E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, known as E.T., is a 1982 science fiction film about Elliott, a young boy who befriends an alien being trapped on Earth and trying to find his way home. Elliott and his siblings help the alien return home while trying to keep him hidden from their mother and the government.
He is afraid. He is totally alone. He is 3 million light years from home. Taglines
- Directed by Steven Spielberg. Written by Melissa Mathison.
- Do you talk, you know, talk? Me human. Boy. Elliott. Ell-i-ott. Elliott.
- Coke. You see, we drink it. It's a, it's a drink. You know, food. These are toys, these are little men. This is Greedo and then this is Hammerhead, see this is Walrus Man, and this is Snaggletooth and this is Lando Calrissian see and this is Boba Fett and look, they can even have wars. Look at this. Th-th-th-th-th-th. Uuuuuuuugh. Look fish. The fish eat the fish food, and the shark eats the fish, and nobody eats the shark. See, this is PEZ, candy. See you eat it. You put the candy in here and then when you lift up the head, the candy comes out and you can eat it. You want some? This is a peanut. You eat it, but you can't eat this one, 'cause this is fake. This is money. You see. You put the money in the peanut. You see? It's a bank. See? And then, this is a car. This is what we get around in. You see? Car. Hey, hey wait a second. No. You don't eat 'em. Are you hungry? I'm hungry. Stay. Stay. I'll be right here. OK? I'll be right here.
- You could be happy here, I could take care of you. I wouldn't let anybody hurt you. We could grow up together, E.T.
- You have no right to do this. You're scaring him. You're scaring him! Leave him alone. Leave him alone, I can take care of him.
- E.T., don't go! ...Leave him alone! You're killing him! Leave him alone!
- Mary: [mumbling] I really can't believe you did this. Your father's going to hear about this one. Mexico.
- Michael: We're all going to die and they're never going to give me my license!
- Tyler: We made it! Oh, shit!
- Steve: [reading dice] Five.
- Michael: Oh, great.
- Steve: So you got an arrow right in your chest.
- Greg: Don't worry. I got resurrection.
- Michael: I'm already one of the undead, Greg. I can still throw death spells, huh, Steve?
- Greg: I'm just trying to help you out, man. Don't be so cranky.
- Tyler: Throw the spell over the pizza man. Where's the pizza, man?
- Elliott: I'm ready... now to play. I'm ready to play now, you guys.
- Greg: We're in the middle, Elliott. You can't just join any universe in the middle.
- Michael: You have to ask Steve. He's game master. He has absolute power.
- [The boys tell Elliott to order the pizza]
- Steve: Just figure your strategy. You're playing after Greg.
- Greg: Plenty of sausage and pepperonis.
- Tyler: Everything but the little fishies.
- Elliott: [upon encountering E.T., running excitedly into the house] Mom, Mom, there's somethin' out there...It's in the toolshed. He threw the ball at me...Quiet! [the other boys obey, he speaks in a hushed tone] Nobody go out there.
- [The boys all spring up excitedly and grab knives]
- Mary: Stop! Now, you guys, stay right here!
- Michael: You stay here, Mom, and we'll check it out!
- Mary: And put those knives back!
- [Elliott grabs her hands and pulls her outside as well]
- Mary: It's O.K., Elliott! Let's go get the flashlight.
- Tyler: Oh, great. Nice one, Elliott.
- Elliott: It was an accident.
- Mary: A pizza? Who says you guys could order a pizza?
- Elliott: [points to Greg] It was him.
- Mary: In the house.
- Greg: You geek, man.
- Elliott: Mom, it was real, I swear.
- Tyler: [to Elliott] Douche bag.
- Mary: [sternly] No douche bag talk in my house.
- Mary: It's not that we don't believe you, honey.
- Elliott: Well, it was real, I swear...
- Michael: Maybe it was an iguana.
- Elliott: It was no iguana.
- Michael: Maybe a, a, you know how they say there are alligators in the sewers.
- Gertie: Alligators in the sewers.
- Mary: All we're trying to say is, 'Maybe you just probably imagined it.'
- Elliott: I couldn't have imagined it!
- Michael: Maybe it was a pervert, a deformed kid or something?
- Gertie: A deformed kid.
