm gonna get medieval on your asses! [reference to Marsellus Wallace in Pulp Fiction]
- I'm gonna kick your ass, bitch!
- I'm gonna put this smack dab on your ass!
- I've got balls of steel. [examining the Duke Nukem pinball machine in an arcade]
- I ain't afraid of no quake! [in reference to ID Software's Quake PC Game]
- I like a good cigar...and a bad woman...
- It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum... and I'm all outta gum. (Predated by "Rowdy" Roddy Piper in They Live who says: I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass... and I'm all out of bubble gum. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jPG_JEyt-M)
- It's down to you and me, you one-eyed freak! [when encountering the Emperor]
- It's time to abort your whole freaking species! [After defeating the Queen]
- Kill them all and let God sort 'em out!
- Let's rock!
- Let's go surfin' now. Everybody's learning how. Come on and safari with me. [singing Beach Boys' 'Surfin Safari']
- Looks like cleanup on aisle four.
- Love, exciting and new. [singing 'The Love Boat' by Paul Williams and Charles Fox]
- My name is Duke Nukem - and I'm coming to get the rest of you alien bastards! [After defeating the Battlelord]
- No way I'm eating this shit!
- Nobody steals our chicks... and lives!
- This really pisses me off!
- That's gonna leave a mark!
- Now this is a force to be reckoned with! [after discovering Luke Skywalker's corpse hanging upside down]
- Nuke 'em 'till they glow, then shoot 'em in the dark!
- See you in Hell!
- Shake it, baby!
- Shit happens. [after stepping in alien feces]
- Staying alive, staying alive, la. [singing Bee Gees 'Staying Alive']
- Suck it down!
- We meet again, Doctor Jones! [after discovering Indiana Jones corpse hanging]
- What are you waitin' for? Christmas? [after the player has been away from keyboard for a while]
- What are you? Some bottom-feeding, scum-sucking algae eater?
- Who wants some?
- Yeah, piece of cake!
- Yippie ka-yay, mother[beep]er! [reference to Bruce Willis, in the Die Hard Films]
- You guys suck!
- You're pissing me off!
- You're an inspiration for birth control.
- Your face, your ass, what's the difference?
- You wanna dance?
- My boot, your face; the perfect couple.
- Gonna rip you a new one.
- Ooh, that's gotta hurt. (says sarcastically after blowing up enemy corpses)
- Oh...your ass is grass and I've got the weed-whacker.
Duke Nukem: Time to Kill
- Duke Nukem: Time to Kill (1998)
- Eat shit and die!
- Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your chicks.
- Have you seen my rubber...duckie?
- Hey! Get your ass out of here, Rubbe, and bring me back my chicks! [to a male stripper]
- I'll blow you a new hole!
- I'm God's gift to women!
- I got no time to bleed! /Reference to Predator/
- I love the smell of bacon in the morning /Reference to Apocalypse Now and the smell of the napalm in the morning/
- I make this look good. /Reference to Men in Black/
- Lara, is that you? [after picking up a pay phone and listening to a moaning babe]/Reference to Tomb Raider'a Lara Croft/
- Looks like it's TIME TO KILL!
- My home away from home! [in reference to a strip club]
- Suck my boomstick [After killing an enemy with a shotgun/ Reference to the Evil Dead series.]
- The bigger they are, the harder they bleed!
- There's new sheriff in town.
- What the hell are you waiting for? Christmas?
- You make a great belt
- Little pig, Little pig let me in? Or I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll kick your ass in!
- Rubba dub dub getta out of the tub.
- Mmmm! Who wants bacon with the eggs? /After killing Pig Cops/
Duke Nukem: Zero Hour
- Duke Nukem: Zero Hour (1999)
- Blow it out your knees!
- Don't worry about it, saving chicks is what I'm all about!
- Who the hell are you? My evil twin? (Talking to future self)
- Now hear me! Aliens have traveled to the past, trying change history. I went back and fought them! But my time machine was destroyed, and now I can no longer chase them through time![…]But remember, if you don't go back and make things right, Earth's history will forever change, and mankind could be wiped out!
- Well...so much for my vacation-time.
- Chestnuts roasting... as I open fire (In reference to the Christmas carol 'Chestnuts roasting ON an open fire')
- Ahhh, smell those traffic fumes. And no damn aliens! Time for some R & R!
- What the *bleep* is goin' on here?!
