Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children is the computer-animated feature film-length sequel to the popular RPG, Final Fantasy VII. Most of the original main cast, including unlockable characters Yuffie Kisaragi and Vincent Valentine, return to make appearances. Some of the supporting characters, such as Reeve and Marlene, also make appearances.
[Rufus pulls away his blanket to reveal the case with Jenova's remains]
[Sephiroth stabs his sword into Clouds right shoulder]
[Cloud grips Sephiroth's sword]
[Cloud, remembering his loved ones, pulls Sephiroth's sword out of his arm]
[After grabbing the kids and running from Bahamut]
Cloud Strife
- (to Zack)I said I'd live out both our lives. Easy to make that promise.
- I'm not fit to help anyone. Not my family. Not my friends. Nobody.
- I think... I want to be forgiven...More than anything.
- (to Rufus )Too bad; I'm a delivery boy now.
- (to Aerith) But... I let you die...
- (to Vincent)Can sins be forgiven...?
- I feel lighter. Maybe I lost some weight with all that dilly-dallying.
- (to Zack) That's right...I am your living legacy. (Complete version)
- (to Sephiroth) I pity you. You just don't get it at all. There's not a thing I don't cherish!
- (to Sephiroth) Stay where you belong: in my memories...
- I know; I'm not alone. Not anymore...
Barret Wallace
- Wuddup, fool?! It's Barret! I AM the man! Oil, Cloud! I just found the biggest, damn oil field you ever seen! Surveyin's done, so I should be able to get out there and see Marlene soon. You let her know, alright Spiky?!
- Marlene is safe, right?
- Yo Cid, park this turkey!
Tifa Lockhart
- Dilly dally, shilly shally. (English)
- to Cloud
- Zuru zuru zuru zuru. (Japanese onomatopoeia for dragging)
- to Cloud
- No, I don't think he has the will. (English)
- To Marlene when she asks Tifa about Cloud at the church
- He doesn't plan to fight at all. (Japanese)
- To Marlene when she asks Tifa about Cloud at the church
- "It's okay to die." That's what you're thinking, right? (Japanese)
- To Cloud
- "You're going to give up and die, is that it?...I guess it is. (English)
- to Cloud
- Stop running! I know... Even if you find the kids, you might not be able to help them. Maybe something could happen that can never unhappen. That scares you, doesn't it? But you need to think about now. Really take it in! Look at you: you think you've got it so damn hard. Well, you hate being alone, so let people in! Sure, you may not answer the phone, but I don't see you throwing it away, either! (English)
- To Cloud
- Tell me, have we lost to a memory? (Japanese)
- To Cloud
- Which is it? A memory, or us? (English)
- To Cloud
- Yeah, but... That hasn't stopped Denzel, has it? Don't run! Let's fight it together! We can help each other, I know we can! (English)
- To Cloud after she finds out he has given up
- Those strong feelings we had two years ago during the final battle... It seems as if they have dulled somewhat two years down the road. But now it seems as if they've been resurrected in Cloud.
- To the others in the Shera airship
- Two years ago... think about the strength we had when we fought that last battle. It's been only a couple of years, but already that feeling is gone. But Cloud... I think he's found it again. (English)
- To the others in the Shera airship
- You were there for him all along, weren't you? Thank you.
- to Aerith, after Sephiroth's defeat
- Somehow, I knew you were there. Thank you.
- English version of above
- No giving up!
- When giving Cloud a boost so he can fight Bahamut SIN
Aerith Gainsborough
- I never blamed you, not once. You came for me. That's all that matters.
- to Cloud
- You came... Even though you're about to break, right? But that's probably a good sign. So... Why did you come?
- to Cloud (English)
- Again? Why does everyone keep calling me their mother lately?
- You're all right now, aren't you?
- to Cloud
- See? Everything's alright. (English)
- to Cloud
- I'm just a puppet... Just the same as the old you!
- to Cloud
- So what if I'm a puppet. Once upon a time... You were too! (English)
- to Cloud
- I'll show you... My reunion...
- to Cloud, after he abosorbs Jenovas cells
- I wonder which one Mother will choose... Sephiroth or me?
- Mother has given me a very special gift. The power to fight... against a planet that torments humanity. She gave this gift to all her children. Thats right, you and I are bretheren! Chosen by Mother when we inherited her genetics through the lifestream! But.. the planet doesn't approve of that at all! Its doing everything it can to hold us back. Thats why its racking our bodies with pain and filling our hearts with doubt. Now, I will heal you. And we will go to Mother together. We will join as a family, and strike back at the planet! ...Do as I do.
- To children
- This man is our Brother! But unfortunately, he's a traitor.
- To children, about Cloud
- You see this man, he's our big brother. But alas, in our happy flock, he's what you'd call a black sheep.
- English version of above
- I dont want to talk to you anymore, put the President on.
- It's unbearable, to think that Mother might want Sephiroth more than me!
- To Rufus Shinra
- It doesn't matter who she picks you'll all meet the same end! Mother came to this planet after a long journey... To rid the cosmos of fools like you. (English Version)
- Look at what brother was hiding; powers forged in the Lifestream. With this materia,those powers will be ours.