- Michael: Maybe an elf or a leprechaun?
- Elliott: It was nothing like that, penis breath!
- Mary: Elliott! Sit down.
- Elliott: Dad would believe me.
- Mary: Maybe you ought to call your father and tell him about it.
- Elliott: I can't. He's in Mexico with Sally.
- Gertie: Where's Mexico?
- Mary: Excuse me. [leaves the table and walks to the window]
- Michael: [softly to Elliott] I'm gonna kill you.
- Mary: If you ever see it again, whatever it is, don't touch it. Just call me and we'll have somebody come and take it away.
- Gertie: Like the dogcatcher?
- Elliott: They'll give it to a lobotomy or do experiments on it or something.
- Mary: It's your turn to do the dishes, fellas.
- Michael: I set and cleared.
- Elliott: I set and cleared.
- Michael: [quickly] I did breakfast.
- Gertie: I did breakfast.
- Mary: [slams a pot down on the sideboard] He hates Mexico.
- Michael: [to Elliott] Damn it! Why don't you grow up? Think about how other people feel for a change!
- Elliott: Michael, he came back...
- Michael: He came back? He came back? Oh, my God! [chokes himself and pulls back]
- Elliott: One thing. I have absolute power. Say it. Say it!
- Michael: What have you got? Is it the coyote?
- Elliott: No. Look. O.K. Now. Swear it. The most excellent promise you can make. Swear as my only brother on our lives.
- Michael: Don't get so heavy. I swear.
- Elliott: O.K., stand over there. You'd better take off your shoulder pads. You might scare him. And close your eyes.
- Michael: Don't push it, Elliott.
- Elliott: I'm not coming out until your eyes are closed.
- Michael: O.K., they're closed. Mom is going to kill you. Eeeeghh!
- Elliott: O.K., swear it one more time.
- Michael: [as Yoda] You have absolute power! Eerrp!
- Mary: Hi, honey, how do you feel? What happened in here?
- Elliott: Oh, you mean my room?
- Mary: This is no room, this is an accident.
- Elliott: Well, I'm, um, reorganizing.
- Mary: I can see that. Put those shelves back on the wall. Get your toys off the floor. Make your bed since you're not using it. Well, you're feeling much better, I see. Would you guys mind keeping an eye on Gertie for me while I take a shower? [kisses Elliott's forehead]
- Elliott: Absolutely. Bye, Mom.
- Michael: [in awe] Elliott.
- Elliott: I'm keeping him.
- Gertie: What is it?
- Elliott: He won't hurt you, Gertie. He won't hurt you, Gertie. He's not gonna hurt you.
- Gertie: Is he a boy or a girl?
- Elliott: He's a boy.
- Gertie: Was he wearing any clothes?
- Elliott: No. But look. You can't tell, not even Mom.
- Gertie: Why not?
- Elliott: Because, um, grown-ups can't see him. Only little kids can see him.
- Gertie: [snapping back] Give me a break.
- Elliott: [imitating Dracula] Well, do you know what's going to happen if you do tell? [to Gertie] ...you promise?
- [E.T. watches intently]
- Gertie: Yes.
- Elliott: [to Michael] Do you promise? [his brother nods]
- Mary: What are you doing, Gertie?
- Gertie: I'm going to play in Elliott's room.
- Mary: O.K., don't let them torture you.
- Gertie: I won't, Mary.
- Michael: Maybe it's some animal that wasn't supposed to live? Like those rabbits we saw. Could be a monkey or an orangutan.
- Elliott: A bald monkey?!
- Gertie: Is he a pig? He sure eats like one.
- Elliott: [pointing at a globe] OK. We're here. We are here. Where are you from?
- [E.T. points out the window at the sky]
- Gertie: [looks at E.T.'s feet] I don't like his feet.
- Elliott: They're only feet, you little twerp. He's trying to tell us something. [to E.T.] Earth. [he touches the globe] Home. Home. Home.
- E.T.: Home. [points out the window at the sky]
- Michael: [about E.T.] Did you explain school to him?
- Elliott: How do you explain school to a higher intelligence?
- Michael: Maybe he's not that smart. Maybe he's a worker bee who only knows how to push buttons.
- Elliott: He's too smart.
