Final Fantasy
General Quotes
- Old-school Chocobo: Wark!
- New-school Chocobo: Kweh!
- Any Moogle: Kupo!
- Any Cactuar: Geka *runs away*
- Any Tonberry: Doink!
- Any Malboro: *Bad Breath*
Final Fantasy
- The world is veiled in darkness. The wind stops, the sea is wild, and the earth begins to rot.
The people wait, their only hope, a prophecy....
'When the world is in darkness Four Warriors will come....'
After a long journey, four young warriors arrive, each holding an ORB.- The introduction.
- WARRIORS! Revive the power of the ORBS!
- This is a well. You might think that there is something to it... But in fact it is just an ordinary well.
- Here lies Erdrick.
- On a headstone; reference to a character from Dragon Warrior. Quote appears in the original NES release of the game
- Here lies Link.
- On a headstone; reference to the main character from the Zelda series of video games. Quote appears on the GBA remake of the game.
- Garland: No one touches my princess!! LIGHT WARRIORS?? You impertinent fools. I, Garland, will knock you all down!!
- Farmer: I'm a farmer.
- Garland: Do you remember me? I was once known as a knight of Cornelia. Two thousand years from now...you killed me. I am Garland. Oh, you did defeat me. But the four great forces saved me by sending me back through time! Once here, I sent the four Fiends into the future...where they shall once again use the force great forces to send me into the past! In two thousand years, I will remember none of this.But I will be reborn again here. So even as you die again and again, I shall return! Born again into this endless circle I have created!
- ending text:
The time loop was severed at last...
The endless struggle that raged over
two thousand years had ended, and
peace prevailed once more.
The light of the four Crystals
restored the forces of wind, water,
earth and fire.
It was a mere trick of fate
that had given rise to the chain of Garland's wrath.
But magnified by the four forces
meant to guide our world,
that trick of fate also gave birth
to the Fiends.
Monsters ran rampant and the world
sank into darkness...
But all that is now past.
With the four forces flowing as they were meant,
the Warriors prepare to cross
time and return to the world they
knew- a world where Princess Sarah, Queen Jayne and even
Garland himself await.
When was it that time fell
into its spiralling loop?
When was that fatefal day?
None can say.
It seemed the cycle into which
time had fallen would last forever.
But the bravery of the four young
travellers prevailed. They grasped
the forces that filled the world with
darkness, and used them to
restore it to the light.
No one will ever recall
the struggles the four endured,
for the breaking of the chain
means that it never existed.
But in the tales of fantasy that
people tell one another, the memory
of their deed will live on...
Tales of dwarves and elves,
of dragons and shining civilizations
that reached for the very heavens
even as they fell.
Now the return to us.
With the memory of their struggle
buried deep in their hearts, they
will quietly watch over the world.
Remember always that the forces of the world must be used as
they were intended- that the
power of light must never be
used for dark, and that the true
Crystals reside in your heart.
For you are the warrior who
crossed time.
You are the bringer of light...
Final Fantasy II
- For the North American SNES release of Final Fantasy II, see Final Fantasy IV.
- The following are taken from Final Fantasy Origins.
- Imperial soldier: You've come a long way from Fynn, but your escape ends here.
- Imperial soldier: By imperial order, all who defy us shall be put to death.
- Imperial soldier: You've brought this upon yourselves. You peasants never learn, do you?
- Imperial soldier: Haha, of course you do not learn, you are a fool to challenge me, may your head count as a victory to our nation!
- Sergeant: Heh, Rebels. Never thought I'd have to deal with your kind down here. Well, if you think you're getting Mythril, you're right. My Mythril blade through your heart!
- Maria: The imperials attacked, and our parents... our parents...
- Minwu: All those who live must some day die. It is our fate.
- Dark Emperor: (before the final battle) You have braved the depths of Hell to reach me. But the hand of man, which deals in false justice and forsaken love, can never hope to defeat the lord master of Hell!
- Emperor Palamecia: Reluctance to forgive has long been a human failing. It is man's nature to sin, yet you answer sin with violence upon violence. Is that not itself a sin?"
Final Fantasy III
- For the North American SNES release of Final Fantasy III, see Final Fantasy VI.
- The following are taken from the fan translation by Neill Corlett and Alex W. Jackson.
- Woman in Ur: Hey, where are you four brats off to now? What...? You're going to go save the world...? Did you get hit on the head or something!?
- Bard in Dastar: The shadow of the lake... Leviathan. He awaits the time he can be freed from the bonds of darkness...