- Looks like the crap has hit the fan. (upon arriving at the thrashed Duke Burger)
Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes
- Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes (2000)
- Well, enough talk then. Come get some! Oh, Silverback, one more thing. I'm gonna enjoy pissin' on your dead body!
- Welcome to "Cool's-Ville", Population: ME
- I'm your worst nightmare, you uninvited alien scum-sucker! And right now you're all that stands between me and a planet full of babes - so get ready to bend over and kiss your ass goodbye!
Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project
- Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project (2002)
- Ah, New York! It's my kind of town. If I can kill 'em here...I can kill 'em anywhere! / Reference to Frank Sinatra's song "New York" ("If I can make it there, I'll make it anywhere...")
- Babe: "Duke, you're my hero!" Duke: "You must be 18 or older to ride."
- Babes, bullets, bombs. Damn - I love this job!
- Come on out, Morphix. There's just two ways this can end, and in both of them, you die!
- Crouching mutant, hidden pipebomb! (reference to the movie "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon")
- Dance for me, baby!
- Guns don't kill mutants, I kill mutants.
- Half man, half animal, all dead.
- Hmm, so there is life after death... (after respawning)
- Hmmm... That's gonna leave a mark. (when he blows up enemies)
- I always said, if there was a way to go, it'd have something to do with women, whips, and oil...
- I am king of the world, baby! (reference to the 1997 film "Titanic")
- I could use some new boots. (when Duke encounters a mutant crocodile)
- I like big guns, and I cannot lie. (when rocket launcher is selected, reference to Sir Mix-A-Lot's song "Baby Got Back")
- I see dead people. (when he blows up enemies, reference to the film The Sixth Sense)
- It's a good day to die! (reference to Worf from Star Trek: The Next Generation)
- It's my way or... Hell, it's my way! (After blowing up a subway car)
- Life is like a box of ammo. (when assult rifle is selected, reference to the film Forrest Gump: "Life is like a box of chocolates...")
- Makin'...bacon! (after killing a pig cop)
- Mother[beep] keycards!
- Someone´s gonna pay for making me find these motherfucking keycards!
- No token, no ride! [when he kills a mutant on the subway] (reference to Indiana Jones "Zeppelin Scene")
- Rest in pieces! (when he blows up enemies)
- Say "hello" to my little friend! (when pipebombs are selected, reference to "Scarface")
- So many babes, so little time.
- Someone's gonna pay for making me find these friggin' key cards...
- Son of a bitch! (after respawning, blowing up enemies, or when soda machines don't work)
- Surprise, surprise, I need a keycard.
- This is why I have games named after me!
- Time for mutation-mutilation! (when GLOPP ray is selected)
- Oops, I did it again! (when he blows up enemies, reference to the Britney Spears song)
- Time to deliver max pain on the A-Train...now where'd I put that subway token? (A reference to the video game Max Payne)
- Time to deworm the Big Apple...
- What a pussy! (after killing a fembot)
- What am I? A frog? (reference to the game Frogger as Duke tries to run between cars)
- Confucius say... DIE!
- You talkin' to me? (reference to the movie Taxi Driver)
- You're goin' down faster than the XFL!
- You are the missing link. Goodbye. (Reference to the game show The Weakest Link)
- Your kung-fu's through! (after killing a mutant crocodile)
- Now I'm really pissed off! (after respawning)
- I hate pigs! (after killing a pig cop)
- Squeal like a pig! (when Duke encounters a pig cop)
- Hmmm...the other white meat (when Duke encounters a pig cop)
- Should've stayed in the swamp! (after killing a mutant crocodile)
- Sewer scum! (when Duke encounters a mutant rat)
- So much for the rat pack! (after killing a mutant rat)
- This'll be a barrel of laughs (when shotgun is selected)
- Take that, you dirty rat! (after killing a mutant rat)
- This room is bugged (when Duke encounters a mutant roach or fly)
- I kill bugs...DEAD! (after killing a mutant roach or fly)
- Batteries not included! (after killing a robot/mech)
Duke Nukem Forever
- Duke Nukem Forever (Cancelled)
- [From trailer 1998 (E3)] I was born to rock the world!
(From teaser trailer released December 19th 2007)
- I'm lookin' for some alien toilet to park my bricks... Who's first?
- (From The Jace Hall Show, Episode 1 (5/31/08)) Duke's in a bad, bad mood!