- To Loz
- No, its that Shinra guy! Keeping her hidden is something they've always been good at..
- To Loz (Advent Children Complete)
- But first, we need a word with brother, he likes to pretend he's not part of the family, how he breaks..my heart!
- To Loz (Advent Children Complete)
- Good to see you, Cloud. (English Version)
- It's been a while, Cloud
- (Japanese version, same as above)
- I've thought of a wonderful present for you... Shall I send you some despair?
- Kneel down and show me the sight of you begging for mercy.
- I will...never be a mere memory...
- Is this the pain you felt before...Cloud? Let me remind you. This time, you won't forget.
- to Cloud, after stabbing him with the Masamune (Advent Children Complete)
- Tell me what you cherish most. Will you give me the pleasure of taking it away?
- to Cloud
- The last thoughts of the geostigma's dead. Those remnants will join the Lifestream and devour the planet. Choking it... corroding it. What I want, Cloud, is to sail the darkness of the cosmos with this planet as my vessel, just as my mother did long ago. Then one day we'll find a new planet. And on its soil, we'll create a shining future.
- Your geostigma is gone. That's too bad.
- to Cloud
- Well, that's up to you Cloud.
- Ohh...where did you find this strength?
- to Cloud
- Don't pretend you're sad, why tremble with anger thats not even there? (Advent Children Complete)
- to Cloud
- Face it Cloud, all you are is an empty puppet. (Advent Children Complete)
- to Cloud
- Rufus Shinra: Poor shinentai.
- Shinentai: Body of thoughts/will
- Rufus Shinra: You poor little remnant.
- English, same as above
- Rufus Shinra: A good son would have known.
- Rufus Shinra: The nightmare returns... the Lifestream courses through our planet back and forth across the borders of life and death. If that cycle is the very truth of life, then history, too, will inevitably repeat itself. So go on; bring your Jenovas and your Sephiroths. It won't matter. We'll do as life dictates and stop you every single time.
- Yazoo: Don't cry, Loz.
- Yazoo: All we want to do is to meet Mother.
- Yazoo: Let's return, together...
- Yazoo: Hey, Kadaj, is that where Big Brother lives?
- Yazoo: We will not allow you to talk about Mother that way!
- Loz: Wanna play?
- Loz: No... she's not here... I'm not crying!
- Loz: Don't cry, Yazoo
- Loz: Let's play, together...
- Loz: You big Meanie!
- Reno: Yeah Rude, looking sharp!
- Reno: Mother, shmother. It's Jenova's friggin' head!
- Reno: Yeah, your mom's cool—what the hell am I saying!?
- Reno: The time of my life!!
- After Yazoo asks him if he is having any fun.
- Reno: Forget your little reunion and get a grip!
- When fighting Yazoo
- Marlene: Sadness was the price to see it end.
- Marlene: I don't care about you anymore, Cloud! Why don't you ever listen to what we have to say?!
- to Cloud
- Denzel: Son of a bitch!
- [While charging Bahamut}
- Opening Narration: To those who loved this world... and have spent their time together with their companions in this world in the past: reunite once again to endure this time.
- Vincent Valentine: Where is the phone salesman?
- [Just prior to the battle with Bahamut SIN]
- Vincent Valentine: If they wanted, they could make another Sephiroth.
- Vincent Valentine: Cloud, you're sure this is about fighting?
- [on the phone with cloud]
- Vincent Valentine: Tell Yuffie that this is my phone and she has no right calling it.
- Vincent Valentine: Heaven's Dark Harbinger. The Calamity. Jenova...
- When talking about Jenova with Cloud
- Vincent Valentine: Fly!
- When giving Cloud a boost so he can fight Bahamut SIN
- Cait Sith: Jings! Crivvens!
- Zack: We're friends, right Cloud?
- Zack: Cloud, run!
- Zack Fair: So what if it seems hopeless? If it were me, I still wouldn't give up. Embrace your dreams. And, whatever happens, protect your honor as SOLDIER. Well, okay, you never made SOLDIER, but its what's in here that counts. (Pounds chest)
- Aerith: You came...even though you're about to break... But that's probably a good sign. So...why did you come?
- Cloud: I think...I want to be forgiven...More than anything...
- Aerith: By who...?
- Cloud: But...I let you die.
- Aerith: Dilly dally, shilly shally! Isn't it time you did the forgiving?
- Rufus: Besides, you're an ex-SOLDIER aren't you?
- Cloud: Hmph...In my head...
- Cloud: What's this about "Mother"?
- Rufus: Oh, did Kadaj say that? Well, it's not a surprise. All children wish to see their mothers. I understand there are orphans living with you. Don't you want to put smiles back on their faces?
- Cloud: ... I don't know.
- Reno: C'mon! With you help, together we can rebuild Shin-Ra!
- Cloud: Not interested...
- [Door begins to close, locking out Reno again]
- Rude, Rufus: Reno!
- [The Turks confront Bahamut Sin]
- Reno: Holy...
- Rude: ...shit.
- [They both flee]
- [The Turks confront Bahamut Sin] [ENGLISH]
- Reno: Hello...