- Bard in Dastar: Odin feared the use of his own power. And so he sealed himself...
- Bard in Dastar: The Dragon King Bahamut. When one who can defeat him appears, his heart will grant the ultimate power...
- Cloud of darkness: I am the Dark Cloud! I will turn this world and your world of Light into utter Void...!
- Cloud of darkness: Hahaha... This is the Dark World. I cannot be defeated here with the power of Light!
- Zande: You've come far. But the darkness is three steps ahead of you. You're too late! Perish!!
- Cloud of darkness: I, the Dark Cloud, have come to return all to the Void... To turn both Light and Dark into nothingness... And first I will erase you with the power of Light from this world!
Final Fantasy V
- Galuf: Whose idea was it to steal that pirate ship, anyway?
Bartz: Yours, you old coot!
Galuf: ... Oh, my head! I can't seem to remember anything!
Bartz: And his amnesia oh-so-conveniently returns.
- Bartz: Oh crap.
- Upon Exdeath's awakening.
- Bartz: Kids. Who needs 'em.
- Galuf: Bull, you know you just have the hots for her.
- Exposing Bartz' real reason for joining him and Reina.
- Galuf: That lobster just got served!
Bartz: With cheese biscuits and mashed potatoes!
- Gilgamesh: Starkle, starkle little twink... Now it's time that you guys SINK!!
- Gilgamesh: I was wrong, I cannot fight four people... [casts Haste, Shell and Safe on himself, then jumps] ... HA! Did you really believe me?
- Gilgamesh: Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT IS MORPHING TIME!
- Exdeath: I cannot be defeated by anger or hatred!
Galuf: This is not anger...nor is it hatred!
Exdeath: Then what is it...?
- Neo Exdeath: I am Neo Exdeath... All memory, existence, and dimensions...All that is shall be returned to nothing. Then I, too, can disappear...Forever!
- In the beginning there was Void. Then four spirits came together in this Void...
The crystals were born and the world was created.
Thus, Hope gives the earth blessings, Courage lights the flames,
Kindness makes water the source of life, Pursuit lets wisdom ride the wind.
When the time comes that Void shall again envelope the world
if within people live the four spirits, Light shall again be born.
Four spirits, Wandering through Void Shall once again give birth to light.
- --Beginning of the epilogue.
- Random Drunk Guy: Knights do it two-handed
- Exdeath: Turtle!
Final Fantasy VI
- See: Final Fantasy VI.
Locke : I'm not a thief, I'm a treasure hunter....
Kefka : Life...Dreams...Hope...Where'd they come from? And where are they headed...? These things...I'm going to destroy!!
Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus
- Vincent: The sewers... How appropriate
- After being told about the secret way into Shinra Manor.
- Lucrecia: Soul wrought of terra corrupt, quelling impurity, purging the stream to beckon forth an ultimate fate. Behold mighty Chaos, Omega's squire to the lofty heavens. I came across this passage while studying the scriptures of the Ancients. The Chronicles of Yore. Omega: The end.
- Lucrecia: Just as all other sentient beings, he too, is born of the Lifestream. However, his only purpose is to cleanse the planet of all things living and lead their immortal souls through the abyssal aether to a new beginning far, far beyond the never ending sea of stars.
- Lucrecia: Just as life circulates through our planet, so too, does our planet through the universe. Or at least in theory. However, what I can be certain of is, if Omega awakens, then all life as we know it will end. And when Omega has embarked on his journey to the cosmos, our planet will wither and die.
- Reeve: We'll discuss this later. WRO troops have arrived and commenced rescue operations. We could use your help, Vincent.
- [Reeve begins to walk away.]
- Vincent: Reeve.
- [Reeve stops and partially turns around.]
- Vincent: I don't know what you are up to, but I want absolutely no part of it.
- Reeve: But... You fought alongside us three years ago! We need your help once mor—
- [Reeve gets shot from behind by an enemy soldier; Vincent shoots down the enemy soldier before running to Reeve's side.]
- Vincent: Reeve!
- [He goes to pick up Reeve, who falls apart into several pieces. Out pops Cait Sith.]
- Cait Sith: That was a close one! Never was good at fighting. Luckily, I came out wearing "Reeve."
- Past Vincent: Talk! Why did you let this happen!?
- Hojo: Silence.
- Vincent: You!
- Hojo: Silence!!!
- [Hojo shoots him; Past Vincent falls down, staring at Hojo's boots as his vision blurs.]
- Hojo: Why can't these people just keep quiet?
