Fifth Doctor
This page is a collection of quotations from the era of the fifth official incarnation of the Doctor from the BBC science fiction television programme Doctor Who, during which the role of the Fifth Doctor was played by Peter Davison. As Doctor Who stories in other media (such as books, audio plays, etc) are the subject of intense debate as regarding their place in the series' overall canon, these quotations are largely taken from episodes broadcast on television.
The Doctor: The outside universe is breaking through!
The Black Guardian: (to Turlough): This is your last chance, boy... KILL THE DOCTOR!
Davros: The Daleks are dead. Long live the new Daleks! Oh! What is happening? No! No! It can not be!
The Mutant Phase
- Emperor Dalek: Doctor.
- The Doctor: I see we've both had a face lift since we last met.
Castrovalva [19.1]
- The Doctor: That's the trouble with regeneration. You never know what you're going to get.
- The Doctor: Which is the quickest way out of here?
- [Each of the women at the fountain point in different directions.]
- The Doctor: Yes. Well, That's democracy for you.
Kinda [19.3]
- The Doctor: An apple a day keeps the... Ah, never mind.
- The Doctor: There's always something to look at if you open your eyes!
The Visitation [19.4]
- The Doctor: Why are Earth people so parochial?
- Terileptil Leader: You're being a very stupid woman.
- Tegan: That isn't a very original observation.
Black Orchid [19.5]
- [after a cricket match]
- Sir Robert: Superb innings! Worthy of the Master.
- The Doctor: [alarmed] The Master?
- Sir Robert: Well, the other Doctor! [The Doctor still looks alarmed] W.G. Grace!
- The Doctor: [relieved] Yes, of course!
- [Speaking on why he wouldn't have attacked Anne and killed the butler]
- The Doctor: And besides -
- Sir Robert: Besides what?
- The Doctor: Well, it wouldn't be cricket.
Earthshock [19.6]
- The Doctor: When was the last time you smelt a flower, watched a sunset, ate a well-prepared meal?
- Cyberleader: These things are irrelevant.
- The Doctor: For some people, small, beautiful events is what life is all about!
- Tegan: I'm just a mouth on legs.
Time-Flight [19.7]
- The Doctor: It's times like this I wish I still had my scarf.
- The Doctor: The illusion is always one of normality.
Arc of Infinity [20.1]
- The Doctor: You know how it is; you put things off for a day and next thing you know, it's a hundred years later.
Mawdryn Undead [20.3]
- The Doctor: Well, there's a probability of anything. Statistically speaking, if you gave typewriters to a treeful of monkeys, they'd eventually produce the works of William Shakespeare.
- Nyssa: [trying to draw the Doctor's attention away from his conversation with Tegan to the approaching craft on the viewscreen] Doctor...
- The Doctor: Of course, you and I both know that at the end of a millennium they'd still be tapping out gibberish.
- Tegan: And you'd be tapping it out right alongside them. I only asked you a simple question.
- [Upon seeing Mawdryn's disfigured colleagues]
- Tegan: Who are they?
- The Doctor: Fools, who tried to become Time Lords.
Terminus [20.4]
- The Doctor: If we don't do something quickly the whole universe will be destroyed!
The Doctor: The outside universe is breaking through!
The Black Guardian: (to Turlough): This is your last chance, boy... KILL THE DOCTOR!
Enlightenment [20.5]
- Tegan: But what if the White Guardian tells me something important?
- The Doctor: ...Thank him politely. [The Doctor smiles] Won't be long.
The Five Doctors [20.7]
- First Doctor: One day I shall come back. Yes, I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears, no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine. [title theme begins]
- Third Doctor: I've reversed the polarity of the neutron flow so the Tardis should be free of the force field now.
Warriors of the Deep [21.1]
- The Doctor: I sometimes wonder why I like the people of this miserable planet so much.
- The Fifth Doctor on humans
- [On the violence that resulted in the deaths of Humans, Silurians, and Sea Devils.]
- Turlough: They're all dead you know.
- The Doctor: [looking around at the carnage] There should have been another way.
The Awakening [21.2]
- Turlough: We're running out of places to run.
- Tegan: That's the story of our lives
- Sir George: You speak treason!
- The Doctor: Fluently!
Frontios [21.3]
- The Doctor: Oh, marvellous. You're going to kill me. What a finely tuned response to the situation.
- The Doctor: A risk shared is a risk doubled.
Resurrection of the Daleks [21.4]
- Davros: If I were you, I'd be dead.
- The Doctor: I lack your practice, Davros.
- Davros: Once the Doctor has been exterminated, I shall build a new race of Daleks.They shall be even more deadly! And I, Davros, shall be their leader! This time we shall triumph! The Daleks shall once more become the supreme beings!!!
Davros: The Daleks are dead. Long live the new Daleks! Oh! What is happening? No! No! It can not be!
Planet of Fire [21.5]
- Turlough: The worst place in the universe: English public school on Earth.
- [The Master's last words before his apparent incineration]
- The Master: Doctor, help me! I'll give you anything in creation! [The Doctor doesn't move] Would you show no mercy to your own-
The Caves of Androzani [21.6]
- The Doctor: Androzani Major was becoming quite developed last time I passed this way.
- Peri: When was that?
- The Doctor: ...I don't remember. I'm pretty sure it wasn't the future.
- Peri: Doctor, why do you wear a stick of celery in your lapel?
- The Doctor: Does it offend you?
- Peri: No, just curious.
- The Doctor: Safety precaution. I'm allergic to certain gases in the praxis range of the spectrum.
- Peri: Well, how does the celery help?
- The Doctor: If the gas is present, the celery turns purple.
- Peri: And then what do you do?
- The Doctor: I eat the celery. If nothing else, I'm sure it's good for my teeth.