- Rude: ...Hell-no.
- [They both flee]
- Yuffie: Cloud, I brought you materia! [airship rocks] Hey, watch it!
- Barret: Yo, Cid, park this turkey!
- Cid: Shut up! You want off, then jump! Get off my back!
- Reno: Mother, shmother. It's Jenova's friggin' head!
- Loz: Hey!
- Yazoo: We will not have you refer to Mother like that.
- Loz: You meanie!
- Rude: Our apologies.
- Reno: Yeah, your ma's cool—wait, what the hell am I saying?!
- [Reno and Rude get in good clean hits on both Yazoo and Loz]
- Vincent: Kadaj is a remnant of Sephiroth. Think of him as some sort of larval form.
- Yuffie: LARVA?! You mean he's a bug?!
- Cait Sith: Lassie, shut yer gob.
- Yuffie: I don't get it! Why can't we help out?!
- Cid: This is a conversation between men.
- Yuffie: Sexist! SEXIST!!
- Cait Sith: Crikey, lassie, shut yer muuth!
- Barret: The men don't get it either.
- Tifa: Two years ago...think of all the strength we had when we fought that last battle. It's only been two years, but already, that feeling is gone. But, I think Cloud's found it again.
- Barret: Tch...he's got 10 minutes.
- Yuffie: That Cloud is such a bother.
- Tifa: [Smiles] He's just being honest.
- Reno: Hey, partner.
- [points at bomb in hand]
- Reno: This thing, uh, is it powerful?
- Rude: I have concentrated Shin-Ra technology into this.
- Reno: You made this shit?
- Rude: Anyways... Destruction is great by far.
- Reno: [smiles] Oh good...
- Rude: You like it partner?
- Reno: Looks like we won't be doing overtime today...
- Cloud Strife: Can sins be forgiven?
- Vincent Valentine: ...I've never tested it.
- Cloud Strife: To test?
- Cloud Strife: [to Marlene] Marlene, we're going home.
- Cloud Strife: [to Vincent] Well, I'm going to test it.
- [he begins to walk away...after a slight pause]
- Cloud Strife: I'll phone about the results.
- Kadaj: Brother! I'm with her at last!.
- Cloud Strife: So what's going to happen now?
- Kadaj: [giggles] Mother will tell you.
- Cloud Strife: Hmph. So... A body of thoughts doesn't know anything huh?
- [Kadaj glares at Cloud menacingly]
- Kadaj: I'm just a puppet after all.
- [Kadaj powers up the materia in his arm]
- Kadaj: Just the same as...
- [gets ready to attack]
- Kadaj: ...the old you!!
- [attacks Cloud]
- Sephiroth: It's been a while, Cloud. [Throws Cloud to the top of a building and follows him] Your geostigma is gone. That's too bad.
- Cloud Strife: Sephiroth, what is your desire?
- Sephiroth: The last thoughts of Geostigma's dead. Those remnants will join the lifestream and devour the planet: choking it, corroding it. What I want, Cloud, is to sail the darkness of the cosmos with this planet as my vessel, just as my mother did long ago. [Turns the sky clouded] Then one day, we'll find a new planet and on its soil we'll create a shining future.
- Cloud Strife: What about this planet?
- Sephiroth: Well, that's up to you, Cloud.
- Cloud Strife: [drifting in and out of consciousness; Aerith's hand caresses his forehead] Mother...?
- Aerith Gainsborough: Another one? Why is everyone calling me their mother lately?
- Zack Fair: I guess they must be fond of you.
- Aerith Gainsborough: [laughs] This one's too big to adopt.
- Zack Fair: [to Cloud] Tough luck, friend. It seems you don't have a place here.
- Sephiroth: [amused] Where did you find this strength?
- Cloud Strife: I'm not about to tell you!
[Rufus pulls away his blanket to reveal the case with Jenova's remains]
- Kadaj: Mother!
- Rufus: A good son would have known.
[Sephiroth stabs his sword into Clouds right shoulder]
- Sephiroth: Tell me what you cherish most.
[Cloud grips Sephiroth's sword]
- Sephiroth: Will you give me the pleasure of taking it away?
[Cloud, remembering his loved ones, pulls Sephiroth's sword out of his arm]
- Cloud: I pity you. You just don't get it at all. There's not a thing I don't cherish!
- Cloud: Stay where you belong... in my memories.
- Sephiroth: I will... never be a mere memory. [changes back into Kadaj]
- Yuffie: Alright, who's been touching my materia?
- Tifa: The bad guys, naturally.
- Yuffie: Ohhhhhhhh! [Attacks Bahamut Sin]
[After grabbing the kids and running from Bahamut]
- Reno: Is it after us?
- Rude: I don't want to check!
- Yazoo: Hey, Kadaj, is this where Big Brother lives?
- Kadaj: Yeah...
- Yazoo: You think he'll be happy to see us?
- Kadaj: Heh, not a chance.
- Loz: Don't cry, Yazoo.
- Yazoo: Do you think he has Mother there?
- Kadaj: Maybe not...
- Loz: (starts to cry)
- Yazoo: Don't cry, Loz.
- Kadaj: Look, here he comes...