- Weiss: Vincent Valentine. And so we meet again.
- Vincent: What?
- Weiss: Still in the dark? Three years ago, while I was still running about looking for Sephiroth, I took it upon myself to distribute my data-- my mind, my knowledge, my inner being, across the worldwide network. And even though my body had died, and the world had been left in ruin, I survived in a virtual reality. When the network was restored, the scattered data regrouped and I was reborn. A neo-Reunion, you could say.
- Vincent: You...
- [Weiss laughs, but his voice begins to morph to someone from Vincent's past.]
- Weiss: That's right, boy. It's me...Hojo!
- Vincent': Hojo. I said I've heard enough.
- Hojo': What!?
- Vincent': It's time to end this. Right here. Right now.
- Hojo': You insignificant fool!
Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
- Zack: I'm sorry if your sword got any wear, tear or rust on it.
- Angeal: You are a little more important than my sword... just a little.
- Angeal: No story is not worth hearing
- Cloud: I wont forget- good night, Zack
- Angeal: I've nominated you for 1st.
- Zack: Angeal! Oh I love you man!!
- Angeal: ...Don't make me regret this.
- Sephiroth: Whether your words are lies, created to deceive me, or the truth I've searched for my whole life, it makes no difference. You will rot.
- Zack: No, way. He just ate my hair!
- Zack: Boy, oh boy. The price of freedom is steep.
- Zack: At least someone's keeping up!
- Cloud: Well, I'm a country boy too.
- Zack: From where?
- Cloud: Nibelheim.
- Zack: [laughs loud]
- Cloud: How about you?
- Zack: Me? Gongaga.
- Cloud: [laughs]
- Zack: Hey, what's so funny about that? You know Gongaga?
- Cloud: No, but... it's such a backwater name.
- Zack: Ditto Nibelheim.
- Cloud: Like you've been there.
- Zack: I haven't, but there's a reactor there, right? A Mako reactor outside Midgar usually means...
- Cloud and Zack together: ..nothing else out there. [They start laughing out loud]
- Zack: Good news Tseng! Me and...
- Cloud: Cloud.
- Zack: Me and Cloud here are both backwater experts. Oh yeah!
- Tseng: Good. Carry on, then.
- Zack: What are you after?
- Angeal: World domination.
- Zack: That's not even funny man.
- Angeal: How about revenge?
- Zack: For what Angeal!?
- Angeal: A monster's objective is usually world domination or revenge.
- Zack: You're wrong. Those aren't the wings of a monster.
- Angeal: Well then, what are they?
- Zack: Angel's wings?
- Angeal: I see. Then what should an angel fight for, Zack? What do angels dream of?
- Zack: ... [backing away from Angeal]
- Angeal: Angels dream of one thing.
- Zack: Please, tell me.
- Angeal: To be human.
- Zack: Those wings...give them to me too.
- Zack: Embrace your dreams! If you wanna be a hero you need to have dreams.
- Zack: That girl... She said that the sky frightened her. (Gazing up at the sky) That looks so... liberating. Those wings... I want them too. (Angeal lifts Zack into the air) It feels... Good.
- Zack: {Being lifted into the sky by Angeal} If you see Aerith, say 'hi' for me...
- Yuffie: Ugly dudes from Shin-Ra should be punished!
- Angeal's Mother: [To Zack] Zero attention span, restless as a little puppy.
- Genesis: [To Sephiroth] When will you...stop acting so relaxed?
- [Zack last battle.]
- Zack: Boy oh boy.
- Zack: The price of freedom is steep.
- Zack: Embrace your dreams, and, whatever happens protect your honor...as SOLDIER
- Zack: Come and get it!
- [Cloud and Zack. end of the game]
- Zack: For the both of us...
- Cloud: Both of us?
- Zack: That's right...you're gonna... you're gonna...
- Cloud: ....
- Zack: Live. You'll be my living legacy. My honor, my dreams...They're yours now....
- Cloud: I'll be your living legacy...I won't Forget...Thank you...Good Night...Zack.
- Yuffie and Zack
- Yuffie: Whap! Pow! Bam! Take that, bad guy!
- Zack:...Arrgh! Nooo! You got me!
- [Final Lines.]
- Zack: "Hey....Would you say I became a hero?"
- These are all the quotes from 'Loveless', by Genesis:
Prologue: "When the war of the beasts brings about the world's end
The goddess descends from the sky
Wings of light and dark spread afar
She guides us to bliss, her gift everlasting."