- Michael: All right. I just hope we don't wake up on Mars surrounded by millions of these squashy little guys.
- Tyler: Hey, Elliott, where's your goblin?
- Michael: Shut up.
- Steve: Did he come back?
- Greg: Well, did he?
- Elliott: Yeah, he came back. But he's not a goblin. [blurts out] He's a spaceman.
- Steve: [mockingly] As in extraterrestrial?
- Tyler: Where's he from? Uranus. Get it. Your anus?
- Greg: He doesn't get it Ty.
- Tyler: Get it? Your anus?
- Greg: He doesn't get it.
- Elliot: You're so immature!
- Greg: And you're such a sinus supremus.
- Elliott: Zero charisma!
- Greg: Sinus supremus!
- Elliott: Zero charisma!
- Greg: Sinus supremus!
- Elliott: Shut up, Greg!
- Pretty Young Girl: Hi, Elliott.
- Greg: Sinus supremus!
- Elliott: Zero charisma!
- Greg: You wimp!
- [Mary hits E.T. with the refrigerator door]
- Gertie: Here he is.
- Mary: [absently] Here's who?
- Gertie: The man from the moon. But I think you've killed him already.
- Mary: Just as soon as I unload this stuff, O.K.?
- Gertie: I want you to meet somebody.
- [after E.T. learns how to talk]
- Mary: Gertie, I've gotta go pick up Elliot. Will you be a good girl until I get back?
- Gertie: Mommy, he can talk!
- Mary: [thinking she meant Elliott] Of course he can talk. I'll be back in ten minutes. Stay there.
- Elliott: Oh, God!
- E.T.: Elliott.
- Elliott: What?
- E.T.: Elliott! Elliott!
- Gertie: I taught him how to talk. He can talk now.
- Elliott: Wait. Can you say 'E.T.'? E.T.?
- E.T.: E.T.
- Elliott: Ha! Ha!
- E.T.: E.T.! E.T.! E.T.! Be good.
- Gertie: 'Be good'. I taught him that too.
- Elliott: You should give him his dignity. This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen.
- E.T.: Phone. Home. [pointing at the window] E.T. home phone.
- Gertie: E.T. phone home.
- Elliott: E.T. phone home. E.T. phone home!
- Gertie: He wants to call somebody.
- Michael: [entering the room] What's all this shit?
- E.T.: [famous line] E.T. phone home.
- Michael: My God, he's talking now.
- E.T.: Home.
- Elliott: E.T. phone home?
- E.T.: E.T. phone home. [pointing at the window again]
- Elliott: And they'll come?
- E.T.: Come? Home. Home.
- Elliott: What do I do?
- Michael: How the hell do I know? You're the genius here. You have absolute power, remember? [imitating Elliott] I found him, he belongs to me! You know, Elliott, he doesn't look too good anymore.
- Elliott: Don't say that, we're fine!
- Michael: What's all this "we" stuff? You say "we" all the time now. Really, Elliott, I think he might be getting kind of sick.
- Elliott: Look, he's fine, Michael!
- Michael: OK, OK! Forget I mentioned it. Grab that Fuzzbuster.
- Mary: Where's Elliott? I'm asking you a question.
- Gertie: Anyways, why would Elliott go to the forest? Why would he do such a thing? [smiles]
- Mary: Get in the car. [smiles] Get in the car now.
- Michael: Mom, would you come with me?
- Mary: What is it?
- Michael: Mary, just come with me.
- Mary: Michael, what?
- Michael: Mom, remember the goblin?
- Mary: Michael, what are you talking about?
- Michael: Just swear the most excellent promise you can make.
- Mary: [annoyed] Michael.
- [Michael opens the door, showing E.T. and Elliott]
- Mary: That's wonderful.
- E.T. Mom.
- [Mary becomes shocked]
- Elliott: We're sick. I think we're dying.
- Scientist: Does he sleep at night?
- Mary: I don't know, I don't know. What's the matter with Elliott?
- Scientist: Have you noticed any surfaced sweating?
- Mary: No.
- Scientist: Has it lost any hair?
- Gertie: He never had any hair.
- Scientist: Are the children all right.
- Mary: Yes.
