Edward Dyer

Sir Edward Dyer was an English courtier and poet.


  • My Minde to Me a Kindome Is;
    Such present joys therein I find,
    That it excels all other bliss
    That earth affords or grows by kind:
    Though much I want which most would have,
    Yet still my mind forbids to crave.
    • MS. Rawl 85 (1588), p. 17. A very similar but anonymous copy is in the British Museum. Additional MS. 15225, p. 85. And there is an imitation in J. Sylvester’s Works, p. 651, Hannah, Courtly Poets. Compare:
      • My mind to me a kingdom is;
        Such perfect joy therein I find,
        As far exceeds all earthly bliss
        That God and Nature hath assigned.
        Though much I want that most
        would have,
        Yet still my mind forbids to crave.
        • Byrd: Psalmes, Sonnets, etc. 1588.
      • My mind to me an empire is,
        While grace affordeth health.
        • Robert Southwell (1560–1595), Loo Home.
      • "Mens regnum bona possidet" (translated as "A good mind possesses a kingdom"), Seneca, Thyestes, ii. 380.

  • Some have too much, yet still do crave;
    I little have, and seek no more:
    They are but poor, though much they have,
    And I am rich with little store:
    They poor, I rich; they beg, I give;
    They lack, I have; they pine, I live.
    • MS. Rawl 85 (1588), p. 17.
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