Act I: "Infinite in mystery is the gift of the goddess
We seek it thus, and take to the sky
Ripples form on the water's surface
The wandering soul knows no rest."
Act II: "There is no hate, only joy
For you are beloved by the goddess
Hero of the dawn, Healer of worlds.
Dreams of the morrow hath the shattered soul
Pride is lost
Wings stripped away, the end is nigh."
Act III: "My friend, do you fly away now?
To a world that abhors you and I?
All that awaits you is a somber morrow
No matter where the winds may blow.
My friend, your desire
Is the bringer of life, the gift of the goddess.
Even if the morrow is barren of promises
Nothing shall forestall my return."
Act IV: "My friend, the fates are cruel
There are no dreams, no honor remains
The arrow has left the bow of the goddess.
My soul, corrupted by vengeance
Hath endured torment, to find the end of the journey
In my own salvation
And your eternal slumber.
Legend shall speak
Of sacrifice at world's end
The wind sails over the water's surface
Quietly, but surely."
Act V: "Even if the morrow is barren of promises
Nothing shall forestall my return.
To become the dew that quenches the land
To spare the seas, the skies
I offer thee this silent sacrifice."
- Zack: [to Sephiroth] Damn! You're not the only hero!
- Reno: Sector 8 is Turk jurisdiction, Slick.
- Cissnei: The truth lies within each person. But even truth seems suspect once it leaves their mouths.
- Cissnei: When I was a kid, I always wanted to have wings.
- Cissnei: Wings symbolize freedom for those who have non. They don't symbolize monsters.
Final Fantasy VIII
- See: Final Fantasy VIII.
Squall: I dreamt I was a moron...
Seifer: Great, I have one chicken-wuss and one kid who just entered puberty in my team!
Squall: ...Whatever.
Laguna: I feel a draft on my butt...
Final Fantasy X
- See: Final Fantasy X.
Small boy from Kilika: I wanna be a blitzball when I grow up.
Auron: This is it. This... is your story. It all begins here.
Auron: Outside the dream world, life can be harsh, even cruel, but it is life.
Auron: Every story must have an ending.
Auron: Don't look to others for knowledge, this is your story.
Auron: Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!
Auron: The red carpet has teeth.
Kimahri: Only those who try will become.
Lulu: No matter how dark the night, morning always comes, and our journey begins anew.
Rikku: Memories are nice, but that's all they are.
Seymour: Pitiful mortals...your hope ends here. ...And your meaningless existence with it!
Seymour: Life is but a passing dream, but the death that follows is eternal.
Seymour: But there is no salvation for the damned! Rest in peace in eternal darkness.
Seymour: I have saved him. He was a man who craved power. And great power he had, but he feared losing it. Trembling at unseen enemies, he spent his days scheming petty schemes... chased by his fears, never knowing rest. You see... now he has no worries; he has been granted sleep eternal. Death is a sweet slumber. All the pain of life is gently swept away... Ah, yes. Don't you see...if all life were to end in Spira, all suffering would end. Don't you see? Do you not agree?
Tidus: Listen to my story... This may be our last chance.
Tidus: People die, and Yuna dances. When will she stop dancing? When will it stop? Yuna won't stop dancing, not until Sin is gone.
Tidus: This is my story and it will go the way I want it to or I'll end it here!
Yuna: The people and the friends that we have lost, or the dreams that have faded... Never forget them.
Yuna: It would be so easy...to let my fate just carry me away...following this same path my whole life through. But I know...I can't. What I do, I do...with no regrets.
Yuna: I will live with my sorrow, I will live my own life! I will defeat sorrow, in his place. I will stand my ground and be strong. I don't know when it will be, but someday... I will conquer it. And I will do it without... false hope.
Yuna: Everyone...everyone has lost something precious. Everyone here has lost homes, dreams, and friends. Everybody... Now, Sin is finally dead. Now, Spira is ours again. Working together... Now we can make new homes for ourselves, and new dreams. Although I know the journey will be hard, we have lots of time. Together, we will rebuild Spira. The road is ahead of us, so let's start out today. Just, one more thing... The people and the friends that we have lost, or the dreams that have faded... Never forget them.
Yojimbo: You are a fading dream, but one that has been touched by reality. Run, dream. Run on into the daylight. And walk into reality.
Yunalesca: It is better to die in hope than live in despair.
Tidus: Dad?
Jecht: Yeah...
Tidus: [voice faltering] I hate you.
Jecht: [chuckles] I know, I know...
Tidus: Guys. This is the last time we fight together, okay?
