Edie Brickell

Edie Brickell is an American singer-songwriter who became famous with the hit "What I Am" as the lead singer of the folk rock group Edie Brickell & New Bohemians. Wife of Paul Simon.


  • Sail through the sea of sad faces with love.
    Love. Love for everyone.
    Drift like a little boat on a wave.
    • "Big Day Little Boat" on Edie Brickell & New Bohemians : Ultimate Collection (2002)

  • He made me mess the song up when I looked at him... We can show the kids the tape and say, "Look, that's when we first laid eyes on each other."
    • Of her performance of "What I Am" on Saturday Night Live, when she noticed Paul Simon standing in front of a cameraman. "Whatever happened to Edie Brickell?" CNN.com (7 January 2004)

  • In a world religion class, everyone was complicating life and existence by over-thinking. I had this sense it's right here, right now. It's who we are and what we feel. It's not this tangled web of psychology and philosophy. I was driving to band practice and started singing that song. I wanted to be real, not adopt some philosophy or role. Instinct is our driving force.

Shooting Rubberbands at the Stars (1988)

  • I'm not aware of too many things.
    I know what I know if you know what I mean.
    • "What I Am"

  • Philosophy, is the talk on a cereal box.
    Religion, is a smile on a dog.
    • "What I Am"

  • Choke me in the shallow water before I get too deep.
    • "What I Am"

  • What I am is what I am. Are you what you are — or what?
    • "What I Am"

  • The village idiots in her bed
    Never cared that her eyes were red
    Never cared that her brain was dead.
    In the hours that her face was alive
    It was a thing just to be by her side.
    • "Little Miss S."

  • Wheels keep on turning and turning and turning
    And nothing's disturbing the way they go around.
    • "The Wheel"

  • All your thoughts are in another head.
    Your dreams are sleepin' in a different bed.
    The force that moves you is a circular breath
    of life and death going round and round and round.
    • "The Wheel"

  • Maybe you ride a different wave.
    Maybe you catch another ray of the sun
    That I've just begun to feel.
    • "The Wheel"

  • I don't believe in hatred anymore.
    I hate to think of how it felt before
    When anger overwhelms your very soul
    It's hard to realize you'll ever know

    Love like we do.

    • "Love Like We Do"

  • When I'm all alone it's the best way to be.
    When I'm by myself nobody else can say goodbye.

    Everything is temporary anyway.
    When the streets are wet — the colors slip into the sky.
    But I don't know why that means you and I are — that means you and...

    I quit, I give up.
    Nothin's good enough for anybody else, it seems.

    • "Circle"

  • I notice me. I notice you too.
    And there are simple things that we don't even try anymore.

    There's a way out of this.
    Beat the time.
    And every time I turn around
    we got some clever way to put each other down.

    • "Beat The Time"
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