- Scientist: Has it built anything or write anything down?
- Michael: Uh, no.
- Scientist: You said it has the ability to manipulate its own environment?
- Michael: He's smart. He communicates through Elliott.
- Scientist: Elliott thinks its thoughts.
- Michael: No, Elliott... Elliott feels his feelings.
- Keys: Elliott, I've been to the forest... Elliott, that machine. What does it do?
- Elliott: The communicator? Is it still working?
- Keys: It's doing something. What?
- Elliott: I really shouldn't tell. He came to me. He came to me.
- Keys: Elliott, he came to me too. I've been wishing for this since I was 10 years old. I don't want him to die. What can we do that we're not already doing?
- Elliott: He needs to go home. He's calling his people and I don't know where they are. He needs to go home.
- Keys: Elliott, I don't think that he was left here intentionally. But his being here is a miracle, Elliott. It's a miracle. And you did the best that anybody could do. I'm glad he met you first.
- Elliott: E.T., stay with me. Please...
- E.T.: ...stay.
- Elliott: Together. I'll be right here. I'll be right here.
- E.T.: Stay, Elliott. Stay. Stay. Stay. Stay.
- Scientist: The boy's coming back. We're losing E.T.
- Elliott: E.T., answer me, please. Please.
- Steve: Something is happening.
- Greg: [mockingly] Ooh, they're going to die.
- Tyler: Shut up, Greg.
- Steve: Something is definitely happening.
- Gertie: [about E.T.] Is he dead, mama?
- Mary: I think so, sweetheart.
- Gertie: Can we wish for him to come back?
- Mary: Yeah.
- Gertie: I wish.
- Mary: I wish, too.
- Keys: They're gonna have to take him away now.
- Elliott: They're just gonna cut him all up.
- Keys: Would you like to spend some time alone with him?
- [Elliott is left alone with E.T.]
- Elliott: Look at what they've done to you. I'm so sorry. You must be dead, 'cause I don't know how to feel. I can't feel anything anymore. You've gone someplace else now. I'll believe in you all my life, every day. E.T., I love you.
- [E.T.'s heart light glows and he is revived]
- E.T.: E.T. phone home. Phone home, phone home.
- Gertie: Are they gone, mama.
- Mary: Who's gone, honey?
- Gertie: The boys?
- Mary: What boys?
- Gertie: I'm supposed to give this note to you when they're gone.
- Mary: Give it to me now, Gertie. [reads the note] Oh, my God.
- Michael: Where's the playground?
- Elliott: It's near the preschool!
- Michael: Where's that?
- Elliott: I don't know streets! Mom always drives me!
- Michael: Son of a bitch.
- [after Steve, Tyler, and Greg see E.T. in awe]
- Elliott: OK, he's a man from outer space and we're taking him to his spaceship.
- Greg: Well, can't he just beam up?
- Elliott: This is reality, Greg.
- Gertie: [tearfully] I just wanted to say goodbye.
- Michael: He doesn't know 'goodbye.'
- E.T.: Be good.
- Gertie: Yes. [kisses E.T.'s nose]
- [Michael gently strokes E.T.'s head]
- E.T.: Thank you.
- Michael: You're welcome.
- E.T.: [to Elliott] Come.
- Elliott: Stay.
- E.T.: [after touching his heart light and then touching his lips] Ouch.
- Elliott: [after repeating the gesture] Ouch.
- E.T.: [after touching his finger to Elliott's forehead, his fingertip glows] I'll be right here.
- Elliott: [tearfully] Bye.
- He is afraid. He is alone. He is three million light years from home.
- His adventure on Earth.
- The mystery. The suspense. The adventure. The call... that started it all.
- The story that touched the world!
- Twenty years ago, one legacy, one touch, one story that touched the world.
Actor | Role |
Dee Wallace-Stone | Mary Taylor |
Peter Coyote | Keys, Head Scientist |
Robert MacNaughton | Michael Taylor |
Drew Barrymore | Gertie Taylor |
Henry Thomas | Elliott Taylor |
K.C. Martel | Greg |
Sean Frye | Steve |
C. Thomas Howell | Tyler |
Erika Eleniak | Pretty Young Girl |
Pat Welsh | E.T. (voice) |