Wakka: Huh?
Tidus: After we defeat Yu Yevon... I'll disappear.
Lulu: What are you talking about?
Tidus: I'm saying goodbye!
Rikku: Not now!
Tidus: I know it's selfish... but this is my story!
Fayth: Hello.
Tidus: Where are we?
Fayth: Silly. Don't you recognize your own home?
Tidus: Wait, this is a dream?
Fayth: Precisely.
Tidus: Are you crazy? This is no time for dreaming!
Fayth: It's not that you are dreaming. You are a dream.
Tidus: What?
Fayth: Long ago, there was a great machina war between Bevelle and Zanarkand. The summoners of Zanarkand knew they didn't stand a chance against Bevelle's machina. They wanted to preserve Zanarkand, if only in a memory. They summoned the buildings, the people...
Tidus: Me... too?
Fayth: Yes.
Tidus: I don't care if I'm a dream. I like my life now.
Fayth: We've been dreaming for so long, we're tired. Will you and your father... will you let us rest?
[Tidus begins disappearing, Yuna shakes her head 'no']
Yuna: No.
Tidus: Yuna, I have to go.
[Yuna shakes her head 'no']
Tidus: I'm sorry I couldn't show you Zanarkand.
[walks away]
Tidus: Goodbye.
Rikku: We're gonna see you again?!
[Yuna runs after Tidus, but goes right through him and falls to ground]
Yuna: [stands up] I love you.
[Tidus turns and hugs Yuna, walks through her and runs and jumps into air and disappears, joining Jecht and Auron, already gone. He gives his father a quick low five before the fade to black.]
[Random battle dialogue-only heard by having Yuna, Lulu and Wakka in your immediate fighting team]
Yuna: A lotta fiends here, ya?
Lulu: [Plainly] Don't talk like that.
[The party prepares to face a giant monster trying to destroy the airship they're riding in.]
Auron: Open the hatch. We fight.
Rin: Evrae is truly mighty. Be well prepared.
[The merchant proceeds to sell the party supplies.]
Wakka: We gotta pay?
Wakka: If we lose, you die too, buddy!
Rin: I have faith in your victory.
Wakka: Gee, thanks.
[Before the fight with Yunalesca]
Auron: Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain, or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!
Kimahri: Yuna needs Kimahri. Kimahri protect Yuna.
Rikku: Well I'm fighting!
Wakka: I can't believe we're gonna fight Lady Yunalesca. Gimme a break!
Lulu: You could always run.
Wakka: Ha! I could never forgive myself. No way! Not if I ran away now! Even in... death, ya?
Lulu: My thoughts exactly.
Tidus: Yuna! This is our story. Now let's see this thing through together.
[Yuna nods]
Final Fantasy X-2
- See: Final Fantasy X-2.
- Yuna: I don't like your plan. It sucks.
- Brother: Who is the leader? I AM! I give the orders around here!
- Paine: We're listening.
- Brother: Let's go! Party! Party!
- Brother: Gullwings, report to the bridge!
- Shinra: I know everything.
- Shinra: I'm just a kid.
- Shinra: My last mission with the Gullwings.
- Brother: Rikku! What's your status?
- Rikku: (pulling up Yuna) Disasterific!
- Brother: Disasterific is not a word! Say disasterous like the rest of Spira!
- (YuRiPa falls down elevator)
- Brother: Status Report!? Yuna!
- Yuna: Uh.. everythings'... OW! ...disasterific.
- Brother: Disasterific?! I am on my way!
- Rikku:...What about me?
Final Fantasy XI
- Honoi-Gomoi: Here's a linkshell, tell somebody who cares!
- Naja Salaheem: Forever! Always! Until death! You mercenaries are my pawns.
- Raogrimm: People are capable of kindness beyond angels, yet we also commit sins that would put a demon to shame...
- Lonely Chocobo: Warkkkkk!!! Gweh!!!! Warkkkk
- Shantotto: Ohohohohoho!
- Prishe: If you guys don't get your act together, I am ganna kick you into next watersday!
- Prishe: Ah! It's the dead lady/man!
- Referring to the player, whom was presumably dead earlier.
- A Young Mithra in Kazham That tall guy in weird clothes says hes from some place called sandy-oreos
- Naja Salaheem: (After Abquhbah faints when he realizes that he's speaking to the empress) Nothing to be concerned about, Your Magnificence. Mercenaries are trained to sleep anywhere, anytime if the opportunity presents itself.
- One-eyed Gwajboj: (During the signing of Jeuno's surrender in the Crystal War) You press seal here. Then all your Jeuno are belong to us!
- A reference to the opening cutscene of Zerowing. (All your base are belong to us.)
Final Fantasy XII
- See: Final Fantasy XII.
[As Balthier picks Vaan up and leaps off palace and jumps on to Balthiers hover craft of which Fran is driving. Balthier holds Vaan’s arm trying to get the godess's magicite from Vaan's hand.]
- Vaan: Let go of me!
- Balthier: Keep this up and I will!
- Ashe: You're sky pirates, aren't you? Then steal me!
[As the group prepares to leave from the Eruyt village]
- Vaan: Fran!
- Fran: Yes?
- Vaan: I was wondering—what Jote said, you know? About how you said the same
thing 50 years ago?
- Fran: Your point?
- Vaan: Uh, how old were you again?
[As the others move on.]
- Balthier: (sighs and sarcastically says) Nice, Vaan.
- Ashe: (makes a kinda hmph sound)
- Larsa: Surprisingly rude.
- Penelo: Try to grow up, please.
FF XII: Revenant Wings
- Balthier(Tossing Auracite to Vaan): A little something to welcome you to our humble profession.
- Llyud: We Aegyl are not complete. We lack the heart that makes you Humes whole.
- Balthier: Yes, Feolthanos. I'm beginning to dislike our gods.
- Mydia: To live without one's anima is not truly to live.
- Fran: Don't worry. I know who to trust and who not to trust.
- Vaan: Which side am I on?
- Filo: No...No...NO!
Final Fantasy XIII
- Vanille: The whole world was against us. With us dead, everyone was sure that things would go back. Back to the way they were before.
- Vanille: When I couldn't see a future and I was afraid. When the future was clear and it hurt to see, I just close my eyes and lose myself in happier tastes.
- Vanille (Narrator): The 13 Days after we awoke were the begining of the end.
- (We open to a train heading to Pulse for purging. Inside, PSICOM soldiers patrol the cars.)
- Sazh: Seriously!?
- Lightning: Quiet.
- (When the train make a unexpected entry into the Restructed Zone, Lightning makes her move and attacks the PSICOM soldiers while Sazh helps the purgees.)
- Sazh: You alright? I'm not a l'Cie.
- (As Lightning finishes off the last of the soldiers in the front car, Sazh arrives with reinforcments.)
- Sazh: Seriously!?
- Lightning: Quiet.
- (PSICOM jets attack the train as Lightning grabs a nearby bazooka.)
- Lightning: Move it!
- (While she takes down the jets, PSICOM begins in move in full force as one of their summoned creatures stops the train with the engine going over the edge.)
- Sazh: Let's get outta here! Not that way!
- (Lightning goes up to face the creature as Sazh comes up, nearly getting himself killed in the proces.)
- Sazh: Give me a break! So what now?
- Lightning: Just stand back and watch.
- (Lightning fights the creature with Sazh providing back up.)
- Lightning: Quiet.
- (After a long fight, the monster is sent falling into the abyss below.)
- Sazh: You...did it. If you're a soldier, then protect the citizens right? Aren't you with the army? Why don't you tell me anything? Like why you're going up against the Purge...
- Lightning: I left the army.
- (Lightning runs off with Sazh picking up the pace.)
- (After fighting their way with PSICOM soldiers and hounds, Lightning and Sazh reach a dead end when the bridge collapses.)
- Sazh: Let's go back!
- Lightning: There's no time.
- Sazh: What are we gonna do?
- Lightning: Quiet.
(Lightning activates her anti-G device to jump over the bridge but Sazh latches unto her to her dismay.)
- Lightning: Let me go.
- Sazh: You know I gotta stick by you!
- (She decks him off her. But finds her device is damaged in the scuffle as Sazh notices a nearby airship.)
- Sazh: We...can ride that.
- Lightning: Guess so.
- (They arrive to the Airship as they encounter a PSICOM officer and his group.)
- PSICOM officer: You who are of the Purge? Surrender now and you'll be welcomely eagerly.
- Sazh: Come again?
- Lightning: I think he's implying a quick death
- PSICOM officer (charging): Too late!
- (After the fight, Sazh attempts to start up the ship while talking to Lighnting.)
- Sazh: Just what are you looking for? Military secrets? Come one...It's all cool now right. It's not like you'll can get in trouble if you blab about-
- Lightning: Pulse's fal'Cie. Our objective is a fal'Cie from Pulse.
- (With Sazh speechless, Lightninh succeeds in starting up the airship.)
- Lightning: This is why you should regret following me?
- Sazh: Not really...
- Voice: Migrants to Pulse. On behalf of all in Cocoon, allow me to extend our most sincere gratitude. Your journey ensures the preservation of peace within our society. For it not for your relocation to Pulse, the entire populance of Cocoon, all ten million living, would become vulnerable to the threats of the world beneath-
- (A radio projecting this message is crushed by Snow.)
- Yuge: Relocation? More like slaughtering all those-
- Snow: Yuge, stay here with the others.
- Yuge: I'm sorry... I wish I could be more help...
- Snow: Stay here and protect them. Stay sharp so they'll be calm, right?
- Yuge: Right.
- Snow: Remember, Nora is.
- Yuge: Stronger than the military!
- Snow: That's the spirit!
- (Snow checks up on those fighting at the front.)
- Marqui: This is so hard!
- Gadot: You can take a break if you want.
- Marqui: You mean it?
- Gadot: But once we're done for, you'll be protecting everyone yourself.
- Marqui: That's even harder!
- Snow: Then let's be heros togther! Our enemy is the Cocoon Sanctum. Their dreaded PSICOM, no less, is their finest.
- Lebreau: What's to dread, other than the looks department?
- Gadot: We're heroes after all.
- Snow: Charge!
- Marqui: This is so hard!
- Lebreau: Just great. More bad guys.
- Gadot: So boss, what's the plan?
- Snow: We charge in, guns blazing.
- Marqui: That's not even a plan!
- Lebreau: We're heroes. We don't need one.
- (After taking down the soldiers, they make their way to the Purgees.)
- Snow: Don't worry, no one's leaving for Pulse today. We'll figure something out
- man: We can help
- Prisoner: You can't expect us to just sit here!
- Snow: Fine. Anyone able to fight and support is welcomed.
- (Those wanting to fight get up and pick up the guns Maqui placed before them.)
- Hope: Mom?
- Hope's Mother: It's alright.
- Snow: You're sure?
- Hope's Mother: Mothers are strong.
- Snow:: Alright, then. (holds up a gun) I'll leave this baby here. Someone care to take it.
- (Hope shudders away as Vanille voluniteers.)
- Vanille: Over here
- (Snow hands it to her)
- Snow: When push comes to shove, you know what to do.
- (She shows how good with it she is as Snow approves)
- Snow: You'll all be safe as long as you stay hidden We'll come back for you once this is over. We're all going home together!
- (Snow's group fights off PSICOM Soldiers as a Sanctum ship arrives and starts mowing down the resistance)
- Gadot: This is bad!
- (Snow attempts to get a gun, but misses as the he is close range to the airship's gun. But Hope's Mother grabs the weapon and saves Snow to his shock.)
- Hope's Mother: I told you, mothers are strong.
- (An explosion occurs that destroys the bridge with Vanille and Hope seeing it from a distence. On the collasping bridge, Snow is horrified to see the people he vowed to help falling to their deaths as he and Hope's Mother slide now as well. Snow grabs onto a latch and gets a firm grip on Hope's mother a she regains consciousness.)
- Hope's Mother: Look...after me son.
- Snow: Hold on!
- (She looks her grip and falls to her death with Snow following as the rest of bridge falls down. Though Snow survives, he sees Santum's reinforcements arriving on the scene)
- Voice: Attention migrants to Pulse, attention migrants to Pulse! Cease and decease this meaningless conflict and surrender immediately. Our society only desirs justice abode Pulse. Even should you evade this area, Sanctum will track every last one of you down. There is no place in Cocoon to hide. Surrender imediately.
- Snow: Serah...
(Scene changes to Lightning and Sazh)
- Sazh: Look at that. Just what we're looking for.
- Lightning: Yeah, right in there.
- Sazh: Pulse's fal'Cie, huh?
- (Scene changes to Vanille with Hope)
- Vanille (Narrator): Pulse's fal'Cie. It's where we meet OUR destinies.
(As Gadot points a gun at Snow)
- Snow: What're you doing?!
- Gadot: So, what are you afraid of, huh? You're supposed to be the hero.
- Sazh:(to Snow) Hey! Where are you going?
- Snow: Date with the Fal'Cie.
- Sazh: What?! You're asking for help?
- Snow: (angry) I'm not just going to stay here and wait around!
- Snow: Just leave the rescue to me.
- Hope: What's wrong with you!? You want to help the Fal'Cie?! They're the enemy!
- Snow: Please, turn her back!
- Lightning: You go on begging! Like this thing gives a damn what we want!
- (She provokes the fal'Cie. atacking her and the others)
- Lightning: Just say it! Any l'Cie, any who might even become one. They all ought to be wiped out of Cocoon.
- Lightning: The fal'Cie cursed us! It made us in l'Cie!
- Lightning: The fal'Cie don't spell your Focus out for you! You don't get crystal clear instructions. How do we complete a Focus we do'nt even understand.
- Vanille: I think I saw it
- Lightning: Saw it?
- Snow: Our focus is to protect this world. We'll be fine. I'm ready for anything they throw at us.I won't any anyone die. I'll protect the world...and Serah as well.
- (Lightning angrily walks over and slugs him)
- Lightning: Like before?
- Snow: I'll but things right again!
- (Lightning knocks him to the ground)
- Lightning: What more can you do!?
- Snow: Whatever it takes!
- Sazh: The only way of completing a Focus is to take out the Pulse l'Cie, that's end with us dead.
- Vanille: Shoot me!
- Sazh:(pointing a gun at her) Don't you even! Think you die and that's that?! You think die and everything will be sugar and rainbows?!
- Vanille: (pleading) What do you want me to do?
- Sazh: Don't ask me!
- Jihl Nabaat: Your son's a hero. We'll erect a memorial in Eden and put his crystal on display.
- Sazh : A memorial?! He's a little boy!
- Jihl Nabaat: Isn't it better he be treated with reverence as a monument to sacrifice?
- Lightning: (to Hope) The whole world's out to get us. I can barely keep myself alive, let alone some kid!
- Lightning: As far as fal'Cie are concerned, humans are tools. I'm not going to die for one of them.
- Sazh: So, what are we going to do?
- Lightning: Destroy it.
- Yaag Rosch: Cocoon is caught in the grip of a Pulse-born Terror. These Pulse l'Cie threaten our very way of life. They must be eliminated. Over and out.
- Yaag Rosch: These are l'Cie, show them no mercy. They aren't people, they're targets.
- 'Lightning: Start running. I'll keep them busy.
- Hope: (turns to her, surpirsed) But...
- Lightning: You survive.
- Snow: Me! I'm a l'Cie! Surprised? Expected some kind of monster? I'm flesh and blood like you. Don't you get it? This has been our home our whole lives. We want to protect this place just as much as you!
- Yaag Rosch: I understand your plight. However, the very existence of you l'Cie puts every last one of us in danger. Do you really think your life is worth more than the lives of millions of Coccon citizens?
- Jihl Nabaat: Do be careful with those. For every task...there's a perfect tool.
- Snow: You too. Why are you helping them?
- Oerba Yun Fang: If I were you, I'd worry about myself.
- Oerba Yun Fang: You want to keep breathing? Shut up and come quiet.
- Hope: What happens whent your actions ruins someone's life. How do you pay for what you've done?
- Snow: All I can do is go forward until I find the answers I need.
- Hope: There are no answers! You're just running away from what you deserve!
- Snow: Why don't you tell me what I deserve!?
- Hope: The same fate!
(Hope unleashed his powers, causing Snow to fall of the building.)
- Serah: I wish I have the courage to tell Lightning...that I've become a l'Cie..
- Snow: Hey, our engagement is way bigger news. (laughs) Oh man, I can't wait to see her face. Hey, she'll be my new sister?
- Serah: Yeah.
- (Serah nods as they watch the fireworks)
- Serah: Gorgeous...
- Snow: Only me, just you and me...
- (They kiss before taking their leave)
- Serah:(crying) Thank you, Snow...
- Lightning:(to Hope) My parents died. I have to be strong for Serah, so I thought I needed to forget my past. And I became Lightning. I thought by changing my name, I could change who I was. I was younger then. You can't run away from yourself. Serah tried to tell me, but I wouldn't listen.
- Lightning:(to Hope) To them, we are just pets...I've been so blind. I was born into a fal'Cie world, raised on a fal'Cie leaseh. Without a master to follow. My life had no purpose.
- Hope: We're gonna rest up, then we'll leave If they find out you're sheltering l'Cie, they'll-
- Hope's Father:(pounds his fist on a table) You're my son! This is your home...
- Serah:(to Vanille) The point is, I have people I can count on. I'll make it through.
- (Vanille touches her arm and fall to her knees)
- Vanille:(crying) I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!
Final Fantasy Tactics
- See: Final Fantasy Tactics.
- See: Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions.